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Recently, the world commemorated another anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, which changed the world as we knew it, and has since, cast a terroristic ha...Read more »
- Erdogan: US Must Choose Between Turkey or 'Terrorist' Kurds in Syria26 Feb 20160
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is fuming. His grand vision for Syria is crumbling before his eyes.Worse still, the Kurds have carved out stron...Read more »
- Hillary emails confirm US and NATO destroyed Libya over gold-backed currency
Libya’s plan to create a gold-backed currency to compete with the euro and dollar was a motive for NATO’s intervention.
The New Year’s Eve release of over 3,000 new Hillary Clinton emails from the State Department has CNN abuzz over gossipy text messages, the “who gets to ride with Hillary” selection process set up by her staff, and how a “cute” Hillary photo fared on Facebook.
But historians of the 2011 NATO war in Libya will be sure to notice a few of the truly explosive confirmations contained in the new emails: admissions of rebel war crimes, special ops trainers inside Libya from nearly the start of protests, Al Qaeda embedded in the U.S. backed opposition, Western nations jockeying for access to Libyan oil, the nefarious origins of the absurd Viagra mass rape claim, and concern over Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves threatening European currency.25 Feb 20162Newly disclosed emails show that Libya’s plan to create a gold-backed currency to compete with the euro and dollar was a motive for NATO’s interventi...Read more »
- US Admits Total Defeat In Afghanistan As Russian Victory In Syria Terrifies West
MoD) circulating in the Kremlin within the last hour states that the historic peace talks begun earlier today in the Pakistani capital city of Islamabad between the United States, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Taliban signals that for the first time the American’s have acknowledged their total defeat in the Afghan War—and who are now, stunningly, “re-walking” the exact same path the former Soviet Union took in 1989 when it too finally acknowledged its defeat there.
25 Feb 20160An internal strategic report prepared by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) circulating in the Kremlin within the last hour states that the historic peace...Read more »
- Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S.10 Dec 20150
The latest pronouncement from the presidential campaign of Donald Trump calls for the U.S. to refuse to let any Muslim — from anywhere — into the Un...Read more »
- Pope Francis arrives in US for historic visit Obama: Two Devils Converging On September 23rd!22 Sep 20150
The Pope we know it's the false prophet but is this making Obama an Antichrist. Pope Francis, to cheering crowds and a presidential receptio...Read more »
- Pakistan’s mobile phone owners told: be fingerprinted or lose your sim card07 Mar 20150
Mobile phones didn’t just arrive in Pakistan. But someone could be fooled into thinking otherwise, considering the tens of millions of Pakistanis pou...Read more »
- Sandy Hook child victim Noah Pozner was killed twice! Also a victim in Pakistan Taliban shooting!
Adam Lanza on Dec. 14, 2012.
If you go to the “Remembering Noah Samuel Pozner” Facebook page, described in “About” as “The OFFICIAL Facebook Page for Noah Pozner (Approved by Noah’s Parents),” and click “photos,” you’ll see this collage of photos of Noah (below).
Pay special attention to the partially-cropped pic on the right which I’d circled in yellow. Note Noah’s head that’s slightly tilted to his right, his smile, and the distinctive collar (sheep skin?) of his jacket.04 Jan 201516-year-old Noah Pozner allegedly was one of the 20 children at Sandy Hook Elementary School who allegedly were shot to death by Adam Lanza on Dec....Read more »
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