
The number of people who have died in Italy after being administered a flu vaccine made by Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis has risen to 13.

The Italian Medical Agency (AIFA) has warned against panic and stressed there is not proof yet that it was the vaccine that led to the deaths.

It said it banned two batches of the product - called FLUAD - as a precautionary measure, pending further studies.

AIFA said the European Medical Agency would start examining the problem on Monday, and would report back on Thursday.

Italian authorities issued a partial ban on FLUAD on Thursday after being alerted that three people had died and a fourth had been taken seriously ill within 48 hours of being administered the product.

Italy suspended the use of a flu vaccine made by Swiss pharmaceuticals giant Novartis on Thursday amid fears it may have caused three deaths.

The Italian Pharmaceutical Agency (AIFA) banned the use of two batches of the Fluad vaccine after three people who had received it died and a fourth was taken seriously ill.

The victims were two women aged 87 and 79 and a 68-year old man, all of whom died between November 12 and 19 in southern Italy, according to Italian media reports. The fourth person, a 92-year old man, is in hospital in a serious condition.

"Novartis has been notified by AIFA of the precautionary suspension of two lots of Fluad in Italy following reports of the serious adverse effects events after vaccination. No causal relationship to the vaccine has been established," the Swiss company said.

A review of the two batches "have confirmed that they are in conformity with all production and quality standards," it said.

Health officials called for calm as news of the ban spread. Italian consumer association Codacons called on the health minister to suspend pro-vaccination campaigns, but AIFA insisted vaccines were "a precious resource and irreplaceable for the prevention of seasonal flu."

"We need to make sure that the number of people who get vaccinated does not drop. We have to have faith in vaccines," said AIFA head Sergio Pecorelli, who added that "8,000 people die of seasonal flu" each year.
What keeps killing people who receive flu shots and HPV vaccines?

Despite the presence of mercury and aluminum in many vaccines, the quantities of these metals typically used in vaccines are unlikely to cause death within 48 hours after inoculation. When people are killed by flu vaccines, the far more likely explanation is a serious quality control failure during the manufacture of the vaccine which might have introduced unusually high concentrations of toxic metals or deadly viral strains which were not properly inactivated (and thus infected the victims).

Dr. Maurice Hilleman, former Merck virologist, explained many years ago how vaccines often contained "stealth cancer viruses" that caused cancer. As many as 98 million Americans were injected with cancer-causing viruses during the mass polio vaccination campaigns of the 1960's and 70's. This is a fact the CDC used to publicly acknowledge but scrubbed from its website in 2013 in an effort to hide this medical history from the public.

Vaccine manufacturers are granted absolute legal immunity in the United States. No person damaged by vaccines can file suit against vaccine companies in the civil courts. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2011 that the legal immunity granted to vaccine manufacturers overrides the Supreme Court itself, essentially declaring that the United States Constitution was nullified by the unprecedented legal protections granted to vaccine manufacturers.


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