A top theologian has warned that Christian teaching could become “criminalized” in the UK, under British Prime Minister David Cameron’s new anti-extremism orders. Rev. Mike Ovey, principal of Oak Hill Theological College in London, said that the pol… Read more »
Leading Israeli Rabbi Says the Arrival of the Messiah is Imminent
“I will bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of the countries where you are scattered, with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, and with wrath poured out.” (Ezekiel 20:34 )Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leading authority in mainstream Ultr… Read more »
Human Depopulation is the Real Agenda
Much of what we are experiencing in this country can’t be considered a “conspiracy theory” anymore, because it is actually happening. Wake Up people conspiracy it's reality. We are literally watching the world burn around us, and every day there is … Read more »
USA Quietly Snatches the Ukraine’s Gold Reserves
According to reports out of Kiev (see links below), the US has quietly transfers 33 tons of Ukrainian gold out of the country and back to vaults in the US. Presumably, this sovereign wealth transfer would be counted as partial “collateral” for a fre… Read more »
Israel approves 20 year prison terms for stone throwers
Meanwhile Israel‘s military cleared itself of any wrong doing in the thousands of Palestinian civilians deaths over the years including the slaughter of 4 Palestinian children playing soccer on the beach last year by Israeli forces.The Israeli Kness… Read more »
The Pentagon Doesn’t Know What it Spent 8.5 Trillion Dollars on
When government is completely dysfunctional and seems not to serve the people’s interests, we have to wonder where our tax dollars are going. Thanks to a Reutersinvestigation by Scot Paltrow, we have an answer—or, rather, a non-answer. Apparently, t… Read more »
Matt Damon Goes Public On Illuminati And New World Order
In this video actor Matt Damon speaks publicly on the New World Order and the Illuminati in a powerful speech. marketing … Read more »
MSM Openly Discussing FEMA Camps For ‘Radical’ U.S. Citizens!
Former U.S. General Wesley Clark recently talked about bringing back WWII-style U.S. internment camps. But this time, instead of rounding up Japanese-Americans, the victims would be Muslims and any political dissident that the government deemed “rad… Read more »
Top 10 Illuminati Murders, Assassinations, or Blood Sacrifices
There are usually four reasons given as to why the Illuminati might want to snuff someone out:1. They are about to reveal TOO MUCH!2. Routine Illuminati Blood sacrifice3. They stand in the way of an important Illuminati goal4. They refuse to play th… Read more »
A Soldier Killed In Chattanooga Was a HOAX, He Died in 2009. ‘HERE IS THE PROOF’
The Power elite are playing all of their cards and in this latest development in regards to the Chattanooga military base shooting, one of the soldiers allegedly killed during that mass shooting had already died in Iraq in 2009!This incredible infor… Read more »
El Chapo Puts $100 Million Bounty on Donald Trump Dead Or Alive!
Mexican lord Joaquín Guzmán is offering a $100 million bounty for anyone who can bring him Donald Trump, dead or alive. Known as El Chapo (The Shorty) because of his small stature, is infamous for his multiple prison breaks and involvement in the Me… Read more »
Sandra Bland Did Not Die From “Suicide” Wake Up People
Even if the official narrative is completely true, those who were involved in Bland’s arrest have a lot to explain.There are two suicide assessments with disparate answers: Question No. 12 of the Suicide Assessment 1 asks: “Have you thought about ki… Read more »
How Rich Is The Vatican?
Have you ever wondered how wealthy the church really is? In his book, ‘The Vatican Billions’, writer and philosopher Avro Manhattan gives us a glimpse of the true financial worth of the catholic church: marketing src="http://www.slate.com/content… Read more »
Discovery of Snake Fossil with four legs confirms Bible Depiction
What’s the difference between a snake and a lizard? If you answered “legs,” you are now officially dead wrong. A snake fossil with four limbs each ending in five seemingly functional digits has been discovered, bringing with it a new theory as to ho… Read more »
Satanic Temple to Unveil Goat-Headed Statue of the Devil in Detroit
The Satanic Temple on Saturday unveiled an 8-foot-tall bronze statue of a goat-headed Devil in Detroit — and was called the “largest public satanic ceremony in history.The eight-foot tall bronze statue, which features a goat-headed Satan, was reveal… Read more »
Former Presidents Warn About the “Invisible Government” Running the United States
Past presidents of the United States and other high profile political leaders have repeatedly issued warnings over the last 214 years that the U.S. government is under the control of an “invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no … Read more »
The Waters In The World Are Turning Blood Red
“AND THE THIRD ANGEL POURED OUT HIS VIAL UPON THE RIVERS AND FOUNTAINS OF WATERS; AND THEY BECAME BLOOD. [REVELATION 16:4]”People all over the world are taking pictures of blood red waters. They fear that the water is a sign of the End of Times. Fro… Read more »
Homosexuals Throw Human Excrement At Christians, And Wipe Their Anuses With Pages Of The Bible
When up to a thousand conservative Christian parents in Germany were protesting against a new pro-homosexual “sexual diversity” curriculum in their schools, homosexuals charged at them and thew human excrement at the Christians. They also ripped pag… Read more »
Who Controls The Money? An Unelected, Unaccountable Central Bank Of The World Secretly Does
An immensely powerful international organization that most people have never even heard of secretly controls the money supply of the entire globe. It is called the Bank for International Settlements, and it is the central bank of central banks. It… Read more »
Pope Calls for New World Order
Pope Francis wraps up the first leg of a three-nation South American pilgrimage Wednesday after issuing an impassioned call for a new economic and ecological world order where the goods of the Earth are shared by everyone, not just exploited by the … Read more »
The Illuminati Plan to Fake the Return of Jesus
Now do you want the hard truth. The image of Jesus on the statue and icons you see in the churches it's not Jesus it's the Antichrist. Most of the churches are masonic you can see illuminati pyramid in some of them and all seeing eye of Lucifer Th… Read more »
Federal Agent Confesses ‘We Killed Michael Jackson’
We have talked before about the U.S. Government’s secret mind control program named MK-ULTRA. The program had its tentacles in the music industry, and the illuminati had their sights on Michael Jackson for a long time.An ex government agent has come… Read more »
Donald Trump Made Huge Announcement To All Christians
Donald Trump isn’t afraid to say what needs to be said. Now the billionaire, television personality and presidential aspirant has a straightforward message for Christians.“The Christians are being treated horribly because we have nobody to represent… Read more »
Scientific Study Reveals “Conspiracy Theorists” Are The Most Sane Of All
If you consider yourself awakened and seeking the truth – especially in government matters, people are quick to label you a crazy conspiracy theorist just so they can validate themselves. marketing … Read more »
State Silences Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple, Fines Them $135K
Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian finalized a preliminary ruling today ordering Aaron and Melissa Klein, the bakers who refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding, to pay $135,000 in emotional damages to the couple they denied service. marke… Read more »
FBI sets up 56 centers to monitor Fourth of July Terror Threat
The FBI is setting up command centers at all of its 56 field offices across the country ahead of the July 4 weekend, to monitor any potential terrorist threats, law enforcement sources have revealed. … Read more »
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