
It was over four years ago when Danny McDonald of Dunaff, Ireland, was diagnosed with stomach cancer.  By the time his cancer was discovered he was already stage 4, the cancer was spread throughout his body and he was given only 3 months to live.

Wheatgrass has been used for centuries as an herbal medicine because of its therapeutic and nutritional properties.  A recent advocate of wheatgrass therapy was Ann Wigmore, who opened the first living foods healing institute in 1968.  There she nourished terminally ill patients back to health by having them drink fresh wheatgrass juice and eating diets of raw, living foods.  This beneficial therapy continues to be used today at various healing centers throughout the United States.
Wheatgrass is a nutrient-rich young grass that is a member of the wheat family.   It provides a concentrated amount of nutrients, including selenium, iron, calcium, magnesium, amino acids, chlorophyll, and vitamins A, C, E as well as vitamin B17 (laetrile) which is recognized by alternative health practitioners for its anticancer qualities.
The most effective way to obtain the abundance of nutritional benefits from wheatgrass is to drink the freshly pressed juice or mix to it into other juices to make it more palatable.  Try adding a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to enhance the flavor. You can also find wheatgrass powders and supplements online if you are unable to juice your own, but juicing as Danny did would be the most effective way to take this therapy, especially if you are battling a stage 4 cancer as Danny was.
Chlorophyll in wheatgrass- chlorophyll is the “blood” of the plant and is actually similar in structure to human blood. When our bodies have access to chlorophyll from plants, they are able to manufacture high-quality red blood cells which can help to transport oxygen throughout the body. People who follow the Standard American Diet are in desperate need of the cleansing and detoxification which can be obtained from wheatgrass.  Chlorophyll can also help to mobilize heavy metals that have accumulated in the body, and is one of the greatest food substances for cleansing the bowel & other elimination systems (liver and the blood) and it also is instrumental in transporting more oxygen to the body and the brain. It helps relieve inflammation, is a natural pain reliever, reduces hypertension, and it acts as an efficient detoxification agent by binding to toxins, such as mercury, in your body and carrying them out of your system.

How to grow wheatgrass. lease don’t use newspaper as demonstrated in the video, you can invert another growing tray instead or use something less toxic as a cover.
Juicing wheatgrass with a hurricane juicer

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