
In fact, according to the US government, cyber terrorism it’s a major crime which is punishable by life in prison.

However, on the heels of Sony’s recent hacking and subsequent blaming of the North Korean government, the US has sanctioned its own cyber terror attack against North Korea, according to a credible source who contacted The Anti-Media. At the time of posting the article, North Korea has completely disappeared from the internet. The damage the US is hoping to do is not just intellectual, but is aimed at causing physical harm to the North Korean economy and by default its civilian population.
But it doesn’t stop there. According to our sources, the US is also planning on launching more cyber attacks against North Korea’s banking system which could start as early as tonight.
There’s more. Though not concrete, there is also talk of covert military actions against North Korean infrastructure which include: hospitals, military bases, and nuclear facilities in the very near future.
The most troublesome of all these acts is that it’s highly unlikely that the North Korean government was actually behind the hacking of Sony. Firstly, North Korean technology is years, if not decades behind current US cyber security standards. Secondly, North Korea had all but nothing to gain from hacking Sony. As we reported on Saturday, Sony employees with knowledge of their network security believe it was an inside job:
“My gut instinct was, ‘Oh no, is it the North Koreans?…For two seconds it was the North Koreans, and then the younger guys in our office who know way more about computers were, like, ‘No way. You’d have to know Sony’s network, it has to be somebody on the inside,” -Evan Goldberg, co-director of The Interview
Furthermore, hackers from the Anonymous Collective have also said that North Korea is not behind the hack:
“While the FBI, President Obama, and George Clooney seem thoroughly convinced that the Guardians of Peace are the work of Pyongyang—the name “Guardians of Peace” comes from a quote used by former President Richard Nixon describing South Korea—many hackers online have questioned the allocation of blame from Day One, including former Lulzsec hacker turned government information Sabu, who maintains they “don’t have the technical capabilities,” and Anonymous, who wrote, “we all know the hacks didn’t come from North Korea,” and threatened to launch further hacks against Sony if they don’t release the film online.”
Barack Obama has promised to retaliate against North Korea for hacking the Japanese company, and he has followed through on his promise it seems.
Why is the US government conducting cyber espionage against foreign governments over the hacking of a private corporation? 

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