Reuters, authorities in Sydney, Australia, discovered 400 kilograms of methamphetamine – also known as meth, crystal meth or ice – hidden in hot sauce bottles at a freight depot Oct. 15, New South Wales police said Thursday. The drugs, which were shipped from the United States, were worth about $210 million U.S., the news service reported.
Reuters, authorities in Sydney, Australia, discovered 400 kilograms of methamphetamine – also known as meth, crystal meth or ice – hidden in hot sauce bottles at a freight depot Oct. 15, New South Wales police said Thursday. The drugs, which were shipped from the United States, were worth about $210 million U.S., the news service reported.
Yes folks social media alternative truth websites are right again. But they are classified as conspiracy theorists and are prosecuted for speaking the truth and exposing this HOAX about Sandy Hook. You need to know THE TRUTH.
Sandy Hook poses so many uncertainties and even contradictions that it should come as no surprise that virtually every aspect of whatever happened is being subjected to the most minute scrutiny.
~ Several Videos – Audio – Photos
On one web site, I have even been asked by a serious but skeptical reader whether it is even possible that none of the children were actually killed. The kids are "alive" and well. This video is a MUST see:
The question is not as unwarranted as most of the public might believe. If this had been a real shooting of children, there would have been a sense of panic and of hysteria.
EMTs would have rushed into the school building. The children would have been rushed out on stretchers and into ambulances and other vehicles and rushed to a hospital for doctors to treat them and formally pronounce the death of those who had been killed. Nothing remotely like this happened.
The police cordoned off everyone from the school. No one was allowed to see the bodies. They were transported in the dead of night. It was simply bizarre beyond belief.
A resourceful student has turned up visual evidence that Sandy Hook was not even an operating school, which, if she is right, discloses the stunning enormity of the hoax:
These considerations already indicate that Sandy Hook was a fabricated or staged event. I wish it were not the case, but that conclusion is reinforced by multiple peculiarities about photographs and other matters, extending to conflicting reports about whether the alleged shooter, Adam Lanza, was a student at the school or not; whether his mother was a teacher there or not.
Concern that this is an elaborate “psy op” to create hysteria in the hearts of the American people and bring about a stampede of public support for the confiscation of every semi-automatic weapon in the country, as Sen. Diane Feinstein’s bill would impose, are open to serious question in light of the discovery that, in the Social Security Death Index, Adam Lanza is reported to have died on the 13th, the day before the “massacre”:
The reporter all confirmed that they had verified the information they were presenting with state and federal officals. But if these murders were committed with hand guns, then the justification for a ban on assault weapons on the basis of these events is non-existent.
Indeed, it appears that the Sandy Hook story is turning out to be a much bigger event than it would have been had it actually been authentic.
As a former Marine Corps officer who qualified with a .45 and a rifle four years in a row (from 1962-66) and occasionally shot expert with the M-14, I have found it very difficult to imagine how this young man of slight build, who appears to have had little or even no marksmanship training, could possibly have pulled it off.
I supervised marksmanship at Edson Range, Camp Pendleton, as a Series Commander at the USMC Recruit Depot, San Diego, CA, and the ratio of target to kills strikes me as not merely extremely improbable but virtually impossible, especially if he was using hand guns but even with a Bushmaster.
The probability that he killed anyone on the 14th when he appears to have died on the 13th does not require emphasis.
An especially informative interview recently took place between Joyce Riley and Mike Powers on “The Power Hour”:
The New York Times has entered the fray by publishing “Reliving Horror and Faint Hope at Massacre Site” (28 January 2013), in which it recounts the horrific experiences of five of law enforcement officers who were among the first on the scene at Sandy Hook. Like many other articles about the shooting, it makes a strong appeal to the emotions but is short on proof:
NEWTOWN, Conn. – The gunfire ended; it was so quiet they could hear the broken glass and bullet casings scraping under their boots. The smell of gunpowder filled the air. The officers turned down their radios; they did not want to give away their positions if there was still a gunman present.
They found the two women first, their bodies lying on the lobby floor. Now they knew it was real. But nothing, no amount of training, could prepare them for what they found next, inside those two classrooms.
“One look, and your life was absolutely changed,” said Michael McGowan, one of the first police officers to arrive at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, as a gunman, in the space of minutes, killed 20 first graders and 6 adults.
Questions that are not explored by The New York Times include why there were no EMTs rushing to aide the victims, why there was no rash of ambulances to transport them to the hospital, why the officers on the scene were the ones to declare them dead, and why not even their parents were allowed to identify their children. Too tough for The Times, it appears.
[T]hey publish some ridiculously weak response as a debunking, it utterly fails to debunk anything, but then simply because it got published by top outlets they claim the theory has been debunked. Go study just about any tragedy or big news story of the past 50 years, and you will see the same progression.
[Specifically, you can study Popular Mechanics' pathetic efforts to debunk 911 Truth by this method.]
I have news for them, publishing an article with the title Debunked does not automatically mean the theory has been debunked. You actually have to make a strong argument. Blowing smoke for a couple of pages isn’t a debunking, it is just more propaganda, and most people who read these things can see that.
The debunking of 911 didn’t work, because the debunking was exponentially weaker than the data it was trying to debunk.Most people now recognize that fact. We are seeing the same thing here with Sandy Hook.
To prove this, Miles Mathis goes “point for point” through the debunking of Salon writer Alex Seitz-Wald, demonstrating that he has done no more than deploy “3rd-string debating tricks and cold cabbage” and that his title constitutes a case of false advertising, “Your comprehensive answer to every Sandy Hook conspiracy theory”.
Indeed, he also explains, there are also multiple indications that photos have been shopped, including this “Christmas pose” by the Robbie Parker family, whose daughter, Emily, appears to have posted with President Obama when he visited Newtown to convey his sympathies. which has been scrutinized in several venues.
Among the oddities in this case–where the image of Emily on the right appears to have been added in and she is not being encompassed by her father’s arms–is the prevalence of “threes” among the fingers that are being displayed.
Her mother on the left has two fingers melded together to create the image of three and Robbie himself is displaying three on each hand, while the youngest not only is showing three with her right but creating an image associated with Satanic worship with her mouth and hand.
Even the other daughter, Madeleine, seems to have made a similar sign with her partially obscured hand. Without alleging a connection to the Church of Satan, which has an active chapter in Newtown, CT, it seems rather bizarre.
Other sites offer more extensive and detailed analysis of possible photographic fakery, including the use of “green screens” and that Adam Lanza appears to have died the day before.
In the following essay, Dennis Cimino does his best to sort out what has been going on across the country, because Sandy Hook appears to be the lastest in a series of contrived events of increasing violence, which may be designed to motivate the American people to surrender their Second Amendment rights and embrace all-encompassing forms of gun control, which hasalready happened in New York.
The new legislation includes items such as police registry of assault weapons, limiting the number of bullets in magazines and more preventative measures to keep firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill. The proposal would target not just the sale of new assault weapons, but also those already in private hands.
Current and future owners will be mandated to register the weapons, creating a paper trail even for secondhand firearms. New sales would require background checks, and the sale of assault weapons on the internet would be banned entirely.
At the moment, assault weapon owners are allowed to possess ten bullets, but with the proposal, this number would be reduced to seven, with the penalty of a misdemeanor charge if caught with more than eight bullets.
Whether or not the draconian gun control measures enacted by New York virtually overnight are going to have the intended effect, however, is very much an open question. My own opinion–as a former Marine Corps officer but also a retired college professor–is that the country is on the verge of a massive civil war, which may even be the outcome that the traitors desire, where those who attempt to enforce these new measured may find themselves the targets of retaliation:
Yes, we are talking about the potential of a New York guerilla war where those who participate in gun confiscation are put on “fair game” lists to be targeted and taken out. This is what is being discussed across the ‘net, on blogs, in personal conversations, on radio shows and elsewhere.
I was as surprised to learn this as you may be right now. The reaction to Cuomo’s gun grab has been outspoken and powerful. Apparently I am not the only one in America who has committed to defending my liberties with my life, if necessary. There are a great many law-abiding citizens of this country who have joined together in saying “THIS is our line in the sand! Do NOT cross this line!”
Cuomo has crossed that line, and although for the record I do not advocate the use of violence to resolve conflicts, I cannot help but admit that Cuomo may very well be placing his own life, the life of his family members, and the lives of his staffers in imminent danger if he does not reverse his decision. What’s brewing right now is a kind of civil war in New York, and there are apparently all kinds of gun owners across the state who are prepared to die rather than register their firearms.
In “Israel’s Plan for World War enters high gear”, Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, outlines the world-wide implications of the confiscation movement taking place here in the United States and how it possibly fits into the broader Israeli agenda, where those of us who have suggested that the Mossad may have been behind Sandy Hook–even if that was only in part–are looking better and better with the passage of time:
In 1878, congress passed the Posse Comitatus Act. From Cornell Law School, “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse Comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”
However, search of Google and Wikipedia will show systematic cleansing and editing to obscure this vital American safeguard. Google, Youtube and Wikipedia have long been used by Israeli intelligence as “playgrounds” for game theory warfare against America.
Dividing America and pushing it to the edge of civil war is the task of the Israel lobby led by Senator’s Feinstein and Schumer. With the support of the largest police organization, the IACP (International Association of Chiefs of Police), Feinstein’s bill is filled with “stealth” provisions for gun inspections in homes, special licensing and is aimed at disarming veterans.
Enacting AIPAC’s gun confiscation law will require, not only the shelving of the constitution’s second amendment, but the first, fourth, fifth, ninth and tenth as well.
Any bill that mandates “storage” and “transportation” will establish databases, endless paid informants and illegal searches of all persons, properties and vehicles without “probable cause.”
With full support of police organizations, fully militarized and Israeli controlled, at the behest of key Israeli members of the US government, an undeniable effort to bring America to civil war is fully underway as we speak.
While Gordon Duff (above) and Dennis Cimino (below) both posit Zionists promoting Israel as the main group wanting to disarm the US general population–both to help their wars and to subordinate the American people to politicians whom they can largely control–there are many other diverse elements in the international banking and domestic gun-confiscating movement whose interests do not always converge with those of Israel, which should be borne in mind in evaluating the situation.
The gun agenda has become preeminent–and it is being driven by multiple motives. The roles of the Mossad, the CIA and DHS have become increasingly difficult to sort out, where even our best efforts may fall short. The goal of gun control is to reduce our ability to resist tyranny!
The Nexus of Tyranny: The strategy behind Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook
By Dennis Cimino
In the immediate aftermath of the Newtown staged hoax in Connecticut, many of us began to finally take harder looks at the hoaxes staged in Tucson, Arizona, and in Aurora, Colorado, to see if we could find links connecting them.
They appear to have been carried out by Attorney General Eric Holder and POTUS (aka Barry Soetoro) as a calculated and nation-wide smattering of “terrorist attacks” of an OPERATION GLADIO variety, plotted and carried out to strike fear into the American public and create an hysterical response against the 2nd amendment.
Their secondary purpose seems to have been to further demonize 9/11 Truth, as was evident in the closure of facebook accounts of most of the prominent 9/11 Truth figures who were involved in publicizing Israel’s role in the mass murders of 9/11, which occurred in the immediate aftermath of the Newtown hoax.
The key begins in Tucson where the acting Sheriff, Clarence Dupnik, and his auxiliaries, staged the elaborate hoax that a federal judge and a Congress woman named “Gabby Giffords” were shot, the judge fatally. While Gabby may have been seriously seriously wounded, I have found multiple indications that suggest this, too, may have been a hoax.
Evidence of purely FEMA-staged acting was apparent in the fact that, when you do careful analysis of the photos of the scene, you can find many significant clues.
One striking one is a FEMA coach, kneeling by a stretcher, cue-card in his NON-GLOVED hands, reading that, with a small plastic cup of fake blood there, at a site where allegedly real human beings were shot by an orange hair whacko named ‘Holmes’ that is so psychologically goofy looking you can barely stand to look at him, let alone realize he is like the rest, another GREENBERG Zionist actor, participating in one of a series of hoaxes.
Here we have one of these FEMA crisis actors reading a CUE CARD, no gloves, at the side of an allegedly wounded person at the scene:
What is particularly telling in the photo of Giffords with an allegedly grave head wound, nobody seems concerned. All backs are turned. In real life if you had a potentially mortally wounded person being taken by an ambulance to a hospital, every one of those people would have been focused on her.
Look at them. Nobody cares. Nobody is concerned. Not one person seems in a hurry to move her to the ambulance either. You know this is a DRILL, because of the lack of concern and urgency in these people around this simulated victim or “VicSIM”.
Closer examination of the stretcher that Giffords is on, is that no blood is present, and her aide who stated he had “used his own hands to pressure point stop a head wound bleed” oddly has no blood on his gloved hands at all. Neither do any of the EMT personnel transporting her to the ambulance.
As many of you might know, head wounds bleed profusely yet Giffords has no blood on her except a small red patch on a rag wrapped around her skull.
If the lightbulb hasn’t gone on for you yet, it should when you see photos of two of Dupnik’s elderly SHERIFF’S AUXILLIARY pretending to be VICTIM RELATIVES at the alleged but simulated crime scene. They appear to be accomplices to an act of TREASON by Clarence W. Dupnik, the Pima County Sheriff.
In the case of the Aurora, CO, hoax staged fraud, we have an FBI agent standing behind the Chief of Police of Aurora, watching the Chief read his cue card in his head, while Special Agent Jim Yacone smirks in satisfaction when the Chief says he is not prepared to comment about how the shooter may have gotten into the theatre.
In the immediate aftermath of this shooting hoax, we have a number of witnesses talk about at least two individuals being involved and flash-bang grenades being thrown into the theatre from different directions by two individuals.
Clearly, on a day like this, no FBI agent has the right to ‘smirk’ about anything the Chief of Police might divulge, nor would there be any reason for many witnesses to talk about the fact that clearly the assault on the theatre, all staged and a hoax, came from both sides of the theatre and was carried out by more than one person.
So, here again, if HOLMES was the man, who were his accomplices? We know someone came in from both sides and threw flash bang grenades into the small theatre. One man could not do that.
In the Newtown, CT, shooting, where we have been told 20 children and 6 adults were slaughtered, many very big and inexplicable similarities were evident, looking rather like a repetition from Tucson and Aurora, least with the use of GREENBERG’s actor cadre, the CRISIS ACTORS FROM FEMA.
We have Dawn Hochsprung, who was allegedly killed shielding children from the lone gunman, giving an interview to The Newtown BEE newspaper that morning.
Clearly this is not merely a misunderstanding here: no reporter would give an interview and not clarify who that was they were talking to. Yet Hochsprung was alive enough to give that interview in the aftermath of a shooting in which she died trying to shield children from bullets. Not possible.
We have CNN video of SWAT team members running to the school door through a column of previously arranged orange traffic cones. Expecting someone important that day, where they? Especially since this was footage intentionally shown by CNN of a drill that had actually been staged at the school months before.
A bigger clue is that the crack sealant used to seal the driveway in some of the shots was nice and shiny and fresh, but no long thereafter, it’s dull and dirty and aged. That cannot happen in one day.
So definitively we now know the earlier drill was used by CNN in more than one NON LIVE shot of what allegedly took place on December 14th., but clearly did not as it was obviously a HOAX. All of it. Purposely staged to deceive the American public to grab guns from them.
In the helicopter footage which is now disappearing from YouTube, you see at around 7 AM a helicopter hovering over the scene with a DETROIT fire truck in the footage.
EMS is staged far back at the Fire Station and almost nobody is closer than 100 yards or so from the school, and with this video being about two hours before shooting happened, it elicits many questions again about ‘how’ and ‘why’ we are able to see it on a day when we were told that a kid got the drop on a security door and nobody was forewarned that he was attempting to gain entry.
Crisis Actors and the Coroner’s Press Conference
Now it has been firmly established that many CRISIS ACTORS were used in Newtown, the most notable one is Robbie Parker, who is told ‘just read the card’ and has to get into character to act ‘distraught’ when moments before he is seen smirking and laughing, very much like FBI agent Yacone had in Aurora at the Chief of Police press conference.
I don’t know about you, but nobody can explain away his very poor acting here, and nobody can explain the “just read the card” scenario, either. In virtually all of the follow up interviews of parents, they are all dry eyed and not puffy faced, although they are said to have lost their children. This is acting. By CRISIS ACTORS. By GREENBERG CRISIS ACTORS.
Later that day we have the coroner, Wayne Carver, who is oddly out of character, telling us that all of the vicSIMS were shot using the long rifle, the .223 caliber one and that some vicSIMS had been shot more than ten times.
Nobody bothered to ask Wayne why nobody was airlifted to Danbury General for possible salvation as it is not possible that nobody would survive any shooting involving 27 people, under any remote stretch of the imagination.
Someone would have been found clinging to life, yet no triage existed that day to ascertain this, and someone mysteriously, not this flakey-acting coroner, had decreed that all were ‘dead’ on the scene.
This again is not possible. That is not proper code BLUE protocol. You triage. You air lift. You try to save people. Not at Newtown, where they all died instantaneously and were declared DEAD by someone other than the medical examiner that day. By whom? By what authority?
James Tracy has a brilliant critique of Carver’s performance here, where, if ABC/NCB/CBS are correct in their reporting (that the body was found with only handguns and the rifle had been left in the car), then what precisely are we to make of Carver’s contention that they were all shot with the Bushmaster?
What is more likely: that ABC/NBC/CBS, who confirmed their report with federal and state officials, are wrong about the body having been found with only handguns in the vicinity?…
Or that Carver–who did not even know how many of the dead were boys and how many were girls–is wrong about them all having been shot with the Bushmaster?
Bear in mind, if multiple shooters had been involved, then both reports could be true, where Adam Lanza’s body was places with hand guns in the vicinity and other shooters slaughtered the children, if, indeed, any children were actually murdered at all. There is even a report that Carver himself has admitted that it was “a hoax”.
More Fraud and Fakery
United Way forgot to check the schedule before they had set up the fraudulent “fleece America” site to get money from bleeding hearts who wanted to donate to the HOAX fund to pay these crisis actors.
Yep, on 11 December this DONATION SITE was set up by United Way. That’s mighty clairvoyant thinking there to be so prepped.
The brochure for telling families how to talk to their kids just happened to be RELEASED THAT DAY, when anyone in the brochure printing business knows that the laying up of a brochure and the production takes days not just an hour or two. Yet it was done on December 14th.
There is evidence it was produced on 12 December, two days before the shooting, meaning again, THIS WAS A HOAX! An act of PRE-MEDITATED HIGH TREASON.
We have photoshopped photos by FEMA presumably or the FBI, showing Robbie Parker’s fake family all sitting in a CHRISTMAS CARD scene that do not make sense (above).
Ironically, the same dress is worn by the vicSIM girl–although some maintain that she is actually her sister–when being photographed with President Obama, but we are told that dresses can be used by any child.
By the way, all of them are smiling, possibly because that photo was taken during the DRILL months before not on the day alleged. This, in turn, raises serious questions as to whether PRESIDENT OBAMA HIMSELF is complicit in this case of apparent HOAX AND HIGH TREASON.
Add to the fact that two weeks before this, Eric Holder, the U.S. Attorney General, met with the Lt. Governor and Governor of the State of Connecticut and during a press conference held by the Governor with his Lt. Governor there, they admit this freely, implicating themselves in this HOAX and LIE perpetrated on the American Public on not just this occasion, but in Tucson and Aurora.
What we have is a series of HOAXES all staged by the dept of JUST US here, which were interspersed across various partsof the Continental U.S. to do two things:
a.) grab guns and end the 2nd amendment.
b.) demonize all independent 9/11 investigators and others who would so decry these as being ELABORATELY STAGED HOAXES USING CRISIS ACTORS!
A Multiplicity of Hoax Shootings
The evidence bears this out that not only was the government involved, but by virtue of CNN airing the DRILL VIDEO months before as LIVE VIDEO they too are implicated, as is Anderson Cooper and many others in MSM, including a british scumball gun grabber named Piers Morgan who demands we disarm.
We have proven these HOAXES were purposely staged by FEMA and CRISIS ACTORS strictly, and that no people were truly harmed or killed in any of these events.
We know that Gabrele Giffords and a Federal Judge were not shot in Tucson without blood being everywhere, yet not one EMS person on the scene there had any blood.
You can pretty much rest assured that nobody died in Aurora either, that CRISIS ACTORS were again used, and per the smirking FBI agent and TREASONOUS SNAKE named James Yacone, behind the Chief of Police, this too was a HOAX and LIE.
We can prove the long rifle alleged by Wayne ‘fake coroner’ Carver in Newtown was found in the trunk of a black Honda that evening, and we can prove that rifle rounds not shotgun shells were ejected onto the pavement behind that car by someone NOT IN LAW ENFORCEMENT, by the manhandling and GRANDSTANDING OF THE WEAPON that night on the helicopter video we all have.
We can prove that per their own admission now that authorities have now morphed this weapon into an exotic and odd foreign made SHOTGUN when it clearly was not a shotgun.
It’s not relevant any longer whether it was a shotgun, a zip gun, or a b.b. gun, because the likes of Lt. Paul Vance of the CT. STATE PATROL, has now said that both long guns that were taken to the crime scene had been locked in a vehicle and outside of the reach of a shooter who died the day before, and could not have used them because they were found in the vehicle long after any rational person could so justify this cordoned off with crime scene tape, search hours and hours later in darkness. That was not by accident.
It was on purpose, filmed from the roof of the school using just enough flood lighting to make positive identification of the weapon almost impossible other than it was NOT A PISTOL.
In summary regarding the weapons in the car, THEY COULD NOT HAVE BEEN USED BY ANY SHOOTER THAT DAY, so they are now excluded forever!
Add to this the incredible threat by the CT STATE PATROL to charge and incarcerate ANY INDIVIDUALS DEBUNKING THESE HOAXES, and a lying snake POTUS without tears on his face, decrying we need to give up our SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS AS CITIZENS.
If you go to the “Remembering Noah Samuel Pozner” Facebook page, described in “About” as “The OFFICIAL Facebook Page for Noah Pozner (Approved by Noah’s Parents),” and click “photos,” you’ll see this collage of photos of Noah (below).
Pay special attention to the partially-cropped pic on the right which I’d circled in yellow. Note Noah’s head that’s slightly tilted to his right, his smile, and the distinctive collar (sheep skin?) of his jacket.
6-year-old Noah Pozner allegedly was one of the 20 children at Sandy Hook Elementary School who allegedly were shot to death by Adam Lanza on Dec....Read more »
Agency publishes crime report showing “0” murders occurred in Newtown in 2012Recently released FBI crime statistics curiously show that no murders occ...Read more »
New research on Sandy Hook reveals powerful financial incentives that appear to implicate the highest officials of Newtown in a conspiracy to fabricat...Read more »
An astonishing video posted to YouTube shows what seems to be a clear-cut case of multiple Sandy Hook victims appearing alive after the alle...Read more »
A former HS teacher... I sat watching & kept telling my husband that something was very wrong. This was not a manner to handle any emergency or threat. A teacher's grade-book is his "bible", & no one seemed to have one. No one knew who was in or out or dead, as several children waltzed down the street to a psychologist's home. Perimeter wasn't cleared... Sitting ducks running around all over. They cut the helicopter feed. My youngest son that I home school said just as soon, as I started fussing about every little thing I saw... "FALSE FLAG!!!" Of course, I kinda knew, but didn't want to give him concern. Kids know everything. Listen to the ones who aren't in public school. Of course, it was a false flag. ...& it was easy to tell if you knew what to look for.
The facts or obvious evidence doesn't matter to those in charge. All that matters is what they can get the masses to believe. Then they can sweep all of these Hoax sites and people under the rug as conspiracy nuts. Anyone with the slightest bit of common sense when presented with all the evidence can clearly tell that it is not just circumstantial. After JFK,MLK, and RFK assassinations they realized they can fabricate any story they want as long as there might be a shred of possibility to the story.
The Sandy Hook incident was a gov black op in which some innocent person was to be 'patsy dropped' to take the blame. That person was supposed to be Ryan Lanza for his connection as the boyfriend of that teacher Vicky, which was to be spun as a crime of passion murder suicide. But since Adam was carrying a copy of Ryan's driver's license those operatives picked up and used the WRONG Lanza to patsy drop, who had no connection to be spun into a motive. Meanwhile, after it was prematurely leaked to the press to report that the shooter was Ryan, the real Ryan was online, facebook etc. trying to explain that there was much wrong on the reporting of the incident, blowing the operation's coverstory. He had to be silenced, so his location was triangulated and he was illegitimately arrested. He hasn't been seen or heard from since. If any of these investigators were actually interested in getting to the bottom of what really happened, they'd be wanting to interview Ryan and wonder how it is that he's been disappeared rather than feigning amnesia that he ever existed. - In Search of Ryan Lanza
For those that are reading the comments, whether you believe the official story or not, I'd like to say that I wish it mattered that all this supposed "information" is available to prove that it was a drill made to look like an actual event... I wish that it made a difference and that you and I could make a difference. I've seen a lot of videos that present all the arguments and points mentioned in this piece and it make me sick to my stomach. I've seen the 9/11 videos... I've actually burned myself out on seeing that shit. I have tried to convince people that these things aren't as real as they are made to look like - that there is a method and a purpose to all these events, these "tragedies"... and people, that know, love and/or respect me think I'm fucking nuts. Because the MINUTE, the very minute you mention the word "youtube video" or "internet" your facts become a joke...if you don't say you heard it on CNN or MSNBC then you are wasting your time and that's the way it's meant to be - that means the progaming is working. The media isn't going to rock the boat by digging deep to find facts that conflict with the "official story" because that gets you killed. No one wants to be killed so whatever the media is fed they report... and everyone is sad, of course, but satisfied that they have all the "facts" about any given tragedy that the media has reported on. Sorry, that's my opinion and I'm sad to say that I don't think it matters... I'll keep watching the truther type vids and getting mad about it but the world will continue to spiral in this direction until it comes to the ultimate, biblical conclusion that you and I will probably not be alive to witness.
Great post except the LameStreamMedia is a part of the cover ups, not some scared 3rd party. The Illuminati/NWO/Rothschilds own all the media so why would they report the events as they actually happened? They ALWAYS are presented w/ a spin. Yes, I too have many friends and family that are brainwashed to blindly accept the "news" as impartial or true but when I present to them facts that fly in the face of the official story, they have no answers or rebuttals.
It amazes me that the entire town of 27,000 can keep this secret. Usually, secrets known by more than one person stay secret for about a day. Thank God we have crack investigative bloggers who can root out the truth in Connecticut from their mothers' basement scattered across this great land.
That's the problem with conspiracy theories - they require too many people to keep a secret. Now the government set in right away to sensationalize the tragedy with stupidity. This is the reason the entire stories is dismissed by some. The way the sides are drawn now - each side blames the other for certain attacks. Conservatives blame school shootings on liberals, and liberals blame jihadi attacks on conservatives.
This would be some shocking news if these were true, my friend who works at the Johnson Injury Law would totally flip when they read this. It's funny how we recently debated about this event just a few weeks ago.
A former HS teacher... I sat watching & kept telling my husband that something was very wrong. This was not a manner to handle any emergency or threat. A teacher's grade-book is his "bible", & no one seemed to have one. No one knew who was in or out or dead, as several children waltzed down the street to a psychologist's home. Perimeter wasn't cleared... Sitting ducks running around all over. They cut the helicopter feed. My youngest son that I home school said just as soon, as I started fussing about every little thing I saw... "FALSE FLAG!!!" Of course, I kinda knew, but didn't want to give him concern. Kids know everything. Listen to the ones who aren't in public school. Of course, it was a false flag. ...& it was easy to tell if you knew what to look for.
ReplyDeleteThe facts or obvious evidence doesn't matter to those in charge. All that matters is what they can get the masses to believe. Then they can sweep all of these Hoax sites and people under the rug as conspiracy nuts. Anyone with the slightest bit of common sense when presented with all the evidence can clearly tell that it is not just circumstantial. After JFK,MLK, and RFK assassinations they realized they can fabricate any story they want as long as there might be a shred of possibility to the story.
ReplyDeleteThe Sandy Hook incident was a gov black op in which some innocent person was to be 'patsy dropped' to take the blame. That person was supposed to be Ryan Lanza for his connection as the boyfriend of that teacher Vicky, which was to be spun as a crime of passion murder suicide. But since Adam was carrying a copy of Ryan's driver's license those operatives picked up and used the WRONG Lanza to patsy drop, who had no connection to be spun into a motive. Meanwhile, after it was prematurely leaked to the press to report that the shooter was Ryan, the real Ryan was online, facebook etc. trying to explain that there was much wrong on the reporting of the incident, blowing the operation's coverstory. He had to be silenced, so his location was triangulated and he was illegitimately arrested. He hasn't been seen or heard from since.
ReplyDeleteIf any of these investigators were actually interested in getting to the bottom of what really happened, they'd be wanting to interview Ryan and wonder how it is that he's been disappeared rather than feigning amnesia that he ever existed. - In Search of Ryan Lanza
Yep...H O A X !!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteFor those that are reading the comments, whether you believe the official story or not, I'd like to say that I wish it mattered that all this supposed "information" is available to prove that it was a drill made to look like an actual event... I wish that it made a difference and that you and I could make a difference. I've seen a lot of videos that present all the arguments and points mentioned in this piece and it make me sick to my stomach. I've seen the 9/11 videos... I've actually burned myself out on seeing that shit. I have tried to convince people that these things aren't as real as they are made to look like - that there is a method and a purpose to all these events, these "tragedies"... and people, that know, love and/or respect me think I'm fucking nuts. Because the MINUTE, the very minute you mention the word "youtube video" or "internet" your facts become a joke...if you don't say you heard it on CNN or MSNBC then you are wasting your time and that's the way it's meant to be - that means the progaming is working. The media isn't going to rock the boat by digging deep to find facts that conflict with the "official story" because that gets you killed. No one wants to be killed so whatever the media is fed they report... and everyone is sad, of course, but satisfied that they have all the "facts" about any given tragedy that the media has reported on. Sorry, that's my opinion and I'm sad to say that I don't think it matters... I'll keep watching the truther type vids and getting mad about it but the world will continue to spiral in this direction until it comes to the ultimate, biblical conclusion that you and I will probably not be alive to witness.
ReplyDeleteGreat post except the LameStreamMedia is a part of the cover ups, not some scared 3rd party. The Illuminati/NWO/Rothschilds own all the media so why would they report the events as they actually happened? They ALWAYS are presented w/ a spin. Yes, I too have many friends and family that are brainwashed to blindly accept the "news" as impartial or true but when I present to them facts that fly in the face of the official story, they have no answers or rebuttals.
DeleteThat is what he said. The media is "scared" in to being a party to the lies.
DeleteIt amazes me that the entire town of 27,000 can keep this secret. Usually, secrets known by more than one person stay secret for about a day. Thank God we have crack investigative bloggers who can root out the truth in Connecticut from their mothers' basement scattered across this great land.
ReplyDeleteYes, and those little kids making the "hi devil" signs with their fingers... :::gasp:::
DeleteThis is completely ridiculous.
That's the problem with conspiracy theories - they require too many people to keep a secret. Now the government set in right away to sensationalize the tragedy with stupidity. This is the reason the entire stories is dismissed by some. The way the sides are drawn now - each side blames the other for certain attacks. Conservatives blame school shootings on liberals, and liberals blame jihadi attacks on conservatives.
Deletereal shooting - at school for cia agents kids -- truth
ReplyDeleteThe church of satan is an Atheist organization.
ReplyDeleteIf they were atheists, they wouldn't believe in satan, would they? :::eye roll:::
DeleteThey don't believe in satan, did you even read the website?
DeleteThis would be some shocking news if these were true, my friend who works at the Johnson Injury Law would totally flip when they read this. It's funny how we recently debated about this event just a few weeks ago.