
A stunning video shows the impact in Israel of what is being called the Kaduri Revival, after the long-venerated Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, who died at the age of 108 in 2006 and left behind a letter with instructions to open it one year after his death.

In the letter, Kaduri proclaimed the name of the Messiah was Yehoshua – the formal name for Yeshua, or Jesus.

Zev Porat, the founder of Messiah of Israel Ministries, was captivated by the story of Kaduri and his message, as portrayed in “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah” by Carl Gallups.

He has been using the book to declare the Gospel message to Jews.

In the most recent video, a Jew named Alex listens, hears and accepts the message, Porat said.

Gallups saw the video of Porat using his book and said, “It is amazing.”

“When I saw the video of Alex, a Jew, raising his hands in praise in the streets of Tel Aviv and proclaiming, ‘Jesus is Messiah! Jesus is Messiah!’ I was overwhelmed. For a few moments I simply sat before the computer in silence, and then I prayed – ‘Thank you Lord for letting me a part of this!’” Gallups told WND.

“The other day I was telling Chuck and Tami Mohler, the people whom the Lord used to get the first shipment of the Kaduri books and movies into Israel, about the Kaduri Revival that Zev Porat had been relating to me. They wrote me and said, ‘You know, Carl, in Israel, when Israelis are asked, ‘Do you believe in miracles?’ they reply, ‘Believe in them? We live by them!”

“Within the last few days over six hundred movies and three hundred books have arrived in Israel at the Bible Society of Israel and into the hands of Messiah of Israel Ministry. They will begin distributing the materials all over Israel within the following weeks. If we think a Kaduri Revival has already begun – I cannot imagine what will come of this in the following months!’ he said.

“We now have verified salvation encounters with orthodox Jews at the Wailing Wall, in the Old City, in the streets of Jerusalem, at Bnei Brak, in Tel Aviv, at movie showings, etc. Ten of Kaduri’s own students are professing the Jesus Christ is Messiah and they are claiming they came to this conclusion from Kaduri’s teaching even before the death note was posted on the Internet. This is nothing short of a supernatural movement of God! I believe there is much more to come. I believe we are living in very prophetic and endtime days.”

Porat is quick to credit the book.

“It’s leading people to the written word of God. … We’re seeing souls being saved in Israel.”

He told Gallups, “I just got home from a blessed outreach day and met Alex after talking to you on the phone. I studied the Bible with Alex. It is amazing how he is on fire for the Lord and learning. At his request, he will be baptized soon.

Today Alex told me if it was not for the book, ‘The Rabbi Who Found Messiah,’ he would not have been drawn to the Word of God which opened his heart to repent and receive Yeshua. It is amazing what the book is doing in Israel,” Porat said.

” Today in the outreach, I met an atheist name Giddon who reminded me that I shared the Gospel with him two years ago. At that time he did not want to hear about God. Supernaturally, today he overheard me sharing the book, and came up to me to ask many questions. We read the Bible together. Now he says he at least believes in God! Please pray for his salvation. This is a Kaduri revival.”

Porat asked Alex: “Do you accept Yeshua (Jesus) in your heart.”

Alex responds: “Yes … I accept Yeshua as my savior. I repent for my sins. … I have full redemption of sins. I give my life to Yeshua.”

WND has reported several times on Porat’s use of the “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah” to explain the message of Christ to Jews.

He previously has ministered in Bnei Brak, one of the most Orthodox cities in Israel.

See what others have found so compelling, in “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah” by Carl Gallups.

Porat has told WND: “At the core of Jewish objections is that Yeshua is not for the Jews. Our religion is Judaism, not Christianity. No true Jew would ever believe in Yeshua. The root of this lie originates from Satan and is implanted in the rabbinic laws that even the secular Jews are locked into. To a great extent answering these objections is a matter of correcting misconceptions, as well as getting people to stop and think about the emotional and sometimes irrational nature of what they are saying.”

He said using “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah” to start conversations on Kaduri and his revelation about the Messiah isn’t easily accepted in Jewish communities.

Gallups has been stunned by the direct and effective approach used by Porat.

“Zev is absolutely fearless,” he said. “His prolific ministry in and among the Jews of Israel is of a prophetic proportion. This is the stuff of biblical endtime prophecy!”

Gallups continued: “Zev told me that he was going to an exclusively Orthodox city, Bnei Brak (pronounced – Beney Barak). He told me that he had never been able to win a Jew to Jesus there in the entirety of his ministry. Yet, on the first day there with my book and movie – he spent hours in witnessing to several orthodox Jews and actually led one of them, Jonathan, to the Lord Jesus Christ in salvation! I believe this was confirmation from the Lord to Zev that he was following the Holy Spirit’s leading.

“Zev calls this entire phenomenon a ‘Kaduri Revival.’ He thoroughly understands the importance of getting Rabbi Kaduri’s ‘Jesus revelation’ out and to the Jewish people living in Israel. Once he had the materials in his hands to prove to his fellow Jews that the story was true – there was no holding him back! Zev has ‘gone forth’ and the Lord is bringing in the harvest in these last days!”

Porat previously has taken the message in the book to Muslims in a mosque in Haifa, Israel, to Jews in Tel Aviv and at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

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