Our website wucnews.com is censored and blocked by Google JEWISH zionists that's why our fans can't open it from google chrome browser, use other internet browser to read the news from our page.
The Western media is currently full of articles reporting Google’s denial that it cooperated in a government program to massively spy on American and foreign citizens by accessing data from Googles servers and those of other U.S. software companies.

The mainstream media has, however, almost completely failed to report that Google’s denial, and its surface concern over ‘human rights’, is historically belied by its their deep involvement with some of the worst human rights abuses on the planet:
Google is, in fact, is a key participant in U.S. military and CIA intelligence operations involving torture; subversion of foreign governments; illegal wars of aggression; and military occupations of countries which have never attacked the U.S. and which have cost hundreds of thousands of lives in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and elsewhere.
To begin with, Google is the supplier of the core search technology for ‘Intellipedia, a highly-secured online system where 37,000 U.S. spies and related personnel share information and collaborate on their devious errands.

The National Security Agency (NSA) has also purchased servers using Google-supplied search technology which processes information gathered by U.S. spies operating all over the planet.
In addition, Google is linked to the U.S. spy and military systems through itsGoogle Earth software venture. The technology behind this software was originally developed by Keyhole Inc., a company funded by Q–Tel http://www.iqt.org/ , a venture capital firm which is in turn openly funded and operated on behalf of the CIA.
Google acquired Keyhole Inc. in 2004 . The same base technology is currently employed by U.S. military and intelligence systems in their quest, in their own words, for “full-spectrum dominance” of the planet.
Moreover, Googles’ connection with the CIA and its venture capital firm extends to sharing at least one key member of personnel. In 2004, the Director of Technology Assessment at In-Q-Tel, Rob Painter moved from his old job directly serving the CIA to become ‘Senior Federal Manager’ at Google.
As Robert Steele, a former CIA case officer has put it: Google is “in bed with” the CIA.

Given Google’s supposed concern with ‘break-in’s to several of its email accounts, it’s worth noting that Google’s friends at In-Q-Tel, the investment arm of the CIA, are now investing in Visible Technologies, a software firm specialized in ‘monitoring social media’.
The ‘Visible’ technology can automatically examine more than a million discussions and posts on blogs, online forums, Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, and so forth each day. The technology also ‘scores’ each online item, assigning it a positive, negative or mixed or neutral status, based on parameters and terms set by the technology operators. The information, thus boiled down, can then be more effectively scanned and read by human operators.
The CIA venture capitalists at In-Q-Tel say they will use the technology to monitor social media operating in other countries and give U.S. spies “early-warning detection on how issues are playing internationally,” according to spokesperson Donald Tighe. There is every possibility that the technology can also be used by the U.S. intelligence operatives to spy on domestic social movements and individuals inside the U.S.
It should be noted that the U.S. government and its intelligence agencies have a long history of rogue operations intended to discredit governments or social movements with whom they happen to disagree. To see how far this can go, one need only recall the sordid history of disinformation, lies, and deceit propagated by U.S. government and media to frighten people into supporting the Iraq war.
Source Pravda Russia
Now recall how Mossad linked Israeli tech company Verint has a Trojan embedded in the call interception software used by NSA
Founders Brin and Page are Jewish
The Jewish site SomethingJewish.co.uk writes in a review by Marcus J. Freed of the book "Richistan", 05/09/2007 on "the Jewish boys from Google":
The global economy is vastly different to 40 years ago and today’s new billionaires include the Jewish boys from Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, along with thousands of other ‘instapreneurs’.
Larry Page - who shares the title of Google President even has an Israeli family connection.
B´nai B´rith Magazine, paper of one of the mightiest Jewish organizations, writes in their article "The Searchmasters", spring 2006, on "...Larry Page, whose mother Gloria is Jewish". The Magazine continues:
Larry's maternal grandfather, however, followed a much different path. He was an early settler in Israel, making aliyah in the spartan desert town of Arad.

Sergei Brin and Larry Page -"the Jewish boys from Google"
The Jewish entourage in Google
The Jew Craig Silverstein was the first employee hired by Google's founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. "I am generic East European Jewish", Silverstein described himself in a recent interview. Silverstein was instrumental in developing the company's search engine, and was Director of Technology at Google for many years.
The Jewish woman Susan Wojcicki was the one who gave Google office space to start the business. Susan Wojcicki has since become Vice President of Product Management at Google overseeing AdSense, Google Book Search and Google Video. In 2014 she has attained the highly influential position as the CEO of YouTube.
This while here likewise Jewish younger sister Anne Wojcicki, a biotechnology specialist, in May 2007 during "a traditional Jewish wedding"ceremony (according to Israeli paper Ha´aretz, May 29, 2008) married the Google President Sergey Brin. Keeping everything neatly within the tribe.
SomethingJewish.co.uk writes 24/05/2007:
Jewgle wedding
By: Leslie Bunder
The world's wealthiest Jewish bachelor is no more. Sergey Brin, co-founder of search giant Google and worth over $16bn got hitched to his long-time love Anne Wojcicki earlier this month in the Bahamas, but so secret was the wedding, that it has only recently been confirmed.
According to a report in the San Jose Mercury News, the wedding took place under a chuppah with both Brin and Wojcicki confirming their commitment to the Jewish faith, though no rabbi is said to have officiated at the ceremony.
Wojcicki, is the sister of Susan Wojcicki who gave Google office space to start the business.
In 2001, Brin's mother Eugenia commented she hoped he would find a Jewish bride. "I hope he would keep that in mind," she said.
Wojcicki, who has a background in biotechnology, has been active in Jewish projects and currently sits on the board of Reboot, a venture that engages Jews to explore their culture.
Recently, Wojcicki launched a biotech company 23andMe which has seen Google itself invest several million dollars into it.
Justin Rosenstein was a top engineer at Google serving three years as Google´s Product Manager for Page Creator. Rosenstein was one of the first employees that Facebook´s Jewish boss Mark Zuckerberg poached from Google as Facebook began its rise in 2007. In 2008 Rosenstein left Facebook with Facebook´s likewise Jewish co-founder, Dustin Moskovitz, to form a new company.

Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz (left) and
Justin Rosenstein (right)
Sheryl Sandberg
Another Jewish profile who has been important in the shaping of Google is Sheryl Sandberg.
Sheryl Sandberg was Google Vice President of Global Online Sales & Operations, a position from where she built and managed the online sales channels for advertising and publishing and operations for consumer products globally. Sandberg was behind Google´s AdWords, and sat in the board of Google´s philantropic arm Google.org.
Before Google, Sandberg worked for the Jew Lawrence Summers, first when he was Chief Economist of the World Bank, then as his Chief of Staff when Summers was Treasury Secretrary in the Clinton Administration.
The Jewish Chronicle (December 4, 2008) ran an article on the book "Jewish Wisdom for Business Success" - a book by Rabbi Levi Brackman and Jewish journalist Sam Jaffe - where they argue that the Torah and ancient rabbinic texts are not simply guides for holy living, they can also provide helpful career advice. The Jewish Chronicle writes:
Their book combines tips on good business practice gleaned from the Bible, Midrash and Kabbalah with examples of success stories such as Andy Klein, who quit corporate law to start a brewery and ended up with an investment bank, or Sheryl Sandberg, who rose to become vice president for global sales for Google. And while there are role models to emulate, there also ones to avoid: Pharaoh the gas ruach (man of coarse spirit) or Korah, the ba’al ga’avah, the arrogant egotist.

Sheryl Sandberg
As Vice President of Google´s Global Sales Sandberg was behind the AdWords project which links paid advertisements to search results, a gadget that allowed Google to turn their search engine into"extremely profitable business", as Rabbi Levi Brackman and journalist Sam Jaffe write in their book"Jewish Wisdom for Business Success", p. 2. They have the case of Sheryl Sandberg in the first chapter in their book as an example of Jewish business sucess. In the same p. 2 of their book:
Early in 2008, she left Google to become the second-in-command of Facebook, the emerging social-networking company.
Sheryl Sandberg - Jewish "second-in-command of Facebook" - is presently Chief Operating Officer atFacebook. As COO, Sandberg is responsible for helping Facebook scale its operations and expand its presence globally. Sandberg manages sales, marketing, business development, human resources, public policy, privacy and communications and reports directly to Facebook’s Jewish CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
Sheryl Sandberg is well connected to the Jewish community and the "philantropy" business, a favourite Jewish pastime where they can take a small part of their enormous wealth gained from the"goyim" and put it in small projects completely after their taste, to show how humane, generous and an openminded they are. Sandberg was thus withDaniel Sokatch, CEO of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, on a joint venture "addressing global poverty and social justice issues through philanthropy", December 10, 2008.
She also sponsors Jewish activities at for instance the Joshman Family Jewish Community Center, a center that not so surprisingly also has an"Israel connection", as their website says. The Joshman Center writes on this "Israel connection":
Our mission is to strengthen relationships between American Jews and the Israeli émigré community and to build a deeper connection to Israel.
See: http://www.paloaltojcc.org/index.php?src=gendocs&ref=Rambam's%20Ladder%20Award%20Dinner%20and%20Auction%202009&category=Special%20Events&submenu=Special_Events
Sandberg was included in Fortune's 50 Most Powerful Women of 2007.
She is married to former Yahoo! music head David Goldberg with whom she has two children.
More Google Jews - Elliot Schrage, Ethan Beard, and the Rubins

Elliot Schrage
The Jew Elliot Schrage was since 2005 Google´s Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs, the man who ran Google´s PR. He had this important position until May 2008 when he left for Facebook to work under the same role.
At Google, he broadened the company’s messaging from a focus on only product PR to include all aspects of corporate, financial, policy, philanthropic and internal communications. Before Google Shrage served as a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, the Zionist infested "public policy think tank".
Schrage together with the Jewish US Holocaust Museum launched the Darfur tool to Google Earth (see article U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and Google Join in Online Darfur Mapping Initiativehttp://www.google.com/intl/en/press/pressrel/darfur_mapping.html):
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum today joined with Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) to unveil an unprecedented online mapping initiative aimed at furthering awareness and action in the Darfur region of Sudan. Crisis in Darfur, enables more than 200 million Google Earth™ mapping service users worldwide to visualize and better understand the genocide currently unfolding in Darfur. The Museum has assembled content—photographs, data and eyewitness testimony—from a number of sources that are brought together for the first time in Google Earth. This information will appear as a Global Awareness layer in Google Earth starting today.
Google Earth’s Elliot Schrage, Vice President, Global Communications and Public Affairs, joined Museum Director Sara J. Bloomfield and Darfurian Daowd Salih at the launch.
Crisis in Darfur is the first project of the Museum’s Genocide Prevention Mapping Initiative that will over time include information on potential genocides allowing citizens, governments and institutions to access information on atrocities in their nascent stages and respond.
"Educating today’s generation about the atrocities of the past and present can be enhanced by technologies such as Google Earth," says Bloomfield. "When it comes to responding to genocide, the world’s record is terrible. We hope this important initiative with Google will make it that much harder for the world to ignore those who need us the most."
"At Google, we believe technology can be a catalyst for education and action," said Elliot Schrage, Google Vice President, Global Communications and Public Affairs. "Crisis in Darfur will enable Google Earth users to visualize and learn about the destruction in Darfur as never before and join the Museum’s efforts in responding to this continuing international catastrophe."
Of course spreading the knowledge of Israel´s genocidal destruction of Palestinian infrastructure in Gaza in the 2009 assault is not part of this education.

Scott Rubin, Communications Director, Google

Andy Rubin, Former Leader of the Android Division at Google

Ethan Beard
Another actor is Ethan Beard who was Google´s Director of Social Media. He has since left for Facebook to become Director of Facebook's Business Development and then Facebook's Director of Platform marketing. There are indications that he is Jewish.
Manber - Google´s Israeli Vice President of Engineering
Google's Vice President of Engineering, Udi Manber, is Israeli and a graduate from the Israel´s Technion Institute in Haifa.
He has a long record of top jobs in Internet related positions.
Manber became the chief scientist at Yahoo! in 1998.
In 2002, he joined Amazon.com, where he became "chief algorithms officer" and a Vice President. He was later appointed CEO of the Amazon subsidiary company A9.com, where he led the company's A9 search engine work. (Please see an article on Amazon´s support for Israel.)
In 2006, Manber was hired by Google as one of Google´s Vice Presidents of Engineering. In December 2007, he announced Knol, Google's new project to create a knowledge repository. As of October 2010 Manber is also responsible for all the search products at Google, thus we now have an Israeli Jew in a center position in the information hub of the world.
Manber as a senior Google operative, interacts with the Judeo-Zionist community.
Here is an advertisment which discloses how Google´s Manber will sit with a Rabbi and discuss Talmud and the Web (http://www.oakland.com/google-s-talmud-the-web-jewish-culture-and-the-power-of-associative-thinking-e394931):
Thu Sep 18, 2008
Contemporary Jewish Museum presents
Google’s Talmud: The Web, Jewish Culture, and the Power of Associative Thinking
The Contemporary Jewish Museum
736 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
district: Downtown/Financial District
Location Date and Time
Thu Sep 18, 2008 (7:00 PM - 8:30 PM)
One of the hallmarks of Jewish culture and scholarship is an emphasis on commentary and “associative thinking,” a method essential to the creation of the Talmud and thousands of years of Biblical commentary. Udi Manber, Google’s Vice President for Engineering and best-selling technology critic Howard Rheingold will join Rabbi Lawrence Kushner in a panel discussion exploring the connections between art, technology, and Jewish culture, as seen through the new social, intellectual, and spiritual implications of the idea of “search.” This will be followed by a discussion with Dan Schifrin, the Museum’s director of public programs and writer in residence.
Advertisement for the event was also made in the Jewish Weekly: http://www.jweekly.com/article/full/35726/calendar/

Udi Manber, Google´s Israeli Vice President of Engineering
Google's Jewish activist mole Jared Cohen
“Google ... in reality they are doing things the CIA cannot do."
The Jew Jared Cohen is the present connector between the Zionist-infiltrated U.S. State Department and Google. Cohen had the strategic position as a member of the U.S. Secretary of State's Policy Planning Staff under both Condoleezza Rice and later Hillary Clinton before turning his attention to Google in 2010. At Google this Zionist mole has the position as the Director of Google Ideas, a Google-run think tank aiming to "apply technology solutions to solve the world’s problems".
At the U.S. State Department Cohen had been specifically involved in Iran and Middle East affairs. Even in the Wikipedia's entry on Cohen this is presented as a common fact:
He played an instrumental role in helping shape counter-radicalization strategies and advised on US policy towards Iran and the Middle East. Beginning in April 2009, Cohen led specific delegations focused on connecting technology executives with local stakeholders in Iraq, Russia, Mexico, Congo, and Syria.
In the midst of the June 2009 protests in Iran, Cohen sought to support the insurgents.
Along with many other influential Zionist Jews Cohen also has been acitive at the CFR - The Council on Foreign Relations.

The Jew Jared Cohen, Google, Stratfor, Mossad
Since joining Google Jared Cohen has left a trail of evidence of his agenda and activism.
Wikileak's Julian Assange writes on Cohen - a person he describes as "a kind of Generation Y Kissinger figure" - in the article "Google and the NSA: Who’s holding the ‘shit-bag’ now?" (Wikileaks, August 27, 2013):
It was revealed last week, thanks to Edward Snowden, that Google and other US tech companies received millions of dollars from the NSA for their compliance with the PRISM mass surveillance system.
So just how close is Google to the US securitocracy?
Jared Cohen was the co-writer of Eric Schmidt’s book, and his role as the bridge between Google and the State Department speaks volumes about how the US securitocracy works. Cohen used to work directly for the State Department and was a close advisor to both Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton. But since 2010 he has been Director of Google Ideas, its in-house ‘think/do’ tank.
Documents published last year by WikiLeaks obtained from the US intelligence contractor Stratfor, show that in 2011 Jared Cohen, then (as he is now) Director of Google Ideas, was off running secret missions to the edge of Iran in Azerbaijan. In these internal emails, Fred Burton, Stratfor’s Vice President for Intelligence and a former State Department official, describes Google as follows:
Google is getting WH [White House] and State Dept support and air cover. In reality they are doing things the CIA cannot do…[Cohen] is going to get himself kidnapped or killed. Might be the best thing to happen to expose Google’s covert role in foaming up-risings, to be blunt. The US Gov’t can then disavow knowledge and Google is left holding the shit-bag.
In further internal communication, Burton subsequently clarifies his sources on Cohen’s activities as Marty Lev, Google’s director of security and safety and... Eric Schmidt.
WikiLeaks cables also reveal that previously Cohen, when working for the State Department, was in Afghanistan trying to convince the four major Afghan mobile phone companies to move their antennas onto US military bases. In Lebanon he covertly worked to establish, on behalf of the State Department, an anti-Hezbollah Shia think tank. And in London? He was offering Bollywood film executives funds to insert anti-extremist content into Bollywood films and promising to connect them to related networks in Hollywood. That is the Director of Google Ideas. Cohen is effectively Google’s director of regime change.
That Google was taking NSA money in exchange for handing over people’s data comes as no surprise. When Google encountered the big bad world, Google itself got big and bad.
The article "StratforLeaks: Google Ideas Director Involved in ‘Regime Change’" (Al Akhbar news site, March 14, 2012) goes into greater detail on Stratfor and Cohen and what they call the "The Cohen Conspiracy". (Note that the boss and founder of Strafor by the way is another Jew, the Hungarian born George Friedman).
See also the article "Wikileaks: Google caught in spy games on execs and ‘regime change’" (Mondoweiss, March 21, 2012) which also deals with the issue.
The article "WikiLeaks claims Google director helped the NSA spy on Afghanistan" (RT News, May 28, 2014) deals more with Cohen's connection to U.S Government's NSA spying agency and Afghanistan:
According to WikiLeaks, there may be much more to the story. Also last week, the anti-secrecy group tweeted that Jared Cohen — the 32-year-old current director of Google Ideas and a former US State Department advisor — has a history that connects him to a program that may have put Afghan signals intelligence, or SIGINT, into the hands of US investigators. [...] “Google Idea's director Jared Cohen was tasked with getting Afghan telcos to move towers to US bases when at DoS,” WikiLeaks tweeted.
It should also be noted that Jared Cohen has a friendly and personal relation with the boss of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, a connection Cohen used for his operations against the government of Iran. The article "Google to open 'Google Ideas' global technology think tank" in Fortune (August 15, 2010) tells the story (underlines below added by Radio Islam):
Cohen who has traveled widely in the Middle East, was tracking developments on the ground by following the English and translated Farsi postings of Iranian dissidents and opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi on Twitter. Their protests about fraud in President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s re-election, and the violent government crackdown that followed it, were flying to the outside world in 140-character-or-less bursts of comment.
Cohen read that the microblogging service was about to shut down its operations for maintenance. Although the shutdown would be routine and brief (and in the middle of the night in U.S. time zones), the prospect chilled the dissidents’ leaders. Because the government was blocking cell phone texting, Twitter had become a lifeline. The protests were reaching a crescendo: What might happen if Twitter went silent in the middle of a turbulent day?
So Cohen emailed his friend Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s co-founder and chairman. Dorsey had been part of a Silicon Valley delegation that Cohen had led to the Middle East earlier that spring to explore prospects for rebuilding Iraq. In a series of emails, Cohen asked Dorseyif the company was aware of the suddenly prominent role that it was playing on the international stage.
The rest—more or less—is history. Twitter agreed to postpone its upgrade for a few hours, and the pipeline of free expression continued uninterrupted in Iran. The Iranian government accused the Obama administration of meddling in its internal affairs, but a spokesman said Cohen’s call was “completely consistent with our national policy. . . . We are proponents of freedom of expression.” By the end of the year, CNN was including Cohen’s call to Twitter on a list of the Top 10 Internet moments of the decade, along with the launch of Facebook and the introduction of the iPhone.

Jared Cohen and friends
Google’s Jewish guru of giving
In the article "Google’s guru of giving" (http://www.financialexpress.com/news/googles-guru-of-giving/265113/0), January 24, 2008, The Financial Express details Larry Brilliant. Dr Brilliant led the Internet giant’s philanthropic arm Google.org, where he ruled over a and 40-strong team:
As well as adopting the informal company motto, “Don’t be evil”, the internet search firm’s co-founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, decided to commit Google to engage in serious philanthropy. Innovative as ever, they created a new sort of philanthropic entity, a division of the company that could pursue its mission through both for-profit investing and making charitable grants. This, they hoped, would one day “eclipse Google itself in overall world impact by ambitiously applying innovation and significant resources to the largest of the world’s problems.”
It would be funded with 1% of the firm’s equity, annual profits and employees’ time.
In February 2006, after a lengthy search, Dr Brilliant was appointed to run Google.org. Media reports focused on the old hippy’s colourful past, not least his spell as a doctor with the Grateful Dead, a legendary 1960s rock band. What attracted his new employers was his unique record of success both in running Silicon Valley tech firms and in implementing large-scale solutions to big social problems.
Though he has taken nearly two years to produce a strategy for Google.org, Dr Brilliant has not been taking things easy. He may have added a taste for Hindu meditation to his Detroit Jewish roots (he once shared a guru with Apple’s boss, Steve Jobs), but he is a driven man, travelling widely and seeking advice from hundreds of people, pushing himself harder than friends say is wise for a sexagenarian. When he arrived at Google.org he found extraordinarily high expectations, a blank sheet of paper to fill with a strategy, and “microscopic attention” from outside on what it was doing.
During his time as Google´s philantropic boss Brilliant combined his work with his dedication for Jews and Judaism. For instance Brilliant, as Executive Director of Google.org, appeared as a speaker at the Jewish Community Federation in San Fransisco´s Business Leadership Council Breakfast meeting. February 28, 2007. According to the organization´s homepage (http://www.sfjcf.org/aboutjcf/press/2007/brilliant.asp):
Larry Brilliant, Executive Director of Google.org, will share his vision for “Healing a Broken World” with attendees at the second annual Business Leadership Council Breakfast on Wednesday, February 28, 2007.
Dr. Larry Brilliant is the Executive Director of Google.org, the umbrella organization which includes the Google Foundation as well as partnerships with and contributions to for-profit and nonprofit entities.
Sponsored by AT&T and Levisohn Venture Partners, this special BLC event is open to all donors who contribute $1,000 or more to the 2007 San Francisco-based Jewish Community Federation’s Annual Campaign. Donors under the age of 40 who contribute $500 are also welcome.
The Jewish Community Federation is the central organization for fundraising, planning, outreach and leadership development for Jewish communities in San Francisco, the Peninsula, and Marin and Sonoma counties. In fiscal year 2006, the Federation’s annual campaign allocated $18.3 million to some 60 agencies providing social services, educational and cultural programs in the Bay Area, in the U.S., Israel and elsewhere in the world. In fiscal year 2006, the Federation’s Endowment Fund, with assets exceeding $1.8 billion, provided more than $203 million for a variety of grants, seed projects and emergency needs. For more information, call 415.777.0411 or visit www.sfjcf.org.
So here we can see how the Google boss fraternises with an organization that is interrelated to the Zionist state.
In April 2009 Larry Brilliant, after 3 years at Google, said he was parting ways with the Internet giant, leaving Google.org to join a new organisation set up by former eBay President and Jew, Jeff Skoll. But Dr Brilliant also said he would remain as an advisor to Google.
Some more names...
As has been noted in more detail below, the Jewish small sister of Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg, Arielle Zuckerberg, in 2012 recruited as a Google employee as Google acquired the social media marketing platform company Wildfire, where Arielle works (see article "Google Acquires Mark Zuckerberg’s Sister", webpronews.com, July 31, 2012).
The Israeli Jewess Shimrit Ben-Yair is a Product Manager at Google+, Google's social networking service and the main competitor to Zuckerberg's Facebook. Ben-Yair met with war criminal and Israeli President Shimon Peres at the Google Headquarters in 2012 and in her posting on that event revealed her Zionist leanings and sentiments:
I had the great honor of meeting Israeli President Shimon Peres yesterday! He visited Google and saw some cool demos: the latest in Google Earth, Translate, Google+ and of course our self driving cars.
Many of you know how passionate President Peres is about promoting peace in the middle east, but I was surprised to learn how tech savvy he is! Not only did he thoroughly enjoy the demos, but he was also asking really great questions about the underlying technology and algorithms. At 88 years old, he is truly inspiring.
Google’s Israel connections
Here follows a most revealing article on how Google´s Sergey Brin, Facebook´s Mark Zuckerberg and Yahoo´s President Susan Decker, are invited by the Israeli leadership to Israel, during Israel´s 60th anniversary celebrations:
Facebook, Google founders to attend Jerusalem conference in May
By Guy Grimland, Ha´aretz Correspondent
Ha´aretz 01/04/2008
Co-founder of internet giant Google, Sergey Brin, will join Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, and Yahoo president Susan Decker at a presidential panel on technology to be held at the Jerusalem International Convention Center May 13-15.
The convention, which was formed at the initiative of President Shimon Peres, will also be attended by a number of Israeli political, religious and financial leaders, as well as academics and cultural figures.
The panel will discuss issues facing technology in today's age and the future, in particular in regard to how it will affect Israel and the Jewish world.
Former UK prime minister Tony Blair will also take part in the conference, as will French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former prime minister of the Czech Republic Vaclev Havel, Nobel Prize Laureate Eli Wiesel, and Georgia President Michael Saakashvili
The Israel News Agency also writes (http://www.israelnewsagency.com/israel60thbirthdaypresidentsconferenceshimonperesanniversaryjerusalemolmertfacingtomorrow48050708.html):
In attendance, in addition to many national presidents and heads of state will be dignitaries from the worlds of business and academia. Among them are Sergey Brin, founder of Google and Susan Decker of Yahoo. Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson will be serving as the honorary chairpersons for the Israel 60th Birthday Presidential Conference which has enthusiastically attracted the attention of Jewish leaders and others worldwide.
And B' nai B' rith Magazine (http://bnaibrith.org/magazines/2008FallBBM/future-concerns-mariaschin.cfm) are also happy with the representation:
I was particularly impressed with the large numbers of young people in attendance, representing Israeli universities and aliyah organizations like MASA. At the conclusion of the panel discussion moderated by Israeli entrepreneur Yossi Vardi and featuring, among others, Brin, the co-founder of Google; Susan Decker of Yahoo; and Rupert Murdoch, several dozen young adults crowded on stage to meet the speakers—and more than one business card was exchanged.

Google´s Sergey Brin at Western Wall, Jerusalem
We write more on the Zionists attending this conference in our section on Yahoo!.
In March 2012 the Israeli President Shimon Peres - the arch-Zionist and the man behind the Qana No 1 massacre in Lebanon - visited the Google headquarters in Silicon Valley, USA, where he was gladly greeted by Google's Jewish boss Sergey Brin. The pics below are from one of Google's Israeli-Jewish employees and can be accessed through the following link: https://plus.google.com/u/0/102600774742322762226/posts/5o5uBKzZYGp

- ADL Praises Google for Responding to Concerns About Rankings of Hate Sites
includes letter from Google Jew Sergey Brin and Google´s explantion for the word "Jew" - How the Zionist Organization of America shapes Google´s policies
ZOA complains about "anti-Semitism" ...and Google adjusts promptly - ZOA Convinces Google to Change the Earth
the Zionist Organization of America changes the way we view the World through Google Earth
- Google´s war on pro-Palestinian bloggers
Google´s "robots" unmasked, Is Google ethnic cleansing the Internet?
- Uruknet cut off from Google News again! - external link
information on how an Iraq war information site is being censored by Google - Don't see Evil - Google’s boycott campaign against war photography and alternative media - external link
By Dan Sanchez."Founder Sergey Brin’s work at Stanford University on what would later become Google received funding and even oversight from the CIA and the Pentagon through a program created to seed and incubate technology research that could later prove useful for information warfare." - Harassment by The YouTube Team — An open message to Sergey Brin
By Anthony Lawson - Jew Gotta’ Friend At Google - what is "hate speech"?
Google News stops indexing what it calls "hate spech" - "Google This"! - on Google´s Israel rush
by Philip Jones, Rense.com - Google Fascists?
looking into the worrying implications of Google's near monopoly of web search engines - Censorship of the Internet - study reveals Google censorship of Radio Islam´s sites
by Germar Rudolf

Organizers of the conference representing the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish group that counters anti-Semitism, brought examples of anti-Jewish hate material freely available on the Internet, and participants called for more action to stop it.
He [Meir Brand] said Google removes results from its search index only when required to by law, for example, when copyright infringement is an issue. In Germany and Austria, he said, Google removes Nazi content, which is against the law there.Recognizing the problem, however, Google has instituted a warning system for hate entries, taking viewers to a page warning that some of the search results may be offensive, and noting that opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect Google's views.

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