Vladimir Putin is no fan of the “Arab Spring”, evident by his address to the UN. Putin, who is allies with Assad, and Russia who has intere...
Oliver Stone: Jewish Control of the Media Is Preventing Free Holocaust Debate
Jewish control of the media is preventing an open discussion of the Holocaust, prominent Hollywood director Oliver Stone told the Sunday Tim...
Gerald Celente Warns $6 Trillion Global Stock Market Carnage Just A Prelude To The Disaster That Lies Ahead
On the heels of the Dow plunging more than 550 at one point in the trading day before the U.S. Plunge Protection Team intervened in the sto...
Putin offers Russian refuge to European Jews
Putin offers Russian refuge to European Jews for the false allegation of "anti-Semitism". Putin has lost it. Jews are not even Se...
Hillary Clinton Admits “We Created Terrorists, We Funded Them”
It’s a known fact that of Al Qaeda and the “Mujaheddin” were created by the CIA via Operation Cyclone – a U.S. government program whose ai...
KALERGI PLAN THE RAPE OF EUROPE!!! Muslim Male Imigrants Are Gang Raping Women in Europe!
The Illuminati Jewish Plan for European Genocide The causes of mass migration are still cleverly concealed by the system, and portrayed ...
Leonardo DiCaprio Likes to Play Russian President Putin in a Movie
"Putin would be very, very, very interesting" If there’s ever a movie made about Russian president Vladimir Putin, Leonardo DiCap...
The Real Reason Sean Penn Interviewed El Chapo
After initial reports indicated Sean Penn had no regrets about interviewing drug lord El Chapo, the actor and director revealed his bittern...
Goldman Sachs Reaches $5 Billion Settlement over Financial Crisis
Goldman Sachs has reached a tentative $5 billion settlement with federal and state investigators over the investment bank’s role in the 200...
Putin declares Russia will be free from GMO, Vaccinations and Pharma drugs
Putin: Human Evolution Under Threat By Big Pharma, GMO, Vaccines The Western government-controlled people are an "intensively vaccinat...
Alex Jones Exposed
Alex Jones was legally divorced from his Jewish wife Kelly Jones/Violet Nichols on March 23, 2015. Kelly/Violet initially filed for divorce...
Dunkin' Donuts Closing Stores; About 100 Locations to Shutter
Dunkin' Donuts will close down 100 stores across the country, Dunkin' Brands announced Thursday alongside its report on a third qu...
Hillary Clinton: I’m running for Goldman Sachs, Saudi Arabia, Soros, Rothschild & Monsanto
A vote for Hillary is a vote for Goldman Sachs and the top 0.1%. A vote for Hillary is a vote AGAINST the 99%. A vote for Hillary is a vo...
You wanna know the worst genocide in human history it's when the Jews killed 66 million Christians in Soviet Gulag
"I love strong opponents! It's such fun to break their backs! said the Leningrad interrogator Shitov. And if your opponent (e.g....
Christian monastery in Jerusalem vandalized by Israeli settlers
A Christian monastery in Jerusalem has been vandalized after extremist graffiti was daubed on its walls. Messages such as “Christians Go to...
Estimated 190,000 German Women Raped by US Soldiers After WWII
Around 860,000 German women and girls were raped by Allied soldiers at the end of World War Two, according to a new book published in Germ...
Obama Breaks 38 Year Record! 93,671,000 Americans Are NOT Working Most Since 1977
The United States Department of Labor just released the labor statics for 2015 and Obama has broken a 38-year-old record, but it’s not the ...
Israel Cuts Gas Supplies To The Gaza Strip In Midst Of Winter
Every year, the Israeli occupation cuts cooking gas supplies for Gaza residents during the most extreme cold waves, which tend to begin at t...
Is it time to cut the head off the Khazarian Mafia?
When the US Military was sent into the first Gulf war, the rationalization was that Saddam unjustifiably invaded Kuwait as an act of outri...
She was a member of the “We Like Diversity” Facebook page, called herself “multicultural” and a supporter of Third-world immigration into S...
Walmart closing 154 US Stores
Walmart announced Friday it is closing 154 U.S. stores, according to a company press release, including the company’s 102 Walmart Express...
San Bernardino Shooting-Man Interviewed Wearing Masonic Hat.
It's all staged folks it's all fake!!! The San Bernardino PD’s SWAT team was training nearby when the call came in of multiple s...
David BOWIE exposed SATANIST AND Practitioner of Kabbalah is dead
A dabbler in Kabbalah and Satanic religious rituals, the British performer’s trend-setting career ended with the release of his 25th album...
Burger King has caved to the pressure from Islam, and they just made an announcement that they will ONLY serve 100% halal meat, under the r...
Sylvester Stallone JUST Announced His PRESIDENTIAL Pick
In a recent interview with Variety, he revealed that he actually considered following his buddy Arnold Schwarzenegger into the political a...
Turkey's president says all he wants is same powers as Hitler
In a world first, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan uses Hitler's Germany as a positive role model for his constitutional reforms Turkey ...
Obama fake crying for Gun Control!
Obama wipes away tears as he calls for new gun measures The president gets emotional as he remembers Sandy Hook victims and fiercely calls ...
Bill Gates: “Vaccines are the Best Way to Depopulate”
Vaccines are one of the biggest public health victories in human history. People are exceedingly reliable to it for eradicating illness and...
Rothschild: Dark Clouds Forming in Europe, Russia and Middle East
Rothschild has warned about the dark cloud on the horizon for the global economy, characterizing the geopolitical situation as the most da...
Campbell Announces Support for Mandatory GMO Labeling
Campbell Soup Company (NYSE: CPB) announced its support for the enactment of federal legislation to establish a single mandatory labeling...
Adolf Hitler: The Most Lied about Man In History
One of the changes made by Adolf Hitler upon taking power was to repeal the Jewish-controlled Weimar government’s continuance of 1928 res...
CDC scientist confirms Donald Trump is right about vaccines and autism
Donald Trump is no stranger to controversy, including the vaccine debate. In a series of tweets and interviews over the past few years, t...
Christians in Europe waking up to BIG surprise from Muslim refugees
There is a phenomenon occurring in Europe — mainly Germany – that’s been alluded to but has not received broad attention. We all know Chri...
Edward Snowden leaked NSA documents show U.S., Israel created Islamic State
Edward Snowden’s 2013 leak of classified NSA documents is perfect fodder for conspiracy theorists -- it has intrigue, still-unreleased docu...
Switzerland Follows Iceland In Declaring War Against The Banksters
“If you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and cont...
The Teen Girls Who Left Home To Become ISIS Brides Found Out Just How Evil ISIS Is
This is the kind of thing that the world needs to be working to prevent. Those that join ISIS are 100% delusional that ISIS is going to be ...
Putin names United States among threats in new Russian security strategy
Of course that USA is treat to Russia and the World. After WWII USA invaded more that 20 countries. Who made war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Ly...
Venezuela Passes Law Banning GMOs
The National Assembly of Venezuela, in its final session before a neoliberal dominated opposition takes the helm of legislative power on Ja...
ISIS are preparing for a ‘final battle’ against the West
The Islamic State is preparing for a 'final battle' with the West, a terror expert has claimed. As air strikes mount in the terror...
Over 500 ISIS terrorists medically treated by israel while they refuse treatment to Palestinians
Several journalists who were participating in a media tour organised by the Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) were able t...
Hungary Kills The Rothschild Banks: Ordered To Vacate Country
Hungary is making history of the first order along with Iceland & Russia. Not since the 1930s in Germany has a major European countr...
31,000 people are set to lose food stamps on January 1 in Louisiana
When Governor Bobby Jindal wasn’t trying to announce his failed bid for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination via reality TV stunt...
Western media attempt to portray Iran as threat
This is going on with years. After Syria they want to strike on Iran. But with Russia involved this will Not happen. Despite seeing posit...
The hidden fluoride study
Withholding information is the essence of tyranny. Control of the flow of information is the tool of the dictatorship. ― Bruce Coville The ...
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