Finally a realistic Breakdown of The Illuminati (Freemasons / Satanist) given to us through the eyes of celebrities, where they simply expl...
US lowers fluoride levels in drinking water for first time in over 50 years
Finally the people in USA are starting to WAKE UP. This is why we do our job here giving you right informations the rase the awareness and ...
What Will Happen To You When The Dollar Collapses?
Historically, when a nation’s debt exceeds its ability to repay even the interest, it can be assumed that the currency will collapse. Typic...
The Purpose of Geoengineering and Chemtrails is Death
Throughout May of 2013 , Southern California, home of 22 million people , received by far the most powerful daily aerosol attacks this writ...
Just One Can of Soda a Day Raises Aggressive Cancer Risk By 40 Percent
Men who drink one 300ml can of soda per day are much more likely to require treatment for a serious form of cancer than those who never con...
Hillary Clinton Calls Henry Kissinger a Friend, Praises His Commitment to Democracy
marketing Hillary Clinton has written a review of Henry Kissinger's new book World Order for the Washington Post; it's m...
Baltimore state of emergency declared as Freddie Gray protesters clash with police
Several police officers were injured, squad cars are being set on fire and gangs in Baltimore threatened to continue attacks on cops Monday...
20 Happiest Countries in the World
How happy is your homeland? There's a new World Happiness Report out this week that ranks the most cheerful nations in the world. ...
George Soros Funding Plan to Naturalize Millions of Immigrants for the 2016 Elections
George Soros is planning to bribe up to 13.8 million legal immigrants to become citizens before the 2016 election. They will find you, tea...
The Bible, the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are all sexist, according to a course approved by the Defense Departme...
McDonald’s to Close 700 Locations This Year
Fast food giant McDonald’s has recently seen business plummet. Factors such as consumer awareness and healthier alternatives led to a 2.3% ...
Chase Bank Begins Prohibiting Cash Transactions
Reports have begun circulating that Chase bank are sending letters to their customers telling them that cash will be prohibited from being...
MSM Finally Admits It, Cannabis Can Cure Cancer, It’s High Time We Stop Arresting People for It
In a surprising move, CNN is reporting that marijuana may be a potential cure for certain types of cancer after numerous studies have sh...
Complete Ban On Using The Word ‘Pork’ To Avoid Offending Muslims
When an institution sets out to ban something, more often than not the thing they choose to ban simply reflects back on that institution’s ...
Hillary Clinton Hires Former Monsanto Lobbyist To Run Her Campaign
Hillary Clinton recently announced that she will be appointing long-time Monsanto lobbyist Jerry Crawford as adviser to her “Ready for Hil...
Unvaccinated Children Healthier Than Vaccinated, 90′s Study Proves
A 20 year old study from the 1990′s has recently surfaced that compares unvaccinated children to vaccinated children. The study concludes t...
UN Demanding $100 Billion Per Year To Create Huge Climate Change Slush Fund
It’s not enough that the big-eared emperor is parading around without any clothes on, he and his comrades are engaging in an orgy of power ...
Homeless people in the United States deported to camps
It begins with the homeless. Then another group, then another, Until, well, just remember Germany. It isn’t pretty! According to MSN, the Co...
Real world vs “TV reality” – is a war inevitable?
There are two parallel worlds which never touch each other: real life, and 'life' inside the American TV set. We have all heard the...
Western nations begin criminalizing cash purchases to track citizens in manufactured 'war on terror'
Never letting a good crisis go to waste, the European country of France has announced that it will soon implement restrictive new measures o...
Brain-Damaged Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine Win $63 Million Lawsuit
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is in the news again making headlines after having to settle another major lawsuit bringing the latest total to over ...
Proof that Osama bin Laden Was CIA and Died in 2001!
Watching the main stream media is something I don't do. My father called me this morning to tell me that Osama bin Laden has been kille...
RFID tracking system to replace license plate?
Until recently our auto travels — in public — have been essentially private. Scattered individuals may have observed our locations at given...
Where Do You Keep Your Cell Phone? Stop Now— The Consequences Could Be Deadly!
If you think the jury’s still out on whether cell phones can be dangerous to your health, then you might want to take the time to listen to...
Texas chef hit with possible $2,000 fine for feeding the homeless
A Texas chef who has fed San Antonio’s homeless population for the past 10 years from a non-profit mobile food truck was suddenly cited and ...
MASS FISH DIE-OFFS: Scores Of Dead Fish Appear In The Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon In Brazil
The bad news for Rio de Janeiro ahead of the 2016 Olympics keeps coming after scores of dead fish appeared in the Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon....
CERN: Unlocking the Gates of Hades
The primary purpose of occult practices is to open doorways, portals to other dimensions, inviting in beings with particular powers and h...
NBC News crew threatened with arrest for filming a FEMA camp
A reporter from NewsChannel 13, Mark Mulholland and his camera man Matt Soriano were threatened with arrest by a corrections lieutenant on...
74 NASA Scientists Been killed In The Last Two Years. What's Going On?
Something strange is going on. NASA Scientist Alberto Behar died in a plane crash in January (2015) in Los Angeles – making a total of 7...
Denzel Washington: The Bible is ‘The Answer People Are Looking For
In explaining why the Bible is a best seller year after year, Academy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington said there is something “tuggin...
Did you just miss your chance to get ruble-rich?
Rogue investors who ignored the negative hype about Russia, are smiling from ear to ear after the ruble gained about 6 percent this week. T...
‘World’s Poorest President’ Explains Why We Should Kick Rich People Out Of Politics
People who like money too much ought to be kicked out of politics, Uruguayan President José Mujica told CNN en Español in an interview pos...
Legislators make push to label genetically modified foods
State Rep. Dennis Canario has become a leader in the Rhode Island General Assembly on the push to have food producers clearly label foods t...
World’s biggest economies in 2030
Let's see who are the world's biggest economies. In 15 years time, the US won’t be the world’s largest economy, China’s economy wil...
Monsanto, the multi-billion agribusiness giant, has announced today it has patented the first genetically modified strain of marijuana. ...
400 Employees concerned about Walmart closure
Along with the Walmart in Livingston, Texas, four other Walmarts across the country also closed on Monday for plumbing repairs. The stores ...
Glacial Belts of Water Ice Found on Mars. Mountain On Mars Is Leaking
Using radar measurements from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, researchers have been able to determine that belts of glaciers, making up...
Martial Law FEMA Camp Training In Michigan Begins Same Day As Jade Helm
The EKS Group LLC, on behalf of The Department of Defense (DoD) is advertising the following position which has special relevance to the t...
10 Creepy Illuminati Card Game: Predicting The Future Since 1994
The Illuminati game is a standalone card game made by Steve Jackson Games (SJG). It was printed in 1994. The game looks normal at first loo...
$45 Billion in Tax Dollars Goes Missing in Afghanistan
Hundreds of millions of dollars are missing in action in Afghanistan, and auditors are blaming the Pentagon’s flawed accounting practices fo...
The Fukushima Apocalyptic Disaster is Causing Havoc and Cancer Across the Globe!
“Nuclear Fallout is the residual radioactive material propelled into the upper atmosphere following a nuclear blast or a nuclear reaction ...
Why IS the US military moving back into 'Stargate' base deep under the Rocky Mountains
The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is one of the icons of the Cold War - a self-contained and sufficient town buried under the Rockies meant to ...
How the U.S. thinks Russians hacked the White House
Russian hackers behind the damaging cyber intrusion of the State Department in recent months used that perch to penetrate sensitive parts o...
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His father was called the 'worst kind of war criminal' and told he would burn in hell by the judge who sentenced him to life in pr...
marketing READ AND SHARE PLEASE Cannabis sativa hemp, the miracle plant, contains the cure for cancer and other ailments The US Govt ...
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