
A report by the Ministry of Health in Cordoba on deaths from cancerous tumours shows that the highest rate of deaths occur in areas where GM crops and agrochemicals are used. The rate is double the national average.

Death rate is double the national average

The Ministry of Health released a comprehensive report on cancer in the province. The peculiarity which caused a major alarm is that the highest rate of deaths occurs in the “pampa gringa” area, where most transgenic and agrochemicals are used. And where the death rate is double the national average.

“Once again, what we have complained about for years was confirmed and especially what doctors say about the sprayed towns and areas affected by industrial agriculture. Cancer cases are multiplying as never before in areas with massive use of pesticides,” said the doctor and member of the University Network for Environment and Health
According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (of the World Health Organization), in its latest 2012 data for Argentina, mortality is 115.13, half of what is suffered in Marcos Juárez (229.8). The official investigation in book form is entitled “Report on cancer in Cordoba 2004-2009″, and was prepared by the Provincial Tumour Registry and the Department of Statistics and Census.

Cancer cases are not a “coincidence”

Fernando Manas holds a PhD in Biology and is a member of the Genetics and Environmental Mutagenesis Group, National University of Rio Cuarto, which is investigating the effect of agrochemicals. He doesn’t think the cancer cases in agricultural areas are a coincidence:
“There is evidence of high levels of genetic damage in people of Marcos Juárez”
Damian Verzeñassi is a doctor and professor of social and environmental health at the, Faculty of Medical Sciences in Rosario. He is one of those responsible for the “Health Camp”, an educational initiative in which dozens of students in the final year of their medical training are installed in a location for a week and made a health map.
“The study of Córdoba matches the surveys we conducted in eighteen industrial agriculture areas. Cancer has skyrocketed in the last fifteen years,” said Verzeñassi.
“There is ample evidence that the agricultural model has health consequences, we are talking about a production model that is a huge public health problem,” he claimed.


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