
A recent study reveals that cannabis taken orally in the form of what is called ‘hemp oil’ can be an effective treatment for Leukemia and possibly other cancers.
The case study examines a teenage female who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia with a Philadelphia chromosome mutation. This mutation accounts for a much more aggressive case of Leukemia.

The patient underwent standard treatments of acute and aggressive chemotherapy as well as bone marrow transplants. It was found that none of these treatments were effective which led the family to explore alternatives. The alternative they chose was to treat with cannabinoids administered orally in the form of hemp oil.
Toronto doctors Yadvinder Singh, MD and Chamandeep Bali, ND detailed the case and treatment procedure in great depth -which should be read HERE for best analysis of the case.
In short, the patients condition drastically improved in terms of her blast cell counts, which are immature cells within the bone marrow that don’t end up maturing. This leads to problems with blood cell counts and results in various types of blood cancers like Leukemia.
Although the patient ended up passing away, it was due to the standard treatment method of chemotherapy which had devastating effects on the patient.
As reported by Hematology/Oncology at SickKids Hospital:
‘At admission her total WBC was 1.4, hemoglobin was 82, platelet count 8,000. She was profoundly neutropenic… a prior history of pancolitis documented by CT scan in March 2009 was neutropenic colitis with perforation… her abdomen was distended and obviously had some signs of diffuse peritonitis. The abdomen X-ray was in favour a perforation…she passed away at 10:05 in the present (sic) of family…’.
Cannabinoids did not have any toxic effects on the patient and although there were some psychosomatic properties due to the use of oil, the patients condition improved and blast cell counts were controlled.
“It goes without saying that much more research and, even more importantly, phase clinical trials need to be implemented to determine the benefits of such therapies. Laboratory analysis is critical to figure out the constituents/profiles/ratios of the vast cannabis strains that show the most favored properties for exerting possible anticancer effects.”
We have covered the topic of cannabis as a treatment for cancer in great detail and this documented case adds to the fact that serious discussion and clinical trials need to go into researching the effectiveness of cannabis as a cancer treatment. Enough evidence exists to state that not only are our current methods non-effective and toxic, but emerging methods cannot only treat a patient effectively but also leave aside toxic effects.

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