Reuters, authorities in Sydney, Australia, discovered 400 kilograms of methamphetamine – also known as meth, crystal meth or ice – hidden in hot sauce bottles at a freight depot Oct. 15, New South Wales police said Thursday. The drugs, which were shipped from the United States, were worth about $210 million U.S., the news service reported.
Reuters, authorities in Sydney, Australia, discovered 400 kilograms of methamphetamine – also known as meth, crystal meth or ice – hidden in hot sauce bottles at a freight depot Oct. 15, New South Wales police said Thursday. The drugs, which were shipped from the United States, were worth about $210 million U.S., the news service reported.
Islam is at it again the so called religion of peace, this time with the burning alive of over 50 Christians. Christianity has always been a persecuted religion, it started with Nero, and continues all the way up to present day Islam. However, why is it that the main stream media is not covering these kind of disasters, but every day they are talking about Obama Care. To make matters worse the churches are silent, they are not taking up offerings to send to our persecuted brothers, and sisters. In stead they are building bigger buildings, worth millions.I have watched as our politicians have labeled Islam, a religion of peace, and every time I began to think how stupid our these politicians. Islam is the worst threat that the world has ever seen, over Islams centuries of founding they have killed millions in the name of Allah. This heartless religion, that kills both women and children, we are collecting donations if you want to support our outreach to this cause. We are also starting a petition to raise awareness, to try to help our brothers, and sisters as much as possible. The bible predicts that in the End Time, persecution would increase, because Satan knows that he has a short time left.
7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
Revelation 12:10-12
10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
“Now have come the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
who accuses them before our God day and night,
has been hurled down.
11 They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
as to shrink from death.
12 Therefore rejoice, you heavens
and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea,
because the devil has gone down to you!
He is filled with fury,
because he knows that his time is short.”
A persecution is coming that will be so bad that the bible says, that if Jesus did not shorten the time no flesh would be saved. During the tribulation we see the earth in pain, and judgment. Satan is increasing his attack on Gods church because he knows the time is near, we as believers have to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters daily, and help them finacially. Fifty members of a northern Nigerian church were burned to death in their pastor’s house. The attack by armed gunmen was only the first in a 12-village spree of violence that left over 100 dead in northern Nigeria’s Plateau State, a region that had previously been outside Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram’s operational area and is the largely Muslim Fulani tribesmen’s homeland. The Boko Haram has claimed responsibility for the attacks and threatened even more violence. Nigeria is become the new death zone for Christianity, this Satanic group is determined to covert or die, which is not new for Islam this is how Islam spread threw the middle east. Islam has never been a religion that gives people, the right to choice, its a religion of death a violence. The Boko Haram is a fanatic Islamic group lead by Satan, trying to exterminate God’s people. America is also seeing a rise of the presence of Islam which is not a good thing, Islams End Time goal is to conquer the world for Allah, and this they believe can not be done without America. Our goal is to raise awareness in America of this great threat. Below you are going to see a petition, and also our radio show that I would like you to listen to please repost on social media, to spread this message God Bless
Fifty members of a northern Nigerian church were burned to death in their pastor’s house.
The attack by armed gunmen was only the first in a 12-village spree of violence that left over 100 dead in northern Nigeria’s Plateau State, a region that had previously been outside Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram’s operational area and is the largely Muslim Fulani tribesmen’s homeland.
Yet Boko Haram claimed responsibility for the attacks and threatened even more violence.
Open Doors, USA spokesman Jerry Dykstra says the recent wave of attacks is rapidly turning Nigeria into a deadly religious battlefield, where Boko Haram is declaring Christians must convert … or die.
“Nigeria is truly becoming the new killing field for Christians. Hundreds of Christians have already been brutally murdered – including women and children – by the Boko Haram,” Dykstra said. “The Boko Haram earlier this week said that all Christians need to turn to Islam or ‘they would never know peace again.’ Their goal is make all of Nigeria a country run and dominated by Shariah law.”
Church of Christ of Nigeria officials report that all of their denomination’s church buildings were burned to the ground in the 12-town rampage.
Plateau State is home to the nomadic and largely Muslim Fulani tribesmen, the group that some Nigerian security officials say was originally blamed for the attack.
Nigerian criminal justice consultant Innocent Chukwuma is reported as saying the logistics suggest that Boko Haram could not have acted alone.
“I don’t think that Boko Haram could, out of nowhere, have raided these villages. They couldn’t do that without local support and collaboration,” Chukwoma said according to the report.
Fulani spokesmen denied responsibility and had no response to a potential alliance with Boko Haram.
Heritage Foundation Africa analyst Morgan Roach leans against Boko Haram’s involvement because of the Fulani tribe’s violent track record.
“Attacks on Christian villages are not new in Plateau State, as Fulani tribesmen are known to have raided Christian communities in the past,” Roach said.
Roach says because Plateau State is out of Boko Haram’s normal territory, she tends to agree with Nigeria’s security officials. She also says these church burnings are a deviation from the terrorist group’s typically advanced methods.
“Should Boko Haram be responsible, this would deviate from its past tactics, which have tended to be more sophisticated,” Roach said.
“Two questions I think would be fair to ask: Is Boko Haram trying to capitalize on the instability in plateau and partner with Fulani tribesmen? Maybe, but I need more evidence,” Roach said. “If this incident is confirmed to be Boko Haram-related, it would be a worrying development for the country’s security.”
American Enterprise Institute Middle East and Terrorism analyst Michael Rubin, however, says he believes Boko Haram is responsible.
“No one should be surprised that Boko Haram’s range of actions is growing broader. Jihadists cannot be appeased; they are expansionists,” Rubin said.
Roach worries about the consequences if Boko Haram really is moving into the Plateau State and Fulani territory.
“Is Boko Haram looking to expand its influence throughout other parts of the country? It’s likely,” Roach said. “It would certainly jive with its ultimate objective to create an Islamic state.”
Dykstra believes Nigeria’s biggest need is to protect its Christian citizens and work on increased national security.
“The Nigerian government needs to step up and protect Christian worshippers,” Dykstra said. “Our State Department needs to recognize what is happening in Nigeria is not just from poverty and injustice.”
Dykstra was referring to a July 11 Reuters story on a World Council of Churches’ report on Nigeria.
“Poverty, inequality and injustice are threatening to trigger a broad sectarian conflict in Nigeria, an international Christian-Muslim task force said on Wednesday,” Reuters said, quoting from the report. “The report identified dozens of separate problems whose resolution could contribute to overall peace.”
Citing the WCC report, the Reuters story continued: “The wealth gap between the oil-producing states in the south and the resource-poor north was a leading factor in regional tensions, as were land disputes such as the lack of recognized grazing land for nomadic Fulani cattle herders.”
The report also quotes former Nigerian Justice Minister Prince Bola Ajibola saying, “In Nigeria, three things are intertwined – religion, politics and ethnicity – and the three are beclouded with corruption, poverty and insecurity.”
Dykstra disputes the report’s conclusions, including the statement blaming, “well-funded missionaries from both Islam and Christianity” for increasing tensions.
“How ridiculous,” Dykstra said.
Dykstra also says that Christians need to pray for their persecuted brothers and sisters.
Rubin warns that dire consequences will result if Nigeria’s government doesn’t put an end to Boko Haram’s self-announced civil war.
“If Boko Haram isn’t countered and defeated, they could transform Nigeria into the world’s largest failed state,” Rubin said.
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1) Alexamenos graffito – 1st to 3rd century
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revealed Christian Aid Mission. “When the team leader refused, relatives said, the ISIS militants also tortured and beat him and the two other ministry workers. The three men and the boy then met their deaths in crucifixion.”
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Fear No Man. Take All That You Have And Buy Swords. Sound Familiar?...... The Angel Said With Violence Shall The City Of Babylon Fall. As Christians Knowing That There Is A Time For War And A Time For Peace, It Is Indeed Time To Arm Yourselves.
What Obama has to do with this is, he is aiding Islam. He is betraying our alliance with Israel.
Why are we sending millions upon millions of tax dollars to rebuild mosques? Yet they couldn't Increase security at the Benghazi Embassy when they knew the attack was being planned - and not even afterward when our citizens called for help.
Obama ignored them and let them die. And he is aiding those who do things like this.
That's what Obama has to do with this story. He knows and doesn't care. He is appointing islamics to government positions.
@Ginger: You need to open your eyes and eyes to what is happening around you, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are not the only news sources around.
Seems you are not aware that since his first term, Obama and his administration has requested additional funding for security for our embassies, and every year not only did the GOP not ok the additional funding, they cut it, hell if you were listening to another news source just recently your GOP did it again.
As far as Israel, if you knew anything about there history towards the hand that has feed them since 1948, Besides Russia and China, Israel is up there with them when it comes to espionage against the US.
Plan And simple you are wrong , spoken like a true lefty , and its called THE FOX POLICE there not going to let you all get away with crap ... Hay for fox new and other fair and bal. news NOT MSNBC there nothing
Everything that happens in this world is not the fault of Obama. If you ever followed facts instead of propaganda you would stop spewing rhetoric and do what we are called to do. The gates of hell shal not prevail against Gods true body of believers who walk in love and power. The government of America is not the kingdom of God. With that said, why dont the gun dealing republican christians get their security ops companies that go into other Muslim countries for profit! To go protect "their" Christian brothers out of duty and love?? They have the money and the means? But instead they feed people the story that Obama is anti Christian because he has to work diplomatic solutions to keep this country (which is not a Christian country just most of its citizens are, as this country can not claim a religion) from war. The solution lies with the professed Christians who actually can walk the talk and not jusy incite the ignorant masses to hate Obama.Those without the access to contract soldiers need to pray and continue to seek the lost and obey the commision of God. Stop being distracted by rhetoric.
I am afraid that the fulfillment of the prophetic words of John regarding the anti-Christ will come from America, where most of the gospel missionaries came. Well, any state leader can be a potential agent of Satan to accomplish his plan against God and His people.
I agree with you Mr. Anonymous to pray for the living and not for the dead.
According to the Holy Bible in Proverbs 9:5-6: For the living know that they shall dies: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward: for the memory of them is forgotten.Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion forever in anything that is done under the sun.
It isn't Peace if it is causing the Death of innocents. Even the Apostle Paul was guilty of this believing he was working for God as Saul, God called him and he answered. It is painful to watch as Islam is being promoted and death of saints is made a show of in the name of a God who professes peace, yet at their very hands is responsible for the death of the truly Righteous, the Scales of Justice is actually against them, and they still don't think they are wrong.
leave them and their religion alone and they will leave you alone, its as simple as that. let them follow their faith and you can follow yours. no wars, no bullshit just 2 groups of people with 2 different opinions, i hate eating fish, my brothers loves it, we don't burn people or try establish our self's in the others country.
I'm sorry, but that's not true at all. Just listen to what they say about Israel. They won't be happy until Israel is wiped out. Islam is not a religion that is content to be left alone. Its goal is to convert all by whatever means necessary. They will not leave anyone alone. That has been made clear throughout history.
Believe that Jesus Christ is your savior for all your sins. If you truly believe on Jesus Christ to be your savior for all your sins then you are saved and you will go to Heaven. Jesus Christ died for all your sins on the cross, he was buried and he rose again three days later. It matters not how much you have sinned in the past, in the present and especially in the future. Believe that Jesus Christ is your savior and you will go to Heaven forever and that is the whole truth. Spread the truth.
Woooooooooooow, I'm at a loss for words rite now. Knew this day would come. Was asked 20 years ago Wat I would do in that situation,I remember being angry that somebody would even ask me that. the question was posed if you had to denounce religious or watching children be torture what would your response be. I was livid. but apparently the day has come for those things to have taken place or we wouldn't be having these conversations I'm a firm believer in that Jesus died and rose for all if us, muslims included, and that we should aknowledge him in everything that we do. he would then in turn for our loyalty to him acknowledge us before his father when we go home. have your way Lord
why blamed Obama,He has nothing to do with that evil deeds,look deeper about ISLAM.don't judge Islam in a way human beings do.Please read the Quran to evade misconception.what happened is a Political will. ISLAM is not just a religion it is a complete way of will not be save by your religion but you will be save by your deeds."The Law of Karma. YOU will be rewarded according to what you did."may Peace & guidance of the Lord be with you all. so be it.
Nothing you DO will get you into heaven. Confessing Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior is the only thing that will accomplish t hat. What you DO, will determine your place in heaven
amen Anonymous...just read a devotional the other day saying no amount of good deeds will get you into heaven. Only believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God will do that.
I know Christians are persecuted and I'm not arguing that..but what's sad its you can't trust anything cant just donate or give money online as there are so many scams and lies, that even if someone wanted to give they couldn't or wouldn't. The world is in a sad state and whats happening is atrocious evetywhere..but can we honestly only blame a certain religion as their are christians out there doing just as dirty works. Nothing is going to change till God comes back. Praise be the day!!
this has nothing to do with skin color, and everything to do with evil vs good.. anyone that knows anything about the bible can point out the fact that we are at the end of this worldwide society as we know it, the bible calls it the end of the days of the nations. Do NOT BE DECEIVED.. This will go from Bad to worse.
I am a christians...I love jesus saved...and all I can say...I've not lived for him like I should have...maybe when the time comes, I can die for him defending his name...I love my Lord and savoir.
This is what the Bible says is going to happen the closer we come to the second coming of Jesus. Islam is the most evil threat to the world. They slaughter with no regard for life all in the name of the false god allah. This is the tool God will allow to bring His judgement to the world. There will be know peace until Jesus returns. Like He said they hated me and they will hate you. Are you ready to stand for Jesus even unto death? Will we denigh Jesus if the only option is to be killed? These martyrs stood for Jesus and paid the price, but now stand in Heaven with Jesus singing His praises. I pray Jesus gives me the strength to not denigh him if I am confronted with this situation.
I know that most of the baptist churches are sending help their way and for other disasters relating to Christian persecution, and natural disasters to keep the gospel spreading. We will have casualties, no doubt. If I am persecuted in the name of Jesus Christ then so be it. Keep the Faith.
shocking news, may god burn who ever was responsible of this! the article was disgusting! boko haram are just as same as Al Qaidah, who used violence to achieve their views ! Dealing with this action in this statement " Islam is at it again " ( the writer said in the beginning ) is kinda ridiculous, this action is one of many happening there between the two groups in Nigeria. there are also many muslims burned as well before this Happened " my Christian Nigerian said " and houses destroyed. but the article mentioned only one party. " terrorism know No religion my friend. we need to mention the whole truth , articles like these just help to increase hate and war, the world need peace. Leave the religions alone. deal with actions as it is. coz people can easily misused any context or create their own views and claim as it is god's commands.
"whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely" Quran 5:32
We must get things right.This group responsible for all these acts are not real Muslim groups,they are fanatics who do not even know what their master thought them, nor how to go about practising it.They are after their own interest and politically inclined. I am not a muslim, but from what i understood,these people are even killing their own brothers and sisters,is this not crazy? They are against education but the weapons they are using and the Autos they drive to different sites to carry out their evil acts were invented from education,why can't they just be using spares and arrows to fight.They have not gotten their piriorities right and i think they are just there to distabilize the nation. If there is anything disturbing them or any authority that have offended them in any way eg POLICE FORCE,they should come out and discuss with the proper people and stop killing innocent citizens. DR. A.A ADEFIRANYE.
They always say Muslim Muslim but they don't know exactly who really do it......just think of it people loves money....and always is the root of evil.....even if u don't want to be bankcrupt u even do things to destroy your business rival....just bec. you want to take there even send spy to know there you know how to bring them down.......
being concern to this: all of us people seek each other with hate or jealousy, did god said all religion must take a war to other religion?? well we people just do it not God's command
the deaths of these people been made by evils...please stop all the killings because God want us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER as brothers and sisters..let's all pray one another for peace and love for the whole world...
I am a Christian and I can entirely see where you're coming from. And I believe that not all Muslims should be held accountable for this.
For my fellow Christians...We are all, whether Christians or Muslim, have all the same God. And we all know what is right and wrong. Don't say you're a Christian if you don't act like one. It is wrong to judge because only God can do that.
The world is in an evil state. There is evil in all religions. The immigrants that came to America from Europe years ago took the land by force from the people that were already hear ( Native Americans ). It was all done in the name of God. They then took another people from there land, (the Africans) to come to America and work and build up the land. They enslaved them. They treated them as property and animals, all in the name of God. How quickly people forget the past. My name is Mike Worthy, and I am a confessed Christian. I love all the people of the world, not THE world. I pray for peace believing that we are living in the "end times". I believe that ALL should confess their love and belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, love their fellow man, and wait on Jesus' s return. Now, show someone love today, and not just someone that you already know. May the Peace of God be unto you all
No we dont have the same God. The only way to God is thru his son Jesus Christ. Islam and Christianity are 2 different religions therefore we dont have the same God. If we did there would be no war. Duuhhhh! Religion and politics destroy the world and its people. Its hopeless because everyone wants to be right about whom one should serve. Thete is power in praise and worship and because of that people feel the need to want to control that power. (Clears throat) ahemm.. what Im trying to say us who I serve will not guarantee anyone else a v.i.p. seat in their afterlife do why care who I serve? Do you. Let me serve whomever and vice versa. Peace be with you all:)
There was a time when Muslim and Christian walk the same path, fight hand in hand for the same cause. It’s a pity that one party turn to violence and evil.
No we dont have the same God. The only way to God is thru his son Jesus Christ. Islam and Christianity are 2 different religions therefore we dont have the same God. If we did there would be no war. Duuhhhh!Religion and politics destroy the world and its people. Its hopeless because everyone wants to be right about whom one should serve. There is power in praise and worship and because of that people feel the need to want to control that power. (Clears throat) ahemm.. what Im trying to say is who I serve will not guarantee anyone else a v.i.p. seat in their afterlife so why care who I serve? Do you. Let me serve whomever and vice versa. Peace be with you all:)
Wow...sure will be nice when you people finally figure out you are reading from a BOOK WRITTEN BY MAN! The religions are all the same in that they follow a doctrine WRITTEN BY who is ultimately and totally connected with one another. This is like your right hand fighting with your left hand. Sorry, there is no life after death until your energy collects itself to emerge again as life.
It boggles my mind that people actually still think like this; it's like looking into back into the dark ages reading what you wrote...
Your sounding real ignorant right now. You know nothing about religon.If athesim is so true. Why do you guys only makes up 2 to 3% of the world population. Atheism is just retarded. How do you get something from nothing, when you get nothing from nothing. If you say there is not God, then your saying there is no such thing as good or evil. Because when you say there a such a thing as good and evil then your saying there a such a thing as a moral law to defreshiate between good and evil. So if there a such a thing as a moral law then there a such a thing as a moral law giver. If there no moral law giver then there no moral law. If there no moral law, then there no such thing as good and evil. Without a god, then there is no purpose, no justice, no meaning, no hope. That means like jeffrey dahmer that brutally killed 17 boys and men. Then commited sucide gets away with what he did. That means people like adolf hiltler that killed thousands of jews. And commited sucide gets away with all he done. To say there is no god, cant be logically stated. I rather believe that there is a enternal being that has no beginning nor has no end. Then to believe that nothing turn itself into anything. God bring purpose, hope and meaning. If the universe already existed why hasnt it run out of useable energy as the 2nd law of thermodynamics would state?? How did we come up with over 7,000 different languages?? Its just doesnt make sense. There to many unanswered questions in athesim. Human beings need hope, meaning and purpose. Just a tip before you start talking about religons that say there is a god. Make sure you really know what your talking about. Because anybody that have any sense. Knows that say there is no god. Can not logically be stated. If that the case atheist would had been use it.
The Bible says that God is love (1 John 4:16) and that He loves all people (Matt. 5:43-48; John 3:16). The Qur'an never says that "God is love." In fact, the Qur'an says that Allah does not love unbelievers (2:98; 3:32). If Allah does not love unbelievers, can you say that Allah is love, especially if the Qur'an does not say it? If you say yes, that Allah is love, then why does he only love the Muslims and not all people? Was Muhammad wrong for advocating lying? Is Lying okay? "Muhammad bin Maslama got up saying, "O Allah's Apostle! Would you like that I kill him [Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf]?" The Prophet said, "Yes," Muhammad bin Maslama said, "Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Kab). "The Prophet said, "You may say it," (Hadith Vol. 5, Book 59, #369). Who is more holy, Allah or Yahweh? In the above quote from the hadith, Muhammad advocated lying. The Christian God would never approve of lying. Does the god of Islam approve of lying? If not, then wasn't Muhammad wrong? If he was not wrong, then Allah approves of lying. Which God is more holy? The God of Christianity is far more holy.The Qur'an says "To those who believe and do deeds of righteousness hath Allah promised forgiveness and a great reward" (Surah 5:9).Are you doing enough good deeds to receive salvation on the Day of Judgment? Are you doing all you can or are you relaxing in your dedication to Allah? The Qur'an says, "O ye who believe! Turn unto Allah in sincere repentance! It may be that your Lord will remit from you your evil deeds and bring you into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, on the day when Allah will not abase the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their light will run before them and on their right hands; they will say: Our Lord! Perfect our light for us, and forgive us! Lo! Thou art Able to do all things," (66:8-9). Notice how it says if you are sincere you may receive forgiveness. How do you know you are sincere enough to be forgiven of Allah? Does it give you peace to know that even if you are very sincere then, at best, you may receive forgiveness? If you say that you know you are sincere enough in your repentance before Allah, how do you know you are not deceiving yourself? Is your heart really good enough to muster enough sincerity before a Holy and Righteous God?If you say yes, I honestly and humbly ask you, "Are you being prideful?"
The real tragedy is the person who wrote this article and most of the people commenting don't have a clue what Islam teaches and have probably never even met a Muslim. ..they just go by what they hear
"Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And God hears and knows all things.” (Quran 2:256)
The devil operates thru anybody he chooses. He uses those who aren't Christains and those who hate Christians. It's not written anywhere that the devil WON'T use Obama-of course he would. And keep your eyes and ears open and focused because Christians in this country are already being killed by Muslims for refusing to convert! I've read reports out of New Jersey in the last few months of Christians being beheaded. No mainstream media will touch it as they are all pro-Obama.
The Bible says that God is love (1 John 4:16) and that He loves all people (Matt. 5:43-48; John 3:16). The Qur'an never says that "God is love." In fact, the Qur'an says that Allah does not love unbelievers (2:98; 3:32). If Allah does not love unbelievers, can you say that Allah is love, especially if the Qur'an does not say it? If you say yes, that Allah is love, then why does he only love the Muslims and not all people? Was Muhammad wrong for advocating lying? Is Lying okay? "Muhammad bin Maslama got up saying, "O Allah's Apostle! Would you like that I kill him [Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf]?" The Prophet said, "Yes," Muhammad bin Maslama said, "Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Kab). "The Prophet said, "You may say it," (Hadith Vol. 5, Book 59, #369). Who is more holy, Allah or Yahweh? In the above quote from the hadith, Muhammad advocated lying. The Christian God would never approve of lying. Does the god of Islam approve of lying? If not, then wasn't Muhammad wrong? If he was not wrong, then Allah approves of lying. Which God is more holy? The God of Christianity is far more holy.The Qur'an says "To those who believe and do deeds of righteousness hath Allah promised forgiveness and a great reward" (Surah 5:9).Are you doing enough good deeds to receive salvation on the Day of Judgment? Are you doing all you can or are you relaxing in your dedication to Allah? The Qur'an says, "O ye who believe! Turn unto Allah in sincere repentance! It may be that your Lord will remit from you your evil deeds and bring you into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, on the day when Allah will not abase the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their light will run before them and on their right hands; they will say: Our Lord! Perfect our light for us, and forgive us! Lo! Thou art Able to do all things," (66:8-9). Notice how it says if you are sincere you may receive forgiveness. How do you know you are sincere enough to be forgiven of Allah? Does it give you peace to know that even if you are very sincere then, at best, you may receive forgiveness? If you say that you know you are sincere enough in your repentance before Allah, how do you know you are not deceiving yourself? Is your heart really good enough to muster enough sincerity before a Holy and Righteous God?If you say yes, I honestly and humbly ask you, "Are you being prideful? Please dont give me your opinon i could really careless what you think is right. If you respond, give biblical facts and not you opinon. If you are muslim you are on your way straight to hell. What you believe is completely false. And all the stuff i listed proves it
"My religion is better than your religion". Really? No, I beg to differ. Religion, of whatever flavor is BS, plain and simple. How about you just believe in yourself, and forget about allah, god, jehovah, what the hell ever. Religions are man-made; imagine how great life would be if they didn't exist-none, of any kind. You people would have nothing to fight about, and no one to waste breath praying to. You might actually think about making THIS life better, instead of worrying about some hereafter foolishness.
Your sounding real ignorant right now. You know nothing about religon.If athesim is so true. Why do you guys only makes up 2 to 3% of the world population. Atheism is just retarded. How do you get something from nothing, when you get nothing from nothing. If you say there is not God, then your saying there is no such thing as good or evil. Because when you say there a such a thing as good and evil then your saying there a such a thing as a moral law to defreshiate between good and evil. So if there a such a thing as a moral law then there a such a thing as a moral law giver. If there no moral law giver then there no moral law. If there no moral law, then there no such thing as good and evil. Without a god, then there is no purpose, no justice, no meaning, no hope. That means like jeffrey dahmer that brutally killed 17 boys and men. Then commited sucide gets away with what he did. That means people like adolf hiltler that killed thousands of jews. And commited sucide gets away with all he done. To say there is no god, cant be logically stated. I rather believe that there is a enternal being that has no beginning nor has no end. Then to believe that nothing turn itself into anything. God bring purpose, hope and meaning. If the universe already existed why hasnt it run out of useable energy as the 2nd law of thermodynamics would state?? How did we come up with over 7,000 different languages?? Its just doesnt make sense. There to many unanswered questions in athesim. Human beings need hope, meaning and purpose. Just a tip before you start talking about religons that say there is a god. Make sure you really know what your talking about. Because anybody that have any sense. Knows that say there is no god. Can not logically be stated. If that the case atheist would had been use it
And your very ignorant LOL. MAN YOUR IGNORANT Your sounding real ignorant right now. You know nothing about religon.If athesim is so true. Why do you guys only makes up 2 to 3% of the world population. Atheism is just retarded. How do you get something from nothing, when you get nothing from nothing. If you say there is not God, then your saying there is no such thing as good or evil. Because when you say there a such a thing as good and evil then your saying there a such a thing as a moral law to defreshiate between good and evil. So if there a such a thing as a moral law then there a such a thing as a moral law giver. If there no moral law giver then there no moral law. If there no moral law, then there no such thing as good and evil. Without a god, then there is no purpose, no justice, no meaning, no hope. That means like jeffrey dahmer that brutally killed 17 boys and men. Then commited sucide gets away with what he did. That means people like adolf hiltler that killed thousands of jews. And commited sucide gets away with all he done. To say there is no god, cant be logically stated. I rather believe that there is a enternal being that has no beginning nor has no end. Then to believe that nothing turn itself into anything. God bring purpose, hope and meaning. If the universe already existed why hasnt it run out of useable energy as the 2nd law of thermodynamics would state?? How did we come up with over 7,000 different languages?? Its just doesnt make sense. There to many unanswered questions in athesim. Human beings need hope, meaning and purpose. Just a tip before you start talking about religons that say there is a god. Make sure you really know what your talking about. Because anybody that have any sense. Knows that say there is no god. Can not logically be stated. If that the case atheist would had been use it. PRAYING THAT YOU COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH ONE DAY. AND DONT RESPOND WITH YOUR OPINON, THAT DOESNT MATTER. ONLY THE FACTS MATTER. AND IF YOU DONT BELIEVE IN GOD. YOUR BELIEVING IN A LIE.
Obama is a Muslim. He is from Kenya. The killings which took place in the West Gate Mall on Sept 21, 2013 were in Kenya. The US is located in the West. Obama is allowing Satan to rule through him. We will all see War & Financial ruin soon and Obama's hand will be involved.
Thats what you think, but you dont know for a fact that he is. Its easy to blame it on one person. But anybody that know how the government work will know its not just the president fault.
People die, and you all talk about religion? No, this has nothing to do with religion... It is those that have mental disorder. Whether they're religious or not, everyone is different.
I think people become more of an idiot when they're in a group, because then their 'independent thoughts' are left up to the one who controls the shots. Every time there is a group of anything, it becomes a disaster when the wrong person is the leader.
God of any faith should never condone this kind of evil and if he did ,i would really question why he would create people,just to have us destroy each other in his name. AT least animals kill for food or defence ,and were the civilised ones.
I want to know why everyone is spending so much time blaming Obama or not blaming Obama. It doesn't matter. I think we all need to take this time and just pray for the families of the loved ones that died. As well as praise God that the ones killed had them in their heart's.
This is all but a part of clouds accumulating before the big rain.The Bible says the European Union will swoop down on Iran and all radical Muslim countries in just a short while like a whirlwind.This will trigger off the 3rd world war. Daniel 11:40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
At the same time AMERICA or else OBAMA should be prepared to reap what what he sow.Radical Islam is being spread at an alarming rate by Iran and in a way America helped kick out the former Egyptian president who has been at peace with Israel for at least 30years. And then later refused to punish Syria for using chemical weapons.All these and much more.America's time as the only superpower is now over.Taking a step back from solving world's conflicts have urged the EU to take a step forward and topple the US from being vigilant while taking a time to relax but Biblical prophecy says THE EU WILL ORCHESTRATE THE DOWNFALL OF AMERICA ,BRITAIN AND ISRAEL BY SIDING WITH OTHER MUSLIM NATIONS WHO DIDN'T ABSORB RADICAL MUSLIM. PSALM 83 1 A Song or Psalm of Asaph. Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. 2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. 5 For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: 6 The tabernacles of Edom(TURKEY), and the Ishmaelites(SAUDI ARABIA); of Moab(JORDAN), and the Hagarenes(DESCENDANTS OF HAGAR THE MOTHER OF ISHMAEL.THEY FORMERLY LIVED ALSO IN WHAT IS NOW SYRIA); 7 Gebal(LEBANON), and Ammon(AMMAN IS THE CAPITAL OF JORDAN), and Amalek(THE AMALEKITES WERE TAKEN BY BABYLON IN the days of Nebuchadnezzar, who carried them captive, they disappear for 1,000 years from history. Then suddenly we find Amalek the name of a city in Turkestan in Central Asia (from Paul Herrmann’s Sieben vorbei und Acht Verweht, page 451). The Egyptians used to call the Amalekites Amu. In Turkestan is the River Amu today! In Bible times the Edomites inhabited Mt. Seir (Genesis 32:4). In Turkestan is the Syr Darya—the River of Syr, or Seir; the Philistines(PALESTINIAN) with the inhabitants of Tyre; 8 Assur(GERMANY) also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. HAPPY READING GUYS!!!!AND I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND!!!
What the hack? Is that really happened in 21st century? Is it possible? Unbelievable.. I really hate the Islam. It is so cruel. Oh my God! Hope the victims rest in peace of heaven.
the 50 murdered Christians they are a vital offering for God's faith and for God's sake , they done their part in the service of faith in God,the 50 Christian who killed by the Islamic group by using fire was a Satanic act attitude,they'er not a human but they are likes those Barbarian during the old times they kill for their own will like a strong animal who devour the weak living animal.[pliwliwamagarrosr]
Not all Muslim are bad. Like us Christians. We say that we are in the truth but oftentimes some of us even violated the rights of our fellow brothers and sisters. I knew one person, he called himself as a faithful follower of Christ, a father of 4 and a grandfather yet he had sex with a married woman with a two kids. now the husband learnt of the unfaithfulness of his wife, he is now a backslider Christian and decided to join in Islam. This is a wake -up reminders that we as a Christians, we should not tolerate the immorality done by our brothers in faith even though this or that person is very influential in the society.
Religion isn't real. its all made up. stop fighting over stories someone wrote over 2k years ago. islam isn't gonna take over anything, all religion will die out because its dumb. it only causes wars and killing in the name of imaginary figures. If no one had any religion the world would be a better place cuz there would be no reason to hate someone immediately over a label. get some education and really question everything you read instead of blind loyalty to books written before we even realized there was more than just earth and us to the universe. If you still believe we are the only intelligent life in the universe you must also think that 2 + 2 = 0 because obviously math isn't your strong point. billions of planets found similar to earth and thats just in our galaxy which there are trillions and trillions of other galaxies. But "God" only cares about our problems right? He/She (!!!!) is so concerned with earth and an "end time" wake up, there is no end time. there is no final judgement. There is no judgement at all. When you die, you die. thats it. its hard to hear, which is why people started making up stories to explain a way out of the finality of death. All of it is lies. Lies to keep churches/mosques/temples/etc In power. read the history and its spelled out a million times over. Christians used to burn scientists at the stakes for saying that the earth wasn't the center of the universe. Totally rational. religion is stupid, and your all being taken along for the ride.
Here we go again! Blaming does not help. It only aggravates. It is long overdue for us all, individually, to think and decide. It is NOT Islam, NOT Catholics, NOT Protestants, NOT etc. that matters. What matters is whether we, individually, decide whether we want to be good or bad, greedy or not, etc. A retired general from the Philippines said "People is the problem and people is the solution". I say: Let us NOT do unto others what we DO NOT want others do unto us, AMEN!
Obama HAS declared Christians and Constitutionalists a threat to national security. Too bad if that bothers you but its true, he did this. Obama is the reason these people are being massacred, he doesn't give a shit about their color, he's a Muslim! You Obamabots are so friggin stupid. Truly.
You obviously do not know anything about scientific history. Hundreds of years BCE, a Greek wrote that "compared to the size of the universe, the earth is a mathematical point". And name one scientist burned for maintaining a heliocentric model.
this is outrage, people need to stay on track in-order for them to know the truth. His way is so complicated that "ONLY" his people will know truth and the path. I beg all of you people from Africa.... to pray every-minute, everyday for love the mercy of God....
It is kind of funny to read all of the replies on here. Everyone blaming everyone. The reality is that we are all to blame ( myself included ) It is our heart set that we are talking about. The fact that we will all set in front of our computers in our comfortable chairs and fight with each other about whose fault it is and weather it was in the name of God, Allah, Gays, Christians or pro-choicer. But let me ask you all this...Are you really going to get out of your seat and do anything about it? Do you really even care about the men women and children being burned alive? I mean who really cares whose fault it is! It's wrong no matter what!
My friends, brother's and sisters, do we not see from the entire thread that division and war is medium of the Devil? Those who create and insight war are all being under the influence of the Devil. Instead of teaching love, this site is teaching hate for Islams. I am a Vaisnava Hindu practitioner since birth. I am a Philosophy and Psychology double Major Graduate, and in my study of people and spirituality, one must learn to understand the basic tenets of one's religion and apply that to one's wholeness, otherwise he is being hypocritical to his own principles. All God-fearing religions teach love of God and of his fellow man. Therefore, one must learn to adopt that most basic law. Because what God is teaching us (whatever HE may be called in each religion as HE is the SAME CREATOR, known by many names) is to learn how to become better people so we may rise above this materialistic plane of consciousness and be worthy of HIS KINGDOM.
No matter what religion you follow, if you cannot abide by these most basic humane principles, you cannot be called a Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, or by any way a devotee of the Supreme Creator. Those people who cling to religion for Salvation are those who do not see the purpose of it. Religion is a gift of the Almighty in order to help humanity develop a sense of humanity, then divinity. But how can come to the platform of divinity and become sacred, if one is always in the platform of judgement and retribution? The Islamic people have waged wars after wars after wars just over who is the better Muslim, forgetting that Islam is not based on who is the better Muslim group or the one to claim lineage to Mohammad. Mohammad lived so that Moslems may prosper and become a worthy people for Allah. But Moslem people have taken the extreme parts of the Quoran and fixed themselves in the materialistic pursuit of EGO focusing on who's who, rather than on being a good Moslem. The same goes for Christians, they have persecuted so many countries in the name of Christ. They have terrorized people in Asia, Europe, the Middle East all just to prove they are the real path, forgetting that his is not the way of the Messiah. Did Jesus Christ ever raise a hand in defense of Himself. To be called Christian means to follow in the Footsteps of Christ. So both Moslems and Christians and all religions to justify killing to prove they reign supreme and all are condemned for not joining their religions as are but religious fanatics who are empty in their faith for the Lord. To say that you accept Jesus must be seen in your actions. Lord Jesus says "If your enemy throws stones at you, throw back bread." "If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other side." Now tell me, who among the Christians are able to do this? So before you come off parading your righteousness as Christians, make sure you are worthy to be called one, not because you are baptized or say you are one, make sure you put your money where you mouth is. The fact that you are violent in your reactions towards the Islamic people, simply show that you are not a Christian by faith or principle, but by lip service. Same goes with the Islamic people, if you say you are a PEACE loving people of ALLAH, then do not focus on conquering and killing, focus on being a good moslem. Leave other be, give them their liberties and let them practice what they wish. Respect is foremost in being a human being. So before you can be called Moslem, you first are human. So be a human first, that is the most basic teaching of all our religions. Same goes for Hindus, Buddhists and all other religions, be human first before you even call your self a practitioner of that religion. There are laws in each religion. But keep it within your practice. You may preach go on, talk about how beautiful and liberating your religions are, focus on the good and stop insulting the other religion. It is not the reason your religion was created I believe. First be a man, then you can be called the devotee of God. So to the site owners, please make sure you understand your values as Christians and stop spreading more hate. You do not fight hate with more hate and insult, you conquer evil with pure love and compassion. That is what you need to show as an exemplary action to show the world what Christianity is truly about. Enough lip service, act on it, do not claim it. That is Hypocrisy!
let us not generalize people. in every side, there is good and bad. we are all accountable for what we are saying and doing. instead, let us be united in spreading love and peace. stop blaming each other. we are all imperfect, God is the only perfect one. im just sad that we have to kill each other for differences in our beliefs.
This has nothing to do with "satan" this is nothing new. Been going on for centuries now. If anything its exposing the corrupt religion in the first place! WAKE UP PPL!!! Stop being so brainwashed
A retired General from the Philippines said: People is the problem, people is the solution. Jesus Christ said: Forgive them for they know not what they do. Based on what I was made to believe, Nelson Mandela IS a modern Christ. I do not do to others what I do not want others do to me. Am I the problem OR am I the solution?
I was a non-believer, born a Muslim but didn't care at all for religion. But Christianity just irritated me, for years I debated, argued, and truly hated hearing the Savior Jesus Christ as the Son of God.. It made no sense, everyone will go to hell for not believing in him with all the religions, spiritualist and atheist out in the world.. long story short, my fellow brothers and sisters by His Mighty Holy Grace I was saved.. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" Please don't push the buttons of a non-believer it makes them not believe even more. and to my fellow non-believer readers, perhaps one of you is reading this and it is another knock on your door, please for just one second put your pride aside and give Christianity a chance (not so much by going straight to Church, but by reading the Holy Bible, I personally suggest start with Romans). In regards to yet another tragedy... I prefer to not even get into it. Grace to you all and peace from our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear Muslim, Think about this statement and question very seriously, "We are going to kill all the muslims in my area where 90% dominated by Christian because of the incident in Nigeria" What is your answer to this statement? Will you say, "let it be"? If so, you are anti-Islam, because you hate your muslim brother in my area. That means you are anti-Allah or anti-God. Do you really thoughtful what you are doing in NIgeria or south Africa????????????? Satan is using Muslim to distroy this beautiful world.... Have mercy on us God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the persecution of Christians started before obama was in office then why put him there!?! He is Muslim and we are suppose to be a Christian nation. So how does that make sense. We were founded on godly principles and until obama the took oath on the bike not the caron. What makes him so special why put a war against Christians they arnt persecuting anyone like this. And if you take the teachings as violent toward you then urn scared that its true and hell Is real. They aren't making you believe or be killed so why should they die cause they do believe something.
Why do some people keep denying the fact that violence, death and chaos by Islamists has increased since Obama came to power, Are they waiting until he starts the world war that will kill billions before they accept the revelations the Lord has been given. And he is so clever to play the race card to divert attention from the death and destruction he is causing. The earlier more people realise he is the prophesied Anti-Christ(satan incarnate), the more souls that will be saved.
The Christians in Nigeria may have to follow the Jews example in the times of Queen Esther where they had to arm themselves.
ReplyDeleteYou sound dumb what does Obama have to do with this. I swear ppl believe anything they read!!!!
DeleteFear No Man. Take All That You Have And Buy Swords. Sound Familiar?...... The Angel Said With Violence Shall The City Of Babylon Fall. As Christians Knowing That There Is A Time For War And A Time For Peace, It Is Indeed Time To Arm Yourselves.
DeleteWhat Obama has to do with this is, he is aiding Islam. He is betraying our alliance with Israel.
DeleteWhy are we sending millions upon millions of tax dollars to rebuild mosques? Yet they couldn't Increase security at the Benghazi Embassy when they knew the attack was being planned - and not even afterward when our citizens called for help.
Obama ignored them and let them die. And he is aiding those who do things like this.
That's what Obama has to do with this story. He knows and doesn't care. He is appointing islamics to government positions.
@Ginger: You need to open your eyes and eyes to what is happening around you, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are not the only news sources around.
DeleteSeems you are not aware that since his first term, Obama and his administration has requested additional funding for security for our embassies, and every year not only did the GOP not ok the additional funding, they cut it, hell if you were listening to another news source just recently your GOP did it again.
As far as Israel, if you knew anything about there history towards the hand that has feed them since 1948, Besides Russia and China, Israel is up there with them when it comes to espionage against the US.
With friends like Israel, who needs enemies
Plan And simple you are wrong , spoken like a true lefty , and its called THE FOX POLICE there not going to let you all get away with crap ... Hay for fox new and other fair and bal. news NOT MSNBC there nothing
DeleteThe devil is working leave Obama him dont do nothing
DeleteEverything that happens in this world is not the fault of Obama. If you ever followed facts instead of propaganda you would stop spewing rhetoric and do what we are called to do. The gates of hell shal not prevail against Gods true body of believers who walk in love and power. The government of America is not the kingdom of God. With that said, why dont the gun dealing republican christians get their security ops companies that go into other Muslim countries for profit! To go protect "their" Christian brothers out of duty and love?? They have the money and the means? But instead they feed people the story that Obama is anti Christian because he has to work diplomatic solutions to keep this country (which is not a Christian country just most of its citizens are, as this country can not claim a religion) from war. The solution lies with the professed Christians who actually can walk the talk and not jusy incite the ignorant masses to hate Obama.Those without the access to contract soldiers need to pray and continue to seek the lost and obey the commision of God. Stop being distracted by rhetoric.
DeleteNot everything bad that happens is the fault of Obama, no - but doesn't mean he isn't being used by the Evil One.
DeleteI am afraid that the fulfillment of the prophetic words of John regarding the anti-Christ will come from America, where most of the gospel missionaries came. Well, any state leader can be a potential agent of Satan to accomplish his plan against God and His people.
DeleteEvery thing going on in the world is being prepared for the arrival ofthe ant-christ Obama is a puppet
DeleteWhat CAN we do as Christians? I pray for the souls of those persecuted and murdered.....
ReplyDeleteNo..pray for the living instead.
DeleteI agree with you Mr. Anonymous to pray for the living and not for the dead.
DeleteAccording to the Holy Bible in Proverbs 9:5-6:
For the living know that they shall dies: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward: for the memory of them is forgotten.Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion forever in anything that is done under the sun.
Oh Lord where are you?
ReplyDeleteIf you have to ask, then you need to seek Him first.
DeleteIt isn't Peace if it is causing the Death of innocents. Even the Apostle Paul was guilty of this believing he was working for God as Saul, God called him and he answered. It is painful to watch as Islam is being promoted and death of saints is made a show of in the name of a God who professes peace, yet at their very hands is responsible for the death of the truly Righteous, the Scales of Justice is actually against them, and they still don't think they are wrong.
ReplyDeleteleave them and their religion alone and they will leave you alone, its as simple as that.
ReplyDeletelet them follow their faith and you can follow yours.
no wars, no bullshit just 2 groups of people with 2 different opinions, i hate eating fish, my brothers loves it, we don't burn people or try establish our self's in the others country.
I'm sorry, but that's not true at all. Just listen to what they say about Israel. They won't be happy until Israel is wiped out. Islam is not a religion that is content to be left alone. Its goal is to convert all by whatever means necessary. They will not leave anyone alone. That has been made clear throughout history.
Deletewe shd get closer to the Lord coz we living inna di last dayz
ReplyDeleteDude really? You just made up all that stuff about Obama... Get real...
ReplyDeleteOh my word my heart bleeds, lord come soon. all those poor people wow word litterally fail me, I cannot fathom all this hatred.
ReplyDeleteSad story buy had to stop reading as soon as the jackass who wrote the article started talking about Obama Care!
ReplyDeleteBelieve that Jesus Christ is your savior for all your sins. If you truly believe on Jesus Christ to be your savior for all your sins then you are saved and you will go to Heaven. Jesus Christ died for all your sins on the cross, he was buried and he rose again three days later. It matters not how much you have sinned in the past, in the present and especially in the future. Believe that Jesus Christ is your savior and you will go to Heaven forever and that is the whole truth. Spread the truth.
ReplyDeleteAmen, and amen.
Deletenice bro perfect heheh
ReplyDeleteWoooooooooooow, I'm at a loss for words rite now. Knew this day would come. Was asked 20 years ago Wat I would do in that situation,I remember being angry that somebody would even ask me that. the question was posed if you had to denounce religious or watching children be torture what would your response be. I was livid. but apparently the day has come for those things to have taken place or we wouldn't be having these conversations I'm a firm believer in that Jesus died and rose for all if us, muslims included, and that we should aknowledge him in everything that we do. he would then in turn for our loyalty to him acknowledge us before his father when we go home. have your way Lord
ReplyDeletewhy blamed Obama,He has nothing to do with that evil deeds,look deeper about ISLAM.don't judge Islam in a way human beings do.Please read the Quran to evade misconception.what happened is a Political will.
ReplyDeleteISLAM is not just a religion it is a complete way of will not be save by your religion but you will be save by your deeds."The Law of Karma. YOU will be rewarded according to what you did."may Peace & guidance of the Lord be with you all. so be it.
Nothing you DO will get you into heaven. Confessing Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior is the only thing that will accomplish t
Deletehat. What you DO, will determine your place in heaven
amen Anonymous...just read a devotional the other day saying no amount of good deeds will get you into heaven. Only believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God will do that.
DeleteI know Christians are persecuted and I'm not arguing that..but what's sad its you can't trust anything cant just donate or give money online as there are so many scams and lies, that even if someone wanted to give they couldn't or wouldn't. The world is in a sad state and whats happening is atrocious evetywhere..but can we honestly only blame a certain religion as their are christians out there doing just as dirty works. Nothing is going to change till God comes back. Praise be the day!!
ReplyDeleteGideon you have no veils upon your eyes.
ReplyDeletethis has nothing to do with skin color, and everything to do with evil vs good.. anyone that knows anything about the bible can point out the fact that we are at the end of this worldwide society as we know it, the bible calls it the end of the days of the nations. Do NOT BE DECEIVED.. This will go from Bad to worse.
ReplyDeleteI am a christians...I love jesus saved...and all I can say...I've not lived for him like I should have...maybe when the time comes, I can die for him defending his name...I love my Lord and savoir.
ReplyDeleteThis is what the Bible says is going to happen the closer we come to the second coming of Jesus. Islam is the most evil threat to the world. They slaughter with no regard for life all in the name of the false god allah. This is the tool God will allow to bring His judgement to the world. There will be know peace until Jesus returns. Like He said they hated me and they will hate you. Are you ready to stand for Jesus even unto death? Will we denigh Jesus if the only option is to be killed? These martyrs stood for Jesus and paid the price, but now stand in Heaven with Jesus singing His praises. I pray Jesus gives me the strength to not denigh him if I am confronted with this situation.
ReplyDeleteOh my word my heart bleeds, God help
ReplyDeleteI know that most of the baptist churches are sending help their way and for other disasters relating to Christian persecution, and natural disasters to keep the gospel spreading. We will have casualties, no doubt. If I am persecuted in the name of Jesus Christ then so be it. Keep the Faith.
ReplyDeleteKeep the Faith.
Deleteshocking news, may god burn who ever was responsible of this! the article was disgusting! boko haram are just as same as Al Qaidah, who used violence to achieve their views ! Dealing with this action in this statement " Islam is at it again " ( the writer said in the beginning ) is kinda ridiculous, this action is one of many happening there between the two groups in Nigeria. there are also many muslims burned as well before this Happened " my Christian Nigerian said " and houses destroyed. but the article mentioned only one party. " terrorism know No religion my friend. we need to mention the whole truth , articles like these just help to increase hate and war, the world need peace. Leave the religions alone. deal with actions as it is. coz people can easily misused any context or create their own views and claim as it is god's commands.
ReplyDelete"whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely" Quran 5:32
Dub toke the word out my mouth!!
ReplyDeleteWe must get things right.This group responsible for all these acts are not real Muslim groups,they are fanatics who do not even know what their master thought them, nor how to go about practising it.They are after their own interest and politically inclined.
ReplyDeleteI am not a muslim, but from what i understood,these people are even killing their own brothers and sisters,is this not crazy? They are against education but the weapons they are using and the Autos they drive to different sites to carry out their evil acts were invented from education,why can't they just be using spares and arrows to fight.They have not gotten their piriorities right and i think they are just there to distabilize the nation.
If there is anything disturbing them or any authority that have offended them in any way eg POLICE FORCE,they should come out and discuss with the proper people and stop killing innocent citizens.
They always say Muslim Muslim but they don't know exactly who really do it......just think of it people loves money....and always is the root of evil.....even if u don't want to be bankcrupt u even do things to destroy your business rival....just bec. you want to take there even send spy to know there you know how to bring them down.......
DeleteRemember that is your own opinon but we need you to have solid facts please. Back that up with facts
Deletebeing concern to this: all of us people seek each other with hate or jealousy, did god said all religion must take a war to other religion?? well we people just do it not God's command
ReplyDeletethe deaths of these people been made by evils...please stop all the killings because God want us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER as brothers and sisters..let's all pray one another for peace and love for the whole world...
ReplyDeleteI am a Christian and I can entirely see where you're coming from. And I believe that not all Muslims should be held accountable for this.
ReplyDeleteFor my fellow Christians...We are all, whether Christians or Muslim, have all the same God. And we all know what is right and wrong. Don't say you're a Christian if you don't act like one. It is wrong to judge because only God can do that.
As our father commanded: Love thy neighbor....
The world is in an evil state. There is evil in all religions. The immigrants that came to America from Europe years ago took the land by force from the people that were already hear ( Native Americans ). It was all done in the name of God. They then took another people from there land, (the Africans) to come to America and work and build up the land. They enslaved them. They treated them as property and animals, all in the name of God. How quickly people forget the past. My name is Mike Worthy, and I am a confessed Christian. I love all the people of the world, not THE world. I pray for peace believing that we are living in the "end times". I believe that ALL should confess their love and belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, love their fellow man, and wait on Jesus' s return. Now, show someone love today, and not just someone that you already know. May the Peace of God be unto you all
DeleteNo we dont have the same God. The only way to God is thru his son Jesus Christ. Islam and Christianity are 2 different religions therefore we dont have the same God. If we did there would be no war. Duuhhhh!
ReplyDeleteReligion and politics destroy the world and its people. Its hopeless because everyone wants to be right about whom one should serve. Thete is power in praise and worship and because of that people feel the need to want to control that power. (Clears throat) ahemm.. what Im trying to say us who I serve will not guarantee anyone else a v.i.p. seat in their afterlife do why care who I serve? Do you. Let me serve whomever and vice versa. Peace be with you all:)
There was a time when Muslim and Christian walk the same path, fight hand in hand for the same cause. It’s a pity that one party turn to violence and evil.
ReplyDeleteNo we dont have the same God. The only way to God is thru his son Jesus Christ. Islam and Christianity are 2 different religions therefore we dont have the same God. If we did there would be no war. Duuhhhh!Religion and politics destroy the world and its people. Its hopeless because everyone wants to be right about whom one should serve. There is power in praise and worship and because of that people feel the need to want to control that power. (Clears throat) ahemm.. what Im trying to say is who I serve will not guarantee anyone else a v.i.p. seat in their afterlife so why care who I serve? Do you. Let me serve whomever and vice versa. Peace be with you all:)
ReplyDeleteWow...sure will be nice when you people finally figure out you are reading from a BOOK WRITTEN BY MAN! The religions are all the same in that they follow a doctrine WRITTEN BY who is ultimately and totally connected with one another. This is like your right hand fighting with your left hand. Sorry, there is no life after death until your energy collects itself to emerge again as life.
DeleteIt boggles my mind that people actually still think like this; it's like looking into back into the dark ages reading what you wrote...
Your sounding real ignorant right now. You know nothing about religon.If athesim is so true. Why do you guys only makes up 2 to 3% of the world population. Atheism is just retarded. How do you get something from nothing, when you get nothing from nothing. If you say there is not God, then your saying there is no such thing as good or evil. Because when you say there a such a thing as good and evil then your saying there a such a thing as a moral law to defreshiate between good and evil. So if there a such a thing as a moral law then there a such a thing as a moral law giver. If there no moral law giver then there no moral law. If there no moral law, then there no such thing as good and evil. Without a god, then there is no purpose, no justice, no meaning, no hope. That means like jeffrey dahmer that brutally killed 17 boys and men. Then commited sucide gets away with what he did. That means people like adolf hiltler that killed thousands of jews. And commited sucide gets away with all he done. To say there is no god, cant be logically stated. I rather believe that there is a enternal being that has no beginning nor has no end. Then to believe that nothing turn itself into anything. God bring purpose, hope and meaning. If the universe already existed why hasnt it run out of useable energy as the 2nd law of thermodynamics would state?? How did we come up with over 7,000 different languages?? Its just doesnt make sense. There to many unanswered questions in athesim. Human beings need hope, meaning and purpose. Just a tip before you start talking about religons that say there is a god. Make sure you really know what your talking about. Because anybody that have any sense. Knows that say there is no god. Can not logically be stated. If that the case atheist would had been use it.
ReplyDeleteThe Bible says that God is love (1 John 4:16) and that He loves all people (Matt. 5:43-48; John 3:16). The Qur'an never says that "God is love." In fact, the Qur'an says that Allah does not love unbelievers (2:98; 3:32). If Allah does not love unbelievers, can you say that Allah is love, especially if the Qur'an does not say it? If you say yes, that Allah is love, then why does he only love the Muslims and not all people? Was Muhammad wrong for advocating lying? Is Lying okay? "Muhammad bin Maslama got up saying, "O Allah's Apostle! Would you like that I kill him [Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf]?" The Prophet said, "Yes," Muhammad bin Maslama said, "Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Kab). "The Prophet said, "You may say it," (Hadith Vol. 5, Book 59, #369). Who is more holy, Allah or Yahweh? In the above quote from the hadith, Muhammad advocated lying. The Christian God would never approve of lying. Does the god of Islam approve of lying? If not, then wasn't Muhammad wrong? If he was not wrong, then Allah approves of lying. Which God is more holy? The God of Christianity is far more holy.The Qur'an says "To those who believe and do deeds of righteousness hath Allah promised forgiveness and a great reward" (Surah 5:9).Are you doing enough good deeds to receive salvation on the Day of Judgment? Are you doing all you can or are you relaxing in your dedication to Allah?
ReplyDeleteThe Qur'an says, "O ye who believe! Turn unto Allah in sincere repentance! It may be that your Lord will remit from you your evil deeds and bring you into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, on the day when Allah will not abase the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their light will run before them and on their right hands; they will say: Our Lord! Perfect our light for us, and forgive us! Lo! Thou art Able to do all things," (66:8-9). Notice how it says if you are sincere you may receive forgiveness. How do you know you are sincere enough to be forgiven of Allah? Does it give you peace to know that even if you are very sincere then, at best, you may receive forgiveness? If you say that you know you are sincere enough in your repentance before Allah, how do you know you are not deceiving yourself? Is your heart really good enough to muster enough sincerity before a Holy and Righteous God?If you say yes, I honestly and humbly ask you, "Are you being prideful?"
The real tragedy is the person who wrote this article and most of the people commenting don't have a clue what Islam teaches and have probably never even met a Muslim. ..they just go by what they hear
ReplyDelete...except if you are an infidel and do not believe in Islam...but that doesn't count.
ReplyDeleteOr you live in Israel! Guess this poster forgot about that part!
ReplyDelete"Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And God hears and knows all things.” (Quran 2:256)
ReplyDeleteThe devil operates thru anybody he chooses. He uses those who aren't Christains and those who hate Christians. It's not written anywhere that the devil WON'T use Obama-of course he would. And keep your eyes and ears open and focused because Christians in this country are already being killed by Muslims for refusing to convert! I've read reports out of New Jersey in the last few months of Christians being beheaded. No mainstream media will touch it as they are all pro-Obama.
ReplyDeleteThe Bible says that God is love (1 John 4:16) and that He loves all people (Matt. 5:43-48; John 3:16). The Qur'an never says that "God is love." In fact, the Qur'an says that Allah does not love unbelievers (2:98; 3:32). If Allah does not love unbelievers, can you say that Allah is love, especially if the Qur'an does not say it? If you say yes, that Allah is love, then why does he only love the Muslims and not all people? Was Muhammad wrong for advocating lying? Is Lying okay? "Muhammad bin Maslama got up saying, "O Allah's Apostle! Would you like that I kill him [Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf]?" The Prophet said, "Yes," Muhammad bin Maslama said, "Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Kab). "The Prophet said, "You may say it," (Hadith Vol. 5, Book 59, #369). Who is more holy, Allah or Yahweh? In the above quote from the hadith, Muhammad advocated lying. The Christian God would never approve of lying. Does the god of Islam approve of lying? If not, then wasn't Muhammad wrong? If he was not wrong, then Allah approves of lying. Which God is more holy? The God of Christianity is far more holy.The Qur'an says "To those who believe and do deeds of righteousness hath Allah promised forgiveness and a great reward" (Surah 5:9).Are you doing enough good deeds to receive salvation on the Day of Judgment? Are you doing all you can or are you relaxing in your dedication to Allah?
ReplyDeleteThe Qur'an says, "O ye who believe! Turn unto Allah in sincere repentance! It may be that your Lord will remit from you your evil deeds and bring you into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, on the day when Allah will not abase the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their light will run before them and on their right hands; they will say: Our Lord! Perfect our light for us, and forgive us! Lo! Thou art Able to do all things," (66:8-9). Notice how it says if you are sincere you may receive forgiveness. How do you know you are sincere enough to be forgiven of Allah? Does it give you peace to know that even if you are very sincere then, at best, you may receive forgiveness? If you say that you know you are sincere enough in your repentance before Allah, how do you know you are not deceiving yourself? Is your heart really good enough to muster enough sincerity before a Holy and Righteous God?If you say yes, I honestly and humbly ask you, "Are you being prideful? Please dont give me your opinon i could really careless what you think is right. If you respond, give biblical facts and not you opinon. If you are muslim you are on your way straight to hell. What you believe is completely false. And all the stuff i listed proves it
"My religion is better than your religion". Really? No, I beg to differ. Religion, of whatever flavor is BS, plain and simple. How about you just believe in yourself, and forget about allah, god, jehovah, what the hell ever. Religions are man-made; imagine how great life would be if they didn't exist-none, of any kind. You people would have nothing to fight about, and no one to waste breath praying to. You might actually think about making THIS life better, instead of worrying about some hereafter foolishness.
ReplyDeleteYour sounding real ignorant right now. You know nothing about religon.If athesim is so true. Why do you guys only makes up 2 to 3% of the world population. Atheism is just retarded. How do you get something from nothing, when you get nothing from nothing. If you say there is not God, then your saying there is no such thing as good or evil. Because when you say there a such a thing as good and evil then your saying there a such a thing as a moral law to defreshiate between good and evil. So if there a such a thing as a moral law then there a such a thing as a moral law giver. If there no moral law giver then there no moral law. If there no moral law, then there no such thing as good and evil. Without a god, then there is no purpose, no justice, no meaning, no hope. That means like jeffrey dahmer that brutally killed 17 boys and men. Then commited sucide gets away with what he did. That means people like adolf hiltler that killed thousands of jews. And commited sucide gets away with all he done. To say there is no god, cant be logically stated. I rather believe that there is a enternal being that has no beginning nor has no end. Then to believe that nothing turn itself into anything. God bring purpose, hope and meaning. If the universe already existed why hasnt it run out of useable energy as the 2nd law of thermodynamics would state?? How did we come up with over 7,000 different languages?? Its just doesnt make sense. There to many unanswered questions in athesim. Human beings need hope, meaning and purpose. Just a tip before you start talking about religons that say there is a god. Make sure you really know what your talking about. Because anybody that have any sense. Knows that say there is no god. Can not logically be stated. If that the case atheist would had been use it
DeleteAnd your very ignorant LOL. MAN YOUR IGNORANT Your sounding real ignorant right now. You know nothing about religon.If athesim is so true. Why do you guys only makes up 2 to 3% of the world population. Atheism is just retarded. How do you get something from nothing, when you get nothing from nothing. If you say there is not God, then your saying there is no such thing as good or evil. Because when you say there a such a thing as good and evil then your saying there a such a thing as a moral law to defreshiate between good and evil. So if there a such a thing as a moral law then there a such a thing as a moral law giver. If there no moral law giver then there no moral law. If there no moral law, then there no such thing as good and evil. Without a god, then there is no purpose, no justice, no meaning, no hope. That means like jeffrey dahmer that brutally killed 17 boys and men. Then commited sucide gets away with what he did. That means people like adolf hiltler that killed thousands of jews. And commited sucide gets away with all he done. To say there is no god, cant be logically stated. I rather believe that there is a enternal being that has no beginning nor has no end. Then to believe that nothing turn itself into anything. God bring purpose, hope and meaning. If the universe already existed why hasnt it run out of useable energy as the 2nd law of thermodynamics would state?? How did we come up with over 7,000 different languages?? Its just doesnt make sense. There to many unanswered questions in athesim. Human beings need hope, meaning and purpose. Just a tip before you start talking about religons that say there is a god. Make sure you really know what your talking about. Because anybody that have any sense. Knows that say there is no god. Can not logically be stated. If that the case atheist would had been use it. PRAYING THAT YOU COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH ONE DAY. AND DONT RESPOND WITH YOUR OPINON, THAT DOESNT MATTER. ONLY THE FACTS MATTER. AND IF YOU DONT BELIEVE IN GOD. YOUR BELIEVING IN A LIE.
ReplyDeleteObama is a Muslim. He is from Kenya. The killings which took place in the West Gate Mall on Sept 21, 2013 were in Kenya. The US is located in the West. Obama is allowing Satan to rule through him. We will all see War & Financial ruin soon and Obama's hand will be involved.
ReplyDeleteThats what you think, but you dont know for a fact that he is. Its easy to blame it on one person. But anybody that know how the government work will know its not just the president fault.
ReplyDeletePeople die, and you all talk about religion? No, this has nothing to do with religion... It is those that have mental disorder. Whether they're religious or not, everyone is different.
ReplyDeleteI think people become more of an idiot when they're in a group, because then their 'independent thoughts' are left up to the one who controls the shots. Every time there is a group of anything, it becomes a disaster when the wrong person is the leader.
ReplyDeleteGod of any faith should never condone this kind of evil and if he did ,i would really question why he would create people,just to have us destroy each other in his name. AT least animals kill for food or defence ,and were the civilised ones.
ReplyDeletewell see we all have free will god have and always will be like that. Its apart pf man free will
ReplyDeleteI want to know why everyone is spending so much time blaming Obama or not blaming Obama. It doesn't matter. I think we all need to take this time and just pray for the families of the loved ones that died. As well as praise God that the ones killed had them in their heart's.
ReplyDeleteNobody will live forever...all of humanity will die.Only those who accepts Jesus will live
ReplyDeleteThis is all but a part of clouds accumulating before the big rain.The Bible says the European Union will swoop down on Iran and all radical Muslim countries in just a short while like a whirlwind.This will trigger off the 3rd world war.
ReplyDeleteDaniel 11:40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
At the same time AMERICA or else OBAMA should be prepared to reap what what he sow.Radical Islam is being spread at an alarming rate by Iran and in a way America helped kick out the former Egyptian president who has been at peace with Israel for at least 30years. And then later refused to punish Syria for using chemical weapons.All these and much more.America's time as the only superpower is now over.Taking a step back from solving world's conflicts have urged the EU to take a step forward and topple the US from being vigilant while taking a time to relax but Biblical prophecy says THE EU WILL ORCHESTRATE THE DOWNFALL OF AMERICA ,BRITAIN AND ISRAEL BY SIDING WITH OTHER MUSLIM NATIONS WHO DIDN'T ABSORB RADICAL MUSLIM.
ReplyDeletePSALM 83
1 A Song or Psalm of Asaph. Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.
2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.
3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.
4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
5 For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:
7 Gebal(LEBANON), and Ammon(AMMAN IS THE CAPITAL OF JORDAN), and Amalek(THE AMALEKITES WERE TAKEN BY BABYLON IN the days of Nebuchadnezzar, who carried them captive, they disappear for 1,000 years from history. Then suddenly we find Amalek the name of a city in Turkestan in Central Asia (from Paul Herrmann’s Sieben vorbei und Acht Verweht, page 451). The Egyptians used to call the Amalekites Amu. In Turkestan is the River Amu today! In Bible times the Edomites inhabited Mt. Seir (Genesis 32:4). In Turkestan is the Syr Darya—the River of Syr, or Seir; the Philistines(PALESTINIAN) with the inhabitants of Tyre;
8 Assur(GERMANY) also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot.
What the hack? Is that really happened in 21st century? Is it possible?
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable.. I really hate the Islam. It is so cruel. Oh my God!
Hope the victims rest in peace of heaven.
Wow! surely the end of the world is coming! R.I.P to the victims.
ReplyDeleteR.I.P to all the victims.May God Forgive All that did this cruel act!
ReplyDeletethe 50 murdered Christians they are a vital offering for God's faith and for God's sake , they done their part in the service of faith in God,the 50 Christian who killed by the Islamic group by using fire was a Satanic act attitude,they'er not a human but they are likes those Barbarian during the old times they kill for their own will like a strong animal who devour the weak living animal.[pliwliwamagarrosr]
DeleteNot all Muslim are bad. Like us Christians. We say that we are in the truth but oftentimes some of us even violated the rights of our fellow brothers and sisters. I knew one person, he called himself as a faithful follower of Christ, a father of 4 and a grandfather yet he had sex with a married woman with a two kids. now the husband learnt of the unfaithfulness of his wife, he is now a backslider Christian and decided to join in Islam. This is a wake -up reminders that we as a Christians, we should not tolerate the immorality done by our brothers in faith even though this or that person is very influential in the society.
ReplyDeleteReligion isn't real. its all made up. stop fighting over stories someone wrote over 2k years ago. islam isn't gonna take over anything, all religion will die out because its dumb. it only causes wars and killing in the name of imaginary figures. If no one had any religion the world would be a better place cuz there would be no reason to hate someone immediately over a label. get some education and really question everything you read instead of blind loyalty to books written before we even realized there was more than just earth and us to the universe. If you still believe we are the only intelligent life in the universe you must also think that 2 + 2 = 0 because obviously math isn't your strong point. billions of planets found similar to earth and thats just in our galaxy which there are trillions and trillions of other galaxies. But "God" only cares about our problems right? He/She (!!!!) is so concerned with earth and an "end time" wake up, there is no end time. there is no final judgement. There is no judgement at all. When you die, you die. thats it. its hard to hear, which is why people started making up stories to explain a way out of the finality of death. All of it is lies. Lies to keep churches/mosques/temples/etc In power. read the history and its spelled out a million times over. Christians used to burn scientists at the stakes for saying that the earth wasn't the center of the universe. Totally rational. religion is stupid, and your all being taken along for the ride.
ReplyDeleteHere we go again! Blaming does not help. It only aggravates. It is long overdue for us all, individually, to think and decide. It is NOT Islam, NOT Catholics, NOT Protestants, NOT etc. that matters. What matters is whether we, individually, decide whether we want to be good or bad, greedy or not, etc. A retired general from the Philippines said "People is the problem and people is the solution". I say: Let us NOT do unto others what we DO NOT want others do unto us, AMEN!
ReplyDeleteMay we all be blessed and be guided towards our good health, our happiness, and our financial stability, Amen.
ReplyDeleteObama HAS declared Christians and Constitutionalists a threat to national security. Too bad if that bothers you but its true, he did this. Obama is the reason these people are being massacred, he doesn't give a shit about their color, he's a Muslim! You Obamabots are so friggin stupid. Truly.
ReplyDelete"Radicalism" in islamic faith i maybe due to one MAJOR fact... haven't u wondered why only imams are allowed to read and interpret the Q'uran?
ReplyDeleteTo the reply on 12-22@11:09
ReplyDeleteYou obviously do not know anything about scientific history. Hundreds of years BCE, a Greek wrote that "compared to the size of the universe, the earth is a mathematical point". And name one scientist burned for maintaining a heliocentric model.
this is outrage, people need to stay on track in-order for them to know the truth. His way is so complicated that "ONLY" his people will know truth and the path. I beg all of you people from Africa.... to pray every-minute, everyday for love the mercy of God....
ReplyDeletei agree...
DeleteIt is kind of funny to read all of the replies on here. Everyone blaming everyone. The reality is that we are all to blame ( myself included ) It is our heart set that we are talking about. The fact that we will all set in front of our computers in our comfortable chairs and fight with each other about whose fault it is and weather it was in the name of God, Allah, Gays, Christians or pro-choicer. But let me ask you all this...Are you really going to get out of your seat and do anything about it? Do you really even care about the men women and children being burned alive? I mean who really cares whose fault it is! It's wrong no matter what!
ReplyDeleteMy friends, brother's and sisters, do we not see from the entire thread that division and war is medium of the Devil? Those who create and insight war are all being under the influence of the Devil. Instead of teaching love, this site is teaching hate for Islams. I am a Vaisnava Hindu practitioner since birth. I am a Philosophy and Psychology double Major Graduate, and in my study of people and spirituality, one must learn to understand the basic tenets of one's religion and apply that to one's wholeness, otherwise he is being hypocritical to his own principles. All God-fearing religions teach love of God and of his fellow man. Therefore, one must learn to adopt that most basic law. Because what God is teaching us (whatever HE may be called in each religion as HE is the SAME CREATOR, known by many names) is to learn how to become better people so we may rise above this materialistic plane of consciousness and be worthy of HIS KINGDOM.
ReplyDeleteNo matter what religion you follow, if you cannot abide by these most basic humane principles, you cannot be called a Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, or by any way a devotee of the Supreme Creator. Those people who cling to religion for Salvation are those who do not see the purpose of it. Religion is a gift of the Almighty in order to help humanity develop a sense of humanity, then divinity. But how can come to the platform of divinity and become sacred, if one is always in the platform of judgement and retribution? The Islamic people have waged wars after wars after wars just over who is the better Muslim, forgetting that Islam is not based on who is the better Muslim group or the one to claim lineage to Mohammad. Mohammad lived so that Moslems may prosper and become a worthy people for Allah. But Moslem people have taken the extreme parts of the Quoran and fixed themselves in the materialistic pursuit of EGO focusing on who's who, rather than on being a good Moslem. The same goes for Christians, they have persecuted so many countries in the name of Christ. They have terrorized people in Asia, Europe, the Middle East all just to prove they are the real path, forgetting that his is not the way of the Messiah. Did Jesus Christ ever raise a hand in defense of Himself. To be called Christian means to follow in the Footsteps of Christ. So both Moslems and Christians and all religions to justify killing to prove they reign supreme and all are condemned for not joining their religions as are but religious fanatics who are empty in their faith for the Lord. To say that you accept Jesus must be seen in your actions. Lord Jesus says "If your enemy throws stones at you, throw back bread." "If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other side." Now tell me, who among the Christians are able to do this? So before you come off parading your righteousness as Christians, make sure you are worthy to be called one, not because you are baptized or say you are one, make sure you put your money where you mouth is. The fact that you are violent in your reactions towards the Islamic people, simply show that you are not a Christian by faith or principle, but by lip service. Same goes with the Islamic people, if you say you are a PEACE loving people of ALLAH, then do not focus on conquering and killing, focus on being a good moslem. Leave other be, give them their liberties and let them practice what they wish. Respect is foremost in being a human being. So before you can be called Moslem, you first are human. So be a human first, that is the most basic teaching of all our religions. Same goes for Hindus, Buddhists and all other religions, be human first before you even call your self a practitioner of that religion. There are laws in each religion. But keep it within your practice. You may preach go on, talk about how beautiful and liberating your religions are, focus on the good and stop insulting the other religion. It is not the reason your religion was created I believe. First be a man, then you can be called the devotee of God. So to the site owners, please make sure you understand your values as Christians and stop spreading more hate. You do not fight hate with more hate and insult, you conquer evil with pure love and compassion. That is what you need to show as an exemplary action to show the world what Christianity is truly about. Enough lip service, act on it, do not claim it. That is Hypocrisy!
ReplyDeletelet us not generalize people. in every side, there is good and bad. we are all accountable for what we are saying and doing. instead, let us be united in spreading love and peace. stop blaming each other. we are all imperfect, God is the only perfect one. im just sad that we have to kill each other for differences in our beliefs.
ReplyDeleteThis has nothing to do with "satan" this is nothing new. Been going on for centuries now. If anything its exposing the corrupt religion in the first place! WAKE UP PPL!!! Stop being so brainwashed
ReplyDeleteGideon, bro you are a man of wisdom. you're right. this is done by the antichrist Obama.
ReplyDeleteA retired General from the Philippines said: People is the problem, people is the solution. Jesus Christ said: Forgive them for they know not what they do. Based on what I was made to believe, Nelson Mandela IS a modern Christ. I do not do to others what I do not want others do to me. Am I the problem OR am I the solution?
ReplyDeleteI was a non-believer, born a Muslim but didn't care at all for religion. But Christianity just irritated me, for years I debated, argued, and truly hated hearing the Savior Jesus Christ as the Son of God.. It made no sense, everyone will go to hell for not believing in him with all the religions, spiritualist and atheist out in the world.. long story short, my fellow brothers and sisters by His Mighty Holy Grace I was saved.. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" Please don't push the buttons of a non-believer it makes them not believe even more. and to my fellow non-believer readers, perhaps one of you is reading this and it is another knock on your door, please for just one second put your pride aside and give Christianity a chance (not so much by going straight to Church, but by reading the Holy Bible, I personally suggest start with Romans).
ReplyDeleteIn regards to yet another tragedy... I prefer to not even get into it.
Grace to you all and peace from our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear Muslim,
ReplyDeleteThink about this statement and question very seriously, "We are going to kill all the muslims in my area where 90% dominated by Christian because of the incident in Nigeria" What is your answer to this statement? Will you say, "let it be"? If so, you are anti-Islam, because you hate your muslim brother in my area. That means you are anti-Allah or anti-God. Do you really thoughtful what you are doing in NIgeria or south Africa????????????? Satan is using Muslim to distroy this beautiful world.... Have mercy on us God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the persecution of Christians started before obama was in office then why put him there!?! He is Muslim and we are suppose to be a Christian nation. So how does that make sense. We were founded on godly principles and until obama the took oath on the bike not the caron. What makes him so special why put a war against Christians they arnt persecuting anyone like this. And if you take the teachings as violent toward you then urn scared that its true and hell Is real. They aren't making you believe or be killed so why should they die cause they do believe something.
ReplyDeleteWhy do some people keep denying the fact that violence, death and chaos by Islamists has increased since Obama came to power, Are they waiting until he starts the world war that will kill billions before they accept the revelations the Lord has been given. And he is so clever to play the race card to divert attention from the death and destruction he is causing. The earlier more people realise he is the prophesied Anti-Christ(satan incarnate), the more souls that will be saved.