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Is Fukushima the greatest environmental disaster of all time? Every single day, 300 tons of radioactive water from Fukushima enters the Pacific Ocean...Read more »
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“Nuclear Fallout is the residual radioactive material propelled into the upper atmosphere following a nuclear blast or a nuclear reaction conducted ...Read more »
- The first days after the meltdown – ”Fukushima Untold Stories” by Toru Bove08 Apr 20150
Within a 300 km zone from Fukushima there are about 50 million people, including the capital city Tokyo. When I speak to audiences about Fukushima I ...Read more »
- Fukushima radiation spikes 7,000% as contaminated water pours into the ocean28 Feb 20150
Cleanup crews trying to mitigate Japan's never-ending radiation crisis at Fukushima ran into more problems recently after sensors monitoring a draina...Read more »
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Cancer rates in areas surrounding the Fukushima nuclear reactor in Japan have soared by 6000% according to reports, yet the government and media are ...Read more »
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