Kurdish-controlled areas in Syria have declared a federal region in the north, according to officials cited by AFP and a Reuters witness.
Despite Rejection, Anti-Vaxxer Film's Message Could Spread Like A Virus
Robert De Niro pulled a controversial anti-vaccination film from the Tribeca Film Festival, after intense public pressure to withdraw the f...
Hungary's Orban Says George Soros Is Destroying Europe
Billionaire "democracy promoter" and certified slimebag George Soros uses every opportunity to accuse Putin of (magically) c...
Which presidential candidate would benefit your wallet most?
Before making your final presidential candidate pick, be aware that it can have a direct impact on your wallet. In the International Busine...
Billionaire George Soros funds $15M effort to stop Trump, mobilize Latinos
Donald Trump often notes that he has plenty of millions to battle his way to the Oval Office. But now another billionaire New Yorker is put...
Neocons Panic That Trump Presidency Would Mark End to Their New World Order
As eccentric billionaire Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump continues to rack up primary victories, the party’s establishment i...
Lagoon becomes blood red in Mexico
This lagoon situated in Huatalco, Mexico has turned blood red within the last 10 days. The reddish water of 'La Salina' lagoon i...
FORD Makes MASSIVE Announcement … PROVES TRUMP Is 100% RIGHT!
Conservative businessman Donald Trump just won an historic victory in the New Hampshire primary. His bold agenda is winning over millions o...
Obama to sign AIPAC-promoted trade bill that legitimizes Israeli occupation and fights BDS
The Senate passed the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 by a 75-20 veto proof margin. The large trade policy bill inc...
The Link Between Bill Gates and Zika Virus
Bill and Melinda Gates have been called the world’s greatest philanthropists and the world’s “most generous people.” 1 It’s true that, e...
The Day Israel Attacked America
They also did 9/11 but the American sheeple is so blind to see it!!! In 1967, at the height of the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, the Israeli...
FBI: Hitler Didn’t Die, Fled To Argentina – Stunning Admission
The FBI.gov website reveals that the U.S. government knew Hitler was alive and well – living in the Andes Mountains in Argentina long ...
The Federal Reserve Bank is NOT actually a lending operation. IT IS A FIAT PRINTING PRESS. It is an illegal monopoly on the power to coun...
The Jews 1962 Blueprint for Taking over America
“We have castrated society through fear and intimidation. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine outward appearance. Bein...
Al Gore Suggests 'Fertility Management' to Fight Global Warming
Crazy man greedy for money that's Al Gore and his bs Global Warming.
Melania Trump: 'I followed the law' as immigrant
Melania Trump is defending her husband's campaign, particularly his outspoken rhetoric on immigration and what critics have perceived a...
It was forewarned that ‘doing the right thing’ could go completely wrong for a number of reasons regarding the welcoming of Syrian and Musl...
What Does The Bible say about The New World Order?
In the Christian and secular world (and definitely on the internet), there is much discussion about a One World Order or “New World Order.”...
Over 120 dead in Homs/Damascus terror attacks - Western media not interested
The terror-ravaged neighbourhood of al-Zahra'a, in Homs, has again mercilessly been hit by Western&Saudi-backed terrorists' bo...
Secrets Of The Elite: Why Forbes’s Rich List Doesn’t Include The Wealthiest Families On The Planet
As Oxfam warns that global wealth inequality is spiraling out of control, we ask why the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are missing from the ...
Hillary will issue license to Israel to kill Palestinians if elected
Hillary Clinton, Democratic presidential candidate announced that she would issue license to Israel to kill Palestinians, if elected. She e...
Jew Leader Ervin Kohn Wants to Make It Illegal to Criticize Jews on the Internet
Ervin Kohn, the top Jew in Norway is calling for freedom of speech to be shut down in order to protect his poor widdle feewings. Technically...
Trump to Pope: When ISIS comes to Rome you'll pray I'm president
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump accused Pope Francis of being a pawn of the Mexican government and called his criticism “disgra...
Israel's Plan B for Syria Is to Break It Up
The U.S. and Russia are ostensibly trying to arrange a truce in Syria. As The Daily Mail reported : …Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon s...
EU Poll Names Israel As The Biggest Threat To World Peace. Imagine if they never had the media?
Not Iran, China, Russia or N. Korea. Fact is, in a European poll, Israel was deemed to be the No.1 threat to world peace. This should hard...
Obama to sign AIPAC-promoted trade bill that legitimizes Israeli occupation and fights BD
Yesterday the Senate passed the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 by a 75-20 veto proof margin. The large trade poli...
The Rothschilds Are Believed To Be Worth $500 Trillion. And Are Not On Forbes Rich List!
Known to many as the pioneers of international banking, the Rothschild dynasty is believed to be the wealthiest family in the his...
NATO refuses to support Turkey in conflict with Russia
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg, Jean Asselborn, said today that NATO allies will not support Turkey in case of a conflict w...
Trump lies saying he must be ‘neutral’ on Israel/Palestine, then slags Palestinians as anti-Semites
The big news from Donald Trump’s town hall on MSNBC last night was his pronouncement that he had to be “neutral” about the Israel/Palestine ...
Top Bilderberger Declares War On Donald Trump - The World Elite Are Scared!
Regular Bilderberg attendee and associate editor of the Financial Times, Martin Wolf, insists that the “global super elite” must stop Donal...
The Motive Behind the Murder of Justice Scalia
A senior government official, a Supreme Court Justice, is dead. And how is it being treated? The body and subsequent investigation into the...
Serbian Parliament Gives Jews $1 Million Per Year For “Holocaust” Restitution
According to a recent report published by The Jewish Daily Forward , Serbia’s parliament passed a bill giving the organized Jewish communit...
1924 Newspaper Article Outlines Six Goals of the Illuminati
these days the concept of the Illuminati is much less a shadowy secret society bent on world domination than a cruel inside joke MTV has pl...
Hundreds of British artists announce cultural boycott of Israel
Some 700 British artists pledged to boycott Israel on Saturday in reaction to what they termed “the Palestinian catastrophe,” the British n...
Storming the walls of Europe: Hundreds of migrants use home-made BATTERING RAM to break down fence on Macedonian border
Macedonia is defending Europe and Christianity on the border with Greece. Still EU and neighbor countries don't like to recognize and a...
Was Scalia murdered? Forget "conspiracy theory" - this is real
Was Justice Scalia murdered? Forget "conspiracy theory." This is real. Let's jump right in with quotes from the Washington P...
WW3 May Have Begun This Morning! Turkey Shelling Syria, Saudis Attack, and Russian ‘NEW WORLD WAR’ Ultimatum!
FIGHTING HAS BEGUN! Turkey Shelling into Syria; Directly Attacking Syrian Arab Army and perimeter of Russian Base in Latakia. According to...
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