CNN International correspondent Jim Clancy has become the latest journalistic victim of the Zionist thought police.
CNN confirmed on Saturday that Clancy had been terminated (fortunately without extreme prejudice) in the wake of a Twitter battle with ranting Israeli propaganda mouthpieces. During the Twitter exchange, Clancy blasted what he called the “Hasbara team” including a self-styled “Elder of Zion” who later publicly celebrated getting Clancy fired. “These accounts are part of a campaign to do PR for #Israel,” Clancy tweeted, belaboring the obvious.
Though Clancy’s account @ClancyCNN disappeared,Gawker archived the tweets.
Maurice Sinet: fired in 2009 from his job as cartoonist for Charlie Hebdo and prosecuted by the French government for joking about then-French-President Sarkozy’s son converting to Judaism in order to garner the wealth and power associated with the Zionist ethnic crime mob: “He’ll go far, that little lad,” Sinet quipped – a mild joke that contained enough truth to get him run out of Paris on a TGV rail. So much for Charlie Hebdo and free speech.
Helen Thomas, who was smeared by the usual lynch mob for telling the genocidal Zionist invaders to “get the hell out of Palestine.”
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