Trump’s War on the World Order
U.S. President Donald Trump made clear his disdain for the international organizations that have regulated trade, promoted human rights, and advanced international peace since the end of World War II.… Read more »
Bill Gates talks about ‘vaccines to reduce population’
Gates made his remarks to the invitation-only Long Beach, California TED2010 Conference, in a speech titled, “Innovating to Zero!.” Along with the scientifically absurd proposition of reducing manmade CO2 emissions worldwide to zero by 2050, approxi… Read more »
Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist. Why are we still celebrating her?
The French have a word for it: débaptiser.A prominent French scientist, Alexis Carrel (1878-1944) won the Nobel Prize for his inventions. His work saved military and civilian lives during both world wars. After his death, a grateful nation baptized … Read more »
Gospel artist Dr Tumi claims he was offered R13m to join the Illuminati
Gospel sensation Dr Tumi recently claimed that he rejected an invitation to join a secret society called the illuminati. … Read more »
$210M of meth found hidden in Sriracha hot sauce bottles shipped from US
Reuters, authorities in Sydney, Australia, discovered 400 kilograms of methamphetamine – also known as meth, crystal meth or ice – hidden in hot sauce bottles at a freight depot Oct. 15, New South Wales police said Thursday. The drugs, which were s… Read more »
Facebook pays £500,000 fine in the UK over Cambridge Analytica issues
Just 500 000 give me a break?!!The Information Commissioner’s Office has announced that Facebook has agreed to pay a fine of £500,000 after the regulator accused it of violating the Data Protection Act 1998 with regards to the Cambridge Analytica sc… Read more »
The Trump tax-cut stimulus has disappeared
Two years ago, Trump predicted the Republican tax cut would raise family incomes by $4,000 a year, on average. “It’s going to be fantastic for the economy,” he said at a White House signing ceremony on Dec. 22, 2017. “The numbers will speak.” … Read more »
Trump Threatens to Call US Military to Close Southern Border as 4,000-strong Migrant Caravan Pushes North
The U.S. military will "CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER" with Mexico if officials there don't soon stop the northward push of a massive migrant caravan, President Trump warned Thursday, amid reports the procession had swelled in size to about 4,000 people… Read more »
President Trump Pens Scathing Op Ed For USA Today: Warns Democrats Want To Turn America Into Venezuela
Pitiful Democrats Devolve Into 'The Party Of Mess And Corruption'… Read more »
Do Amish hold the key to a longer life?
It's simple Amish live in nature they grow their own natural healthy food they don't use poison in their food, water. Also they don't vaccinate their kids this is why they are healthy and Amish people can live longer that average people. … Read more »
World's first human head transplant a success, controversial scientist claims
The world's first human head transplant has been carried out on a corpse in China in an 18-hour operation that showed it was possible to successfully reconnect the spine, nerves and blood vessels. … Read more »
The Richest 1% Now Own More Than 50% of the World’s Wealth
The richest 1% now owns more than half of all the world’s household wealth, according to analysts at Credit Suisse. And they say inequality is only going to get worse over the coming years, with millennials having a particularly tough time. … Read more »
This 10-month-old baby weighs as much as a 9-year-old
Ten-month-old Luis Manuel Gonzales weighs the same as an average nine-year-old but his parents and doctors are at a loss to explain his mystery weight gain. … Read more »
Alibaba’s Singles’ Day sale amassed $25.3 billion, doubling 2016 Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales combined
A decade ago, November 11th was a tongue-in-cheek cultural “celebration” of single people in China. In 2009, retailer Alibaba turned the day into the country’s version of Black Friday — and eight years later, sales from the Chinese e-commerce’s one-… Read more »
School Calls Police on Girl Using 2 Dollar Bill to Buy Her Chicken Nuggets!
O can you bealive this?!!Sometimes you just have to shake your head. It seems common sense just doesn’t exist in some public schools anymore. What is with these people? Do they seriously not have better things to do with their time than THIS?WHEN 13… Read more »
What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Avocado Every day?
The avocado is believed to have originated in Puebla, Mexico. The oldest evidence of the avocado was found in a cave in Puebla, Mexico and dates back to around 10,000 BC. … Read more »
Smart Meter Data: Privacy And Cybersecurity – Congressional Research Report 2012
In February of 2012, three attorneys with the Congressional Research Service (CRS) issued a lengthy report “Smart Meter Data: Privacy and Cybersecurity,” which addressed many of the same questions consumers have about those high-tech utility meters… Read more »
Las Vegas Shooting Victim: There Was 100% More Than One Shooter
Las Vegas mass shooting victim Rocky Palermo was shot in the pelvis during the horrific attack and is now speaking out about what he saw and believes happened, including the presence of multiple shooters as well as locked concert gates and police te… Read more »
Russia Destroys Chemical Weapons, and Faults U.S. for Not Doing So
Putin of Russia presided over the destruction of his country’s last declared chemical weapons on Wednesday, describing the elimination as a “historic event” and complaining that the United States has failed to purge its own chemical arsenal. (adsbyg… Read more »
Apple just released new information about how facial recognition on the iPhone X works
With Apple new face recognition we are all been fooled. They will truck us by face. Apple updated the security and privacy information on its websiteon Wednesday, revealing new details about how its new facial recognition technology works. (adsbygoo… Read more »
Anthony Weiner sentenced to 21 months in federal prison
Anthony Weiner and his sexual past have been sentence to 21 months in federal prison. Podesta files and WikiLeaks are true.Anthony Weiner, whose exchange of illicit messages with a teen wound up playing a critical role in the 2016 presidential elec… Read more »
US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II
Recently, the world commemorated another anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, which changed the world as we knew it, and has since, cast a terroristic haze over the planet. The War on Terror was engaged; the premise was a globally united citizen, freedo… Read more »
Bayer Buys Monsanto For $66 Billion
Bayer, who made it rich selling heroin to children and financing Nazi concentration camps, is set to pay over $128 a share to buy the world’s most notorious GMO seed company.German pharmaceutical and agrochemical company Bayer has finally succeeded … Read more »
The Assassination Attempt for Julian Assange At The Ecuadorian Embassy In London Was Ordered By Clinton And Biden
The US periodically confirms that a criminal national security investigation into Julian Assange and WikiLeaks is ongoing — for example to a US court on 4 March 2015, and to the Washington Post on 28 January 2015.… Read more »
DC Explosion Leaves Key Hillary Clinton Witness DEAD!!!
At least two people were found dead and several more heavily injured in a DC explosion that happened early this morning – officials said.Assistant Chief Russ Hamill of the Montgomery County Police told reporters Friday that two bodies were found in … Read more »
The worst condition Hillary Clinton suffers from isn't pneumonia, it's dishonesty
It’s often not the crime that undoes a politician, it’s the attempted cover-up. In Hillary Clinton’s case there’s no real crime, of course –no one can fault her for falling ill yet still ploughing through her schedule.On the contrary, it’s rather ad… Read more »
Man Grows Breasts After Drinking Too Much Soy Milk
A 54 year old is suing a soy milk company after he noticed dramatic changes in his body from consuming the product for the past four months.Sydney Wellington, was recently diagnosed with lactose intolerant and he started using soy milk after his doct… Read more »
Miami High School Shut Down after Zika Outbreak Infects 47 Students!
Miami-Dade High School was shut down at approximately 11am Wednesday morning after multiple students complained of fever, skin rashes, conjunctivitis (pinkeye), and abnormal fatigue, all typical symptoms related to the Zika virus. … Read more »
River In Russia Mysteriously Turns Blood Red
Startled residents of a Russian city inside the Arctic Circle have been posting photos of a local river that has mysteriously turned blood red. Photos published on Russian social media appear to the show the Daldykan River near the city of Norilsk f… Read more »
Putin Survive New World Order Assassination Attempt!
Brave Vladimir Putin was the subject of a failed assassination attempt in Moscow as the New World Order attempted to silence their most formidable enemy. Putin’s favorite driver was killed instantly after a Mercedes crossed from the other side of th… Read more »
WikiLeaks Releases Over 1,000 Clinton Iraq War Emails
WikiLeaks has released 1,258 of Hillary Clinton’s emails in relation to the Iraq war, preceding the British Chilcot report on the conflict set to be released later this week.WikiLeaks tweeted a link to their email archive from their official Twitter… Read more »
Neuroscientist Shows What Fasting Does To Your Brain and Why Big Pharma Won’t Study It
Below is a TEDx talk given by Mark Mattson, the current Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging. He is also a professor of Neuroscience at The Johns Hopkins University, and one of the foremost researchers in the ar… Read more »
Michael Jackson’s Skin Disorder Now Becoming Fashionable.
Vitiligo, a skin disease is now termed as a new fashion trend of 2015. Vitiligo is a chronic disease which causes loss of skin color. The main cause of Vitiligo is genetic susceptibility and there is no cure for it. This disease is identified as the… Read more »
The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497) admits that:“It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.”If this latte… Read more »
13 Of The Biggest Retailers In America Are Closing Down Stores
Barack Obama recently stated that anyone that is claiming that America’s economy is in decline is “peddling fiction“. Well, if the economy is in such great shape, why are major retailers shutting down hundreds of stores all over the country? Last … Read more »
George Soros Is Preparing For Economic Collapse
Why is George Soros selling stocks, buying gold and making “a series of big, bearish investments”? If things stay relatively stable like they are right now, these moves will likely cost George Soros a tremendous amount of money. But if a major fin… Read more »
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