

Flying under the alternative news radar due to all of the attention given to Jade Helm 15, the 2nd video below from KafkaWinstonWorldshares with us news of another military training mission in Mayport, Florida, where beach goers got a big surprise as monstrous amphibious assault vehicles, each capable of holding 21 marines and 10,000 pounds of equipment, came ashore. While the USA Today story tells us this kind of training happens frequently across the coast, we have to ask if anyone has seen a military amphibious assault upon beaches here in America? With 'military training events' happening almost daily across America, and Florida covered in the past week from the northern end to the southern end with the recent martial law roundup drill in Fort Lauderdale, are we now beginning to see the full-scale implementation of the red list, the blue list and the green list as warned by Stephen Quayle in the newly released 1st video below with David Knight on Infowars? 


Quayle joins in at the 3:55 mark to tell us that Jade Helm 15 has to be put in the larger context, this being the first time in history a two-month military operation has been exclusively focused upon the American public. We're also told that according to his Special Ops sources, there are now between 80 million and 100 million Americans who are on those lists, a far cry higher than back in the 1970's, when Barack Obama's mentor and weather underground terrorist Bill Ayers warned that 25 million Americans would have to be put into re-education camps (think Hillary Clinton fun-camps) or exterminated.

Quayle tells us that one of the most important things we have to look at to truly understand what is now happening is to clearly see that America changed in sides in the 'war on terror', a decision made by the Obama administration to move towards extremist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical groups. With groups that were formerly considered 'terrorist' groups now being let into the White House while all eyes of the US military apparatus now focused upon Christians, 2nd Amendment supporters and Constitution loving Americans, are events such as Jade Helm 15, the Florida internment drills and others we've witnessed across the country preparing for the 'end game' that Bill Ayers alluded to as shared in the 3rd video below? From The New American:

In No Place to Hide, former FBI agent Larry Grathwohl explains that the Weathermen actually believed that they would be successful in overthrowing the U.S. government and that, with the help of the Cubans, Chinese, Russians, and North Vietnamese, they would occupy America. Americans would have to be "re-educated" in camps, similar to what the communists did in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and other countries they had taken over. Here is one of the chilling revelations Larry Grathwohl made in the film:


I asked, "Well what is going to happen to those people we can't reeducate, that are diehard capitalists?" And the reply was that they'd have to be eliminated. And when I pursued this further, they estimated they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers. And when I say "eliminate," I mean "kill." Twenty-five million people. I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees, from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.



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  1. fear mongering civilians never cease to amaze me. stupidity is your only asset.

    1. I don't think people should live in a state of fear or continuously expect this type of event, but it is incredibly naive to think that this couldn't happen in America because of the name America when it has happened to several other nations. The people that this has happened to are the same species despite what they call themselves.

  2. The Government will only get away with this if, We The People, don't take a stand and fight...

  3. We've already gone far down the toilet hole, if you can't see that, well, you're blind......

  4. We are NOT a GOD fearing Christian country any longer. We are instead a JIHADIST fearing self centered consumer goods loving, comfort seeking, couch ridden bunch of dweebs incapable of keeping the country safe from hussain 'bama. When he launches his takeover, I'm on the lists for sure but can't live as one of the bleeting herd so would need "elimination" anyway so may as well go down fighting for democracy, truth, justice, laws, LIBERTY, the AMERICAN WAY. While we are a nation of the LAW, I AM a legal and law abiding citizen. If the LAW is suspended for the will of a despot, I am becoming an outlaw by definition. I rue that day; the day America dies. Then we begin the struggle for FREEDOM once again commrad. I am a MINUTEMAN. I live and will die AMERICAN.

  5. I am with you all the way Mike. I am a Navy and Army Vet. I have my physical impairements but will fight next to you. Bob

  6. For those that deni this possibility, the people in Germany during Hitler's rise to power also didn't see it coming! Is it not true that obama said America was no longer a Christian Nation? Is it not true that in Obama's own book " Dreams of My Father " that he stated " if things change in an ugly direction, I will stand with the muslims " ! Hasn't obama divided this country by every indifference, rich vs the poor, black's vs whites, muslims vs Christians, straights vs gays, old vs young, Democrats vs republicans? This Nation has never been this divided since the civil war! Obama has encouraged anarchy everywhere he can! He has never called for unity or peace during times of conflict. His position on the shooting of innocents at Ft Hood is still considered to be work place violence! Whenever there is a shooting incident his first reaction is to call for more gun control laws, not to reassure the public that those who commit these crimes will be delt with to the full extent of the law! When George Bush asked for Congress to raise the debt ceiling, obama called it unpatriotic, yet when he does it, it is for the greater good of the country! When you read SAL Alinsky's Rules for radicals and Cloward and Pivin's writings, you see a very clear agenda at work with obama and his administration! Hillary Clinton very clearly violated national security, concealed evidence, attempted to destroy evidence, used unauthorized, unsecured email servers, maintained by persons who had no security clearance, had her servers located in non secured locations! Anyone else, ie General Petraous, would be indicted for the crime of violating national security and convicted! Yet, hillary's Security Clearance still has not been revoked as it should have been! There are just too many things that simply must be considered as problematic and unethical if not illegal altogether!



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