The Israeli lobby in the US has been trying to “suppress” a revealing 28-page section of a classified Congressional report on the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that reportedly points to Israeli involvement in 9/11, says an intelligence analyst, Press TV reports.
The classified 800-page Congressional Investigative Report on 9/11 contains a section called “Specific Sources of Foreign Support,” where a 28-page chunk has been “‘butchered’ by the White House on the personal orders of [former US] President [George W.] Bush,” Gordon Duff wrote in an article for Press TV on Wednesday.

In the redacted report that had been presented to the Congress, “an estimated 5-10,000 words were omitted” from the noted section, “with page after page of dotted lines replacing text.”
The American analyst pointed to attempts by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the powerful Israeli lobby in the US, to suppress the pieces of information in the report, which reportedly identified involvement by the Israeli intelligence in planning and carrying out the 9/11 attacks.
“This is only the most recent of revelations that AIPAC has managed to suppress through pressuring Congress and its powerful assets in the press,” Duff wrote.
“What is increasingly clear,” he went on to explain, “is that many of AIPAC’s allies in Washington had access to the non-redacted report.”
On September 11, 2001, a series of coordinated attacks were carried out in the United States, leaving almost 3,000 people dead.
According to the official account by the US, during the 9/11 attacks, 19 “al-Qaeda terrorists” hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners and crashed two of them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others in the buildings.
The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C.
Following the attacks, the US government set up the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, publicly referred to as the 9/11 Commission, on November 27, 2002, “to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11 attacks.”
“An entire administration, leaders in Congress and the Pentagon, the CIA, NSA and a dozen other organizations, all knew what was in the congressional report,” Duff wrote in his article, adding, “They all lied to the 9/11 Commission. They all ordered measures to suppress freedom at home and to butcher hundreds of thousands around the world, kidnap and torture thousand more, all based on lies.”
The United States, under the presidency of Bush, attacked Afghanistan to remove the Taliban regime, which Washington accused of harboring the “al-Qaeda” terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks.
“Often we hear it asked, ‘How could thousands be involved in a conspiracy so heinous?’ We now stand ready to answer. The time has come to ask,” Duff concluded.
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