“I mean, we steal 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, and we drain their blood and we mix it with the passover bread. And then we throw the bodies into the slaughterhouses that we own and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger. McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people — they eat it for breakfast. They eat their children for lunch. And us Jews, you know, we gotta do what we do… Right now, it’s too late. It’s over for your white race. So that’s why I’m speaking so honestly here — to bring it out into the open so that you can see it for what it is…People don’t want to listen. We’ve been doing this for thousands and thousands of years — since Adam’s time. We take the children of our enemy, which is the white, and we bring them to the basements in the synagogues where we drain their blood and watch them die there. It’s very similar to…the sacrifices that we do in kosher butchering. And so we do that, and we mix it with the passover bread. And so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies — eh, we’re not cannibals — we take those — cause we can make some shekels — and we give them to the slaughterhouses. And those are pounds and pounds of meat we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger. And that’s why we made those the most popular things — sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children! And even when we say this outright and tell you people –you don’t believe it. So that’s your problem!” — Zionist Rabbi Abe Finkelstein
Fast Food Children:
Stories like this one below would seem to corroborate what Rabbi Finkelstein has shared…
More strangeness found in McDonalds food…
“Pregnant mother Kim Hasler spoke of her horror yesterday after she bit into a McDonalds takeaway and crunched on a human tooth. Kim said she was nearly sick when she found the object which has now been sent away for analysis in a laboratory. “I went to bite into it and I heard a kind of crunch,” she said. ” There was this hard object in my burger. I took it out of my mouth and it was a tooth. “I could not believe it – I thought it might have been one of my teeth but I checked and it definitely wasn’t. “I was absolutely disgusted. It’s the most horrible thing I have ever eaten.” Kim, 18, said a friend bought the burger in a Happy Meal for her at a McDonalds take-away in Torquay, Devon. The shop is located near Torbay Hospital, where the mum-to-be was being treated for abdominal pains and early contractions. “This is the last thing I needed,” she said. “They wanted to take the tooth off me, but another customer overheard and told me to keep it for evidence. “Then they offered me a free meal which I thought was a cheek.” Kim, who lives in Torquay with boyfriend Steve Still, 33, a chef, and is expecting her baby in June, has contacted a solicitor and said she is considering legal action against McDonalds. In a letter, the fast food company apologised to Kim and repeated its request for her to send the object to them. A spokesman for McDonalds said: “We are extremely concerned to hear about Miss Hasler’s experience. We are currently investigating and our customer service department will liaise with her to resolve this.” Kim has passed the object to Torbay Environmental Health, which has sent it to a food technology laboratory for analysis. A council spokesman said: “We are following up a complaint and an investigation is ongoing.”
I can see that case going to court. “Miss Hasler, do you promise to tell the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth?”
Source Article: More strangeness found in McDonalds food…
“Pregnant mother Kim Hasler spoke of her horror yesterday after she bit into a McDonalds takeaway and crunched on a human tooth. Kim said she was nearly sick when she found the object which has now been sent away for analysis in a laboratory. “I went to bite into it and I heard a kind of crunch,” she said. ” There was this hard object in my burger. I took it out of my mouth and it was a tooth. “I could not believe it – I thought it might have been one of my teeth but I checked and it definitely wasn’t. “I was absolutely disgusted. It’s the most horrible thing I have ever eaten.” Kim, 18, said a friend bought the burger in a Happy Meal for her at a McDonalds take-away in Torquay, Devon. The shop is located near Torbay Hospital, where the mum-to-be was being treated for abdominal pains and early contractions. “This is the last thing I needed,” she said. “They wanted to take the tooth off me, but another customer overheard and told me to keep it for evidence. “Then they offered me a free meal which I thought was a cheek.” Kim, who lives in Torquay with boyfriend Steve Still, 33, a chef, and is expecting her baby in June, has contacted a solicitor and said she is considering legal action against McDonalds. In a letter, the fast food company apologised to Kim and repeated its request for her to send the object to them. A spokesman for McDonalds said: “We are extremely concerned to hear about Miss Hasler’s experience. We are currently investigating and our customer service department will liaise with her to resolve this.” Kim has passed the object to Torbay Environmental Health, which has sent it to a food technology laboratory for analysis. A council spokesman said: “We are following up a complaint and an investigation is ongoing.”
I can see that case going to court. “Miss Hasler, do you promise to tell the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth?”
Source Article: More strangeness found in McDonalds food…
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