Reuters, authorities in Sydney, Australia, discovered 400 kilograms of methamphetamine – also known as meth, crystal meth or ice – hidden in hot sauce bottles at a freight depot Oct. 15, New South Wales police said Thursday. The drugs, which were shipped from the United States, were worth about $210 million U.S., the news service reported.
Reuters, authorities in Sydney, Australia, discovered 400 kilograms of methamphetamine – also known as meth, crystal meth or ice – hidden in hot sauce bottles at a freight depot Oct. 15, New South Wales police said Thursday. The drugs, which were shipped from the United States, were worth about $210 million U.S., the news service reported.
When a normal, healthy, vibrant seven year-old child dies suddenly we want to know why. Things like that just don’t happen – at least they didn’t used to happen at the rate they appear to be happening lately.
This report from an Independent News Source in Vermont relates the story of what happened after Kaylynne Matten was taken by her parents for her annual physical on December 2, 2011. During the physical Kaylynne was given a flu vaccine. Four days later she was dead. She wasn’t even sick when she went to the doctor!
The state health commissioner, Dr. Harry Chen, “is not convinced” the girl’s death was from the flu vaccine, citing the “very rare” incidence of serious reactions to the flu shot and the huge numbers of people who receive them each year. Dr. Chen declares that serious reactions to flu vaccines are so “rare” that death by flu shot has never been reported in Vermont.
BINGO! There’s the problem. Every time a healthy child dies or is seriously injured by a vaccine, those who are responsible for determining the cause of death immediately rule out vaccines because they are “so safe” and serious reactions are “so rare” – No. They’re not. They’re just not reported because of people like Dr. Chen, whose job is dependent on the sale of vaccines. That’s what he does. He ensures that all of the people in his state are fully vaccinated. Without vaccines, Dr. Chen would be unemployed; at the very least he’d be looking for another job. But then, without vaccines there would be a LOT of doctors looking for jobs, so there’s a good chance Dr. Chen would be collecting unemployment benefits.
Dr. Chen is worried that people will over-react to this girl’s death. He cautions about “alarmist” reactions to the death of Kaylynne Matten. Excuse me? We are not supposed to be ALARMED? Clearly, Dr. Chen has become complacent when it comes to young children dropping dead for “no apparent reason.” Dr. Chen is worried that if people become “alarmed” their concerns may lead them to avoid getting a flu shot. If they start looking into the dangers of flu shots, it’s a very slippery slope. You know how it goes. Flu shot research is like “the gateway drug” that causes us (parents who are easily influenced) to become fanatics. We research the flu vaccine and the true dangers of the flu and before you know it we start to realize we’ve been lied to. From there it’s all downhill for Dr. Chen and his cronies. As we become “hooked” on research we learn more and more about vaccines and the more we learn the more we realize that vaccines are dangerous and the risks of infectious diseases are small in comparison.
As the article states, Vermont already has one of the most dismal (hear the sarcasm, please) vaccination rates in the nation. If even more people start researching and learning about the children and adults throughout the U.S. and the world who have died or been seriously harmed by vaccines, that dismal number might just fall even farther. Heavens! That would be a real tragedy – for Dr. Chen.
The fox is guarding the hen house How in the world can this vaccine-related death even be questioned? It’s like saying “John Smith walked across the 495 beltway and was hit by a semi. Mr. Smith survived the accident and was taken to the hospital where he lapsed into a coma and died 4 days later. Mrs. Smith believes it was the semi that killed her husband. The hospital administrator (who happens to be married to the driver of the semi) is not so sure. Autopsy results are pending…” GIVE ME A FREAKING’ BREAK!
According to the CDC there are between 3,000 and 49,000 deaths each year in the U.S. due to the flu (influenza). That sure sounds like a lot of people dying from the flu. Before we become “alarmed” by these “huge” numbers, lets see what they mean in terms of the percentage of U.S. citizens. The U.S. Census Data indicates that the population of the U.S. is somewhere around 300,000,000 people: 304,059,700 as of the latest data. That means in a “good” year (fewer deaths from flu) the percentage of U.S. citizens who die from the flu is 0.0000986%. Whoa….. that’s a lot of zeros. In translation, this equates to 9.8 (less than ten) people for every 1 Million citizens in the U.S. Of course, in a very BAD year the numbers are higher. Taking the worst-case scenario (49,000 deaths), the yearly death toll would be 0.0016115% of the U.S. population. This number equates to 1.6 (less than two) deaths per 1,000 people. That’s a little bit scarier. However, we have to consider how many of those deaths occur in 7 year-old children.
Just what is the real risk of death from flu for a seven year old? How do we find out? If we just read the article, we are told “The majority of those severe illnesses and [3,000 to 49,000] deaths occur among infants, young children, pregnant women, seniors and people with chronic medical conditions.” I don’t know about you but when I read this I tend to think this means infants, young children and pregnant women are those who are MOST at risk. It might just be me, but when something falls at the top of the list when someone is talking about relative risk, I associate that with meaning they are the ones we need to be most concerned about. Actually, the opposite is true in this case.
Among persons aged <19 years, an estimated annual average of 97 (range: 41 in 1981–82 to 234 in 1977–78) influenza-associated deaths with underlying pneumonia and influenza causes occurred . The average annual rate of influenza-associated deaths for this age group was 0.1 deaths per 100,000 persons (range: 0.1–0.3). Among adults aged 19–64 years, an estimated annual average of 666 (range: 173 in 1981–82 to 1,459 in 2004–05) influenza-associated deaths with underlying pneumonia and influenza causes occurred. The average annual rate of influenza-associated deaths for this age group was 0.4 deaths per 100,000 persons (range: 0.1–0.8). Among adults aged ≥65 years, an estimated annual average of 5,546 (range: 673 in 1978–79 to 13,245 in 2003–04) influenza-associated deaths with underlying pneumonia and influenza causes occurred. The average annual rate of influenza-associated deaths for this age group was 17.0 deaths per 100,000 (range: 2.4–36.7). Deaths among persons aged ≥65 years accounted for 87.9% of the overall estimated average annual influenza-associated deaths with underlying pneumonia and influenza causes.
So…. how do we figure out the risk for a seven year-old? One way would be to divide 97 by 19, which would give us the average number of deaths per year of age. We can estimate this as FIVE, since 97 is very close to 100 and 19 is very close to 20. According to this calculation, there are approximately FIVE seven year-old in the U.S. who die from the flu each year. Clearly the risk of death from the flu was astronomically small for 7 year-old Kaylynne.
Dr. Chen can talk all he wants about the risks of flu. His fear mongering won’t save his job. People are too smart to fall for the trickery anymore. Parents in the United States and around the world are tired of being lied to. We are tired of doing as we are told and watching our children die as a result.
Dr Chen: I suggest you update your resume. I think you’re going to need it.
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Pregnant Nurse Fired After Refusing Flu Shot To Protect Unborn Child
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Package insert for Fluzone flu vaccine marketed to seniors reveals 23 seniors died during drug trial.The annual marketing campaign pushing people to r...Read more »
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I am opposed to is fraudulent science, and that’s what this article is all about.Measles and mumps are making a huge comeback in the United Stat...Read more »
A second Minnesota teenager has reportedly died from complications of infection with influenza Type A during this current flu season, prompting health...Read more »
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What bothers me about this little rant is that this person is jumping to conclusions before the autopsy report is even done. The child could have had an underlying condition that the parents did not know about yet. For example, an aortic aneurysm. The other thing that bothers me about this article is how doctors jobs depend on these vaccines? Do people not get the common cold? Do only those who have vaccines get high blood pressure, diabetes, pneumonia, flu, food poisoning, broken limbs, pink eye, bacterial infections, pregnant, pancreantitis, appendicitis, etc.? Trust me, a doctor does a hell of a lot more than bureaucratic bullshit. In addition, this person writing this little rant is talking about the doctors lying and causing panic to get a vaccine.. Well it looks like that is exactly what this person is trying to do. STOP BEING A HYPOCRIT! Lastly, I'm so happy that you are so "concerned" about the well being of every child on earth, but of you truly cared.. You would see that by eliminating certain diseases or infections through vaccination is worth every risk. For example, if a child or geriatric gets the measles or mumps.. There is a significant risk that they will die or have lasting health issues due to extreme fevers, that being said, if you really want people to stop vaccinating their children, be ready to be just as responsible for their deaths as you are ready to be responsible for "saving" them.
I have never had a flu shot in my entire life EXCEPT for one in Arkansas in the year 1991..I was so well it was a sin... I had never had a sick day !! How blessed I was ...until that fateful day.. I was at work and we all HAD to receive the shot .. I went to the nurse when they called for me . Got the shot no big deal // 3hours later I was on the floor with a fever of 104 and I was shivering and out of it.. I had a friend whom I don't know to this day bring me home where I was so sick for 4 weeks that I received fever blisters INSIDE my nose where I felt they never would have ever been and my mouth was covered with fever blisters!!!!!!!!!!! I have lost 26 pounds making me when I was well 109 . I needed that extra 26 pounds being that I am 5 foot 5 inches...The work rule was to call in sick if you could not make it.. I could not even get off the bed and finally a neighbor came over and saw the condition I was in and helped me bath and clean me up and change my bedding .. she stayed there all the while I was ill and she cared for me and called In for me so I would not loose my job..... When I finally could get out I went to the family doctor who informed me that I should never never ever take another flu shot !!!!!!! I have never had the flu since and that was 40 years ago . I am 60 to this day ... this very day turned 60.
What bothers me about this little rant is that this person is jumping to conclusions before the autopsy report is even done. The child could have had an underlying condition that the parents did not know about yet. For example, an aortic aneurysm. The other thing that bothers me about this article is how doctors jobs depend on these vaccines? Do people not get the common cold? Do only those who have vaccines get high blood pressure, diabetes, pneumonia, flu, food poisoning, broken limbs, pink eye, bacterial infections, pregnant, pancreantitis, appendicitis, etc.? Trust me, a doctor does a hell of a lot more than bureaucratic bullshit. In addition, this person writing this little rant is talking about the doctors lying and causing panic to get a vaccine.. Well it looks like that is exactly what this person is trying to do. STOP BEING A HYPOCRIT! Lastly, I'm so happy that you are so "concerned" about the well being of every child on earth, but of you truly cared.. You would see that by eliminating certain diseases or infections through vaccination is worth every risk. For example, if a child or geriatric gets the measles or mumps.. There is a significant risk that they will die or have lasting health issues due to extreme fevers, that being said, if you really want people to stop vaccinating their children, be ready to be just as responsible for their deaths as you are ready to be responsible for "saving" them.
DeleteI have never had a flu shot in my entire life EXCEPT for one in Arkansas in the year 1991..I was so well it was a sin... I had never had a sick day !! How blessed I was ...until that fateful day.. I was at work and we all HAD to receive the shot .. I went to the nurse when they called for me . Got the shot no big deal // 3hours later I was on the floor with a fever of 104 and I was shivering and out of it.. I had a friend whom I don't know to this day bring me home where I was so sick for 4 weeks that I received fever blisters INSIDE my nose where I felt they never would have ever been and my mouth was covered with fever blisters!!!!!!!!!!! I have lost 26 pounds making me when I was well 109 . I needed that extra 26 pounds being that I am 5 foot 5 inches...The work rule was to call in sick if you could not make it.. I could not even get off the bed and finally a neighbor came over and saw the condition I was in and helped me bath and clean me up and change my bedding .. she stayed there all the while I was ill and she cared for me and called In for me so I would not loose my job..... When I finally could get out I went to the family doctor who informed me that I should never never ever take another flu shot !!!!!!! I have never had the flu since and that was 40 years ago . I am 60 to this day ... this very day turned 60.
DeleteYou really should wash your mouth out with soap! Totally disgraceful the way people talk to others [or write to others]......