
China will boost ageing UK infrastructure by investing £105bn into several energy, real estate and transport projects by 2025, according to a report published on Monday by law firm Pinsent Masons.

The report reveals that nearly half of the investment (£43.5bn) will go into the UK energy sector, followed by real estate (£36bn) and transport (£19bn).
“As the need to modernize UK’s major infrastructure gets greater by the day, the projected influx of Chinese investment into UK infrastructure is expected to be a welcome boost to the construction industry in particular and UK economy as a whole,” said Richard Laudy, head of infrastructure at Pinsent Masons.

He argued that China is increasingly more important to the UK as a foreign investor and called the high investment a “game-changer” for the UK infrastructure.
AFP Photo / Mark Ralston
The report also forecasts an increase in joint ventures between UK and Chinese companies over the next decade. Existing joint ventures include London’s Royal Albert Docks development and One Nine Elms tower in London.
Whats next? Will USA reinforced sanctions to China to?!! 
We hate to wait and see...


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