Alternative News sites are in big danger. They are going to be blacked out first.
News are very important for people to wake up and realizing what's going on in the US and the World today. They know where to strike, suppers the information and the job is done. Let's all stay sheeple and watch the programmed, brainwashed mind controlling MSMedia news.

News are very important for people to wake up and realizing what's going on in the US and the World today. They know where to strike, suppers the information and the job is done. Let's all stay sheeple and watch the programmed, brainwashed mind controlling MSMedia news.
According to what I'm hearing from several sources in my network of contacts, the U.S. government is putting systems in place to black out online news sites like Natural News, Drudge Report, The Blaze, BeforeitsNews, WUC News and many others. A practice run that took place earlier this week in California has already achieved this result and confirmed the technical ability to make it happen at will.
The recent outage of news sites experienced by internet users in California was reported by this article on and confirmed by The Washington Times, The Blaze and other sites. The Natural News reader service team also recorded numerous complaints from California users who were unable to reach our website even though our site was fully functional and serving pages worldwide.
What was especially telling about this outage is that it only affected online news sites while allowing other internet traffic to flow normally. This selective targeting of news websites could have been accomplished by "deep packet inspection used inside the routers that move information packets along the internet," reported Before Its News technical staff. "This technology allows ISP's to look inside the packets your computer sends and receives and then make a decision to allow the packets through, modify the packets or block them. This technique can also be used to slow or speed up traffic."
The selective targeting proves that this was not a general outage. The traffic blockage was specifically targeted to online news sites.
Online news censorship being prepared in advance of large-scale event
This selective blocking that took place earlier this week is widely believed to have been a dry run for a planned online news site blockade by the federal government during an upcoming "major event."
What sort of major event? The sort of major event where the government wants its official narrative to be the only information allowed to circulate, obviously. These tend to be either terrorism events or false flag events which are seized upon by the government to enact harsh new police state regulations and surveillance initiatives to spy on the American people. Similar events in recent U.S. history include Oklahoma City, Waco and of course 9/11 -- all of which were exploited to vastly expand police militarization and the surveillance reach of the federal government. (Patriot Act, anyone?)
What all governments know is the importance of "getting out in front of the narrative" and telling the government's story first, before anyone else can look at the facts and present a more rational explanation for what happened.
The recent outage of news sites experienced by internet users in California was reported by this article on and confirmed by The Washington Times, The Blaze and other sites. The Natural News reader service team also recorded numerous complaints from California users who were unable to reach our website even though our site was fully functional and serving pages worldwide.
What was especially telling about this outage is that it only affected online news sites while allowing other internet traffic to flow normally. This selective targeting of news websites could have been accomplished by "deep packet inspection used inside the routers that move information packets along the internet," reported Before Its News technical staff. "This technology allows ISP's to look inside the packets your computer sends and receives and then make a decision to allow the packets through, modify the packets or block them. This technique can also be used to slow or speed up traffic."
The selective targeting proves that this was not a general outage. The traffic blockage was specifically targeted to online news sites.
Online news censorship being prepared in advance of large-scale event
This selective blocking that took place earlier this week is widely believed to have been a dry run for a planned online news site blockade by the federal government during an upcoming "major event."
What sort of major event? The sort of major event where the government wants its official narrative to be the only information allowed to circulate, obviously. These tend to be either terrorism events or false flag events which are seized upon by the government to enact harsh new police state regulations and surveillance initiatives to spy on the American people. Similar events in recent U.S. history include Oklahoma City, Waco and of course 9/11 -- all of which were exploited to vastly expand police militarization and the surveillance reach of the federal government. (Patriot Act, anyone?)
What all governments know is the importance of "getting out in front of the narrative" and telling the government's story first, before anyone else can look at the facts and present a more rational explanation for what happened.
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