I believe it’s been going on for sometime, but to what extent and how much the government knows about it, I don’t know. Chemtrails are happening all over the world, just exactly who’s engineering all of this I don’t know and that’s exactly what i’m trying to find out. Governments do things without asking, and we find out about it when it’s too late. If they don’t give me the information, then i’ll take it further. The Aluminium and Barium is very light, it stays in the air and they say it reflects the sunlight back into space, they say they are hoping to combat global warming with it. Unlike contrails, chemtrails spread and stay in the air for a very long time. What goes up comes down, if we inhale the stuff, perhaps that’s why we have so many problems with alzheimer’s, autism and MS. I have asked municipalities to pass a resolution that if there is any program geared toward climate change, and if anything is sprayed in the air it is done with public consent. Somebody needs to be out there speaking out about these things(7)
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