Reuters, authorities in Sydney, Australia, discovered 400 kilograms of methamphetamine – also known as meth, crystal meth or ice – hidden in hot sauce bottles at a freight depot Oct. 15, New South Wales police said Thursday. The drugs, which were shipped from the United States, were worth about $210 million U.S., the news service reported.
Reuters, authorities in Sydney, Australia, discovered 400 kilograms of methamphetamine – also known as meth, crystal meth or ice – hidden in hot sauce bottles at a freight depot Oct. 15, New South Wales police said Thursday. The drugs, which were shipped from the United States, were worth about $210 million U.S., the news service reported.
New York has instituted a new law that legalizes the Jewish ritual known as ’Metzitzah b’peh’, the act of a Jew mohel SUCKING ON A BLOODY BABY PENIS!But only if the Jew parents of the baby give their written consent.
On Thursday, the health department voted 9-0 to require mohels, or ritual circumcisers, to obtain signed consent forms from parents outlining the risks of communicable disease before engaging in “metzitzah b’peh” — a circumcision ritual in which the mohel uses direct oral-genital suction of the infant’s blood[y penis].
Yes, Jews really do suck on baby penises, THEY REALLY ARE A RACE OF COCK-SUCKING PEDOPHILES!
Orthodox Jews have expressed outrage. They don’t think that written consent should be necessary. Tens of thousands of Jew families in New York need to get their babies sucked off in association with the traditional mutilation of new-born Jew babies penises, say the orthodox Jews.
Following the vote, the haredi Orthodox Agudath Israel of America said it was “profoundly disappointed” with the measure.
“Tens of thousands of families in New York City” require metzitzah b’peh, the statement said.
The pedophiliac ritual of Jews have several times led to the death of the baby being sucked, since the cock-sucking Jew rabbi often infect the babies with herpes.
Listen to this Jew rabbi explain why Jews must suck on baby penises:
Jew pedophiles: JTA: N.Y. Board of Health says Feh! to metzitzah b’peh
These jews see babies as sex toys to be exploited at will. Note the look of lust in the eyes of the great faggot, bloody penis licking rabbi. How would you like this fella to circumcise your child?
The title pretty much says it all, but I’ll add a little commentary. How disgusting do you think it would be to lick the blood off of a baby’s freshly circumcised penis? To most people, the mere thought of this is utterly repulsive, but not to jews. The truth is, jews are heavily into pedophilia, bestiality, incest, rape, and all kinds of other sickness, but if you want a good look at how disgusting jews really are, then watch the video below of a jew defending the process they call “metzizah bepeh”. Metzizah means “to suck”, and this is exactly what they do during their circumcision “ritual”. Have a look at this:
“There are three stages required for the performance of a ritually correct circumcision in Jewish law: the removal of the foreskin; the tearing of the underlying membraene so as to expose the glans completely; and the sucking away of the blood, m’tsitsah.” Roger V. Pavey. The Kindest Cut of All. Bognor Regis, W. Sussex: New Horizon. 1981. pp. 87-88.
“The method to be adopted is laid down thus: ‘One excises the foreskin, [that is] the entire skin covering the glans, so that the corona is laid bare. Afterwards, one tears with the finger-nail the soft membrane underneath the skin, turning it to the sides until the flesh of the glans appears. Thereafter, one sucks the membrane until the blood is extracted from the [more] remote places, so that no danger [to the infant] may ensue; and any circumciser who does not carry out the sucking procedure is to be removed [from his office].’ . . . The operation itself, then, consists of three distinct acts: the excision of the prepuce; the laceration of the mucous membrane covering the glans; and the sucking of the blood from the interior of the wound.” Immanuel Jakobovits. Jewish Medical Ethics: A Comparative and Historical Study of the Jewish Religious Attitude to Medicine and Its Practice. New York: Bloch Publishing Company. 1959. pp. 193-194.
“The baby cried, blood flowed on to his penis and – as the rabbi had predicted – Graham [the godfather] did not faint. The rabbi then bent over the baby and sucked the wound. I know this sounds awful, but it is part of the Jewish tradition. It’s supposed to help the healing.” Jack Shamash. “My Son on the Cutting Edge.” Independent (London), no. 3,797 (Thursday, December 17, 1998): p. R8.
“And what of the practice of sucking the bleeding penis? While condemning the procedure, some physicians contend that it was used to stop bleeding.47 Not only is there little evidence for this theory, but it was also a largely ineffective method. Furthermore, even in antiquity, surgeons had better methods to stop bleeding, such as pressure, instruments, and medication.48 According to Dr. H. Speert (1953), Maimonides ‘staunchly supported this procedure [sucking the bleeding penis] as a prophylactic measure against inflammation.’”49 Edward Wallerstein. Circumcision: An American Health Fallacy. New York: Springer Publishing Company. 1980. p. 160.
“mezizah — Hebrew term for the third step in the Jewish circumcision ritual, in which the mohel applies his mouth to the freshly circumcised infant’s penis and sucks up the first drops of blood. In more recent times this procedure has been carried out via a tube, as infections, venereal disease, and tuberculosis, sometimes resulting in the death of the infant, have occurred due to contamination of the wound. Most Jewish circumcisors today have eliminated this step from the circumcision ritual. Critics have attributed sadistic and homosexual implications to this practice, while defenders claim that this was simply all that was known during ancient times to stop the bleeding.” Rosemary Romberg. Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma. South Hadley, Massachusetts: Bergin & Garvey, Publishers, Inc. 1985. p. 395.
“The traditional practice of metzitzah b’peh, which has its roots in the earliest history of the Jewish people and has survived unchanged to the present time, should be viewed with great respect. It is spoken of very positively in the Jewish literature on circumcision both as an essential part of the ritual and as a health measure which prevents infection and promotes healing.” Henry C. Romberg, M.D. Bris Milah: A book about the Jewish ritual of circumcision. Jerusalem/New York: Feldheim Publishers. 1982. pp. 57-58.
Caught in the act, this rabbi sucks the blood from a freshly circumcised baby penis. Other jews look on intently, only wishing they could be the one to do the deed. Metzizah means to suck, a practice jews are accustomed to from birth!
Seems the jews like to claim that this practice is to help the healing of the wound from circumcision. However, circumcision is a barbaric practice that has people lopping off the heads of their baby’s penises all over the world for no reason. Hope to hell your child isn’t circumcised by a jewish doctor, or you might just catch him sucking on your baby’s penis. It’s pathetic and disgusting, but it’s a well known and revered practice amongst jews. You can see by the quotes above they defend this practice as necessary, but the circumcision itself is just genital mutilation, and nothing more, so the blood sucking vampire ritual of licking a baby’s penis is completely unnecessary. To the jews, this is a ritual behavior, and has nothing to do with promoting healing. It has to do with welcoming another demon into their flock, by having his penis sucked by some disgusting rabbi at eight days old.No need to wonder if this has anything to do with pedophilia, because that is exactly where this practice stems from. These worthless creatures love to have sex with children, and this is a sort of initiation for baby jews to get their first taste of pedophilia, homosexuality, and incest. You have to realize what we’re dealing with isn’t some special “chosen people”, but instead is a tribe of raging homosexual pedophiles. There is nothing good or great about these people, they are disgusting and abhorrent to any non-jew with a conscience, or who doesn’t see pedophilia as acceptable. To the jew, sucking a baby’s penis is fun, and a celebrated ritual of filth. To the jew, someone who will NOT perform the ritual of sucking a baby’s penis is not good enough to mutilate their genitalia either.
Shabbath 19:2 They may perform on the Sabbath all things that are needful for circumcision: excision, tearing, sucking [the wound], and putting thereon a bandage and cumin. If this had not been pounded up on the eve of the Sabbath a man may chew it with his teeth and then apply it. The Mishnah Translated by Herbert Danby Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1933. pp. 116-117.
Shabbat 133B II.1. A. Suck [out the wound]: B. Said R. Pappa, “A Surgeon who didn’t suck out the wound – that is a source of danger, and we throw him out.” C. So what else is new? Obviously, since we are prepared to desecrate the Sabbath on that account, it is certainly dangerous not to do it! D. What might you have supposed? That this blood is stored up. So we are informed that it is the result of the wound, and in the status of a bandage and cumin: Just as when one doesn’t put on a bandage and cumin, there is danger, so here, too, if one doesn’t do it, there is danger. The Talmud of Babylonia: An American Translation Translated by Jacob Neusner Number 275. Volume II.E: Shabbat Chapters 18-24. Program in Judaic Studies Brown University Atlanta: Scholars Press. 1993. p. 45.
Sanhedrin 55b . A Jew may marry a three year old girl. (specifically, three years “and a day” old).
Sanhedrin 54b . A Jew may have sex with a child as long as that child is over nine years old.
Kethuboth 11b . When a older man has intercourse with a girl it is nothing because her virginity will grow back.
Abhodah Zarah 22a: “A Jew must not associate himself with gentiles because they are given to the shedding of blood.”
I still hear people from time to time talking about good jews, which do not exist. Or I will hear them say how not all jews are a problem, but in order to be a jew, they must subscribe to beliefs like those quoted above, so how are they any better than the next jew? The truth is, jews are a race of pedophiles, misfits, homosexuals, deviants, and losers. Nothing more. They’ve tricked many of you into thinking they are super powerful and unstoppable, but pedophiles in reality are usually pathetic, weak, disgusting wimps. This defines the jew better than what anyone else is going to tell you. They’re a bunch of greasy, nasty, rotten bastards that think it’s OK to have sex with children, to mutilate their genitals, and to suck on their bloody penises after the mutilation is complete.
It’s time to stop fearing the jews, and start exposing them for the weak, pedophilic scum that they are. It’s high time jews start being viewed as cock roaches or any other PEST to be EXTERMINATED without exception. Until you get to the point that you can’t stomach seeing, or listening to these creatures, they will continue to have a grasp on your lives. The moment you decide that they are nothing more than pathetic penis licking parasites, they will lose a major portion of their power. Help spread the word to everyone you meet about these disgusting pedophiles. It won’t take long before they are swinging from every tree in the land. Check out this faggot, baby penis licking jew defending the practice of genital mutilation and pedophilia they call a “circumcision ritual”. The ritual is for old jew rabbis to get off on licking a bloody penis, a fantasy that makes human stomachs turn, while at the same time causing nothing more than arousal and erection for a jew.
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