U.S. President Donald Trump made clear his disdain for the international organizations that have regulated trade, promoted human rights, an...
Bill Gates talks about ‘vaccines to reduce population’
Gates made his remarks to the invitation-only Long Beach, California TED2010 Conference, in a speech titled, “Innovating to Zero!.” Along w...
Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist. Why are we still celebrating her?
The French have a word for it: débaptiser. A prominent French scientist, Alexis Carrel (1878-1944) won the Nobel Prize for his inventions. ...
Gospel artist Dr Tumi claims he was offered R13m to join the Illuminati
Gospel sensation Dr Tumi recently claimed that he rejected an invitation to join a secret society called the illuminati.
$210M of meth found hidden in Sriracha hot sauce bottles shipped from US
Reuters , authorities in Sydney, Australia, discovered 400 kilograms of methamphetamine – also known as meth, crystal meth or ice – hidden...
Facebook pays £500,000 fine in the UK over Cambridge Analytica issues
Just 500 000 give me a break?!! The Information Commissioner’s Office has announced that Facebook has agreed to pay a fine of £500,000 aft...
The Trump tax-cut stimulus has disappeared
Two years ago, Trump predicted the Republican tax cut would raise family incomes by $4,000 a year , on average. “It’s going to be fantastic...
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