Thanks to the intellectual campaigns we have been launching on the front lines against the agricultural corruption brought upon by Monsanto and its GMOs, we are now winning the overall war against the corporate monopoly and genetically modified creat… Read more »
Report Finds “Probable” Carcinogens in Every Tap Water Sample Tested
One of the most important things you can do to stay healthy and feel good is stay hydrated. But in a world where so much of the water is contaminated by pollution or supplemented chemical treatments, it’s difficult to know where to get the best water… Read more »
6 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
Big Pharma would make tens of thousands of dollars off of your cancer diagnosis. They wouldn’t give you a real solution, but would merely prolong your illness so you can continue to spend your savings (and beyond) on their toxic cancer drugs. What th… Read more »
A startling proportion of Americans believe that we’re currently living in the End Times, according to a stunning new poll that was conducted by the Barna Group, a research firm that focuses on faith. In fact, more than four in 10 individuals (41 per… Read more »
by JIM FLETCHER A trio of my journalist friends – I’m so proud of them – are helping lead the way for pulling back the curtain on Christian persecution at the hands of jihadists and the wider war on freedom. marketing ( function() { if (window.… Read more »
School Tells Child She Can’t Write About God
By Todd StarnesA Tennessee mom is looking for answers after her daughter’s teacher refused to let the child write about God for a school assignment. marketing ( function() { if (window.CHITIKA === undefined) { window.CHITIKA = { 'units' : [] };… Read more »
World’s Top Climate Scientists Admit “Computers” Got Global Warming Wrong. Sun Mysteriously Goes All Quiet
If Climate Gate didn't silence the great global warming cult, then perhaps this will.Climate scientists themselves now admit their calculations on global warming were WRONG, though they divert blame to glitchy computer models.The reality is that all … Read more »
The Greatest Financial Conspiracy In American History
There is a conspiracy being perpetrated against the American people with regard to the true nature of America’s financial situation. To most people, America appears to be on her last economic legs and the future looks hopeless. On the other hand, Ame… Read more »
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