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 "He met Mark Zuckerberg in 2002 after they had joined the same fraternity which primarily concentrated on activities within the Jewish community.
'We ate Shabbat dinner together,' Hasit said. 'Every year we raised money for charities in Israel. Mark was one of the members of the fraternity, like many other Jewish students at Harvard.'
Hasit, who wears a skullcap, says the 25-year-old Zuckerberg feels an affinity with Judaism. 'He fasts on Yom Kippur,' Hasit says of Zuckerberg. 'Sometimes he would come to the Hillel House, a Jewish organization that ran various activities.' "
- The Jew Ariel Hasit, who now has joined the Israeli Defense Forces, on his personal experience of the Jewish Facebook founder and CEO,Mark ZuckerbergHa´aretz, 10/05/2009.
About the Jew Score

Mark Zuckerberg, in the picture to the right with a Jewish kippah/yarmulke on his head.

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz noted that “Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, a Jewish former Harvard University student.”
Many of us at Facebook have direct personal connection to the Holocaust, through parents who were forced to flee Europe or relatives who could not escape. We believe in Facebook’s mission that giving people tools to make the world more open is a better way to combat ignorance or deception than censorship, though we recognize that others, including those at the company, disagree.

Dustin Moskovitz
"... the real face behind Facebook is the 40-year-old Silicon Valley venture capitalist and futurist philosopher Peter Thiel."

Peter Thiel

David Sacks

George Zachary
The PayPal mafia even had Hollywood success. Jeff Skoll was one of the first eBay executives who became friends with the PayPal crew when eBay bought the company in 2002. He started up Participant Productions on a lark, and it has been one of the most profitable productions companies in Hollywood. Among its first four films were Syriana, Good Night, and Good Luck, North Country, and An Inconvenient Truth. Skoll's success convinced Max and Peter to start dabbling in Hollywood, bankrolling the 2006 indie flick Thank You for Smoking, along with David Sacks, PayPal's former chief operating officer.
On Tuesday, May 12, 2009, The Adelson Institute hosted Richard Perle, former assistant to the Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee during the Reagan administration, and Peter Thiel, Co-Founder of PayPal and President of Clarium Capital Management. The topic of discussion was: “The first 100 days of the Obama administration".
Israel is Truly the Country of the Future, May 17, 2009
"I believe that Israel is a truly extraordinary place."
The Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem is an academic and research institute founded by its chairman, Natan Sharansky, in 2007. The Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies develops, articulates and builds support for the strategic principles needed to address the challenges currently facing Israel and the West. Israel, as the only democracy in this region surrounded by totalitarian governments, is on the cutting edge of the challenges and dangers confronting Western civilization everywhere.
Terrorism is a cancer that can’t be cured through “proportional” treatments. It requires invasive surgery.
Peter Thiel gambles on the next internet hit – Israel’s Hooja

Jim Breyer

Ben Horowitz
Early in 2008, she left Google to become the second-in-command of Facebook, the emerging social-networking company.

Addendum 2012:

The Jew David Fischer - son of Israel's Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer - is the VP of Advertising and Global Operations at Facebook and oversees sales, advertiser marketing, and customer operations throughout the world.

David Fischer joined Facebook after over seven years at Google, where he was VP of Global Online Sales and Operations and was responsible for Google’s online sales channel, which represented the majority of Google’s customers worldwide. In that role, he helped build Google’s online advertising network into the largest in the world.

Addendum 2012:

The Jew David Fischer - son of Israel's Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer - is the VP of Advertising and Global Operations at Facebook and oversees sales, advertiser marketing, and customer operations throughout the world.

David Fischer joined Facebook after over seven years at Google, where he was VP of Global Online Sales and Operations and was responsible for Google’s online sales channel, which represented the majority of Google’s customers worldwide. In that role, he helped build Google’s online advertising network into the largest in the world.

Addendum 2012:

The Jew David Fischer - son of Israel's Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer - is the VP of Advertising and Global Operations at Facebook and oversees sales, advertiser marketing, and customer operations throughout the world.

David Fischer joined Facebook after over seven years at Google, where he was VP of Global Online Sales and Operations and was responsible for Google’s online sales channel, which represented the majority of Google’s customers worldwide. In that role, he helped build Google’s online advertising network into the largest in the world.

Addendum 2012:
The Jew David Fischer - son of Israel's Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer - is the VP of Advertising and Global Operations at Facebook and oversees sales, advertiser marketing, and customer operations throughout the world. 
David Fischer joined Facebook after over seven years at Google, where he was VP of Global Online Sales and Operations and was responsible for Google’s online sales channel, which represented the majority of Google’s customers worldwide. In that role, he helped build Google’s online advertising network into the largest in the world.

David Fischer joined Facebook after over seven years at Google, where he was VP of Global Online Sales and Operations and was responsible for Google’s online sales channel, which represented the majority of Google’s customers worldwide. In that role, he helped build Google’s online advertising network into the largest in the world.

Elliot Schrage

Facebook, Google founders to attend Jerusalem conference in May
Recently Shimon Peres suggested that Israelis and Jews worldwide use Facebook to fight anti-semitism in addition to inviting Mark Zuckerberg to Israel. I asked him about his thoughts on Facebook as a tool to fight anti-semitism and if Facebook would take proactive measures to fight against it. Mark believes that Facebook need to focus on building useful communication tools and that the users can use these tools to connect and generate more worldly perspectives. As such Facebook does not need to be proactive about it. When asked about whether he will visit Israel next year, he said maybe.



Israeli paper Ha'aretz March 6, 2012 writes under the headline "Peres, Mark Zuckerberg launch president's international Facebook page"
President Shimon Peres and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg launched the president's international Facebook page on Tuesday, with Zuckerberg to first to press 'like' to the page.
The festivities began at 7 P.M. Israel time (9 A.M. P.S.T.), with a live press conference with web surfers from around the world. Peres and Zuckerberg then launched the page officially at 8 P.M. Israel time (10 A.M. P.S.T.).
See also the article "Israeli President Shimon Peres Applauds Hollywood's Influence on Youth".
Addendum 2, 2012:
Addendum 2, 2012:
Addendum 2, 2012:
Deputy foreign minister meets networking site's managers to discuss plans for online PR
Deputy foreign minister meets networking site's managers to discuss plans for online PR
It is all becoming a family event with David Fischer, Facebook's Jewish VP of Advertising and Global Operations being non-else than the son of the Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer

See also the Youtube 
clip from March 6, 2012 "President of Israel Peres speaks with Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg on Internet technology".
In the introduction fellow Jew David Fischer sees it as "a real pleasure" "to welcome one of the great leaders of our times, President of Israel, Shimon Peres". Fischer continous his hymn to the Zionist war criminal: "But what is most impressive [...] is that he is a man always looking forward, a man with boundless energy, inspired many passions [...]."
(Click on photo below to go to clip):

Israeli President Shimon Peres and Facebook's David Fischer and Sheryl Sandberg

[Back to top of document]

See also the Youtube 
clip from March 6, 2012 "President of Israel Peres speaks with Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg on Internet technology".
In the introduction fellow Jew David Fischer sees it as "a real pleasure" "to welcome one of the great leaders of our times, President of Israel, Shimon Peres". Fischer continous his hymn to the Zionist war criminal: "But what is most impressive [...] is that he is a man always looking forward, a man with boundless energy, inspired many passions [...]."
(Click on photo below to go to clip):

Mark Zuckerberg (left) with fellow Jewish Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz (center) 
Facebook founder's roommate recounts creation of Internet giant
  • Guardian article that gives some idea about the people behind Facebook, including the Jewish moneyman Peter Thiel

  • article from The Jerusalem Post
Jewish founder and CEO
The popular social networking site Facebook, launched in February 2004, has a 100% Jewish founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg.
Jews readily boast about this fact. The Jewish etnocentrist site Jew or Not Jew: Choosing the Chosen People, see logo below, have a special entry for Zuckerberg (as they have for Google´s Sergey Brin and Larry Page), where Zuckerberg gets their "Jew Score" total of 12 (4 + 4 + 4).

The site, which should be reagarded as some case of internal Jewish humour, explains the meaning of this score:
We evaluate how Jewish a person is based on three factors. How Jewish they are internally, how Jewish they are externally and how much we want that person to be a Jew in the first place.
In practice, the I Score tends to refer to birth history with some adjustments for how we imagine they see/saw themselves. The O Score is for how Jewish they look and act. The K Score stands for Kvell (pride) and is subject to the whims of the creators of this website.
The Jew Score refers to our opinion only and is affected by but not definitive of one's actual Jewishness.

The site of the World Jewish Digest, as another example, also counts Mark Zuckerberg as one of their examples of Jewish influentials in their list "10 to watch in 2008 - WJS´s shortlist to Jewish standouts". Zuckerberg, "born into a well-to-do Jewish-American family in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y", gets the rankning place of 3 in their list of 10 influential Jews. 

Zuckerberg´s Jewish entourage at Facebook
The New York Times, May 13, 2009, reported:
Mr. Schnitt [a Facebook spokesman] told ABC that while some employees of the social-networking service came from families marked by the Holocaust, that was not influencing their decision:

So here we learn from the Facebook spokesman Mr. Schnitt that "many of us at Facebook have direct personal connection to the Holocaust", which of course means nothing else than that they are Jewish.
So who are these Jewish actors?

To begin with, in the absolute beginning, when Zuckerberg decided to spread his new Facebook project to other schools than Harvard, he enlisted help from his Jewish friend Dustin MoskovitzMoskovitz then became the Vice President of Engineering of Facebook.

They got their first funding from another Jew, German-born technology entrepreneur Peter Thiel, one of the founders of PayPal.
We here recommend reading an article from the The Guardian (14 Jan, 2008) on the people behind Facebook which has more information on Thiel. The Guardian concludes that:

As a typical Jewish etnocentrist Thiel prefers to deal with other Jews. His business partner with whom he who founded PayPal is the Ukrainan-born now-American Jew Max Rafael Levchin.
Other Jews Thiel is interacting with are David Sacks, PayPal's former chief operating officer, and George Zachary"a friend of Max and Peter's" and partner of the Jew Ed Skoll from eBay.
Below follows an excerpt from "Once You're Lucky, Twice You're Good: The Rebirth of Silicon Valley and the Rise of Web 2.0", by Sarah Lacy, (see: on Thiel´s "PayPal mafia":
While Sacks continued to play the Hollywood game, he also launched a new social networking site for families, called It allows people to fill out their family trees and link them to the family trees of spouses and in-laws. Anyone on the tree can add to the tree, the idea being that over time you discover people you're related to that you didn't know. It's a bold idea, one of the first Web 2.0 start-ups aimed squarely at families. Peter Thiel, naturally, backed it early on. And in Geni's first venture capital round with Charles River Ventures, it got nosebleed $100 million valuation. The CRV partner who wrote the check was George Zachary, Skoll's early partner in Participant Productions and a friend of Max and Peter's. By 2006, the PayPal mafia was an incestuous world where, for now, everyone seemed to be making lots of money.

Thiel makes up one fourth of the Board members of Facebook. Thus apart from providing the money, he really has a lot of influence - just as The Guardian had noted.

Thiel - "the real face behind Facebook" - is a Zionist
What The Guardian failed to tell is that Thiel also has an Israel agenda.
The Israeli-based Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies writes (
Perle briefed the Adleson Institue's staff and faculty and said that the outcome of Obama's new approach towards adversaries will be tested in a few months time.
Thiel, who participated in Perle's briefing, said that there is an incredible gap between Israel's reality and its potential. People talk about China, India and Brazil as emerging market countries, he added, while Israel is underrated. According to Thiel, all it takes is a short visit to Israel in order to appreciate the incredible talent, intensity and drive of the Israelis.
It should here be reminded that Richard Perle that Thiel met in a briefing, is the infamous Neo-con from the Bush era who was one of the main Jewish architects behind the Iraq invasion and war in 2003.

Facebook sponsor Peter Thiel reveals his Israel agenda in a video speech he made for the Adelson Institute and which can be seen through the following link:
The Adelson Institute gives the following description of Thiel´s video message:
There is an incredible gap between Israel's reality and its potential, says Peter Thiel, Co-Founder of PayPal and President of Clarium Capital Management. Thiel, a guest of the Adelson Institute for Strategic studies, participated in Richard Perle's briefing at the Adelson Institute. People talk about China, India and Brazil as emerging market countries, says Thiel, while Israel is underrated. All it takes is a short visit in order to appreciate the incredible talent, intensity and drive of the Israelis.

In the video Peter Thiel - economic sponsor and Facebook Board member - hails the Jewish state of Israel. Here follows a transcript of some of his statements in the video:
"... an incredible potential..."
"Just visiting here [in Israel] for a few days one is always struck by the incredible talent and intensity and drive of the people."
"I think that if Israel is able to resolve some of these issues, that surround it over the next few years, it will probably be the best place in the world."
"I believe the future is not in cheap labour or cheap capital or in real estate. I believe the future is in technology and in that sense perhaps Israel is truly the country of the future."

The Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem is a 100 % Zionist institution.
We here reproduce the Mission Statement of the institute Thiel cooperates with:
As part of this overall effort, the Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies seeks to explore how the advancement of freedom, democracy, and human rights can be marshaled as an effective measure to secure and strengthen international stability and security. The Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies also seeks to examine international law in light of the new forms of asymmetric warfare and terror; the establishment of credible deterrence against guerilla and terror organizations and the states that sponsor them; the appropriate response to weapons of mass destruction; and the strengthening of Israel's relations with its strategic allies.

Natan Sharansky, founder and chairman of the institute, is a racist Russian Jew and Israeli politician (former deputy Prime Minister) famous for his "tough" stance on the Palestinians. Palestinian resistance to Zionist domination is branded as "terrorism". Sharansky writes in Jan. 15, 2009 ( on the ongoing Israeli slaughter in Gaza:

Here follows another article on Peter Thiel and Israel from [vc]cafe (
Peter Thiel knows a thing or two about consumer internet. After all, he’s a PayPal cofounder, one of Facebook’s board members and its first investor ($500,000) way before its $15 billion valuation, giving him a hefty return of a billion. Thiel is known as a savvy investor with a ‘golden touch’ that tends to invest small amounts early on taking a ‘hands-off’ approach with management (learn more about his investment strategy in Thiel’s recent WSJ profile).
Apart from Facebook, Thiel invested in some of the internet’s biggest brand names early on, including: Yelp, Slide, LinkedIn and Friendster.These days, Peter Thiel is managing the hedge fund Clarium Capital, which manages $2 billion under management and he’s also a partner in the Founders Fund, that recently raised $220 million for its second fund. Now, for the first time, Thiel is betting an Israeli tech startup, to be the next winner.
Globes reports that Thiel, along with a group of private investors, raised $1.5 million for Hooja, an Israel-based startup founded in April of 2006 by Naama Moran, a former Greylock Partners associate. Hooja is still operating in stealth mode (landing page only) but its known to be developing a unique search technology that enables content providers to search for personal and social information in the deep web, including social networks. One of Hooja’s investors describes the technology as ’social search’ – basically providing higher ranking to information that a user’s friends are likely to click on.

Other Board members
The other Board members of Facebook apart from Thiel are Mark Zuckerberg himself, the Jewish venture capitalist Jim Breyer, and finally Marc Andreessen.
Jim Breyer also sits in the Board of Directors of Dell, Walmart and Marvel.
Marc Andreessen is the founder of Netscape (non-Jewish?), but a man who works closely with the Jew Ben Horowitz with whom he founded Opsware. Andreessen has also invested in the Israeli Israel Seed Partners thus becoming a partner of and cooperating with Jonathan Medved, one of Israel's leading venture capitalists. So Andreesen - Jew or not - is well entangled in the Jewish-Israeli Internet establishment.
In our section on Google we detailed Sheryl Sandberg, a Jewish woman who was Google´s Vice President of Global Online Sales & Operations.
As Rabbi Levi Brackman and journalist Sam Jaffe write in their book "Jewish Wisdom for Business Success", p. 2:
The Jewish "second-in-command of Facebook" Sheryl Sandberg is presently Chief Operating Officer. As COO, Sandberg is responsible for helping Facebook scale its operations and expand its presence globally. Sandberg in this position manages sales, marketing, business development, human resources, public policy, privacy and communications and reports directly to Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
It can here be repeated that Sandberg is married to another Jew, David Goldberg, former music head at Yahoo!.
For more on Sheryl SandbergDavid Fischer and Facebook's cooperation with Israel, see important addendum just below under the headline "Facebook and Israel".

Another recruit from Google is the Jew Elliot Schrage, now Vice President of Communications, Public Policy and Platform Marketing at Facebook. In this position he is responsible for developing and coordinating key messages about products, corporate business and partnerships. He also oversees the company’s public policy strategy worldwide. At Google Schrage was Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs and in our special section on Google we documented how he worked to promote propaganda together with the Jewish "US Holocaust Memorial".

Another Jew who has had positions of influence in Facebook was Justin Rosenstein, a top engineer who was one of the first employees Facebook poached from Google, where he was a Product Manager, as Facebook began its rise in 2007.
Both Dusty Moskovitz.and Rosenstein have since left Facebook (2008) to jointly start Internet ventures of their own.
Ethan Beard is head of Platform at Facebook. Earlier he was Director of Business Development. Prior to joining Facebook, he was a Director of Social Media at Google.

Facebook and Israel
The Jewish state sees the importance in Internet Jews such as Mark Zuckerberg. In 2008 the Israeli paper Ha´aretz reported: 
By Guy Grimland, Ha´aretz Correspondent
Ha´aretz 01/04/2008
Co-founder of internet giant Google, Sergey Brin, will join Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, and Yahoo president Susan Decker at a presidential panel on technology to be held at the Jerusalem International Convention Center May 13-15.
The convention, which was formed at the initiative of President Shimon Peres, will also be attended by a number of Israeli political, religious and financial leaders, as well as academics and cultural figures.
The panel will discuss issues facing technology in today's age and the future, in particular in regard to how it will affect Israel and the Jewish world.
Former UK prime minister Tony Blair will also take part in the conference, as will French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former prime minister of the Czech Republic Vaclev Havel, Nobel Prize Laureate Eli Wiesel, and Georgia President Michael Saakashvili

Here we see how the young Jewish entrepreneur Zuckerberg, with fellow Internet-Jew Sergey Brin, is invited down to the Jewish state to participate in the celebrations of Israel´s 60th anniversary (which was the reason the meeting was held) and to meet with the top Zionist echelons. 
(It should here be noted that Shimon Peres is a war criminal. In 1996 he was responsible, as the leader if the Jewish state, of Israel´s massacre of over 100 Lebanese civilians in Qana.)

On March 11th, 2008, Nick O'Neill posted an interview with Mark Zuckerberg where they touched on the subject of "anti-Semitism" and Internet:

Addendum 1, 2012:
In March 2012 the Israeli President Shimon Peres - the arch-Zionist and the man behind the Qana No 1 massacre in Lebanon visited the Facebook headquarters in the US where he was happily greeted by Facebook´s Jewish boss Mark Zuckerberg. There Zuckerberg helped the elderly Zionist chief create a personal Facebook page - and Peres thereafter added Zuckerberg as his first Facebook "friend"!

Jewess Sheryl Sandberg is a key connector between Israel and Facebook. The Israeli news site writes on the latest steps of cooperation (underlines below added by Radio Islam) in order to "foster a relationship between the Israeli government and Facebook heads":
Israel to promote itself on Facebook
By Yitzhak Benhorin
YNetNews, 04.02.2011
WASHINGTON – The government intends to turn the social network Facebook into the main platform for Israeli online public relations, investing a lot of resources on creating an efficient strategy to utilize the 600 million-large' network.
Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon visited the California offices of the network on Friday, and met with company heads including Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg and VP of Advertising and Global Operations David Fischer, who is the son of Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer.
The Foreign Ministry is set on turning the famous social network into the main platform for Israeli online public relations both in English and in Arabic. Officials in Jerusalem have expressed their belief that Facebook is a friendly platform for communication with young people around the world, allowing for distribution of messages through video clips and games.
Israeli embassies around the world have already begun to manage Facebook pages, but now the Foreign Ministry intends to make more efficient use of the network to improve Israel's image.
Ayalon's meetings are intended to foster a relationship between the Israeli government and Facebook heads. Ayalon has also invited Facebook managers to visit Israel in order to meet with internet entrepreneurs and participate in the Presidential Conference expected to take place in Jerusalem next June.
The deputy foreign minister displayed before them Israel's high-tech abilities, noting that Intel Company is the biggest private employer in Israel, with more than 7,000 employees.
Following Facebook's slow response in closing the internet page calling for a "third Intifada" and a violent protest against Israel, Facebook managers clarified that in the future they intend to deactivate any pages preaching violence. They also stated Facebook plans to open a marketing center in Israel. 

First Facebook user has joined the IDF
A quite telling detail is that the first real user of Facebook, apart from the co-founders, is a Jew, Arie Hasit (who carries the Facebook URL id 7). Hasit studied with Zuckerberg in Harvard and later on did what the Jews call Aliyah to Israel, that is he settled in occupied Palestine in accordance to the JewishLaw of Return. Hasit has since joined the Israel Defense Forces Spokespersons Unit, a propaganda/desinformation unit of the IDF.
The Israeli paper Ha´aretz ran a piece on Hasit and Facebook 10/05/2009 (underlines below added by Radio Islam):
By Guy Grimland, Ha´aretz Correspondent
Five years ago, hardly anybody had heard of Facebook. Today, it seems that there is nobody in Israel or the world over who is not familiar with the social networking Web site, which recently crossed the 200 million user threshold. Facebook is estimated to be worth $15 billion after Microsoft bought 1.6 percent stock in the company for $240 million.
Arie Hasit, 26, witnessed the birth of Facebook. He shared the same apartment as Mark Zuckerberg, the site's founder, joined the same college fraternity, and witnessed first-hand the company's initial climb from a dormitory start-up to a dominant mega-monstrosity on the Web.
Hasit grew up in Philadelphia. Since he was young, he dreamed of immigrating to Israel, which he did two years ago. Today he is serving in the Israel Defense Forces Spokespersons Unit. He chose to enlist for a year-and-a-half rather than the six months which are required of new immigrants in his age bracket. Israel is not foreign to him.
"Every summer I was in Jewish summer camp in the U.S. From time to time I would visit Israel."
After completing high school at age 18, he enrolled at Harvard University, where he studied the history of the Land of Israel. "I thought this would make it easier for me after I would get to Israel," Hasit said. "My parents actually thought I should learned computers so that I would work in high-tech when I got here."
Hasit focused his studies on the hip-hop genre in Israel, a subject which would become the topic of his thesis. He met Mark Zuckerberg in 2002 after they had joined the same fraternity which primarily concentrated on activities within the Jewish community.
"We ate Shabbat dinner together," Hasit said. "Every year we raised money for charities in Israel. Mark was one of the members of the fraternity, like many other Jewish students at Harvard."
Hasit, who wears a skullcap, says the 25-year-old Zuckerberg feels an affinity with Judaism. "He fasts on Yom Kippur," Hasit says of Zuckerberg. "Sometimes he would come to the Hillel House, a Jewish organization that ran various activities."
Hasit and Zuckerberg struck up a friendship, though they were not the closest of friends. They later lived together in the college dorms.
"Mark just happened to live in the apartment where I lived in the dorms," Hasit said. "He was in one room while I was in the other. This was a large apartment, we were seven students crammed into five bedrooms. We saw each other every day for a number of hours. When Mark moved into the dorms I was already in my third year while he was in his second year."
Hasit says that Zuckerberg decided one day to build a Web site that would serve as a utility for students at Harvard. "He built the site for fun," Hasit says. "We had books called Face Books, which included the names and pictures of everyone who lived in the student dorms. At first, he built a site and placed two pictures, or pictures of two males and two females. Visitors to the site had to choose who was 'hotter' and according to the votes there would be a ranking."
"He only ranked people who received the most votes for being good looking, not everybody," Hasit said. "There were about 1,000 people in all. Within four, five hours the site became so popular that at one point it became impossible to surf the Web on Harvard's Internet server. This was on a Sunday in October 2003."
"The next day, the head of the university denied Zuckerberg access to the Internet. People complained that Mark used their pictures without permission. He apologized and ultimately the university decided not to expel him even though there were columns in the campus newspaper that argued that what he did was completely improper."
Zuckerberg's stunt came at a time when students were appealing to the university to develop a Web site that would include the pictures and contact details of students in dorms. Now they feared that the Zuckerberg episode would compel the administration to shelve the idea.
"Mark heard these pleas and decided that if the university won't do something about it, he will, and he would build a site that would be even better than what the university had planned," Hasit said. "Before founding Facebook, he built the site Course Match which allowed students to find out who among those living in the same dorm are taking what courses, so that they could form study groups."
Zuckerberg started developing Facebook from his modest dorm room. Every visitor who registered at the site received a serial number. The first, second, and third user who registered took up dummy pages. The fourth user was Zuckerberg himself.
The fifth user is Chris Hughes, a co-founder of Facebook who also served as the company's spokesperson. Dustin Moskovitz, the third part of the site's founding triumvirate, occupies the sixth user spot. Moskovitz led the technical staff at Facebook before quitting the company to found a start-up in 2008.
Hasit's is the seventh registered user, which in practice makes him the fourth real user to log into Facebook. "Often people ask me how I became the fourth user. Sometimes I tell them."
"Mark came to me on the day he built Facebook, and he said to me, 'Arie, I built this site. I want you to sign up.' And that is how I signed up to Facebook. I put a favorite quote of mine in the profile. I specified my favorite books, which courses I take at Harvard. I uploaded one picture to the profile. There was no Wall. There was no News Feed. There weren't too many things in Facebook, which only began its lifespan on the Web.
"Initially Zuckerberg asked a small group of people to sign up to Facebook. At a certain point he told us to start inviting friends, and that is what we did on the first and second day which the site went up on the Web. We could only invite students enrolled at Harvard. In fact, if you did not have a Harvard e-mail address you could not sign into Facebook. At first, dozens of Harvard students registered. The numbers then reached the hundreds, and by the fourth day it had already reached the thousands. People were very enthusiastic about the site. It enabled them to know who took what courses and to meet new people. It conquered Harvard. In less than a week, some 4,000 students signed up for Facebook."
Hasit recalls how Zuckerberg spent hours in front of the computer. "He studied computers and psychology," Hasit said. "Despite the fact that he developed Facebook, he continued his studies as per usual. His grades were okay. He was even in a relationship with a girlfriend. During Facebook's initial days, the walls in his room were filled with graphs and charts which showed how many people joined on a daily basis, who used what application, and who has the most friends."
"After a few weeks, he decided to open up Facebook to another university. He had two friends, one at Stanford and the other at Dartmouth, whom he asked to promote the site there. He also asked for help from his ex-girlfriend who was a student at Dartmouth."
Facebook quickly attracted a following in other leading universities. "Every user specified which university he belonged to, and that was how he kept in touch with other students at the university in which he studied, but all the networks were under one Web site."
"The graphs and charts in his room became graphs and charts which included statistics from all the universities. At one point he received requests from students at other universities who were not in Facebook to open the site to them as well.

So we now know that the Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, "feels an affinity with Judaism" and has"raised money for charities in Israel".
In Facebook´s early history Zuckerberg was assisted by the Jew Dustin Moskovitz and got funding from Jewish businessman Peter Thiel, the latter a man with open Zionist views and in contact with the Zionist establishment. Thiel then joined the Board of Facebook and is presently - according to The Guardian - "the real face behind Facebook".
Other top namnes are co-Board member Jim Breyer and the Jewess Sheryl Sandberg, the "second-in-command of Facebook".
And one of Zuckerberg´s friends from Harvard - his roommate and Facebook´s first real user - has since moved to Israel and joined the Israel Defense Forces Spokespersons Unit. This also reveals the mindset of people in Zuckerberg´s proximity.
Knowing this one is not surprised thet the arch-Zionist Shimon Peres invited Zuckerberg to Israel in 2008.

We here give links to more information on Facebook:

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