
The FBI is setting up command centers at all of its 56 field offices across the country ahead of the July 4 weekend, to monitor any potential terrorist threats, law enforcement sources have revealed.
1 2015 07 3 FBI sets up 56 centers to monitor Fourth of July Terror Threat

Sources told Fox News that local, state and federal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. will be reporting any information about possible attacks to thesecommand centers – where officials will decide how to respond. The move comes amid growing fears that the terror group ISIS is working to awaken sleeper cells in Western nations, after sympathizers were linked to three back-to-back attacks in France, Kuwait and Tunisia last Friday. While the FBI says there has been no specific credible threat so far, it seems to be more active in its warnings and actions ahead of Independence Day this year than previously. Another law enforcement source told Fox that the FBI has even been working to take known sympathizers for groups like ISIS off the streets of America before the symbolic holiday. That could mean arresting these alleged sympathizers on U.S. soil on lesser charges and building a broader case while they are temporarily in custody over the holiday weekend.

Another law enforcement source told Fox that the FBI has even been working to take known sympathizers for groups like ISIS off the streets of America before the symbolic holiday.The FBI is specifically concerned about targets like shopping malls - where there are large groups of people but relatively little security.That could mean arresting these alleged sympathizers on U.S. soil on lesser charges and building a broader case while they are temporarily in custody over the holiday weekend.

Rep Mike McCaul, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security has already warned Americans to 'remain vigilant' to terror attacks.

He also said that ISIS was no longer a regionalized threat but a global one.


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