The government took Hill's two-year old daughter away from him because he was caught smoking pot while she was asleep. But under the watch of Child Protective Services (CPS), Hill's child was abused and eventually murdered by foster parents.

Hill told KVUE television, “We never hurt our daughter. She was never sick, she was never in the hospital, and she never had any issues until she went into state care."
This story is down right sickening! First off, studies show that 28% of kids in the foster care system have been abused while in the system. 35% of foster children are put on psychotropic drugs compared to the also sickening number of 10% for non-foster care children. So taking a child away from their parents for doing something that is legal in 2 states and legal for medical use in 20 states is ridiculous. This goes to show you the insanity that is the war on drugs. How can you think that a child is safer in foster care instead of with her pot smokin' parents?
The majority of people taking in foster children are only in it for the cash! Sad but true!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sad to read this article, what a lovely little girl. I feel for her parents. I don't have any statistics on foster parents and I'm sure the majority mean well, but of course their are always a few misguided people out there. I personally have always wanted to be a foster parent, it comes from my heart with no other motivation then to help children in need. But I agree, there are people who are greedy and damn right evil... my heart goes to this family and this child.
DeleteThe 28% figure cited above is totally bogus. It comes from a methodologically flawed study based on data from 1983-86 that was not peer-reviewed (see A lot has changed and been improved in the foster care system over the past 30 years.
ReplyDeleteMy stepson's mother and her many boyfriends would sit around and smoke pot and use him as a punching bag. Not all pot smokers are good parents.
ReplyDeleteThen she is an abuser who just so happens to smoke pot... Marijuana does not make you abusive.
DeleteI agree with this not all pot smokers are not bad parents either people make choices some good some bad spice is what people need to be worried about not weed
DeleteIf people say that this is what happens to kids that are taken away from their pot smoking parents then the parents need to look at this and decide if it is worth the risk of smoking pot! Parents who smoke pot might not all be bad parents but they are putting their children at risk of being taken away. If you would put your children at risk of being taken away in order to smoke pot then what kind of parents are you? I am sickened to read this story not only by the foster parents that ended this beautiful little girl's life but also that the parents were so selfish that they thought about meeting their pot smoking desires rather than putting this little girls first! I feel for these parents but this should be an example to all parents: is your losing your child worth smoking pot?
ReplyDeleteA better question would be: Is smoking pot worth throwing someone in jail for and taking their children away?
DeleteYou failed to read the part that said the little girl was asleep when he was smoking. In my opinion, he took care of her needs first and then decided to relax at least he waited for her to be asleep and tucked in.. many other parents get off work stop at the closest liquor store to get some alcohol to chill out and relax after a hard days work but - they drink in front of their children while there kids are awake some times drive like stupid idiots drunk with their children. If you take away a child because her mommy and daddy were smoking pot then everyone who has had children and gotten drunk infront of them should lose there kids aswell...
DeletePot is way better then legal pills. .. and no one takes kids for that... its time our government stops trying to help make pharmacuticles more money and allow natural remedys unlike other drugs legal and not its natural and has no horrible side effects... what munchies... that beautiful little girl is dead because the government makes money on the drug wars...
ReplyDeletei had a neighbor who admitted to me that he took in foster kids for the extra cash.