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Christians are not made in a laboratory, but in a community called the church, Pope Francis said.
At his weekly general audience Wednesday, Pope Francis continued his series of audience talks about the church, telling an estimated 33,000 people that there is no such thing as "do-it-yourself" Christians or "free agents" when it comes to faith.

Every Christian, he said, can trace his or her faith back to parents, grandparents, teachers or friends. "I always remember the nun who taught me catechism. I know she's in heaven because she was a holy woman," he said.

In the Old Testament, the pope said, God called Abraham and began to form a people that would become a blessing for the world. "With great patience -- and God has a lot of it -- he prepared the people of the ancient covenant and in Jesus Christ constituted them as a sign and instrument of the union of humanity with God and unity with one another."
Pope Francis described as "dangerous" the temptation to believe that one can have "a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ without communion with and the mediation of the church."
Obviously, he said, it is not always easy to walk the path of faith with other people. "Sometimes it's tiring. It can happen that a brother or sister creates problems for us or scandalizes us, but the Lord entrusted his message of salvation to human beings, to us, to witnesses," he said.
"It is through our brothers and sisters with their gifts and their limits," the pope said, "that he comes to us and makes himself known. This is what belonging to the church means. Remember: Being Christian means belonging to the church. If your first name is Christian, your last name is Member of the Church."
At the end of his talk, the pope asked people to join him in praying that they would never "give into the temptation of thinking you can do without others, without the church, that you can save yourself, of thinking you can be a laboratory Christian."

Christians, he said, are not manufactured in isolation, but belong to a long line of believers who handed on the faith and challenged one another to live it fully.


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  1. Speaking as an ex-catholic, I know what this Pope is speaking of. He is saying that if you are really a "Christian" then you will participate and belong to the "One True Church", the "only Christian Church", the Roman Catholic Church.
    As a born again believer in Yeshua, the Messiah (Jesus, the Christ), I find it fitting that this False Prophet would call a personal relationship with Christ, outside of the Roman Catholic faith, a "dangerous" temptation. In reality, staying within the Roman Catholic Religious System is truly the most dangerous thing that a person can do. It should be obvious to Christians everywhere that the Vatican has changed since Vatican II. You have Pope John Paul II, who kissed a Koran and who prayed to a god with many individuals who worship false gods, declared a "Saint". I have no idea if this man is in heaven or not, but I do know that for a "follower" of Christ to kiss a Koran is like a Christian bowing before Satan and calling him Lord. Then you have this current Pope, who is a Jesuit. Just do some research on what kind of oath a Jesuit has to make. Plus, this Pope, like John Paul II is attempting to draw all religions into the catholic umbrella. The Roman Catholic Catechism even states that the Muslim "has a path to Salvation". Islam denies Christ, how He died, who He was and His resurrection. This current Pope has even called Evangelical (Fundamental) Christians mentally ill. Wake up Christians. If you are in this false religious system, as I once was, GET OUT now, so that you can be counted worthy to stand before the "Son of Man" and be counted worthy to escape the "wrath to come".
    Revelation 18:4
    And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

    1. James, It depends the intention you put in your action: When Pope John Paul II kissed a copy of the coran, he did as to mean: "Peace unto you and your people, May what is of God in this book guide your heart towards peace and to stop killing your fellow Christians countrymen" (then I'll pray that Jesus comes to you).
      At Vatican II, The clergy decided to stop pure lyrical proselytism towards other religions (because of 1960 years of constant war surely) but encourages to show out the faith of the Christians by their actions instead, hoping people the truth thre is in living in Christ (such as love and pray for your ennemies and those who persecute you).
      If the pope kissed the Coran with the intend you think he did, he would have normally converted to Islam and tell the Catholics: You can either be Christians or Muslims, it's the same... Which of course he didn't.
      If this gesture encouraged peace in the middle east where Christians are massacred and that it proposed an act of humility then I find it nice of him... He couldn't have gone in the mosque and say, "Throw this outrageous book away and check this one out instead!"

      Also, to be declared a Saint, we need 3 miracles to be approved by a lot of people (the miracle witnesses or the person concerned by it directly, the local priest, his bishop and then cardinals and the pope) confornted to the "Devil Advocate" a real person in charge of preventing the canonisation.

      The pope here stated that to be a lone christian is dangerous, well just take a look at mormons, jehova witness, scientologists, all lonewolf who received an "illumination", rewrote the scripture, gained followers, became a church on their own with its own self proclaimed "pope" or "prophet" and also stole some of them to the true Church of God, where He can give all his graces to those who are in communion with the Holy Trinity The Holy Mother of God, all the Angel, the communion of the Saints who are in Heaven and the fidels on earth.
      Now if a bishop makes a big sin or is becoming tepid or mundane, I will pray for him and not leave out the Church thinking this place is full of hypocrits, for I am sinful myself and need prayers, like us all.
      Remember that we all are sinners, within or without the Church and we only aim to our best, in Christ.

    2. Shema. Remember the good Luther. "Effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much"

    3. Indeed, we had better have a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus. He is the only One Who can redeem us from our sins.
      Jesus tasted death for us, and He rose again. (please read 1 Corinthians chapter 15 in the Bible).
      There is no other name under Heaven by which we must be saved. (Please read Acts 4:12 in the Bible).
      Read the Bible folks, especially the New Testament. No leader is infallible, only our Lord Jesus.
      Be sure that you have Jesus living in your heart. It is Christ in you the hope of glory. (please read Colossians 1:27 in the Bible).
      Hope to meet you in Heaven, one day before very long. We are living at the End of the Age. Let no-one deceive you. . .

      with blessings from,

    4. James all I can say is praise the Lord. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and I daily have sweet communion and fellowship with him. Acts 4:12 says "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. That name is Jesus. It is not people or a certain church. Praying for you.



    6. Amen brother! Jesus Christ is Lord. <3 Catholicism is Satan's deception. "Come out of her!"

    7. I too was raised a catholic and heard the "one true church" thing all my youth, meanwhile the bible on the shelf just got dusted every couple weeks. Then I started noticing many others excited & locked in on the word of God and attending bible studies, discussion groups and excited about their faith/God/Jesus Christ. These were not catholic. Raising their hands and praising God outwardly thru thanks/gratitude/jubilation made me feel like I had finally come home. I had found what the unexplored Spirit within me was seeking to unlock within. It was like I finally had permission to do what I innately knew was right. Never been the same since. The Spirit of God literally fell upon me and loosened the chains that bound me. Today I'm one of those "holy-rollers" and love to lift my hands and face to welcome the knowledge/experience of Christ's transforming Spirit in me. It's been like the conception of a Spiritual egg within me. His Spirit wrapped around mine growing toward further maturity ever since I gave Him the only ingredient He will not supply---my willing heart. ALL the rest was paid for and made possible thru the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. My God my God had I not found You! Only You can make this life's purpose rewarding enough to endure---all else seems to have been turned loose to it's own sinful pleasure.

    8. All I can say is this man is not following the teachings of God Almighty. He has already proclaimed himself to be Lucifer.. If you are following him and his teachings you are going to find out too late what hell is like and there is no escaping it go eternity!

    9. Remember that the Catholic Church is not only Roman but also Alexandrian, Byzantine, etc and they are all communities of believers. Then if you firmly believe that you are already saved and sure of your salvation, I can say that you can die right away..or just wait for death and don't work anymore, don't go to church, don't pray anymore because you are so sure of being saved.

      Yet Christian teaching on grace and salvation says that everyday is a chance to be good persons. Thus here on earth we practice, we act, we decide based on God's will and goodness. Salvation is also fulfilled in our future not only by believing but by preparing for it. And our preparations include being in the Church and serve others, not only by a personal relationship with Jesus but a relationship with the whole community. Participation with God's grace is important. God will not spoonfeed us with salvation. We need to work for it as well :)

  2. James! Pope did not mention that as a Christian you must be a Catholic. Your problem is insinuation. He said Christians! Tbe Bible said we should fellowship with one another, and tbroughly for you to be a good Christian bible warns that you must not neglect the gathering of the brethren. I n the real sense a tree cannot make a forest but many trees. Another Bible instance of fellowship as encouraged by pope " one of us can send a thousand to flee and 2 of us can send a legion to flee.
    My question to you James is what is wrong with what pope said? the bible said you can not say you love God when you are in malice with your neighbour. Honour your father and mother so that your life may be long. If you are a Christian you will know that pope's speech is based on Biblical words and he used the word of knowledge.

    1. I think James is right on the money here... Anonymous, although the pope didn't say you had to be catholic to be christian (specifically, here in this speech)... It has long been a standard coming out of the Holy See... But even still, what he DID say was....

      "dangerous" the temptation to believe that one can have "a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ without communion with and the mediation of the church."

      ..."This is what belonging to the church means"

      "but the Lord entrusted his message of salvation to human beings, to us, to witnesses," he said.
      "It is through our brothers and sisters with their gifts and their limits," the pope said, "that he comes to us and makes himself known."

      This seems very clear to me that he is giving a WARNING, using a scare tactic even... He basically is saying that unless you stick close to the "CHURCH", you are in for trouble ahead and the evils of the world will prevail against you... AND even worse... saying that HE and other agents of the CHURCH are necessary for God to speak through... That it is with their gifts and limits that THEY can reveal the true God to you!!!????

      BLASPHEMY!!! The Word of God clearly states... The ONLY WAY to the Father is through JESUS CHRIST... "No man cometh to the Father except through Me!" AND it gives example after example of how we are SUPPOSED to have a ONE on ONE relationship with Jesus Christ, our PERSONAL SAVIOR!!

      Furthermore we are instructed to "Be not CONFORMED to this world...!!" Yet Pope Francis warns people not to be "FREE AGENTS" or Do-It-Yourself" Christians..... At a time when there IS a huge falling away from a belief in ONE Supreme Creator and His ONLY Son, Jesus... When evil is truly rampant and only getting worse, you would think that the leader of the Catholic Church would be calling for ANY and ALL people to accept Salvation, HOWEVER they come to it - God will work the rest out!

      I think it boils down to the fact that we come into the world in a solitary manner (generally speaking) and go out the same way... All the steps we take from point A to point B - WE are accountable for... we either reap the rewards or suffer the consequences...

      So, WHY would I EVER trust someone else to show me who MY GOD is...?? And why would I let them lead me in my walk WITH GOD? It's kind of a God and me thing... just like it will be when I stand before His white throne of judgement!!! Pope Francis sure won't be there interceding on my behalf like Jesus will be! That's FOR SURE!

      I have nothing personal against the people of the catholic faith - far from it, however y'all need to start OPENING THE WORD OF GOD, getting on your knees and spending some serious time talking with your Lord and Savior and asking HIM TO REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU PERSONALLY! And that goes for ALL OF US... But I am addressing you because of the ways your faith has been manipulated by man for millennia... hard habits to break! Otherwise if we don't open our eyes to the TRUTH of God, it's gonna be TOO LATE!

      God Bless You All!!

    2. James is spot on! It is important to fellowship. However, the pope saying that ..."dangerous" the temptation to believe that one can have "a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ without communion with and the mediation of the church." contradictory to what Jesus taught..Matthew 6:6 Jesus said "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."...The "church does NOT need to be a mediator between you & God. I am also one who was brought up catholic. But when I got old enough to understand it was not difficult to see that the catholic church was not teaching the true gospel. Frankly, they really don't teach much of the gospels at all. It is maybe 5 minutes of their service and neglects most of the gospel when they do.The rest is all ritual. Furthermore, I have gone to confession many times while in the catholic church. What I don't understand is that when you confess your sins, you are to be given a "penance" which is usually say 5 or 10 our fathers or hail mary's..usually the bigger your sin the more you have to say.They are basically handed out as a kind of puninshment. How is praying to God a punisment????? The catholic church is a fallacy and is leading their sheep astray.

    3. You education is really lacking in regards to the Holy Mass. If you were properly taught about the Holy Catholic Mass, you would know that the mass is steeped in the words of the Bible. It flows throughout the mass, not just "5 minutes." You understanding of reconciliation/confession is equally poor. May I recommend a book for you to read? "Surprised by Truth" by Patrick Madrid. This website may also help: Please also read the early Church Fathers. God bless. I wish you well in your search for the Truth (aka Jesus.)

    4. Unless you have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ you will not receive eternal life. Pope Francis is a false prophet who has claimed the Bible to be false and many more blasphemous things he has said. You better run far away from this False Prophet and toward the true gospel of Christ. You cannot accept Islam, Buddha or any other false gods and still go to Heaven. They are of the Devil. Satan is a deceiver and you better run from this man.

    5. Only the Lord thy God can enlighten the eyes to our hearts. Those who know and love Jesus Christ hear the truth. The truth is not in formal religion and those who defend it are still blind. Ask the question, would Jesus Christ kiss the Quran? Jesus would not have and He gave us an example of men tempting God when he displayed His anger in His Father's temple. Wake up, there is but one truth, JESUS CHRIST!

  3. James pope is of peace and not the problem of Christians.

    You should be worried about Killings of Christians in Iraq and the northen Nigeria . Pope is a man of peace.

    1. James, you are right. Because as it is proved according to the Bible. Logic will not break any truth of the Bibles but truth shall set them free who know the truth.

    2. Remember satan disguises himself as a bringer of light. I'm ex catholic, born again believer. Do people not realize idoltary is a sin tht will lead u to hell because our Father, our God is a jealous God. When the pope has u believing the only way for forgiveness is through confession through him he is playing God. We confess our sins to our Father directly and ask forgiveness in Jesus name. .. Praying to the saints and Mary also idol making. Jesus is the intercessor. But the Catholic Church is teaching just as pope said it's dangerous to have close relationship.

    3. It's the blind leading the blind . The pope may b a man of peace...but think bout This ..Jesus humbled Himself...He rode in on a donkey ..don't forget that! Look at the he riding in on a donkey? Did Jesus have people kissing His hands to worship Him or was He washing feet? This is really not tht hard to see tht something is terribly wrong. Also scripture forbids statue making of anything in Heaven and pope is laying flowers at Mary's feet. Catholics teach Mary was without sin. Jesus is the only one who is Sinless! In Luke , Mary's song of praise, Mary praises Her Lord, calling Him her Savior. Why does she say savior? Because He SAVED HER! Y? Because she was with sin. catholic faith is full of lies. Read the scripture urself, pray for the Holy Spirit to guide u, trust no man, Get right with God..and see this is serious stuff here .

    4. Christine, you can understand that a level or purity like that of Jesus cannot come out of an unpure person.
      Especially this person Mary was to receive the Holy Spirit in an unprecedented way. She was to become the First Tabernacle to receive the pure Sonf God Jesus the Christ, whose DNA was to be formed exclusively by that of his Mother so it makes complete sense that she is sinless.
      Would you pour your best wine like (a 10 000$ bottle) in a dirty glass ?? Maybe a crazy human could, God would surely not. At this level, the gospel of the day mentions jesus saying the same :)
      it talks about how silly is it to pour the new wine in the old wineskins....

      People do not put new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise the skins burst, the wine spills out, and the skins are ruined. Rather, they pour new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved."

      If Mary was seen as a goddess she would then be an idol, but she is venered because she gave her YES to whatever plan God had for her, and he did have great plan!
      "From now on, all generations will count me blessed". luke 1, 48. Except you of course.

      The Saints (including Mary) are examples to be followed and they who now live in the presence of God for Eternity have surely been awarded by God the treasures in the sky he promised, They helped humans all their staying on earth, why wouldn't they want to carry on doing so from the sky if God gives them this possibility? Why can't they petition the lord by saying "Oh My sweet Lord that I love so much, would give a grace to Christine to help her in her life?"

    5. Yes, you're right, scripture says Mary will be called blessed. And indeed blessed she was. But pure and sinless? What about Peter? When Christ commissioned him as a "fisher of men" it was immediately after Peter told Him to go away from him, "a sinful man " in his own words. That is the grace of God Almighty, whose name we are unworthy to pronounce, to love us and work His love and wonders through us despite our shortcomings.

    6. It is evident that you are not familiar of the chemistry of the blood.
      Sin does not pass through to all men through the flesh, rather through the blood. When Adam sinned the poison was set upon all the human race, there had to be an atonement provided. If you care to check from a medical standpoint the blood to which a baby receives comes 100% from the father. Any medical doctor will varafy to this fact. As we know, Jesus blood did not come from a human but from God(sinless blood). The flesh in of its self such as the body or the vessel does not contain the sin. Remember the life of the flesh is in the blood. Leviticus 17:11 Every drop of Jesus blood was sinless, however Mary's blood was not without sin it was cursed from Adam. All men are related by the blood of Adam,sinful and polluted blood, dead in trespasses and in sin. Acts 17:26. All men and women have a common origin in Adam. We are all blood relatives of Adam. Our blood carries the sentence of death because of Adam's sin. The blood that coursed through Mary's vains was tainted with sin from her fathers. So, yes Mary , although a good woman she was a sinner in need of saviour just like the rest of the human race. The sin passes through the blood not the flesh or body.

    7. Unfortunately, you have been blinded. Only God can take the veil from your eyes to see the truth. I encourage you to pray in earnest and ask our Father in Heaven in the name of His Son Jesus Christ to enlighten the eyes of your heart. Pray for salvation from Babylon. I pray for you.

    8. +lumière du monde. me a verse in the bible where it says Mary ascended to heaven?
      Show me a verse in the bible where God made Mary the access to Jesus/God.

      It is not about the catholics as a people, there are good catholics, ignorant yes but unfortunately deceived by the institution based on LIES.

  4. James, you have it right on! I would like to note that Christians existed long before the Catholic church. Dont give me the claim about Peter being the founder. He knew nothing of this abomination called the Catholic church. Anyone who has studied the Bible knows to stay away from this ever expanding One World Religion.

  5. The Pope should be in business instructing Catholics not Christians who do not subscribe to Catholicism and do not accept his spiritual authority. Besides telling other Christians how to have a relationship with Jesus is counter productive to the alleged ecumenism he wishes to promote.

  6. Wether christian or catholic or atheist. I am directing all here who care of this subject to go study at "". Every church has been infilterated long ago and you should understand by who and how, why. This is your warning. Well worth your effort to understand these things.

  7. Its doesnt matter what your religion is or who your faith lies in when the rapture happens all people who live righteously will be taken from this world turned hell

  8. I completely disagree with the pope on this issue. The only relationship a person has with Jesus of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit is a personal one. No other person is needed just a pure longing heart. In fact since this man is the head of the largest economically successful church in the world is really looks like his advice is economically motivated.

  9. 1 Timothy 2:5-7. For there is one God — One Creator of all, the Father of the spirits of all flesh, who is no respecter of persons; and one Mediator between God and men.The man Christ Jesus — Therefore all men are to apply to this Mediator. By declaring that the one Mediator is the man Jesus Christ, NO POPE!! NO VATICAN!! AGAIN NOOOOO..POPE!!!!!!!

  10. If what the pope says is true, he renders meaningless the torn veil of the holy of holies at Christ's crucifixion

  11. " The term "Holy See" is from the Latin Sancta Sedes, meaning "holy chair." It is said that the Holy See is the jurisdiction in Rome of the Catholic Church. In other words, it is similar to a government, which is not surprising considering that the Vatican is its own country and has its own money and its own laws. However, there is a difference between the Holy See, which dates back to early Christian times, and Vatican City, which came into existence in 1929 with the signing of the Lateran Treaty between the See and the Italian government. The Holy See is an episcopal designation, while Vatican City is primarily a political and diplomatic one.

    The government of the Holy See includes tribunals, congregations, Pontifical counsels and numerous other bureaucratic entities. Of course the Pope is the head of the See, as he is considered the head of the Catholic Church. The Secretariat of State is the second in command of the See and oversees the 175 diplomatic worldwide relationships and offices. The See is a member of numerous international organizations, including the United Nations.

    From a biblical standpoint, the very existence of a Holy See is problematic on at least two points. First, the concept of a “holy chair” in which resides the head of the church is unscriptural. The true Church is never to consider one man as its head, no matter his title. The exalted Head of the true Body of Christ is Jesus Christ, the living Head of the living church. How can the living church be headed by a mortal man who dies? Second, the Bible nowhere gives credence to the idea of the church forming its own city-state or its own government. The church as a political or diplomatic kingdom is unknown in Scripture. In fact, Jesus made it clear that His kingdom is not of this world (John 8:23; 18:36). The Bible never condones or encourages the establishment of earthly kingdoms or diplomatic entities because these things, by their very nature, focus attention on the world, which is passing away (1 Corinthians 7:31; 1 John 2:17). Christians are to be focused on the heavenly kingdom and our only diplomatic efforts are to be spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and warning others of the wrath to come."

    1. Very well said Patrick, thank you for sharing that truth I am inspired brother that there is indeed 'True' believers of Christ present in today's unholy world ... I hope and pray that when crap hits the FAN in this country and world I can be surrounded by followers of Christ such as yourself ... Because were all going to need each other for encouragement to endure to the end of days ...

  12. Of course the pope would say a personal relationship with Jesus is dangerous! For it would make HIS job, the Vatican and the Catholic Church obsolete, null and void, irrelevant, finito! Can't have that for they would then lose control of "their" flock!

  13. only the devil would try to keep us from knowing our Saviour, personally...

    1. !!!AMÉN!!! Blessings ;)

    2. "only the devil would try to keep us from knowing our Saviour, personally..." BEST COMMENT I've read so far... so simple yet hit the nail on the head!!!!

  14. satan will always try to divide us from the Lord...

  15. According to Catholic theology, Peter was the first pope, but if you read from Acts to Revelations, the church that Jesus Christ founded never elected a 2nd pope after the death of Peter (assuming that Peter was the first pope) When the disciples confirmed the death of Judas Iscariot, they quickly chose a new disciple to replace Judas, and this event is recorded in Scripture (Acts 1:20-26) how is it, that after the death of Peter, (one of the greatest New Testament preachers) the event of naming his replacement is not even recorded in The Bible? Why is it that Paul (Ephesians 2:20) and even Peter himself (1 Peter 2:4-8) say that Jesus Christ is the head of the church (if Peter was the head of the church, he would have said this about himself but he didn't) Are the Catholic theologians trying to force a role on Peter that was never his to begin with, just to justify the Papacy? I think so. According to John 14:15-27 and John 16:1-15 The Holy Spirit is Christs' representative on earth and The One who guides the church that Jesus Christ founded, not the pope :-)

  16. I think the pope is full of pope

  17. Stop it James! You are just as much in imagination about God as anyone else is; a bubble reality within a larger bubble reality. I do know that anarchy and the tearing down of facades can be fun but don't pretend that you have the Objective Perspective. Believing "you know" just isn't Truth Seeking and makes you sound pompous in the Alex Jonesian way!

  18. if Mary was without sin then why did she not go to the cross instead? She needed a savior like the rest of us. There is no man that can intercede for a persons salvation. It is personal between Christ and the person receiving salvation. My mother cant do it for me and neither can the Pope or any church.

  19. It never ceases to amaze me as a Protestant that my fellow Protestants are so depressingly ignorant of what the bible actually says. It's actually remarkable what authority to REQUIRE obedience Paul assumes (just read I Cor 5). God treats Christians collectively, as clearly indicated by the threat to take away the candlestick from the church at Ephesus (Rev 2). Whilst there's a balance to be struck - at some point it is legitimate to leave the church where you were converted - it's a lot further towards submission to authority than most Protestants seem to believe. We need to be BIBLICAL Christians - not just people recycling our own culture in Christian terms, in this case western individualism.

  20. Man of peace? This is really concerning guys. I understand that it is impossible to know that you are decieved while you are still being decieved. But I think its time we woke up now, for the hour of his judgement is come (Rev 14:6-12). The Papacy is identified through prophecy (Daniel 2) as the Anti-Christ...yes it was initially hard to identify but I mean Fransis is a Jesuit and the research is at the disposal of our finger tips...he is the face of the devil to mankind and is getting ready to completey wipe out true biblical faith. What worries me even more is what is referred to as the 'True Church' is actually Babylon itself and all her false teachings which we are warned to come out of while we still can (Rev 18). Guys, being Christian is to be "like Christ"! If you don't have a personal relationship with him and you go through ur various deceptive channels to meet him, u can never make it to the New Jerusalem. The Catholic Church and its leaders have changed times and Gods laws through history, and poisoned Gods children to die without the truth. The bible itself illustrates how so many deeds and speechs of the Popes are satanic to say the least! God says come out of Babylon my people...come out!

  21. The pope's proclamation is directly refuted by:

    John3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

    18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

    19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

    It is very clear here that only thru Jesus Christ one would be saved. No mention of any church here. I would rather die believing the word of God than the word of man. :)

  22. Amen @James and Anonymous

    God be praised. Only through Christ can man be saved and not through man.

    Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD; Jeremiah 17:5.


  23. The Council of Trent, Canon 9 on Justification, reads:
    “If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that nothing else is required to co-operate in order to the obtaining the grace of Justification, and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will; let him be anathema.”

    Pope Francis described as "dangerous" the temptation to believe that one can have "a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ without communion with and the mediation of the church."

    So where does it say that the church has anything to do with salvation? The Pope is candy coating the old Counsel of Trent Canon 9 on justification. Paul in Romans is very clear that it is by faith ALONE that we are justified. We are SAVED by grace (God's Riches At Christ's Expense) through faith and that not of OURSELVES (or the church) it is the free gift of God, and not of works (the sacraments of the Roman Catholic church or any other form of a works system) lest anyone can boast. - Man would love to have some part in their salvation, but it never will happen. Sadly, some churches that teach that sacraments and other forms of legalism is a vital part of a person's salvation. Not according to the book of Romans, Ephesians, Galatians, or the entire New Testament for that matter.

  24. I bless the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ for those that knows and has embraced the truth.Those living in lies of religions like mr pope is advocating,will be terribly disappointed.Jesus remains the only way, the truth and life. No man gets to the Father, but by Him.Mary was one of Christ's disciples that even reveived the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the penticost day.

  25. He's indirectly saying that you have to be a catholic to be saved. And having a close connection with Jesus is dangerous? Is he crazy? No one comes to the father except through Jesus Christ Himself. He must have lost his faith in Jesus. Definitely he doesn't have the right to be called Christian.

  26. In this latest statement we can see why the papacy is referred to as ANTI-Christ in scripture.

  27. A PERSONAL relationship with Jesus is our only hope.

  28. what kind a pope is this guy ... god tells us we have a freedom to chose and its up to us not some old man telling us where we go when he is not god or the son of god... as long as we have faith in the lord thats all that matters ... why go to church now days when most of them are false prohets and yet this guy tellin people who dont believe in the holy spirit and the son can go to heaven only god can judge us not some old guy thinkin hes god himself... smh this world needs to really finish waking up its time to see that even the pope isnt holy himself but a sinner of all ....

  29. Um...Hello? The headline is completely inaccurate. Look at the quotation of what the Pope actually said. He's not warning against any personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He's warning against having a personal relationship with Christ WITHOUT CHRIST'S CHURCH. Huge difference.

    To everyone who's commented saying the Pope is against a personal relationship with haven't read the article. You've read the headline, which is misleading, and I would bet deliberately so.

    The writer of this article should be ashamed of themselves. No matter what your opinion is of the Catholic Church, it is your duty as a journalist to report the truth, not to deliberately lead people astray.

  30. There is evidence that suggest all of humanity has hit it's lowest point and now is on an up swing. Here it is exemplified and is further evidence for this theory coming from none other than the Roman Catholic Church. The R CC patriarch are scared people are not relating to its "religion" and are separating God the creator, God the fabricator, God the quantum physicist from religion and religious rhetoric, Gone is the mystic smoke and mirrors God. God of the gaps and mysteries, the big bearded head in the skies bellowing " You must worship me!!" The father is not standing at the pulpit in some man made artifact.
    God the father created science so that man can explore His creation.
    Humanity is starting to realize the error of it's ways.
    Re: Enoch walked with God because he was in harmony with God. You and only you can be in harmony with God the father, the son and the Holy Ghost. The Kingdom of God is within you.

  31. Mr Man books..clear proof Mr Man exists...if your daft enough to believe a book, written by MEN , called The Bible, Koran or any other book written by men is proof " god " exists. ALL anyone needs to do is try to be book required . I assume most of you know what being good is?.

  32. the catholic church is a direct continuation of the Babylonian religion - just have renamed their idols with Bibical names - as ancient cults always did. come out of her or you will be guilty of her sin.

  33. The problem everyone has here was, we as we call our self Christian seems to have no respect to one other faith. Let us always remember what Jesus said, "for God so love the world (world means everyone) that he gave His only begotten son and whoever believed in Him will have everlasting life"... I know everyone has their own point of view and beliefs in their faith but let us remember how God showed grace to everyone not just to the jews but also to the gentiles. Are we not also ought to show what this grace that God showed to everyone? As we are continuing to seek his presence and His word, I pray that Gods loved will abound in us and not by how much we know Him and his word. I don't care if you are a Christian, Baptist, Catholic or what religion are in but I pray that the Lord peace and love will reign to everyone's heart. God bless us all.


  34. My Name is Lee Kima, From Canada . I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr.Aziegbe olu has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great spell, I was married to this man called Steven we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email( Dr_Aziegbe ) then you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost husband back, and after a month I miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr.Aziegbe olu for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:

    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (0)Stop Divorce


    1. This testimonial for the above mentioned email address should be addressed as SPAM and not allowed in this or any other threads.



    1. This is another example of SPAM with the same gmail email account and this time they have included a website address!

  36. Why does Jesus says dont call no one your father on earth because you have onw in heaven. Jesus was talking directly to the catholic church. Matthew chapt 23 verses 9-10

  37. Church of Christ or bride of AntiChrist?

  38. The "pope" can say whatever he wants, I ONLY TRUST the Word of God - The Bible. And IT TELLS me that we MUST have a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Christ Jesus. It also says NOT to pray to or in the name of ANYONE but Christ Jesus. The curtain in the Temple was ripped in half, at the time Christ was crucified to signal to ALL believers that they can go STRAIGHT To God in pray and confession of sins. No need for a priest, or to say Our Father pray repeatedly (oh and that is even WRONG according to the Bible). We are told NOT to get caught up in repetitive prayers.

  39. Am helen from united state i just want to say a big thank you to PAPA Dr.Olawole for what he has done for me,he brought back the man i loved and cherish with all my heart, A man who left me for another woman for good 3 years,with 2 kids,i just decided to check some spell caster's but all kept deceiving me,until i met Dr Olawole, i was going online when i saw an article that people shared about this great man Dr. Olawole he told me not to worried about, everything will be over . he ask me what to do and i quickly made a provission for it i never let money to be my problem because my husband is very important to me and i love him so much until he told me that my husband will be back in 3 days time,am so greatful today that my husband is back to me and we are happy and he always wanna be by my side,i will advice you people not to fall in the wrong hands but to contact Dr.Olawole who is trustworthy and straight forward,you can contact him via email i will not stop sharing his because he saved my marriage. ONCE AGAIN HIS EMAIL: UGBENINSPELLSOLUTIONTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM
    1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance

  40. I recently have a good luck spell cast on me by dr.savior and I want anyone to tell me how it use to work because still I had this spell cast on me different companies
    has been coming to me for me to work with them and I do not really know which of the companies is the right one for me and I’m so happy because since last 7months I
    lost my job and I have been looking for job and I was unable to get one for myself till I had this spell cast on me so is there anyone that can advice me on which of
    the companies that is right for me? And I also thank dr.savior for his help too anyone in need of help with spell I will advise you to contact him on this

  41. My boyfriend had this girl that has been ruining his relationships for years, he broke up with her three years ago, but she still controls him and destroys most of his relationships. I was now a victim. She came again to take him away from me, she tried all she could, but I kept my faith strong and stayed with my boyfriend without allowing her more into him. She also confronted me, told me that there is nothing I will do to make her leave him alone; she warned seriously that I am endangering my life and she will soon act stronger than ever. I was afraid and started having doubt in my strength because my boyfriend has already started seeing her; all hope was almost lost, I don’t know how this evil lady controls him since the day there had a dramatic break up. I decided to help save the man I love even if we will not be together again. I went to friends for advice and visited blogs too. I found testimonies about Dr. Owolabi Love Spell and others, but my spirit chose him. I took courage and emailed him and my life changed since then. The evil lady’s power over my boyfriend was destroyed and she doesn’t have any spiritual connecting again with him. My boyfriend has changed; he is feeling so relieved and healthy now than before. He also emailed to thank Dr. Owolabi for the love spell and encouraged me to also share our own testimony on blogs. We are grateful for what you have done. Email him and receive your own miracle through

  42. James, you are 100% correct. My relationship with GOD is NOT a sin. I'm an EX catholic and I say to those sleeping... wake up for the end is here. I also say to you who agree with the lies, REPENT now and you will be saved.

  43. My Wife divorce me for no reason, Thanks to Dr Dr.jarto for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again, My name is Frank Silver. i live in Washington Dc, USA, I`m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my wife so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she did not love me anymore So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.(}, So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who did not call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same web site:,if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to Dr Dr.jarto for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again. { }, Thanks you Dr Dr.jarto, i will always be testifying about your good work.This spell is a 100% Guarantee for your situation. you can also call me or text me on my number : +15709984452

  44. Matthew 16:18-19 KJVS
    And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. [19] And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

    After Jesus death and resurrection when everybody ask peter what to do he reponded in Acts 2:38 KJVS
    Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.


  45. I want to say a big thanks to Dr dross for a wonderfull job that he did for me, my name is Ellaham i am from New York , my husband left me since then he didn't returnd home i thought it was over, a friend of my came to visit me and she ask for my husband and I said to her my husband is not with me again she said what happend, and i said to her we didn't had any misunderstanding he just left for no reason my friend said some one cast a spell on him and i said how can i get him back i we give you a great spell cast contact that we help you bring back your husband, and i contact him and he said some one closs to you cast a spell on your husband to snatch him away from you and the great man consult his oracle he said my husband will be back at 48 houre. What amzing me i saw my husband at home, this Dr kabasa is real if you have any problem you can reach him on his Website: email: if you know you have any problem here is his email address if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:

    1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.

    you can contact him

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  47. My names is Cathy i want to testify about the great spell caster called Priest Ade my husband and i have been married or 5 years now we don't have a child and the doctor told us i can't give birth because my womb have been damaged due to wrong drugs prescription this got me so worried and my husband was not happy so he decided to get married to another girl and divorce me i was so sad i told my friend about it she told me about a powerful spell caster she gave me his email address well i never believe in it that much though i just decided to give him a try and he told me it will take 24hrs to get my husband back to me and i will get pregnant i doubted him the 3rd day my husband came back to me and was crying he said he didn't want the divorce anymore 3 weeks after the doctor confirmed that i was pregnant he can also help you Email him at or WhatSapp +2347059715465

  48. So what is one to do when the Catholic Church turns on you? Tells people they are not worthy of receiving the Eucharist?


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