- http://www.worstpills.org/public/page.cfm?op_id=5
- http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/08/18/deadly-medicine-heart-failure-from-heart-medicine/
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These folks are full of ignorance. As a U.S. Marine Corps veteran it saddens me that Wake up call would block my commentary in their Facebook page. Simply for calling them out when they post things that are blatant lies. If you desire to be fooled and follow a liar, then you are in the right place. If you want to be smarter than that, I suggest that you do some of your own research and not be led astray! I have never been nasty with these people, but when I expose them, they can't handle the truth and they think that blocking me on Facebook will silence me. I am smarter than they are and will continue to show you the truth as I find it! Thanks. How do you like me now, Wake Up Call?
ReplyDeleteWhat is ur evidence that this story is not true?..
I would like to know if anyone knows if long term use of depakote can cause elevated total cholestrol levels? I am inclined to thonk it can.