6-year-old Noah Pozner allegedly was one of the 20 children at Sandy Hook Elementary School who allegedly were shot to death by Adam Lanza on Dec. 14, 2012.
If you go to the “Remembering Noah Samuel Pozner” Facebook page, described in “About” as “The OFFICIAL Facebook Page for Noah Pozner (Approved by Noah’s Parents),” and click “photos,” you’ll see this collage of photos of Noah (below).
Pay special attention to the partially-cropped pic on the right which I’d circled in yellow. Note Noah’s head that’s slightly tilted to his right, his smile, and the distinctive collar (sheep skin?) of his jacket.

Now let’s look at a BBC video about the child victims of the Pakistan Taliban.
On Dec. 16, 2014, Pakistan experienced the deadliest terrorist attack ever to occur in that country when 7 members of the Pakistan Taliban, aka Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), entered the Army Public School in Peshawar and opened fire on school staff and children, killing 145 people, including 132 schoolchildren.
In the BBC news video below, a female reporter dressed in green with long black hair, reports on people coming from all over Pakistan to Peshawar. Pointing at a wall poster with pictures of the child victims, the reporter says: “…school, died in the Taliban massacre that happened here almost two weeks now….”
At the 0:03 mark of the video above, is the picture of a boy who looks just like Noah Pozner, identified as one of the Pakistan Taliban’s child victims. Below is a screenshot I took at the 0:03 mark, showing the Noah lookalike on the far left (I painted the yellow arrow pointing to “Noah”).

Now, let’s see a side-by-side comparison of Noah from his Facebook page and the boy on the Pakistan Taliban child victims poster:

Pakistan Taliban boy is identical to Facebook Noah Pozner — same slightly tilted head, same smile, same jacket collar, and IDENTICAL button hole! (see yellow arrows)
Noah’s father, Lenny Pozner, has been harassing and bullying bloggers and YouTubers, leading YouTube to repeatedly take down videos about the Sandy Hook hoax because Lenny claims “copyright violation.”
Lenny is also one of the 10 plaintiffs in a negligence and wrongful death lawsuit against the manufacturer, distributor and seller of the Bushmaster AR-15 rifle that Lanza allegedly used in the Sandy Hook school shooting. (See “Sandy Hook families sue Bushmaster gun manufacturer”)
I hope the defendants ask Lenny Pozner how his son, Noah, managed the impossible feat of being killed twice — the first time on Dec. 14, 2012 in Newtown Connecticut; the second time two years two days later on Dec. 16, 2014, halfway across the world in Peshawar, Pakistan. [Sarc]

http://youtu.be/DdgfFMhBfJk BREAKING NEWS #MUST WATCH!!