New science is emerging and converging which allows parents to pre-fabricate the genetic sequence of their children. New generation gene sequencing, coupled with in-vitro fertilization will allow parents to choose the genetic makeup of their child. A new controversial procedure called mitochondrial transfer will allow parents to create genetically superior embryos by buying DNA from a "superior" mother and then transplanting it to their select embryo. Playing God, parents can literally select their own designer babies, choosing superior and acceptable gene sequences, selected to suit personal preferences.

After their standard visit at the fertility clinic, the parents went into the lab and were given 13 IVF embryos to choose from. After removing certain cells from the 13 embryos, physicians sent the select embryos to Oxford for genetic screening.
After their screening, only 3 of the embryos possessed the correct number of chromosomes required for absolute healthy fetal development. The other 10 embryos could have developed into normal babies, but the select three superior embryos have a better chance of developing into healthier babies.
Oxford fertility expert Dagan Wells said they can't make embryos "better than they were in the beginning," but he did say genetic sequencing "can guide us to the best ones."

First genetically modified baby is born
The first genetically modified baby was born this year, May 28, 2013. The parents, Marybeth Scheidts, 36, and David Levy, 41, utilized next generation gene sequencing and in-vitro fertilization to bypass natural reproduction.After their standard visit at the fertility clinic, the parents went into the lab and were given 13 IVF embryos to choose from. After removing certain cells from the 13 embryos, physicians sent the select embryos to Oxford for genetic screening.
After their screening, only 3 of the embryos possessed the correct number of chromosomes required for absolute healthy fetal development. The other 10 embryos could have developed into normal babies, but the select three superior embryos have a better chance of developing into healthier babies.
Oxford fertility expert Dagan Wells said they can't make embryos "better than they were in the beginning," but he did say genetic sequencing "can guide us to the best ones."
The disclosure that 30 healthy babies were born after a series of experiments in the United States provoked another furious debate about ethics.
So far, two of the babies have been tested and have been found to contain genes from three ‘parents’.
Fifteen of the children were born in the past three years as a result of one experimental programme at the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of St Barnabas in New Jersey.
The babies were born to women who had problems conceiving. Extra genes from a female donor were inserted into their eggs before they were fertilised in an attempt to enable them to conceive.
Genetic fingerprint tests on two one-year- old children confirm that they have inherited DNA from three adults –two women and one man.
The fact that the children have inherited the extra genes and incorporated them into their ‘germline’ means that they will, in turn, be able to pass them on to their own offspring.
Altering the human germline – in effect tinkering with the very make-up of our species – is a technique shunned by the vast majority of the world’s scientists.
Geneticists fear that one day this method could be used to create new races of humans with extra, desired characteristics such as strength or high intelligence.
Writing in the journal Human Reproduction, the researchers, led by fertility pioneer Professor Jacques Cohen, say that this ‘is the first case of human germline genetic modification resulting in normal healthy children’.
Some experts severely criticised the experiments. Lord Winston, of the Hammersmith Hospital in West London, told the BBC yesterday: ‘Regarding the treat-ment of the infertile, there is no evidence that this technique is worth doing . . . I am very surprised that it was even carried out at this stage. It would certainly not be allowed in Britain.’
John Smeaton, national director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, said: ‘One has tremendous sympathy for couples who suffer infertility problems. But this seems to be a further illustration of the fact that the whole process of in vitro fertilisation as a means of conceiving babies leads to babies being regarded as objects on a production line.
‘It is a further and very worrying step down the wrong road for humanity.’ Professor Cohen and his colleagues diagnosed that the women were infertile because they had defects in tiny structures in their egg cells, called mitochondria.
They took eggs from donors and, using a fine needle, sucked some of the internal material – containing ‘healthy’ mitochondria – and injected it into eggs from the women wanting to conceive.
Because mitochondria contain genes, the babies resulting from the treatment have inherited DNA from both women. These genes can now be passed down the germline along the maternal line.
A spokesman for the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), which regulates ‘assisted reproduction’ technology in Britain, said that it would not license the technique here because it involved altering the germline.
Jacques Cohen is regarded as a brilliant but controversial scientist who has pushed the boundaries of assisted reproduction technologies.
He developed a technique which allows infertile men to have their own children, by injecting sperm DNA straight into the egg in the lab.
Prior to this, only infertile women were able to conceive using IVF. Last year, Professor Cohen said that his expertise would allow him to clone children –a prospect treated with horror by the mainstream scientific community.
‘It would be an afternoon’s work for one of my students,’ he said, adding that he had been approached by ‘at least three’ individuals wishing to create a cloned child, but had turned down their requests.
What will be next is scary....all i know God will not allow this ..Endtimes as iot was in the days of the giants and nephilium,we are heading towards it...
ReplyDeleteYour god is obviously not real. Or he wouldn't allow the majority of things that happen in this world to be so.
DeleteMy God is a patient and loving God, not to be mocked, He's waiting for you and others to repent and turn to Him.
Deleteall i know god doesnt exist..
ReplyDeleteFrom a stand point, if god created man, and man creates something, its god's will. Am i not correct? if God didn't want to allow something to have been done, then it would have not been possible for the scientist to create them. So by god's will, these kids were created. Think of the deformed babies that will never grow to become "normal". This procedure enables the elimination to deformities in the embryo at its earliest stage.
ReplyDeleteWe have free will ... look at the world do you think thats Gods choice ...he has given us free will.... sometimes I think we are the world of misfit children with the descisions we make
DeleteYou are NOT correct...We are given free will to choose the right path or the wrong path!
DeleteNeed I say more than Hitler! He tried and failed, this is wrong. If you want a baby conceive or adopt! GMO anything is the ruin of our world!
ReplyDeleteCould not agree more!
DeleteI agree with that person not being able to agree more with you
DeleteI agree 100%. GMOs of any type is tampering with and changing nature. Historically, we have never been successful in this, as humans; we always end up meeting the consequences.
DeleteGod creates dinosaurs, God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man, man destroys God.. Man creates dinosaurs. I win
ReplyDeleteYou don't win.
Deleteas a mother ttc i dont agree with this i am ok with ivf but only bc it is hard sometimes to get pregent but to alter what ur child is goin to be like or look like is not our choice it reminds me of some of the horror movies i watched growing up of children getting there codes messed with and ended up killing there parents and or other ppl and having a lack of empathy this world will crash and burn b4 ppl realize that it is over ....
ReplyDeleteI don't trust the authenticity of a website that appears as though it was created overnight by a junior high school student in a preformed free template website with countless popup advertisements. Just saying. You people really believe EVERYTHING you read?