
March 6, 2014

Argentina Suspends Construction of Monsanto’s Unconstitutional GMO Seed Plant

It’s not a total ban, but it’s at least a victorious battle against the evil empire of Monsanto and the sociopathic biotech industry. After many months of grassroots demonstrating, blocking bulldozers and construction of a Monsanto seed factory in Argentina, a three-person court ruled two to one that construction of a Monsanto GMO seed plant must be halted until an environmental impact study is completed. 
Of course, Monsanto is taking this decision to a higher court with claims that they did their own environmental study and the paperwork for construction on that site was approved by Argentine construction bureaucracies. They played the typical corporate rights card, which tends to appeal to individual rights philosophies even among libertarians, unfortunately.

The pesticide human health issue
The motivating force behind expanding anti-Monsanto demonstrations, including life-threatening demonstrations on the seed plant construction site, was the growing health problems near soy fields sprayed with Roundup. Farmers who sign up for Roundup Ready seeds are forced into using Roundup as part of Monsanto’s contract.
Monsanto’s end product is Roundup. It is primarily a chemical company. The birth deformities and spontaneous abortions that many farmers in the USA have reported in their GMO soy- and corn-fed livestock have plagued Argentine humans living near GMO soy fields.
The fields were often sprayed from the air. And mysterious illnesses were occurring among adults and children near those fields during the 12 years that Argentina had bought into GMO soy production to boost its economy.
Even an Associated Press investigation pointed to a clear link between the use of pesticides sold by Monsanto and worsening health problems in Argentina, as those pesticides both were airborne and polluted water sources.
While Monsanto claims that glyphosate is safe, and many international environmental, health and agricultural agencies concur, there is a sneaky little detail that’s omitted from their studies.
That detail is simply that glyphosate is not the only ingredient in their “proprietary” formula that is considered a trade secret, allowing Monsanto to play the corporate rights card stopping most from looking behind the curtain. Glyphosate is studied alone, not as part of formulas that use glyphosate with other ingredients.
Seralini’s French research team discovered that Roundup’s extreme toxicity comes from combining glyphosate with chemical adjuvants to ensure rapid plant absorption of glyphosate.
Glyphosate is considered the “active ingredient,” so that’s what is tested. The adjuvants are considered “inert,” pretty much like vaccines and their toxic adjuvants, and are thus ignored, especially when protected by “trade secret” rights.
By the way, don’t let the mainstream attacks on Seralini’s work fool you. He and his team used the same type and number of rats that Monsanto used for only 90 days.
The difference was that Seralini’s study was performed for a full two years to examine long-term toxicity effects of Roundup’s glyphosate formula. Monsanto gained EU approval for using GMO corn as part of animal feeds with their 90-day study.
The rats’ premature deaths and cancerous tumors began appearing at the nine-month point of Seralini’s study. Seralini actually managed with high-tech scientific analysis to isolate those adjuvants protected by Monsanto’s proprietary trade secret “rights”(
Seralini has been attacked for his long-term toxicity (not carcinogenesis) study, while Monsanto got an EU pass to use Roundup Ready GMO corn in livestock feed after submitting their own 90-day study. But several hundred international scientists and thousands of others have defended him and his study (
It’s no wonder that Seralini’s study papers were officially removed from the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, especially soon after former Monsanto scientist Richard E. Goodman was inserted into their editorial staff (
Seralini did more than demonstrate Monsanto’s GMO Roundup Ready pesticide’s long-term toxicity even when used within EPA’s safe use guidelines. He broke the code of their secret formula. Here’s that analysis (

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