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Im so sick of the people leading our country!They are nothing but a bunch of luciferians trying to destroy everything this country was founded on and stands for. Are for father's would be horrified if they could see what the government is now doing to this country. Whats even worse is they are getting away with it an there is no one that will stop them. My only comfort is knowing they will all stand before God one day and pay for everything they have done.
ReplyDeleteFirst step we the people need to set straight is, ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION..PERIOD!!!!!! It is a system of living by their law and nobody else's. Has a government within it's belief, it has it's own judicial guidance's and penalties. Their is no equality between men and women and as we have seen they have their own military all over the world. ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION>>>>get that straight folks.
ReplyDeleteAs long as we the people allow it to go on, it will go on.