
On Christmas day in the small German city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt, five Muslim teenagers crashed a Christian church service screaming, “F*cking Christians!” and “Christians are sh*t!”
The group of teens also threw rocks and other objects at the Nativity scene. This comes right after a report from Denmark that a group of teenage Muslims attacked a Christian couple with chains, almost killing them.

Is it any wonder that Germans are holding protests in the tens of thousands against the Muslim infiltration of the West?
Tension between Muslims and Christians is certainly heating up in Europe. Protests in Germany against the rising “Islamisation” of the West drew tens of thousands of people this month alone.
Here are videos from Dec.15th:

No official translation yet. Details are still sketchy. But at least two German newspapers are reporting that the attack came in the small city of Mönchengladbach-Rheydt. 

The city is located near Dusseldorf in far western Germany, close to the Dutch border.

Five Muslim youth stormed into the middle of a church service shouting obscenities, throwing objects and vandalizing a Nativity scene display. 

According to reports they were shouting “Fuck Christians,” and “Christians are Shit.” 

Mönchengladbach. Offenbar muslimische Kinder und ein Jugendlicher haben die Krippenfeier für Kinder in der Rheydter Marienkirche gestört und Gemeindemitglieder beschimpft. Nach dem Zwischenfall sucht der Pfarrer nun das Gespräch mit den Eltern der Störenfriede, um den Ernst des Vorfalls deutlich zu machen. Die Gruppe randalierte nach Augenzeugenberichten in der Kirche und rief “Scheiß-Christen”.
Der Küster konnte zwei der insgesamt fünf Störer festhalten. Gegen 15.20 Uhr wurde die Polizei wegen des Vorfalls informiert. Am Parkplatz eines McDonalds-Restaurants übernahm eine Polizeistreife die beiden festgehaltenen Kinder und übergab sie den Eltern.
From my medium level German. (Apologies, I am fluent in only Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese): 
Muslim youth have disturbed a Nativity scene and insulted Christians. Following the incident the pastor is having a conversation with the parents of the troublemakers to determine the seriousness of the incident. The group went on a rampage according to eyewitness accounts and called out “Christians are Shit.”
The constable could hold two of the assailants. The police were informed. At a parking lot of a McDonalds restaurant, they took the two into custody.
Another news outlet, confirms: 
Die Rheinische Post jedoch spricht von „offenbar muslimischen Kindern”.
In English: The Rheinishe Post speak of the suspects as “apparently Muslim youth.”


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