Vitiligo, a skin disease is now termed as a new fashion trend of 2015. Vitiligo is a chronic disease which causes loss of skin color. The main cause of Vitiligo is genetic susceptibility and there is no cure for it. This disease is identified as the… Read more »
The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497) admits that:“It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.”If this latte… Read more »
13 Of The Biggest Retailers In America Are Closing Down Stores
Barack Obama recently stated that anyone that is claiming that America’s economy is in decline is “peddling fiction“. Well, if the economy is in such great shape, why are major retailers shutting down hundreds of stores all over the country? Last … Read more »
George Soros Is Preparing For Economic Collapse
Why is George Soros selling stocks, buying gold and making “a series of big, bearish investments”? If things stay relatively stable like they are right now, these moves will likely cost George Soros a tremendous amount of money. But if a major fin… Read more »
Israeli becomes head Brazil’s Central Bank
As the suspension of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and corruption allegations loom in the background, a new appointment was announced: Ilan Goldfein, who was chief economist to Brazil’s largest private bank, will become president of the country… Read more »
Saudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create ‘War On Terror’
The Saudi press is still furious over the U.S. Senate’sunanimous vote approving a bill that allows the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia. This time, the London-based Al-Hayat daily has claimed that the U.S. planned the attacks on the Worl… Read more »
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