
Donald Trump isn’t afraid to say what needs to be said. Now the billionaire, television personality and presidential aspirant has a straightforward message for Christians.

“The Christians are being treated horribly because we have nobody to represent the Christians. Believe me, if I run and I win, I will be the greatest representative of the Christians they’ve had in a long time,” Trump said in a recent interview.

In the midst of persecution in the Middle East by Islamic extremists and persecution at home by liberals who would take away the freedoms of religion and expression, Christians need a champion. The other U.S. presidential wannabes have largely failed to address directly the state of Christianity in the world. Trump is filling that void.

In the same interview, Trump criticized the Obama administration for its anti-Christian immigration policies. He exposed Obama for allowing Muslims who live in Syria to come to the United States while blocking the Christians in Syria.

“I learned this weekend … that if you’re a Christian living in Syria you can’t come into this country. Yet, if you are a Muslim living in Syria, who are not under attack, they can come in. We have Christians being beheaded all over the world by ISIS. In Syria and in Iraq, in particular, those Christians can’t come into this country,” he said.

And with such comments, the Trump bandwagon continues to take on passengers. David Brody of CBN is encouraging evangelicals to support the business magnate.

“Trump’s ability to cut through the clutter and paint the world in ‘absolutes’ attracts quite a few evangelical voters. Remember, evangelicals hold true to their ‘biblical absolutes,’ so to see a person like Trump let it rip and tell it like it is becomes a somewhat endearing quality to some evangelicals. Trump takes hits for his boldness, and evangelicals take hits from society for their biblical boldness, too,” stated Brody (H/T

In other words, while other candidates hem and haw, afraid of saying something that might antagonize potential supporters or raise the ire of a biased media, Trump blasts ahead and lays it on the line.

He may not be the most eloquent speaker, but Trump is capturing the imagination of Americans. That has made him an early front-runner in the race to the White House.


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