Reuters, authorities in Sydney, Australia, discovered 400 kilograms of methamphetamine – also known as meth, crystal meth or ice – hidden in hot sauce bottles at a freight depot Oct. 15, New South Wales police said Thursday. The drugs, which were shipped from the United States, were worth about $210 million U.S., the news service reported.
Reuters, authorities in Sydney, Australia, discovered 400 kilograms of methamphetamine – also known as meth, crystal meth or ice – hidden in hot sauce bottles at a freight depot Oct. 15, New South Wales police said Thursday. The drugs, which were shipped from the United States, were worth about $210 million U.S., the news service reported.
Americans are slowly waking up to the sad fact that much of the food sold in the US is far inferior to the same foods sold in other nations. In fact, many of the foods you eat are BANNED in other countries.
Here, I’ll review 10 American foods that are banned elsewhere, which were featured in a recent MSN article.1
Seeing how the overall health of Americans is so much lower than other industrialized countries, you can’t help but wonder whether toxic foods such as these might play a role in our skyrocketing disease rates.
#1: Farm-Raised Salmon
If you want to maximize health benefits from fish, you want to steer clear of farmed fish, particularly farmed salmon fed dangerous chemicals. Wild salmon gets its bright pinkish-red color from natural carotenoids in their diet. Farmed salmon, on the other hand, are raised on a wholly unnatural diet of grains (including genetically engineered varieties), plus a concoction of antibiotics and other drugs and chemicals not shown to be safe for humans.
This diet leaves the fish with unappetizing grayish flesh so to compensate, they’re fed synthetic astaxanthin made from petrochemicals, which has not been approved for human consumption and has well known toxicities. According to the featured article, some studies suggest it can potentially damage your eyesight. More details are available in yesterday’s article.
Where it's banned: Australia and New Zealand
How can you tell whether a salmon is wild or farm-raised? The flesh of wild sockeye salmon is bright red, courtesy of its natural astaxanthin content. It’s also very lean, so the fat marks, those white stripes you see in the meat, are very thin. If the fish is pale pink with wide fat marks, the salmon is farmed.
Avoid Atlantic salmon, as typically salmon labeled "Atlantic Salmon" currently comes from fish farms. The two designations you want to look for are: “Alaskan salmon,” and “sockeye salmon,” as Alaskan sockeye is not allowed to be farmed. Please realize that the vast majority of all salmon sold in restaurants is farm raised.
So canned salmon labeled "Alaskan Salmon" is a good bet, and if you find sockeye salmon, it's bound to be wild. Again, you can tell sockeye salmon from other salmon by its color; its flesh is bright red opposed to pink, courtesy of its superior astaxanthin content. Sockeye salmon actually has one of the highest concentrations of astaxanthin of any food.
#2: Genetically Engineered Papaya
Most Hawaiian papaya is now genetically engineered to be resistant to ringspot virus. Mounting research now shows that animals fed genetically engineered foods, such as corn and soy, suffer a wide range of maladies, including intestinal damage, multiple-organ damage, massive tumors, birth defects, premature death, and near complete sterility by the third generation of offspring. Unfortunately, the gigantic human lab experiment is only about 10 years old, so we are likely decades away from tabulating the human casualties.
Where it's banned: The European Union
Unfortunately, it’s clear that the US government is not in a position to make reasonable and responsible decisions related to genetically engineered foods at this point, when you consider the fact that the Obama administration has placed former Monsanto attorney and Vice President, Michael Taylor, in charge of US food safety, and serious conflicts of interest even reign supreme within the US Supreme Court! That’s right. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is also a former Monsanto attorney, but refuses to acknowledge any conflict of interest.
#3: Ractopamine-Tainted Meat
The beta agonist drug ractopamine (a repartitioning agent that increases protein synthesis) was recruited for livestock use when researchers found that the drug, used in asthma, made mice more muscular. This reduces the overall fat content of the meat. Ractopamine is currently used in about 45 percent of US pigs, 30 percent of ration-fed cattle, and an unknown percentage of turkeys are pumped full of this drug in the days leading up to slaughter. Up to 20 percent of ractopamine remains in the meat you buy from the supermarket, according to veterinarian Michael W. Fox.
Since 1998, more than 1,700 people have been "poisoned" from eating pigs fed the drug, and ractopamine is banned from use in food animals in no less than 160 different countries due to its harmful health effects! Effective February 11, 2013, Russia issued a ban on US meat imports, slated to last until the US agrees to certify that the meat is ractopamine-free. At present, the US does not even test for the presence of this drug in meats sold. In animals, ractopamine is linked to reductions in reproductive function, increase of mastitis in dairy herds, and increased death and disability. It’s also known to affect the human cardiovascular system, and is thought to be responsible for hyperactivity, and may cause chromosomal abnormalities and behavioral changes.
Where it's banned: 160 countries across Europe, Russia, mainland China and Republic of China (Taiwan)
#4: Flame Retardant Drinks
If you live in the US and drink Mountain Dew and some other citrus-flavored sodas and sports drinks, then you are also getting a dose of a synthetic chemical called brominated vegetable oil (BVO), which was originally patented by chemical companies as a flame retardant.
BVO has been shown to bioaccumulate in human tissue and breast milk, and animal studies have found it causes reproductive and behavioral problems in large doses. Bromine is a central nervous system depressant, and a common endocrine disruptor. It’s part of the halide family, a group of elements that includes fluorine, chlorine and iodine. When ingested, bromine competes for the same receptors that are used to capture iodine. This can lead to iodine deficiency, which can have a very detrimental impact on your health. Bromine toxicity can manifest as skin rashes, acne, loss of appetite, fatigue, and cardiac arrhythmias. According to the featured article:
"The FDA has flip-flopped on BVO's safety originally classifying it as 'generally recognized as safe' but reversing that call now defining it as an 'interim food additive' a category reserved for possibly questionable substances used in food."
Where it's banned: Europe and Japan
#5: Processed Foods Containing Artificial Food Colors and Dyes
More than 3,000 food additives -- preservatives, flavorings, colors and other ingredients -- are added to US foods, including infant foods and foods targeted to young children. Meanwhile, many of these are banned in other countries, based on research showing toxicity and hazardous health effects, especially with respect to adverse effects on children’s behavior. For example, as reported in the featured article:
“Boxed Mac & Cheese, cheddar flavored crackers, Jell-O and many kids' cereals contain red 40, yellow 5, yellow 6 and/or blue 2, the most popularly-used dyes in the United States. Research has shown this rainbow of additives can cause behavioral problems as well as cancer, birth defects and other health problems in laboratory animals. Red 40 and yellow 6 are also suspected of causing an allergy-like hypersensitivity reaction in children. The Center for Science in the Public Interest reports that some dyes are also "contaminated with known carcinogens.”
In countries where these food colors and dyes are banned, food companies like Kraft employ natural colorants instead, such as paprika extract, beetroot, and annatto. The food blogger and activist Vani Hari, better known as “Food Babe,” recently launched a petition2 asking Kraft to remove artificial dyes from American Mac & Cheese to protect American children from the well-known dangers of these dyes.
Where it's banned: Norway and Austria. In 2009, the British government advised companies to stop using food dyes by the end of that year. The European Union also requires a warning notice on most foods containing dyes.
#6: Arsenic-Laced Chicken
Arsenic-based drugs are approved for use in animal feed in the US because they make animals grow quicker and make the meat appear pinker (i.e. "fresher"). The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated these products are safe because they contain organic arsenic, which is less toxic than the other inorganic form, which is a known carcinogen.
The problem is, scientific reports surfaced stating that the organic arsenic could transform into inorganic arsenic, which has been found in elevated levels in supermarket chickens. The inorganic arsenic also contaminates manure where it can eventually migrate into drinking water and may also be causing heightened arsenic levels in US rice.
In 2011, Pfizer announced it would voluntarily stop marketing its arsenic-based feed additive Roxarsone, but there are still several others on the market. Several environmental groups have filed a lawsuit against the FDA calling for their removal from the market. In the European Union, meanwhile, arsenic-based compounds have never been approved as safe for animal feed.
Where it's banned: The European Union
#7: Bread with Potassium Bromate
You might not be aware of this, but nearly every time you eat bread in a restaurant or consume a hamburger or hotdog bun you are consuming bromide, as it is commonly used in flours. The use of potassium bromate as an additive to commercial breads and baked goods has been a huge contributor to bromide overload in Western cultures.
Bromated flour is “enriched” with potassium bromate. Commercial baking companies claim it makes the dough more elastic and better able to stand up to bread hooks. However, Pepperidge Farm and other successful companies manage to use only unbromated flour without any of these so-called “structural problems.” Studies have linked potassium bromate to kidney and nervous system damage, thyroid problems, gastrointestinal discomfort, and cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies potassium bromate as a possible carcinogen.
Where it's banned: Canada, China and the EU
#8: Olestra/Olean
Olestra, aka Olean, created by Procter & Gamble, is a calorie- and cholesterol-free fat substitute used in fat-free snacks like chips and French fries. Three years ago, Time Magazine3 named it one of the worst 50 inventions ever, but that hasn’t stopped food companies from using it to satisfy people’s mistaken belief that a fat-free snack is a healthier snack. According to the featured article:
“Not only did a 2011 study from Purdue University conclude rats fed potato chips made with Olean gained weight, there have been several reports of adverse intestinal reactions to the fake fat including diarrhea, cramps and leaky bowels. And because it interferes with the absorption of fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K, the FDA requires these vitamins be added to any product made with Olean or olestra.”
Where it's banned: The UK and Canada
#9: Preservatives BHA and BHT
BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) are commonly used preservatives that can be found in breakfast cereal, nut mixes, chewing gum, butter spread, meat, dehydrated potatoes, and beer, just to name a few. BHA is known to cause cancer in rats, and may be a cancer-causing agent in humans as well. In fact, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services, National Toxicology Program's 2011 Report on Carcinogens, BHA "is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.” It may also trigger allergic reactions and hyperactivity, while BHT can cause organ system toxicity.
Where it's banned: The UK doesn't allow BHA in infant foods. BHA and BHT are also banned in parts of the European Union and Japan.
#10: Milk and Dairy Products Laced with rBGH
Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) is the largest selling dairy animal drug in America. RBGH is a synthetic version of natural bovine somatotropin (BST), a hormone produced in cows' pituitary glands. Monsanto developed the recombinant version from genetically engineered E. coli bacteria and markets it under the brand name "Posilac."
It’s injected into cows to increase milk production, but it is banned in at least 30 other nations because of its dangers to human health, which include an increased risk for colorectal, prostate, and breast cancer by promoting conversion of normal tissue cells into cancerous ones. Non-organic dairy farms frequently have rBGH-injected cows that suffer at least 16 different adverse health conditions, including very high rates of mastitis that contaminate milk with pus and antibiotics.
"According to the American Cancer Society, the increased use of antibiotics to treat this type of rBGH-induced inflammation 'does promote the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, but the extent to which these are transmitted to humans is unclear,'" the featured article states.
Many have tried to inform the public of the risks of using this hormone in dairy cows, but their attempts have been met with overwhelming opposition by the powerful dairy and pharmaceutical industries, and their government liaisons. In 1997, two Fox-affiliate investigative journalists, Jane Akre and Steve Wilson, attempted to air a program exposing the truth about the dangers of rBGH. Lawyers for Monsanto, a major advertiser with the Florida network, sent letters promising "dire consequences" if the story aired.
Despite decades of evidence about the dangers of rBGH, the FDA still maintains it's safe for human consumption and ignores scientific evidence to the contrary. In 1999, the United Nations Safety Agency ruled unanimously not to endorse or set safety standards for rBGH milk, which has effectively resulted in an international ban on US milk.4 The Cancer Prevention Coalition, trying for years to get the use of rBGH by the dairy industry banned, resubmitted a petition to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, MD, in January 2010.5 Although the FDA stubbornly sticks to its position that milk from rBGH-treated cows is no different than milk from untreated cows, this is just plain false and is not supported by science. The only way to avoid rBGH is to look for products labeled as “rBGH-free” or “No rBGH.”
Where it's banned: Australia, New Zealand, Israel, EU and Canada
Last year was a great year in food. It focused on getting back to the basics with our diet — something this nutritionist just loved! The world of food...Read more »
Nearly 500 food items commonly sold in the United States contain a chemical compound also used in synthetic leathers and yoga mats, but a health res...Read more »
After having now analyzed over 1,000 foods, superfoods, vitamins, junk foods and popular beverages for heavy metals and other substances at the Natur...Read more »
If the founding fathers were reincarnated today, they’d probably start another revolution, this time to break away from an American government that ...Read more »
Polling suggests that an absolute majority of Americans favor laws forcing foods containing genetically modified ingredients to be labeled as such. De...Read more »
Michael Pollan, renowned food expert and journalist, 2007 A.D.
The healing properties of food have been reported by cultures worldwide throughout history. However, the past decade has presented an explosion of clinical research to show specifically what health benefits individual foods can offer, identifying the various nutrients and phytochemicals associated with these benefits.
Many fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed whole foods have properties that can benefit our health. Studies in the past decade have taken nutritional research beyond protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Chemicals in the plants called phytochemicals have been a specific focus in the past decade, offering benefits such as cancer prevention, cholesterol reduction, and hormone regulation, to name a few.
There is truly a cornucopia of nutritional benefits that have been discovered. Here are a few "superfoods" that have received a lot of press in the past decade for their research-supported health benefits:
1. Honey
Honey has been revered throughout the ages for its healing properties. Some outstanding research has shown anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects. Honey is being explored further for its role in digestive health as well as wound healing. The research on honey at the University of Waikatob is particularly impressive.
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. -- Hippocrates, father of medicine, 431 B.C.Eat Food. Not Too much. Mostly Plants. --&nbs...Read more »
If you have a smartphone, get the (free) app Buycott which will let you click to join a campaign against Monsanto and other companies involved in fighting GMO labeling; you can then scan bar codes when you're shopping, and the app tells you if a product is on the list to avoid. All of the companies mentioned above using these dangerous additives are part of the Monsanto-led chemical food industry and have fought against GMO labeling. You can also find lists of the companies and their products online at
Ive found it to be more expensive but less addicting so you eat less there for my food bill has only went up an extra 3rd and that's for a family of six. I was petrified by the idea of buying organic milk. My family was going through a gallon a day and at 6 to 7 dollars a gallon ughhh that was going to cost me a fortune. What I found was when I changed over to organic milk we went from 1 gal a day to 2 a week I couldn't believe it but when you think about all the hormones, sugars and other stuff they put in milk you can see the kids where no longer addicted to the additives
If you just pick out one Natural Food store and shop there because you decided to start eating all organic foods...yes, you are going to end up paying a whole lot more...and you will be the only one to blame for that. A smart shopper doesn't do all their shopping at one store... they learn over time where the best prices on the foods they buy are, and shop accordingly. I know that I can get a good assortment of fresh organic veggies, dairy, and eggs at a particular grocery (chain store) for less than anywhere else; and at a nearby Trader Joe's I can get the best prices on organic breads, fruits, coconut oil, chicken, and prepared frozen items; and there is an Ocean State Job Lot store where I can get organic cold pressed olive oil, in a glass bottle, for less than I can buy the same sized plastic bottle of conventional "olive oil" at a supermarket chain, as well as great prices on organic broths, pre-made organic tomato sauce, and organic pastas, teas, and coffee. Yes, every few months I have to break down and "bite the bullet" to go to one of the big national natural food stores for organic bulk spices, flours, and of all things organic corn starch which I can't find anywhere else...Oh and another way to save on organic foods is to understand that organic food is real food. It has a much higher nutritional content than processed, and conventional big agri GMO "food-like substances," so you really get more benefit from the organic food you eat so your body does not need to eat as much.
Oh and if you don't have these particular stores near you...I am sure you have others where you can shop for grocery overstocks etc... Family Dollar, Big Lots, and other similar stores will also frequently carry organic foods, other than fresh produce, as well...
Those promoting organic need to read the definition of Organic per the USDA - it doesn't mean what it's implied to mean... For the most part avoid processed foods and try to find a local rancher that doesn't use hormones on their animals and buys hormone-free feed. I bought a side of beef over a year ago at $2.44 lb that is still feeding the 3 of us.
Don't hang your hat on an organic label folks! "Organic" doesn't mean the food hasn't been treated, it just means that everything it has been treated with is "organic." Organic chicken can still be laced with arsenic. And as companies realize that "organic" sells, they will replace non-organic additives with organic additives because people think it's somehow healthier. This is false. Your best bet is to eat locally raised foods directly from the producer.
Blake is correct. Organic is a marketing term to get you to react a certain way. The same goes for some of these "lists" like this one... you have to get to the root of who is releasing the "study." more than likely there's an agenda behind it too with skewed facts so that people buy certain products. Organic foods have there own problems environmentally speaking given the American taste in products. Particularly the amount of land required to produce organically grown produce to yield the same amount using pesticide or manufactured fertilizer. Local foods are the best way or at least your best chance short of growing food yourself.
If they use corporate media to advertise, its probally bad for you. Contrary to popular belief, items marked "organic" aren't necessarily safe. You wanna look for items marked "GMO Free"
"Organic" and "Natural" are emotion-based food labels that have no basis in scientific research. Arsenic is just as natural as vitamin C, and labeling food as organic does not mean that pesticides were not used on it. This movement is a very large, fear-based marketing scheme that has no primary research backing it.
It is true there are fast food ORganics, and we do still have to think for our selves but Organics do have standards that are way better then the rest. Examples of what they don't allow include food irradiation, GMO's, and sewage sludge, to name a few. Eating local and home grown is the best but we can't through the baby out with the bath water. Natural does not mean anything, but organic still does.
Here's a thought, why not grow your own foods and live off the land? Hunt, fish, and raise your own chickens and plant your own veggies and fruits. It's much healthier and you don't have to wonder what was added to them because you did it yourself. It's not hard and takes little time plus it's a good way to spend time with the family.s
As regard to the budget, I find not buying foods already made or even an organic processed food save money. I stick with real food and buy in bulk, dried beans and can them myself, bake my bread items saves a lot! I plan one day a week to cook in bulk then freeze and/or can for later. Super nice to come home late from work and just have to reheat a homemade meal.
The US government is trying to make it illegal to grow your own food. And they are making it harder for small farmers to stay afloat. That should tell you what they are trying to do.
I read a book by Jillian Michaels that discusses nearly every one of these items. It's overwhelming to be honest. I consume about half of these products daily. I guess the first step for me is no more Dew: BVO.
I stopped drinking things with BVO a long time ago but it had nothing to do with reading articles. In the 90's I noticed that whenever I drank Fresca (Grapefruit soda) I would get a cramp in my gut. At first I thought I was allergic to grapefruit but I started noticing it whenever I drank any citrus soda. Eventually I realized they all had BVO in them. Once I gave up those sodas I never had another cramp. I guess the moral to the story is; listen to your body.
i do not eat nearly as much food when I eat organic and real food ! My food bill is much less and I feel great! When I eat junk processed food I am always eating and looking for more - not so when I eat right!
Thanks for sharing- it's amazing how our country thinks it's ok to let FOOD TERRORISTS kill Americans- and spends so much money on foreign terrorists who don't even bother the majority of people! This country's priorities are BACKWARDS!
Food terrorists???? Yet another lemming jumping on the bandwagon of all the "evil" and "hated" words that have absolutely no relevance in this topic. Instead of having a well thought out comment or argument, you just merely grafted yourself into it with no substance what-so-ever. Kinda like the little kid in the back of everyone jumping up and down trying to be seen, but they are just not big enough and all they can do is muster up a quasi "Yeah!!" every now and again. The "Yeah!!" falls on deaf ears and therefore has no meaning and no volume.
Kindness is always the way to go. Let us be loving and respectful to each other. There is no need to attack someone for the way they express themselves.
Uh...Canada is part of America. The USA is just one part. Central and South America are part of are Canada and Mexico. Colloquial use of "America" to refer just to the USA is bad enough (arrogant usurping of the name of the entire multi-continental mass) but in formal discussion, more care must be taken.
Some of those foods ARE banned in America...just not the US OF America. Funny that none are banned in the other Americas...Central and South.
The term 'Americans' did not come about through 'arrogant usurping'. It's just an accident of history. Britain called residents of its American colonies 'Americans'. The name stuck.
No one is stopping Canadians and Ecuadorians from calling themselves Americans, too. Of course, the day they start doing that, we'll need some new terms to help make distinctions.
The USA gets more than enough bashing. Some of the gripes people come up with... sheesh.
Canada is part of the Americas but no Canadian ever refers to themselves as American.It would be confusing. This is a silly thing to argue in this type of thread.
I agree. What a stupid comment to bring up, I am an American living in England and I would like to say, no one refers to Ecuadorians as Americans because they're NOT, neither are Canadians. There is no part of Canada that is named America (unlike the US which has America in its name), other than the land mass tself so I think we could do without the unnecessary pedantics, thank you.
breathing is bad for us. so as a given most of ur food is too unless u grow ur own but even then it creeps in I'm going to die so I eat what I want when I want at my age hanging on to another 5 yrs as a veg if no fum
I agree with anonymous, if you are going to post, please use proper English, full sentences, capitals and punctuation. It can make a difference in your meaning sometimes.
If you're going to post, use your real name or at least an sn that you use often. It makes you appear so much more brave and willing to stand behind your words.
Regrettably anonymous your grammar is incorrect. In saying the letter 's' it is said 'ess' which starts with a vowel and it therefore requires an 'n' (as does 'n)'and cannot be said 'a SN'. My sincere apologies to everyone as for purely lack of an irl and a Google Account I cannot identify myself but otherwise I would be happy to be known as Kate Savage. (English lecturer and Proof Reader).
No, Anonymous, Anonymous isn't incorrect. "sn" is short for "screen name", which would be preceded by an "a", not an "an". The real shame was the original poster using an abbreviation in the first place, especially when correcting someone's etiquette.
Haha, I hope everyone here feels better about themselves and oh so superior. Did you guys even read the article, or do you just look at comments under random articles so you can bash others' grammar? Intelligent people don't have to prove their intelligence to others. It will naturally shine through if you show some kindness and humility and are a productive human doing what you're good at doing! If the only thing you're good at is bashing people online, then I am sad for you.
What amazes me, is some of this stuff is banned in China...then why do we import crap from China that is toxic????????? Not only food, but drywall for instance!!!!
I wonder what these people/companies would say if we told them that they would be required to eat what they are producing. I bet you that these people are not be eating the disgusting products which they create. It is unethical, immoral, and an utter disrespect to humanity to allow these substances which cause disease to be fed to us. It is even sadder to see that the FDA, which is part of the government that is supposed to be protecting us is an accomplice in this industry that feeds us filth so that we become ill and are forced to buy drugs which also helps us live a more degraded and painful life. All this so the greedy and powerful are allowed to act as leaches sucking all of our health and money and make a fortune in the most disgusting manipulation and disregard for human life. It is sad to see people, that simply ignore what is obvious and deny that this exits. Our society, our government, our culture is simply disgusting. And what is worst is that the one's we have put in power are not protecting us, much to the contrary, it looks as if they actually want us to suffer a slow and painful life while they profit from every angle as they continue in allegiance with the corporations which they allow to act in the most irresponsible unethical and immoral manner possible.
It's all well and good to tell people to eat local and organic or to grow their own food - I do that myself - but many people cannot afford organic or don't have a place to grow their own food. For much of the US population it is a luxury to avoid some of these substances. It then comes down to changing the system so overrun by corporate interests... seems like a pipe dream! :(
Thank you Ms. Streisand for sharing this important information from Dr. Mercola who has a wealth of knowledge. I think you should develop your own news agency as you usually generously share world issues with the public. I find myself drawn to your website to find out the REAL NEWS ,to know what's happening in the world today . Thanks again, Sandy Aranoff
The seventh day adventists have had incredible success getting many in their congregations to eat vegan. Go put that one in your pipe and smoke it. Those people are educated, disciplined, and most of all, realize that the healthiest way to eat is meat and dairy-free!
I have been aware of this for years. The truth is that because of the amount of food it takes to feed Americans is unbelievable. We consume so much food in one day that there is no way that they can grow or process enough food to feed the population in the USA without filling it full of chemicals to preserve it and or grow it without chemicals to speed up the growing process. In part it is because almost 75% of us are overweight from bad eating habits and eating junk foods but, putting a ban on junk foods and stopping companies from using chemicals to grow it faster and give it a longer shelf life would never fly in this country. People would never put up with that kind of government control in the first place and if we started having food shortages because we cant keep up with demand due to spoilage and the fact they can't grow the food fast enough to supply people with it there would be a worse problem. People here in America are so demanding of everything and will do nothing to conserve in anyway that we are killing ourselves with luxury. A lot of countries in the world have to ration food to feed the population and so they are used to just eating one or two small meals a day some can have three meals a day but, beef and sugary foods are rare to obtain. starchy foods and non nutritional foods are ate in small amounts to be able to stay alive. Here in America we are becoming aware of nutrition but, the average American still eats what ever they feel like eating. and no one thinks about where that food comes from or what it take to grow and process it. I read an article about a plant in Dallas that kills 100.000 cattle a day and can't even keep up with demand for beef in the Dallas-Fortworth area alone. millions of gallons of milk and billions of eggs are sold each day here in America and to keep up with demand is getting harder and harder each year. so yes, we are eating food that should be taken off the market and food that is not healthy but, Americans aren't willing to eat normal amounts of food or to eat just what we need to be healthy Just try taking away Hamburgers and hot dogs and salads and milk and eggs because they can't grow it fast enough or it won't last long enough on the shelf to sell it before it rots and see what happens. We have grown to the point of eat chemicals and unfit to eat food or go without. going without is not an option in this country.
It is entirely possible to feed the whole population clean foods. All that needs to happen is for the empowered leaders to stop using the majority of our farmable land to grown corn for feed and ethanol, and use that land to grow vegetable products. Sure the price of corn-fed meat will skyrocket, but it's a matter of priorities. Simply put, we'd have a surplus of produce if we stopped feeding it all to livestock. It's a basic matter of energy. The amount of corn a cow needs to eat is absurd. You are right in many ways though, Americans will refuse to surrender luxuries, especially when it comes to food.
Thank you for pointing that out Tiffany. My close friends are dairy farmers and spent a year shifting to only grass fed system. They said it's inordinantly easier and now they can work toward receiving organic certification. The only reason cows are corn fed is to house them in cramped, confined conditions instead of allowing them to range free and graze.-
I read through a number of comments - here's my take on the whole thing - I grow a garden and have cut down my consumption of meats that are commercially processed - There is also plenty of companies that you can purchase true organic foods through at the same price as the commercial non-organic grown veggies - I have grown commercial varieties of carrots (gmo brands) next to non-gmo brand and found that the yields are actually much higher - maybe not as uniformly even but definitely better tasting - it is something to think about - whenever you have a choice of organic vs non- and the price is within pennies per serving - go for the organic - and definitely shop in more than one place - visit your farmers market - the fruits and veggies in the market for the most part are going to be much fresher and more likely to be organic
People need to know that corporations do not care about you. Profit is their God. And that includes some organic food companies. The only way you will ever be 100% safe is to grow or raise it yourself.
THANK YOU, Sabrina for being one of the few people to actually realize half the chemicals are over-exaggerated and in some cases completely mixed up (bromide and bromate). Not saying some chemicals aren't bad for you, but WATER can be bad if consumed too much. Broccoli and lettuce and fruits and vegetables, all safe, natural and organic- it doesn't matter. When anything (besides vitamin A) is consumed in high levels they reach toxicity levels and symptoms that impose illness on one's body. Virtually the very (all safe, all that) product you are buying is no more safe than a can of soda. Too much filtered clean water in your system is TOXIC. People obsess and eat foie gras, but they nit pick over soda and chips? Well it isn't unhealthy when consumed let's say once every 6 months-basically once in a long while. Sensibility is neither in this article or in most commenters.
Yes, and all chemicals are combinations of those elements, which was the poster's point -- calling something a "chemical" has no value except as an emotional argument to people to whom "chemical" means the same thing as "bad". Water is a chemical, for instance, and a dangerous one at that in the wrong place or in the wrong quantity.
I do, however, agree that people need to stop reproducing.
There IS a difference, big difference, between synthetic 'chemical' or toxic chemical, & chemical constituent (natural, non-toxic form). One the body rejects it due to the harmful nature on the cells, & the later the body likes & 'embraces' it. The polarity is different from natural to synthetic ("polar-opposite"). All it takes is a few molecules within the chemical make-up to turn the substance toxic, thus harmful to the body. But then, I am sure you knew all this.
Dr. SHC, you might want to redefine what the word toxic means to you, because water (super filtered, I'm so bloody healthy kind) is considered toxic when taken in high quantities. Basically you can die within a few hours if you drink more than your body can handle. You eat too much all natural, super healthy, fresh out of the farm, no smarmy marmy added shit Broccoli and you can die because it has reached toxic levels. All vitamins and minerals (with the exception of Vitamin A) have TOXIC levels. You eat too much vitamin B? Sickness. Too much magnesium? Sickness. Too much Vitamin D? Sickness. You should have known that. A few can of sodas consumed in one year? Not going to kill you and certainly no more dangerous than eating a grape. A can of soda every day? Why yes of course just like a pound of fresh meat every day and a pound of carrots everyday can kill you.
People need to stop breeding & take care of the children we/they already have. The States are too busy growing sod for green lawns & corn for cows & pigs , when they were never meant to eat that in the first place. Let these fat lazy people die, if it's important to you , like it is to me, learn labels !!!!!!!!!!! Eat LESS !!!!!!!!!! Waste less !!!!!!!!!! Quality NOT quantity !!!!!!!!!!!!!
F--- you tiffany. You must be upper class and do not realize that MILLIONS of people cannot afford to eat well. The vegetables, meat, fruits and dairy are all being poisoned. Processed foods are loaded with these chemicals and other ingredients that make you feel addicted to them. They are made cheap for a reason. I also am unaware if you know anything about Eugenics. Hitler's style. Now it is being adopted in USA. Just ask Al Gore.
Entering a grocery store really does feel like stepping into a minefield these days! Thankfully, there is a company that produces delicious food that has no GMO's, no soy, 100% natural ingredients. I have been using this nutritional program for 1 1/2 years. I have drastically reduced the amount that I spend in grocery stores. More importantly, I feel AWESOME!!! My energy level is WAY UP! And I lost 93 pounds in the first year and have maintained it. Check out
Corporations are out to make a profit. Bottom line. The U.S. Federal Government is not incenting companies and farmers to do the right thing. They are incentivized to make money. We are self-destructing. There is so much crap in the food that most of us put in our body everyday; even if we are trying to make smart decisions and be healthy. The topic is depressing but one that will unfortunately be present as long as any of us are walking the earth.
"Mounting evidence" -- these are just code words for "I heard it somewhere on the Internet". Citations, please. There has never been a study which survived peer review that shows a causal link between GM food and any human illnesses. NEVER. The scare tactics used against GM foods has to stop. Parts of the world don't have the luxury of spending three times as much to get "organic" food, and GM foods have enabled them to feed their populations.
Being against GM food is being for famine and mass starvation.
Are you sure???? Where are your citations? What about girls as young as 10 having fully developed breasts? What about those same 10 y.o. have fully developed reproductive organs? What about all the boys at 15/16 whom are 6+ feet tall? And these same boys wearing a size 14/15+ shoe? How about all of the antibiotic resistant strains of illness we are now seeing?
"Being against GM is being for famine and mass starvation." Where are you citing this from? Where is your peer review?? You need to answer that ringing's the pot calling.
My sister had fully developed breasts by the third grade. I had them by the sixth. It had nothing to do with genetically modified food. It's called genetics in the family. Big boobs early on run in my mother's family in panama where basically all my relatives lived off home cooked food and their farms in their backyards and my grandmother's chicken and chewing on sugar cane sticks. That as natural as all get out, but we get boobs even sooner than your processed fed, gm brat. Genetics you moron. Genetics. The average height in South Korea for men is about 6 feet. (not north korea). Average height in Japan is about the same as here despite all the incorrect stereotypes of all asians being short. Genetics. We are people. We are different. You have to be stupid to use height as a comparison shot to 'gm being bad'. What the hell does she need a citation for when the article hasn't done so themselves? It's basically a statement saying that since the article is inclined to exaggerate and base their facts on their superiority, smugness, and the air they breathe then she can counter with nothing more than the same form of research and no citation. You don't need citation? Well I don't need it either then. You're so high on yourself and this 'all healthy' bandwagon that you don't know that those same people exaggerate MANY of their claims just like people think asians are short. Go to South Korea and be outshone by the average. You will see short ones, and ones your height and then you will see the average giants. Go ahead. (also North Korea is not the same as South Korea-please don't dredge up stupid pictures of North Koreans who are severely malnourished and starving to death, thanks). In America I see the crazy health nutjobs, the crazy fat nutjobs, and the people who don't give a damn what you think and manage to be healthy all the same without complications.
If you don't believe GMOs are a health and environmental threat, visit "Being against GM food is being for famine and mass starvation," my foot. That editorializing is as bad as your critique of the "mounting evidence" comment. Check the research.
In some countries, some foreign foods are banned because they contain substances that are not good for human consumption. In the US, some foreign foods are banned because people in expensive clothes wrote laws saying so.
has ANYONE got the link to the mysterious MSN article i can't seem to find anywhere? their link does NOT take you to it, it takes you to another page with this exact same article word for word and references that do NOT lead to MSN either. i searched the MSN site for the article they reference, and could not find one......
I agree. this is a body that ages. I think eating less processed foods can make you feel a little better. But death is not horrible, it is part of life. Fear can cause cancer . My sister has eaten organic food from health store, taken all the right supplements, wears only organic cotton, ect, ect. She has cancer! then she went the alternative treatment route cause chemo is so dangerous and now she has metastatic disease. She is finally doing chemo ,but probably too late. Eat ,drink ,love, trust that whatever brought you here will take care of you.
The use of synthetic astaxanthin for pigmentation in salmon and eggs is forbidden in some EU countries. Not all fish farms have to or use antibiotics. I personally do not buy farmed fish for it does not taste as good as fresh fish from the Atlantic. But a great deal of farmed fish is safe, being farmed by the sea, using fresh water from the Atlantic. Genetically engineered grains, as most GMO products, are not allowed in the EU... yet, even for feeding livestock or fish.
GMO Papaya causes sterility because... why? Please, some science here, not hype. GM means a LOT of things, you can't lump them all together. You can't hate the corporations - don't hate the science. Luddites...
I am on a tiny fixed income and genuinely can't buy organic food. But I can still garden, in a raised bed I rent for $10 a year in a community garden, water and tools included. And for that, and some cheap seeds from the dollar store, and some work putting up bean trellises made from someone's discarded fencing, I can pretty much feed myself in warm weather. We make our own compost, so I garden 100% organic, and I don't eat meat or poultry. Fish, yes, but if I haven't caught enough of my own, I look for stuff that's wild-caught and not overfished, mainly mackerel. I garden and fish from a wheelchair, as I'm seriously ill; but if you plant correctly, there's very little upkeep on raised beds 'cause the crops shade out the weeds and hold in the moisture, and fishing is something you can do sitting down. And it all gets you outdoors and in touch with Mom Nature.
I'm glad to know of any foods I should be avoiding in order to be healthy, but if you're going to tell people things like "OMG your food is gonna kill you and give your babies cancer!!1!&*$," do some research and cite some real sources, please. ("" at the bottom only 1/18th counts. All your info from one source? And a source that only cites himself, no less? Sketchy.)
I love how everyone is saying organic and local. Organic and Local is a LOT more expensive and unless you are upper middle class not affordable, nor can you see if they aren't laced with the additives. Plus the natural food people like to use stuff like this as scare tactics.
Guess what, we take more time testing our FDA approved drugs then the EU. We don't allow people who have been in Europe over 6 months to donate blood but the EU does, due to mad cow disease. DIfferent countries have different requirements. And EU food is more expensive.
Japan has a lot of tiny little asians as skinny as a toothpick about our height and they eat...oh no McDonalds. Yup. Yes. and Hahaha. Genetics my friend are a very tricky fiend. However, they are generally healthier despite that they eat twice as much as we do. The difference is the way they eat. Convenience market food is all the rage there. McDonalds is a once in a while thing as opposed to nearly every damn day in the US of A. French food is higher in fat content, yet...they are living, breathing, healthy humans who eat corn stuffed goose/duck liver (known as foie gras). This same liver which is banned in California (which I approve of in general. There are only two foie gras I trust and that is Eduardo Sousa and the AMERICAN man he taught-no french brand for me). Organic strawberries---grown at your local farm. I've never seen true strawberries so shiny. Almost all strawberries claiming such a thing are often coated with a CHEMICAL on the skin to make them look shiny whether the chemical is organic or not, it is still a chemical for shininess and no nutrient value. I lived on a berry farm. Strawberries don't look like that, naturally, EVER. And yes despite the coating they can call their strawberries ogranic. Also there are plenty of labels and brands that do not proclaim organic because they themselves can not afford it unless they shoot up in price which makes them no different than the other organic product. How about you all read the damn ingredients, take out your phone with internet, and research every darn chemical on that list. You'll be suprised to learned that some of it is just a fancy word for sand. Check the back of the all natural skippy peanut butter or jif's all natural of which neither claim are organic. three ingredients. Peanut, a type of oil, and salt. Check the back of the organic peanut butter, more than three, one of them a name you no doubt trust and haven't bothered to take out your handy electronic for and research the damn word. Also if the product contains less the .5 mg of fat or some other nutrients/ingredients, they are allowed to say it has 0% of it. You are all a bunch of morons. This article is a joke and propaganda material as much as the next lot. Besides the definition of genetic modification is too biased. Once upon a time there was only type of apple. One type of human. Now there are an abundance of natural apples which are not considered genetically modified. Two species were purposely crossed to create a modified gene. genetic modification. But natural. Asian have up to 3% of NON-homo sapien DNA, Euopeans have up to 1-2% of non-homo sapien DNA. Guess what it's neanderthal DNA they have intermixed with their own. Those with completely African ancestry with no other mixes from any sort of race is 100% Homo Sapien (this information can be found in genewatch magazine-the only magazine of its kind produced by the council of responsible genetics which includes a DNA Map of the neanderthal- I don't remember which volume or issue but they have a summarized article of it if you look for it). Natural selection, evolution, and by golly gee natural genetic modification. We did it on our own. Let's apply that to food now shall we? Let's mix that fruit with this fruit. Oh hell yeah! Tasty, yummy, and more various. This mix is more durable. Genetic modification. Also I highly suggest volume 23 no 4. of Genewatch if you want to understand that those vitamin pills aren't exactly the best.
"; indeed, some of the most dedicated opponents of GM crops can be heard making dire predictions which seem to be based less on science than on paranoia." (editorial in GeneWatch magazine Vol. 22. No. 1) Throughout the article compromise is spoken of and also though not in support in GM products as a whole or longterm there is certainly no need for this bashing and paranoia behavior of it. What we need to do is to treat it differently. It should not be the main source for anything. It isn't bad as a whole because unfortunately the risks are unpredictable, but the main problem is who benefits from them. These very same people who market their GM and sell it by the millions are thinking only about the money and pushing and shoveling it in large quantities. Personally I think GM food should be this expensive luxury item that is eaten once in a while, not like every minute as the typical american does. Vol 23. No. 3 has the main article for the neanderthal comment I spoke of before inside the magazine (you have to click on see full issue if you want to see the whole thing and not just the summarized portion).
What the hell did someone actually delete the neanderthal comment I had before? Wow, are you people so afraid of knowledge and facts spreading that you can't have someone telling you to to the contrary.
Okay, fine, so I am going to DIE!!!!! Are we surprised that that is the inevitable??? Organic, non-organic whatever...there have been studies in the 1970's that claimed the egg was the WORST food ever! Now they are good for you... plus, No mention that you can also contract cancer regardless because of the water used, the soil..(yes, even for organic food, are they using triple distilled water to grow "organic" food?) We have only 2/3 of everyday to live (not sleeping), waiting in lines, traffic, and on and on and much time are you willing to waste reading labels and comparing...I guarantee you the health benefits of taking the time to pick the right food takes away from the oh so valuable time you have to LIVE! Just eat responsibly, go to a butcher for your meats, and go about your life...who knows, you may die driving to the "organic" farm in a car accident...people need to realize that death is a natural process of life and if you are spiritual, religious, then what awaits us after death is a hell of a lot better than living while worrying about dying......Now where is that meatloaf I'm waiting on from cows filled with anti-biotics!
Great blog! The information you provide is quiet helpful. We import the finest gourmet specialty foods from specialty food stores around the world, primarily the Middle East, Mediterranean region and Europe.
Organic is NOT necessarily better. A lot of times it is grown right next to the fertilized crops. And it gets manure from cows and chickens fed with hormones. The water often comes from a river or creek that is downstream from toxic crops. If everybody would just grow a garden, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
I am happy to find this post very useful for me, as it contains lot of information. I always prefer to read the quality content and this thing I found in you post. Thanks for sharing
ok, how do we get brand names, so we can avoid?
ReplyDeletethank you for the article
If you have a smartphone, get the (free) app Buycott which will let you click to join a campaign against Monsanto and other companies involved in fighting GMO labeling; you can then scan bar codes when you're shopping, and the app tells you if a product is on the list to avoid. All of the companies mentioned above using these dangerous additives are part of the Monsanto-led chemical food industry and have fought against GMO labeling. You can also find lists of the companies and their products online at
DeleteThe best way to avoid all of this is switch to all natural and organic foods. It is a little more expensive, but your body will thank you!
DeleteAll natural has no meaning. Go for organic.
DeleteIf you have an iPhone or Android phone you can get the app called "Buycott". Just scan the label and it will tell you.
Deleteapp Buycott ..wants access to your camera at anytime...not happening on my phone
DeleteIt requires access to your camera so it can SCAN the bar codes....
Delete"The best way to avoid all of this is switch to all natural and organic foods. It is a little more expensive, but your body will thank you!"
DeleteA LOT more expensive. I had to nearly triple my food budget. But I agree that it's worth it and that your body will thank you!
Organic food may be more expensive, but have you priced cancer recently????? and diabetes, heart disease, etc etc etc
DeleteIve found it to be more expensive but less addicting so you eat less
there for my food bill has only went up an extra 3rd and that's for a family of six. I was petrified by the idea of buying organic milk. My family was going through a gallon a day and at 6 to 7 dollars a gallon ughhh that was going to cost me a fortune. What I found was when I changed over to organic milk we went from 1 gal a day to 2 a week
I couldn't believe it but when you think about all the hormones, sugars and other stuff they put in milk you can see the kids where no longer addicted to the additives 
DeleteIf you just pick out one Natural Food store and shop there because you decided to start eating all organic foods...yes, you are going to end up paying a whole lot more...and you will be the only one to blame for that. A smart shopper doesn't do all their shopping at one store... they learn over time where the best prices on the foods they buy are, and shop accordingly. I know that I can get a good assortment of fresh organic veggies, dairy, and eggs at a particular grocery (chain store) for less than anywhere else; and at a nearby Trader Joe's I can get the best prices on organic breads, fruits, coconut oil, chicken, and prepared frozen items; and there is an Ocean State Job Lot store where I can get organic cold pressed olive oil, in a glass bottle, for less than I can buy the same sized plastic bottle of conventional "olive oil" at a supermarket chain, as well as great prices on organic broths, pre-made organic tomato sauce, and organic pastas, teas, and coffee. Yes, every few months I have to break down and "bite the bullet" to go to one of the big national natural food stores for organic bulk spices, flours, and of all things organic corn starch which I can't find anywhere else...Oh and another way to save on organic foods is to understand that organic food is real food. It has a much higher nutritional content than processed, and conventional big agri GMO "food-like substances," so you really get more benefit from the organic food you eat so your body does not need to eat as much.
DeleteOh and if you don't have these particular stores near you...I am sure you have others where you can shop for grocery overstocks etc... Family Dollar, Big Lots, and other similar stores will also frequently carry organic foods, other than fresh produce, as well...
DeleteThose promoting organic need to read the definition of Organic per the USDA - it doesn't mean what it's implied to mean... For the most part avoid processed foods and try to find a local rancher that doesn't use hormones on their animals and buys hormone-free feed. I bought a side of beef over a year ago at $2.44 lb that is still feeding the 3 of us.
DeleteDon't hang your hat on an organic label folks! "Organic" doesn't mean the food hasn't been treated, it just means that everything it has been treated with is "organic." Organic chicken can still be laced with arsenic. And as companies realize that "organic" sells, they will replace non-organic additives with organic additives because people think it's somehow healthier. This is false. Your best bet is to eat locally raised foods directly from the producer.
DeleteThe best way to avoid these issues is to avoid processed foods altogether. By organic fruits and vegetables and cook more.
DeleteBlake is correct. Organic is a marketing term to get you to react a certain way. The same goes for some of these "lists" like this one... you have to get to the root of who is releasing the "study." more than likely there's an agenda behind it too with skewed facts so that people buy certain products. Organic foods have there own problems environmentally speaking given the American taste in products. Particularly the amount of land required to produce organically grown produce to yield the same amount using pesticide or manufactured fertilizer. Local foods are the best way or at least your best chance short of growing food yourself.
DeleteIf they use corporate media to advertise, its probally bad for you. Contrary to popular belief, items marked "organic" aren't necessarily safe. You wanna look for items marked "GMO Free"
Delete"Organic" and "Natural" are emotion-based food labels that have no basis in scientific research. Arsenic is just as natural as vitamin C, and labeling food as organic does not mean that pesticides were not used on it. This movement is a very large, fear-based marketing scheme that has no primary research backing it.
DeleteJust read the label. If it has ingredients you recognize, then buy it! Do this and avoid meat/poultry that was once on a conveyor belt.
Deletedont drink milk or anything that comes from a cow for that matter
DeleteIt is true there are fast food ORganics, and we do still have to think for our selves but Organics do have standards that are way better then the rest. Examples of what they don't allow include food irradiation, GMO's, and sewage sludge, to name a few.
Eating local and home grown is the best but we can't through the baby out with the bath water. Natural does not mean anything, but organic still does.
Here's a thought, why not grow your own foods and live off the land? Hunt, fish, and raise your own chickens and plant your own veggies and fruits. It's much healthier and you don't have to wonder what was added to them because you did it yourself. It's not hard and takes little time plus it's a good way to spend time with the family.s
DeleteAs regard to the budget, I find not buying foods already made or even an organic processed food save money. I stick with real food and buy in bulk, dried beans and can them myself, bake my bread items saves a lot! I plan one day a week to cook in bulk then freeze and/or can for later. Super nice to come home late from work and just have to reheat a homemade meal.
DeleteRead labels!
ReplyDeleteLots of local food, organics, grow your own!
ReplyDeleteThe US government is trying to make it illegal to grow your own food. And they are making it harder for small farmers to stay afloat. That should tell you what they are trying to do.
Deletegrow or sell?
DeleteI read a book by Jillian Michaels that discusses nearly every one of these items. It's overwhelming to be honest. I consume about half of these products daily. I guess the first step for me is no more Dew: BVO.
ReplyDeleteI stopped drinking things with BVO a long time ago but it had nothing to do with reading articles. In the 90's I noticed that whenever I drank Fresca (Grapefruit soda) I would get a cramp in my gut. At first I thought I was allergic to grapefruit but I started noticing it whenever I drank any citrus soda. Eventually I realized they all had BVO in them. Once I gave up those sodas I never had another cramp. I guess the moral to the story is; listen to your body.
Deletei do not eat nearly as much food when I eat organic and real food ! My food bill is much less and I feel great! When I eat junk processed food I am always eating and looking for more - not so when I eat right!
DeleteThanks for sharing- it's amazing how our country thinks it's ok to let FOOD TERRORISTS kill Americans- and spends so much money on foreign terrorists who don't even bother the majority of people!
ReplyDeleteThis country's priorities are BACKWARDS!
Uhh.... Rather get fat than bombed... Not sure about you!
DeleteFood terrorists? Really? And real terrorists don't bother people most of the time? Hilarious.
DeleteFood terrorists???? Yet another lemming jumping on the bandwagon of all the "evil" and "hated" words that have absolutely no relevance in this topic. Instead of having a well thought out comment or argument, you just merely grafted yourself into it with no substance what-so-ever. Kinda like the little kid in the back of everyone jumping up and down trying to be seen, but they are just not big enough and all they can do is muster up a quasi "Yeah!!" every now and again. The "Yeah!!" falls on deaf ears and therefore has no meaning and no volume.
DeleteKindness is always the way to go. Let us be loving and respectful to each other. There is no need to attack someone for the way they express themselves.
DeleteIf you have a smartphone:
ReplyDeleteYou die no matter what you eat.
ReplyDeleteUh...Canada is part of America. The USA is just one part. Central and South America are part of are Canada and Mexico. Colloquial use of "America" to refer just to the USA is bad enough (arrogant usurping of the name of the entire multi-continental mass) but in formal discussion, more care must be taken.
ReplyDeleteSome of those foods ARE banned in America...just not the US OF America.
Funny that none are banned in the other Americas...Central and South.
The term 'Americans' did not come about through 'arrogant usurping'. It's just an accident of history. Britain called residents of its American colonies 'Americans'. The name stuck.
DeleteNo one is stopping Canadians and Ecuadorians from calling themselves Americans, too. Of course, the day they start doing that, we'll need some new terms to help make distinctions.
The USA gets more than enough bashing. Some of the gripes people come up with... sheesh.
Canada is part of the Americas but no Canadian ever refers to themselves as American.It would be confusing. This is a silly thing to argue in this type of thread.
DeleteI agree. What a stupid comment to bring up, I am an American living in England and I would like to say, no one refers to Ecuadorians as Americans because they're NOT, neither are Canadians. There is no part of Canada that is named America (unlike the US which has America in its name), other than the land mass tself so I think we could do without the unnecessary pedantics, thank you.
DeleteI can't tell you how many Americans believe Canada is a state of the USA.
Deletebreathing is bad for us. so as a given most of ur food is too unless u grow ur own but even then it creeps in I'm going to die so I eat what I want when I want at my age hanging on to another 5 yrs as a veg if no fum
ReplyDeletePlease use full sentences, capitals and punctuation.
DeleteI agree with anonymous, if you are going to post, please use proper English, full sentences, capitals and punctuation. It can make a difference in your meaning sometimes.
DeleteIf you're going to post, use your real name or at least an sn that you use often. It makes you appear so much more brave and willing to stand behind your words.
DeleteI think you meant "a sn".
DeleteRegrettably anonymous your grammar is incorrect. In saying the letter 's' it is said 'ess' which starts with a vowel and it therefore requires an 'n' (as does 'n)'and cannot be said 'a SN'. My sincere apologies to everyone as for purely lack of an irl and a Google Account I cannot identify myself but otherwise I would be happy to be known as Kate Savage. (English lecturer and Proof Reader).
DeleteNo, Anonymous, Anonymous isn't incorrect. "sn" is short for "screen name", which would be preceded by an "a", not an "an". The real shame was the original poster using an abbreviation in the first place, especially when correcting someone's etiquette.
Haha, I hope everyone here feels better about themselves and oh so superior. Did you guys even read the article, or do you just look at comments under random articles so you can bash others' grammar? Intelligent people don't have to prove their intelligence to others. It will naturally shine through if you show some kindness and humility and are a productive human doing what you're good at doing! If the only thing you're good at is bashing people online, then I am sad for you.
DeleteWhat amazes me, is some of this stuff is banned in China...then why do we import crap from China that is toxic????????? Not only food, but drywall for instance!!!!
ReplyDeleteI wonder what these people/companies would say if we told them that they would be required to eat what they are producing. I bet you that these people are not be eating the disgusting products which they create. It is unethical, immoral, and an utter disrespect to humanity to allow these substances which cause disease to be fed to us. It is even sadder to see that the FDA, which is part of the government that is supposed to be protecting us is an accomplice in this industry that feeds us filth so that we become ill and are forced to buy drugs which also helps us live a more degraded and painful life. All this so the greedy and powerful are allowed to act as leaches sucking all of our health and money and make a fortune in the most disgusting manipulation and disregard for human life. It is sad to see people, that simply ignore what is obvious and deny that this exits. Our society, our government, our culture is simply disgusting. And what is worst is that the one's we have put in power are not protecting us, much to the contrary, it looks as if they actually want us to suffer a slow and painful life while they profit from every angle as they continue in allegiance with the corporations which they allow to act in the most irresponsible unethical and immoral manner possible.
ReplyDeleteIt's all well and good to tell people to eat local and organic or to grow their own food - I do that myself - but many people cannot afford organic or don't have a place to grow their own food. For much of the US population it is a luxury to avoid some of these substances. It then comes down to changing the system so overrun by corporate interests... seems like a pipe dream! :(
ReplyDeleteMonty Python's inspired take:
So proud to live in Canada at the moment ...
ReplyDeleteWe're proud you live there, too.
DeleteYou lucky man... I am out of here...
DeleteThank you Ms. Streisand for sharing this important information from Dr. Mercola who has a wealth of knowledge. I think you should develop your own news agency as you usually generously share world issues with the public. I find myself drawn to your website to find out the REAL NEWS ,to know what's happening in the world today .
ReplyDeleteThanks again, Sandy Aranoff
The seventh day adventists have had incredible success getting many in their congregations to eat vegan. Go put that one in your pipe and smoke it. Those people are educated, disciplined, and most of all, realize that the healthiest way to eat is meat and dairy-free!
ReplyDeleteI have been aware of this for years. The truth is that because of the amount of food it takes to feed Americans is unbelievable. We consume so much food in one day that there is no way that they can grow or process enough food to feed the population in the USA without filling it full of chemicals to preserve it and or grow it without chemicals to speed up the growing process. In part it is because almost 75% of us are overweight from bad eating habits and eating junk foods but, putting a ban on junk foods and stopping companies from using chemicals to grow it faster and give it a longer shelf life would never fly in this country. People would never put up with that kind of government control in the first place and if we started having food shortages because we cant keep up with demand due to spoilage and the fact they can't grow the food fast enough to supply people with it there would be a worse problem. People here in America are so demanding of everything and will do nothing to conserve in anyway that we are killing ourselves with luxury. A lot of countries in the world have to ration food to feed the population and so they are used to just eating one or two small meals a day some can have three meals a day but, beef and sugary foods are rare to obtain. starchy foods and non nutritional foods are ate in small amounts to be able to stay alive. Here in America we are becoming aware of nutrition but, the average American still eats what ever they feel like eating. and no one thinks about where that food comes from or what it take to grow and process it. I read an article about a plant in Dallas that kills 100.000 cattle a day and can't even keep up with demand for beef in the Dallas-Fortworth area alone. millions of gallons of milk and billions of eggs are sold each day here in America and to keep up with demand is getting harder and harder each year. so yes, we are eating food that should be taken off the market and food that is not healthy but, Americans aren't willing to eat normal amounts of food or to eat just what we need to be healthy Just try taking away Hamburgers and hot dogs and salads and milk and eggs because they can't grow it fast enough or it won't last long enough on the shelf to sell it before it rots and see what happens. We have grown to the point of eat chemicals and unfit to eat food or go without. going without is not an option in this country.
ReplyDeleteIt is entirely possible to feed the whole population clean foods. All that needs to happen is for the empowered leaders to stop using the majority of our farmable land to grown corn for feed and ethanol, and use that land to grow vegetable products. Sure the price of corn-fed meat will skyrocket, but it's a matter of priorities. Simply put, we'd have a surplus of produce if we stopped feeding it all to livestock. It's a basic matter of energy. The amount of corn a cow needs to eat is absurd. You are right in many ways though, Americans will refuse to surrender luxuries, especially when it comes to food.
DeleteCows were never meant to eat corn, that is part of the problem.
DeleteThank you for pointing that out Tiffany. My close friends are dairy farmers and spent a year shifting to only grass fed system. They said it's inordinantly easier and now they can work toward receiving organic certification. The only reason cows are corn fed is to house them in cramped, confined conditions instead of allowing them to range free and graze.-
DeleteI read through a number of comments - here's my take on the whole thing - I grow a garden and have cut down my consumption of meats that are commercially processed -
DeleteThere is also plenty of companies that you can purchase true organic foods through at the same price as the commercial non-organic grown veggies - I have grown commercial varieties of carrots (gmo brands) next to non-gmo brand and found that the yields are actually much higher - maybe not as uniformly even but definitely better tasting - it is something to think about - whenever you have a choice of organic vs non- and the price is within pennies per serving - go for the organic - and definitely shop in more than one place - visit your farmers market - the fruits and veggies in the market for the most part are going to be much fresher and more likely to be organic
People need to know that corporations do not care about you. Profit is their God. And that includes some organic food companies. The only way you will ever be 100% safe is to grow or raise it yourself.
ReplyDeleteYou guys do realise that bromide and bromate are not the same thing, right? You lost credibility with me when you used them interchangeably.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU, Sabrina for being one of the few people to actually realize half the chemicals are over-exaggerated and in some cases completely mixed up (bromide and bromate). Not saying some chemicals aren't bad for you, but WATER can be bad if consumed too much. Broccoli and lettuce and fruits and vegetables, all safe, natural and organic- it doesn't matter. When anything (besides vitamin A) is consumed in high levels they reach toxicity levels and symptoms that impose illness on one's body.
DeleteVirtually the very (all safe, all that) product you are buying is no more safe than a can of soda. Too much filtered clean water in your system is TOXIC. People obsess and eat foie gras, but they nit pick over soda and chips? Well it isn't unhealthy when consumed let's say once every 6 months-basically once in a long while.
Sensibility is neither in this article or in most commenters.
Everything on the planet is a chemical there is only one periodic table.
ReplyDeleteThe periodic table lists ELEMENTS, which are ATOMS, not chemicals. Wow, people need to stop reproducing.
DeleteYes, and all chemicals are combinations of those elements, which was the poster's point -- calling something a "chemical" has no value except as an emotional argument to people to whom "chemical" means the same thing as "bad". Water is a chemical, for instance, and a dangerous one at that in the wrong place or in the wrong quantity.
DeleteI do, however, agree that people need to stop reproducing.
There IS a difference, big difference, between synthetic 'chemical' or toxic chemical, & chemical constituent (natural, non-toxic form). One the body rejects it due to the harmful nature on the cells, & the later the body likes & 'embraces' it. The polarity is different from natural to synthetic ("polar-opposite"). All it takes is a few molecules within the chemical make-up to turn the substance toxic, thus harmful to the body. But then, I am sure you knew all this.
DeleteDr. SHC, you might want to redefine what the word toxic means to you, because water (super filtered, I'm so bloody healthy kind) is considered toxic when taken in high quantities. Basically you can die within a few hours if you drink more than your body can handle. You eat too much all natural, super healthy, fresh out of the farm, no smarmy marmy added shit Broccoli and you can die because it has reached toxic levels. All vitamins and minerals (with the exception of Vitamin A) have TOXIC levels. You eat too much vitamin B? Sickness. Too much magnesium? Sickness. Too much Vitamin D? Sickness.
DeleteYou should have known that. A few can of sodas consumed in one year? Not going to kill you and certainly no more dangerous than eating a grape. A can of soda every day? Why yes of course just like a pound of fresh meat every day and a pound of carrots everyday can kill you.
People need to stop breeding & take care of the children we/they already have. The States are too busy growing sod for green lawns & corn for cows & pigs , when they were never meant to eat that in the first place. Let these fat lazy people die, if it's important to you , like it is to me, learn labels !!!!!!!!!!! Eat LESS !!!!!!!!!! Waste less !!!!!!!!!! Quality NOT quantity !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteF--- you tiffany. You must be upper class and do not realize that MILLIONS of people cannot afford to eat well. The vegetables, meat, fruits and dairy are all being poisoned. Processed foods are loaded with these chemicals and other ingredients that make you feel addicted to them. They are made cheap for a reason. I also am unaware if you know anything about Eugenics. Hitler's style. Now it is being adopted in USA. Just ask Al Gore.
DeleteTiffany, since you feel so strongly about population control why don't you volunteer to go first!!
ReplyDeleteEntering a grocery store really does feel like stepping into a minefield these days! Thankfully, there is a company that produces delicious food that has no GMO's, no soy, 100% natural ingredients. I have been using this nutritional program for 1 1/2 years. I have drastically reduced the amount that I spend in grocery stores. More importantly, I feel AWESOME!!! My energy level is WAY UP! And I lost 93 pounds in the first year and have maintained it. Check out
ReplyDeleteCorporations are out to make a profit. Bottom line. The U.S. Federal Government is not incenting companies and farmers to do the right thing. They are incentivized to make money. We are self-destructing. There is so much crap in the food that most of us put in our body everyday; even if we are trying to make smart decisions and be healthy. The topic is depressing but one that will unfortunately be present as long as any of us are walking the earth.
ReplyDelete"Mounting evidence" -- these are just code words for "I heard it somewhere on the Internet". Citations, please. There has never been a study which survived peer review that shows a causal link between GM food and any human illnesses. NEVER. The scare tactics used against GM foods has to stop. Parts of the world don't have the luxury of spending three times as much to get "organic" food, and GM foods have enabled them to feed their populations.
ReplyDeleteBeing against GM food is being for famine and mass starvation.
Are you sure???? Where are your citations? What about girls as young as 10 having fully developed breasts? What about those same 10 y.o. have fully developed reproductive organs? What about all the boys at 15/16 whom are 6+ feet tall? And these same boys wearing a size 14/15+ shoe? How about all of the antibiotic resistant strains of illness we are now seeing?
Delete"Being against GM is being for famine and mass starvation." Where are you citing this from? Where is your peer review?? You need to answer that ringing's the pot calling.
My sister had fully developed breasts by the third grade. I had them by the sixth. It had nothing to do with genetically modified food. It's called genetics in the family. Big boobs early on run in my mother's family in panama where basically all my relatives lived off home cooked food and their farms in their backyards and my grandmother's chicken and chewing on sugar cane sticks. That as natural as all get out, but we get boobs even sooner than your processed fed, gm brat. Genetics you moron. Genetics.
DeleteThe average height in South Korea for men is about 6 feet. (not north korea). Average height in Japan is about the same as here despite all the incorrect stereotypes of all asians being short. Genetics. We are people. We are different. You have to be stupid to use height as a comparison shot to 'gm being bad'.
What the hell does she need a citation for when the article hasn't done so themselves? It's basically a statement saying that since the article is inclined to exaggerate and base their facts on their superiority, smugness, and the air they breathe then she can counter with nothing more than the same form of research and no citation. You don't need citation? Well I don't need it either then.
You're so high on yourself and this 'all healthy' bandwagon that you don't know that those same people exaggerate MANY of their claims just like people think asians are short. Go to South Korea and be outshone by the average. You will see short ones, and ones your height and then you will see the average giants. Go ahead. (also North Korea is not the same as South Korea-please don't dredge up stupid pictures of North Koreans who are severely malnourished and starving to death, thanks).
In America I see the crazy health nutjobs, the crazy fat nutjobs, and the people who don't give a damn what you think and manage to be healthy all the same without complications.
If you don't believe GMOs are a health and environmental threat, visit "Being against GM food is being for famine and mass starvation," my foot. That editorializing is as bad as your critique of the "mounting evidence" comment. Check the research.
ReplyDeleteIn some countries, some foreign foods are banned because they contain substances that are not good for human consumption. In the US, some foreign foods are banned because people in expensive clothes wrote laws saying so.
ReplyDeletehas ANYONE got the link to the mysterious MSN article i can't seem to find anywhere? their link does NOT take you to it, it takes you to another page with this exact same article word for word and references that do NOT lead to MSN either. i searched the MSN site for the article they reference, and could not find one......
ReplyDeleteI agree. this is a body that ages. I think eating less processed foods can make you feel a little better. But death is not horrible, it is part of life. Fear can cause cancer . My sister has eaten organic food from health store, taken all the right supplements, wears only organic cotton, ect, ect. She has cancer! then she went the alternative treatment route cause chemo is so dangerous and now she has metastatic disease. She is finally doing chemo ,but probably too late. Eat ,drink ,love, trust that whatever brought you here will take care of you.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about your sister will be praying for her
ReplyDeleteNice article!
ReplyDeleteIf it has more than 5 ingredients, or your great grandmother would have never heard of it... then you probably don't want to eat it.
The use of synthetic astaxanthin for pigmentation in salmon and eggs is forbidden in some EU countries. Not all fish farms have to or use antibiotics. I personally do not buy farmed fish for it does not taste as good as fresh fish from the Atlantic. But a great deal of farmed fish is safe, being farmed by the sea, using fresh water from the Atlantic. Genetically engineered grains, as most GMO products, are not allowed in the EU... yet, even for feeding livestock or fish.
ReplyDeleteI only donate organic goods to the starving children in Africa, don't want them dying from cancer!
ReplyDeleteGMO Papaya causes sterility because... why? Please, some science here, not hype. GM means a LOT of things, you can't lump them all together. You can't hate the corporations - don't hate the science. Luddites...
ReplyDeleteOops - meant to read, you CAN hate the corporations, don't have the science.
DeleteI am on a tiny fixed income and genuinely can't buy organic food. But I can still garden, in a raised bed I rent for $10 a year in a community garden, water and tools included. And for that, and some cheap seeds from the dollar store, and some work putting up bean trellises made from someone's discarded fencing, I can pretty much feed myself in warm weather. We make our own compost, so I garden 100% organic, and I don't eat meat or poultry. Fish, yes, but if I haven't caught enough of my own, I look for stuff that's wild-caught and not overfished, mainly mackerel. I garden and fish from a wheelchair, as I'm seriously ill; but if you plant correctly, there's very little upkeep on raised beds 'cause the crops shade out the weeds and hold in the moisture, and fishing is something you can do sitting down. And it all gets you outdoors and in touch with Mom Nature.
ReplyDeleteHow do you suppose to avoid this when your on a fixed income and he good foods cost more that you can afford?
ReplyDeleteIt cost less to produce some of this good stuff but yet they put the price above what the other cost... GREAD!
I'm glad to know of any foods I should be avoiding in order to be healthy, but if you're going to tell people things like "OMG your food is gonna kill you and give your babies cancer!!1!&*$," do some research and cite some real sources, please. ("" at the bottom only 1/18th counts. All your info from one source? And a source that only cites himself, no less? Sketchy.)
ReplyDeleteWho..... cares?
ReplyDeleteI love how everyone is saying organic and local. Organic and Local is a LOT more expensive and unless you are upper middle class not affordable, nor can you see if they aren't laced with the additives. Plus the natural food people like to use stuff like this as scare tactics.
ReplyDeleteGuess what, we take more time testing our FDA approved drugs then the EU. We don't allow people who have been in Europe over 6 months to donate blood but the EU does, due to mad cow disease. DIfferent countries have different requirements. And EU food is more expensive.
Japan has a lot of tiny little asians as skinny as a toothpick about our height and they eat...oh no McDonalds. Yup. Yes. and Hahaha. Genetics my friend are a very tricky fiend. However, they are generally healthier despite that they eat twice as much as we do. The difference is the way they eat. Convenience market food is all the rage there. McDonalds is a once in a while thing as opposed to nearly every damn day in the US of A.
ReplyDeleteFrench food is higher in fat content, yet...they are living, breathing, healthy humans who eat corn stuffed goose/duck liver (known as foie gras). This same liver which is banned in California (which I approve of in general. There are only two foie gras I trust and that is Eduardo Sousa and the AMERICAN man he taught-no french brand for me).
Organic strawberries---grown at your local farm. I've never seen true strawberries so shiny. Almost all strawberries claiming such a thing are often coated with a CHEMICAL on the skin to make them look shiny whether the chemical is organic or not, it is still a chemical for shininess and no nutrient value. I lived on a berry farm. Strawberries don't look like that, naturally, EVER. And yes despite the coating they can call their strawberries ogranic. Also there are plenty of labels and brands that do not proclaim organic because they themselves can not afford it unless they shoot up in price which makes them no different than the other organic product. How about you all read the damn ingredients, take out your phone with internet, and research every darn chemical on that list. You'll be suprised to learned that some of it is just a fancy word for sand. Check the back of the all natural skippy peanut butter or jif's all natural of which neither claim are organic. three ingredients. Peanut, a type of oil, and salt. Check the back of the organic peanut butter, more than three, one of them a name you no doubt trust and haven't bothered to take out your handy electronic for and research the damn word.
Also if the product contains less the .5 mg of fat or some other nutrients/ingredients, they are allowed to say it has 0% of it. You are all a bunch of morons. This article is a joke and propaganda material as much as the next lot.
Besides the definition of genetic modification is too biased. Once upon a time there was only type of apple. One type of human. Now there are an abundance of natural apples which are not considered genetically modified. Two species were purposely crossed to create a modified gene. genetic modification. But natural. Asian have up to 3% of NON-homo sapien DNA, Euopeans have up to 1-2% of non-homo sapien DNA. Guess what it's neanderthal DNA they have intermixed with their own. Those with completely African ancestry with no other mixes from any sort of race is 100% Homo Sapien (this information can be found in genewatch magazine-the only magazine of its kind produced by the council of responsible genetics which includes a DNA Map of the neanderthal- I don't remember which volume or issue but they have a summarized article of it if you look for it). Natural selection, evolution, and by golly gee natural genetic modification. We did it on our own.
Let's apply that to food now shall we? Let's mix that fruit with this fruit. Oh hell yeah! Tasty, yummy, and more various. This mix is more durable. Genetic modification.
Also I highly suggest volume 23 no 4. of Genewatch if you want to understand that those vitamin pills aren't exactly the best.
"; indeed, some of the most dedicated opponents of GM crops can be heard making dire predictions which seem to be based less on science than on paranoia." (editorial in GeneWatch magazine Vol. 22. No. 1)
ReplyDeleteThroughout the article compromise is spoken of and also though not in support in GM products as a whole or longterm there is certainly no need for this bashing and paranoia behavior of it. What we need to do is to treat it differently. It should not be the main source for anything. It isn't bad as a whole because unfortunately the risks are unpredictable, but the main problem is who benefits from them. These very same people who market their GM and sell it by the millions are thinking only about the money and pushing and shoveling it in large quantities.
Personally I think GM food should be this expensive luxury item that is eaten once in a while, not like every minute as the typical american does.
Vol 23. No. 3 has the main article for the neanderthal comment I spoke of before inside the magazine (you have to click on see full issue if you want to see the whole thing and not just the summarized portion).
What the hell did someone actually delete the neanderthal comment I had before? Wow, are you people so afraid of knowledge and facts spreading that you can't have someone telling you to to the contrary.
DeleteOkay, fine, so I am going to DIE!!!!! Are we surprised that that is the inevitable??? Organic, non-organic whatever...there have been studies in the 1970's that claimed the egg was the WORST food ever! Now they are good for you... plus, No mention that you can also contract cancer regardless because of the water used, the soil..(yes, even for organic food, are they using triple distilled water to grow "organic" food?) We have only 2/3 of everyday to live (not sleeping), waiting in lines, traffic, and on and on and much time are you willing to waste reading labels and comparing...I guarantee you the health benefits of taking the time to pick the right food takes away from the oh so valuable time you have to LIVE! Just eat responsibly, go to a butcher for your meats, and go about your life...who knows, you may die driving to the "organic" farm in a car accident...people need to realize that death is a natural process of life and if you are spiritual, religious, then what awaits us after death is a hell of a lot better than living while worrying about dying......Now where is that meatloaf I'm waiting on from cows filled with anti-biotics!
ReplyDeleteGet busy living or get busy dying..... (winky, wink)
DeleteMany South and Central American countries already do ban GMOs.
ReplyDeleteYour article is very interesting
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! The information you provide is quiet helpful. We import the finest gourmet specialty foods from specialty food stores around the world, primarily the Middle East, Mediterranean region and Europe.
ReplyDeleteOrganic is NOT necessarily better. A lot of times it is grown right next to the fertilized crops. And it gets manure from cows and chickens fed with hormones. The water often comes from a river or creek that is downstream from toxic crops. If everybody would just grow a garden, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
ReplyDeleteEat Tomatoes because Tomatoes has a high anti-oxcidant and Mangosteen is Cure for Cancer .
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