

George Soros is planning to bribe up to 13.8 million legal immigrants to become citizens before the 2016 election. They will find you, teach you about the naturalization process and even pay your $680 dollar naturalization fee. And once you are finished, you will get a fresh supply of democratic campaign literature and an application for food stamps. Soros will fund the campaign through his Open Borders group. Not to be left out, Obama is also getting involved. He set up a program called, the White House Task Force on New Americans.


He has selected White House Domestic Policy Advisor, Cecilia Munoz to head the group and other representatives includes almost his entire cabinet. Munoz was vice president of the National Council for La Raza, a group that reportedly teaches illegal aliens how and where to vote. The founder of La Raza advocated mass murders of whites. She attended a planning meeting at the Open Borders offices as part of George Soros’ “Strategic Action Plan on Immigrant & Refugee Integration.”, also known as “How to Build a Democratic Voter.”

Since it would cost them 680 million dollars to naturalize 1 million new voters, I have to believe they plan to target specific House districts and states where a relatively small number of voters can change the outcome of a Senatorial election. Obama and Holder have already provided fundingthrough fines levied on banks caught breaking the rules. Fifty million from Citigroup alone. I’m sure Obama will find a way to use an excessive amount of taxpayer money if need be.


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