What is it about gluten and GMO that have the masses asking questions? What’s the latest debate that is constantly engaged on the best hea...
Vitamin C Can Kill Every Virus Known To Mankind
If you suffer from fatigue, muscle weakness, achy joints and muscles, bleeding gums or leg rashes – you could be vitamin C deficient. Ever...
The Fall of Iraq - What You're Not Being Told
Iraq is descending into chaos, but not for the reasons you're being fed by the politicians and the mainstream media. In June ...
High Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury And Cobalt, Dangerous Heavy Metals
The enzyme, Xylose isomerase, is used to turn glucose to fructose in the high fructose corn syrup creation process; what you find out is t...
Ebola epidemic in West Africa ‘out of control’
The deadly Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa has hit “unprecedented” proportions, according to relief workers on the ground. “The epid...
Pope Francis Meets With Charismatic Church Leaders To Plan Return To Mother Church
THE APOSTATE CHARISMATICS WILL BE THE FIRST TO FALL “That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God r...
Why Fluoride In Drinking Water Is Poison
Since the new year, eight more cities and regions in Canada, Australia and The United States have no to fluoridating water supplies. Most d...
ISIS declares creation of Islamic state in Middle East, 'new era of international jihad'
ISIS jihadists have declared the captured territories from Iraq's Diyala province to Syria's Aleppo a new Islamic State - a ‘caliph...
Feds finally release Burzynski cancer cure treatment
A hold that was placed on a remarkable breakthrough cancer treatment invented by Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski has finally been lifted by the F...
Why soy is NOT a health food
First in USA 91% of soy is GMO food. W hen I think of soy and its so-called “health benefits,” I immediately see a 15-year-old version of...
How sunscreen can increase the risk of skin cancer
Summer is practically upon us, and the smell of sunscreen is in the air! I’m guessing that many of you have already swapped your sweater...
How your Nails give you Warning Signs and Alerts about your Health
Your nails can reveal about your overall health issues. Many serious health issues along with serious problems in lungs, liver and heart c...
Cancer Deaths Double where GMOs and Agrochemicals Used
A report by the Ministry of Health in Cordoba on deaths from cancerous tumours shows that the highest rate of deaths occur in areas where ...
Scientists Link Selfies To Narcissism, Addiction & Mental Illness
The growing trend of taking smartphone selfies is linked to mental health conditions that focus on a person’s obsession with looks. Acc...
Americans May Be Locked Up in FEMA Concentration Camps Admits Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
Justice Antonin Scalia predicts that the Supreme Court will eventually authorize another a wartime abuse of civil rights such as the i...
What Happens If You Boil Coca – Cola
A Russian YouTuber and amateur scientist who goes by “Crazy Russian Hacker” wanted to show what goes into your body when you drink a sug...
How To Make The Best Homemade Natural Air Fresheners
Who does not prefer a nice and pleasant scent? Our homes have distinctive smell, but since we live there, we can not feel it. Shops sell ...
Hemp Oil Cured Patient With Late-Stage Cancer – He Actually Coughed Out Cancer
The show “True Facts” on Nova TV recently announced the interview with the man who after the long chemotherapy torture decided to use h...
18 Unregulated Chemicals Found In Drinking Water Across The United States
Many communities around the world have been successful in removing fluoride from their water supply, but that’s not the only concern. Alth...
CDC Forced to Release Documents Showing They Knew Vaccine Preservative Causes Autism
PhD Scientist and Biochemist Reveals Hidden CDC Documents Showing Thimerosal In Vaccines Increase Neurologic Disorders. The CDC has been...
Organic Farmer & Winemaker Faces Jail Time for Refusing to Spray Pesticides
The French agriculture ministry is prosecuting Emmanuel Giboulot, an organic winemaker, for failing to apply insecticide to his vines. The...
U.S. Soccer Star Reveals How His Love For Christ Impacts His Life And The Sport He Loves
United States men’s soccer captain Clint Dempsey is making headlines as he leads the U.S. team in the World Cup. While his talents on the...
Alcohol linked to 88,000 premature deaths a year
Excessive alcohol consumption remains a leading cause of premature death in the United States, responsible for 1 in 10 deaths among work...
Top 10 Main Causes Of Cancer
Cancer is one of the most serious diseases diagnosed in people throughout the whole world, and it is also an inexhaustible source of numer...
Man Loses Pulse for 45 Minutes, Wakes Up With Incredible Vision of Afterlife
A trucker in Ohio shocked hospital staff after coming back to life nearly an hour after he lost his pulse following a massive heart attack...
Monsanto’s Roundup Found in 75% of Air and Rain Samples
A new U.S. Geological Survey has concluded that pesticides can be found in, well, just about anything. Roundup herbicide , Monsanto’s ...
The Shocking Truth: Find Out Which Food Is Genetically Modified
You have probably heard or read about some of these foods being genetically modified, but you may be slightly shocked after reading this a...
Drug in Your Meat That’s Banned in 100 Countries
A drug used on the animals we eat is banned in more than 100 countries, but the FDA’s approval of ractopamine allows the drug to be used w...
Plum Island Biological Experimentation: Mutated Animal Washes Up On The Beach
The creature that washed up on Long Island may have come from Plum Island. Regardless, the stories of Plum Island must be told. Decide fo...
Scientist Believes the Human Microchip Will Become “Not Optional”
Technologies designed specifically to track and monitor human beings have been in development for at least two decades. In the virtual rea...
Say ‘NO’ To Palm Oil
Did you know that most of us are fueling one of the world’s biggest ecological disasters and acts of primate genocide in history? Born...
Bankers Killing Bankers For The Insurance Money and Another Look at 9/11
Two big, macabre stories came out of Wall Street recently: the rash of banker deaths by apparent murder and/or suicide, and speculation th...
Frenchman eats from trash cans across Europe to protest food waste
Eating from garbage without buying any food on a 3,000km route across Europe – that’s what a young Frenchman decided to do in order to rai...
Mortality Rate 50% Higher with More Vaccine Doses
The deaths of children from multiple vaccine doses can only be called carnage. This study demonstrates that giving 5-8 doses instead of 1-4...
Christians Most Persecuted Group in World
"This is not a mosque for prayers but a base for recruiting Muslim youths to engage in terrorist activities." — Police official,...
Gluten-free diet What’s allowed, what’s not
A gluten-free diet is a diet that excludes the protein gluten. Gluten is found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye and triticale (a cr...
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