An 1890 article in an official
Vatican publication
puts the NWO in perspective.
We need to go back to 1890 to understand what has taken place. An article in the official Vatican periodical La Civilta Cattolica dated 23 Oct. 1890 reveals how Catholics perceived Jews 125 years ago. The article confirms that humanity has been colonized by a satanic cult, Cabalist Judaism, using Freemasonry, which is Jewish Cabala for Gentiles. Society is indeed "satanically possessed."
Our political and cultural leadership are "straw men" -- fronts for the Cabalist (i.e. Illuminati Jewish) central bankers. This is why our "leaders" are such perverts and non-entities. To ensure they toe the line, they are filmed in compromising sexual situations . To ensure the whole rotten structure doesn't collapse, the bankers have erected a police state, using terrorism (which they instigate) as a pretext. "Democracy" is an elaborate charade.
Multiculturalism and diversity, feminism and homosexuality, Muslim and Latin in-migration are employed to divide and destabilize. Most people are willing to "go along to get along", to collaborate in their own enslavement.
Success generally depends on support for the Judeo Masonic (Illuminati) world government agenda. Ordinary Jews are not aware of this agenda. Jews and non-Jews alike suffer from a false consciousness, although they don't know it.
The 1890 article begins by decrying the "invasion of Israelites into every sector of public and social life" in Europe and Russia. Christians are rallying to stop "the spread of this plague" and "its most pernicious consequences."
"Once having acquired absolute civil liberty and equality in every sphere with Christians and the nations, the dam which previously had held back the Hebrews was opened for them, and in short time, like a devastating torrent, they penetrated and cunningly took over everything: gold, trade, the stock market, the highest appointments in political administrations, in the army and in diplomacy; public education, the press, everything fell into their hands or into the hands of those who were inevitably depending upon them....the very laws and institutions of the states hinders Christian society from shedding the yoke of Hebrew audacity, imposed under the guise of liberty."
The article clearly establishes the malevolent intentions of the Jewish leadership. The people crying "hate" are in fact the real haters. They aim for "the extermination of Christian civilization" which 125 years later has nearly been accomplished. The Talmud views all non-Jews as subhuman, i.e. beasts. Jews see themselves as "the highest race of mankind" entitled to "lay claim to all the wealth of the universe..." Their Messiah must be "a great conqueror who puts the nations under the yoke of the Jews." (This is where Christ failed.)
The Talmud "teaches that an Israelite is more pleasing to God than the angels of paradise; that to strike a Jew is to strike God..."
Ordinary Jews like myself know nothing of the Talmud and do not share these views. However I suspect they do inform the NWO agenda which is to manage humanity like a modern factory farmer raises cattle.
The article ascribes anti Semitism to this demented Jewish megalomania, their immorality and "insatiable appetite for enriching themselves via usury..."
How to defend Christian civilization when all social institutions -- government, media, education and the economy-- have been taken over by the Illuminati Jewish bankers and their Freemason agents? The Hebrews "are a plague on Christian society." War against them is justified. Unfortunately the Christian lacks the necessary means and ruthlessness. He doesn't wish to "resort to bloodshed."
The author argues Jewish wealth should be confiscated: "It is absolutely legitimate...for the plundered nation to recover the ill gotten gains from the thieves...Gold is the most powerful weapon by which the Jews exterminate religion and oppress the people has at least the right to seize this weapon from them."
Jews should be considered foreigners and not allowed to own farmland, which is fast falling into their hands. But they could still own urban property. He contemplates expelling all Jews as a solution.
The author recognizes that not all Hebrews are "thieves, cheats, usurers, Freemasons, cads and corrupters of customs...a certain number are not complicit in the trickeries of the others. How could these innocents be "included in the punishment?" The author cites counter arguments that the urgency of the situation justifies overcoming all moral qualms.
Then he does an about-face and says: " Even supposing that the remedy of universal banishment of the Hebrews was feasible now, it would not accord with the Roman Church's way of thinking and acting."
(left, Free speech for Masonic Jews -i.e. Charlie Hebdo -but not for their critics. Australian newspaper forced to apologize for this cartoon.)
We have seen that an "anti-Jewish Conference" of Christian notables held in 1882 conceded that there is no remedy. The Civilta Cattolica also concedes it is a "practical impossibility" as long as our governments are under Jewish control:
"Heaven's chosen instrument for punishing the degenerate Christianity of our time is the Hebrews," he says. Europe will become "one single huge plantation exploited by the Jews through the labor and sweat of the Christians reduced to slavery."
This vision of the New World Order is 125 years old!
The only way to fight the "plague" would have been to imitate the tactics of the Freemasons and Masonic Jews. Obviously this was "not in accord of the Roman Church's ways of thinking and acting."
"Anti Semites" have always made the mistake of blaming all Jews in a racist fashion thereby forcing them to act as human shields for the Cabalist bankers. The bankers even sponsor anti Semitism to manipulate their "lesser brethren" in this fashion. Despite appearances, Jews are not homogeneous. Opponents of Masonic Jewish domination should focus on the leadership. And because of Freemasonry, expelling all Jews would make no difference. Society as a whole has completely embraced Jewish banker control. It has bitten the apple.
As the bankers consolidate their new world order, we face a precarious future. Russia is openly threatening nuclear war. Russia was content to allow Ukraine to be neutral, and to support it. But the Neo Con Jews overthrew the Ukrainian President and caused the present civil war. They are probably responsible for the drop in the price of oil as a form of economic warfare. This is having dire consequence for many countries. I'm not sure if Russia's resistance to Jewish domination isn't a charade to justify world war. Either way, the Illuminati Jewish banker agenda portends a dismal future for mankind.
by Henry Makow Ph.D
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