

For a long time conspiracy theorists have been trying to prove to the public that the Illuminati is a real organization, one that is corrupt from within, one that is lead by Satan and his minions. This organization is the enemy to all God fearing Christians and the like. Fritz Springmeier is an Illuminati researcher. He exposed the bloodlines of the Illuminati as well as mind control/ programming. Now he is coming out with more groundbreaking findings that were sent to him directly from the head of the Illuminati itself! What Fritz has supposedly received from the Leader of the Bilderberg group is truthfully jaw dropping if it can be proven true. Not only did William Cornelius Van Duyn say in his speech we need transparency to the public about what we do, so did a Chairman of Goldman and Sachs which can be found in a video posted below

This all being said is breath taking because in his speech he mentions economic collapse, and many more events that a lot of us are waiting for. So to clear up any confusion FreedomFighters2127 does not endorse any of these groups involved in getting this information but it is worthy of reporting on if we can find that it is 100% true! So with that I leave all of you with a question is this a real Illuminati speech?

While out for a walk in Copenhagen Denmark, Peter Sutherland (Chairman of Goldman Sachs and member of the steering committee for the Bilderberg group) and Simon Coveney (Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine) were confronted by journalists Dan Dicks of Press For Truth and Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change on their attendance at this years annual Bilderberg conference. Dan Dicks issued a dire warning to Simon Coveney stating that “the people who invited you for your first time might be scoping you out to see if you’ll play along or not…I would encourage you not to attend, from what I heard there are nefarious things that go on and again that doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily up to anything nefarious…but I think some of the people in there are, so just a fair warning!”

Again, according to Fritz this is the man that is head of the Illuminati and the Bilderberg group. Strange times we live in indeed. However this is very prophetic because what ever is done in the dark, has to come to the light, before it ends. So that being said we must be closer than ever to the collapse, and the epic change that is due for our world!

William C. Van Duyn’s Opening Remarks Bilderberg Mtg. 2014Posted by admin@fritz on May 30th, 2014 Fritz, This is a first step in my life. I know that my decision is right to send you my speech. I have this urge to open the whole system, and to show the openness. It will take some years to make the population understand… It is a premiere for you too. I wish you good luck and strength. You’re a man of courage. W. WILLIAM VAN DUYN’S OPENING REMARKS TO THE BILDERBERG MEETING 2014 Ladies and gentlemen, Let me welcome you at the 60nd edition of the Bilderberg meeting here in Copenhagen.. Since the creation of the Bilderberg meeting back in 1954, my father [William Gerrit Van Duyn], HRH Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, Henry Kissinger, decided to organize an event to unite different entities from industry, politics and culture. After the fourth Meeting back in 1958, the Bilderberg members put together the conditions of the Treaty of Rome. It was finally signed and the European Community was born with 6 States members. Today the European Community contents 28 countries. And today the Bilderbergers advise 134 states members. Today, my speech will be officially published by our new enemy : the Media. Bilderberg isn´t a secret society, never was. Perhaps in the eyes of the population, but what we did is we kept our topics and decision to ourselves. We are not an evil. I do not have an all-seeing eye. My ancestors only made sure the Eye is on the [U.S.] dollar bill. Bilderberg is no conspiracy, but people and conspiracists with their infantile fantasies see it as such. None of you, and I don’t care how powerful you are, sit around the table in a dark room, holding hands, staring at a crystal ball, planning the world´s future. The exuberant myth created by conspiracy theorists, journalists, and media moguls has been fabricated about the image of the Bilderberg. But are they really the cause of our consequences? Didn’t we involve ourselves into this luxurious secretive, mystical image? Going back in time, I am today in conversation with a certain controversial researcher who studied the Illuminati for more than 2 decades [Fritz Springmeier]. I respect this gentleman for his courage and vision. I want to change history. I do believe that mankind has a right to their future. The population is frustrated, manipulated, and demoralized by their own leaders. They live in their own Cartesian fantasies with the hope God will sent a messiah to save their soul! God has other plans with humanity. He creates the balance between good and evil. Time changes: and I am glad to feel those changes. I feel a general awareness and singularities of awaken ones….People are beginning to ask me the good questions. Their main question is „what is right?” It´s a phenomenon of response and reaction to an overly felt perception that the entire world is doomed to catastrophe, poverty, injustice and misery. What makes the Bilderberg so strong? It is because of its perseverance. Members are coming and leaving, guests come and go but the system grows stronger and stronger. No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes. The general economy is collapsing. People are grasped by something they don’t always understand. But, it forces them to act in a blind way for their own interest. That’s what they are doing in major countries and certainly in the United States: the anthropic country! Hillary Clinton told me yesterday it´s like a streaming movement came upon America and washed its pride away. As people realise that their existence is threatened, they pray to God, blame their government, the Bilderbergers and the King of Satan called the Illuminati. At the recent Council on Foreign Relations speech in Brussels a few days ago, I warned that a “global population awareness,” was threatening a revolution towards their governments. You come from very different ideological, economic, cultural and political backgrounds. What unites us is that we are all determined to find the solution for humanity and its humankind. And those who work for their own greediness, success and hunger for fame, who have sold their nations like the Bushs, Mugabe, Orban, Al-Bashir, Kim Jong-Un, are traitors. Not only traitors of their people and their nations, but for humanity as a whole entity. The subject of this Bilderberg meeting is the One World Government.. Seven years ago the economy of Europe almost collapsed. It wasn’t because of the Europe’s weak economy. It came right to us from the United States of America with their unstable banking system. The bursting of the U.S. housing bubbles which peaked in 2006 caused the values of securities tied to U.S. real estate pricing to plummet, damaging financial institutions globally without mentioning the national debts. World economy crisis because of American housing? Because of their gluttony? Does the rest of the world economy need to rely on US economy? Another key is implemented in the United States: a universal principle of welfare on which the United States is based. But welfare does not mean a useless bum sitting on the couch, eating a pizza, slobbering the beer over himself, watching television, while he/she is waiting for an unemployment check to arrive. Please ask an average man the intention of the existence of humans, or of government? Would his/her answer be to provide for the general welfare of future generations of mankind? I don’t think so. People want a Nation, an Empire. Educate the people that is what they want: globalization. People believe that in order to have an Empire, you need money. But money is not a result of wealth. The economy is not based on money but on production and innovation. Money does not make the world go around. Money has no value. When families are harvesting their own vegetables and fruits in their garden they have more value and real money.

Human Mind Control. Human Minds affect the planet. This is how it is measured. It means immortality for the Soul of humankind. We are able to enjoy the universal principles. It allows people to innovate, to believe, and to harmonize the relation between man and nature. Human are destroying their own life on purpose by their hunger for higher living standards. They are digging their own grave pushed by their own debts. If humanity doesn’t change its attitude, 35% of the population will be wiped out. They destroy their own creative power with no reason. Population blamed on the depression. But the 2008 depression was not an event that wiped out the world capitalists. It was meant to make the world population aware of their greediness and laziness in their life, to let them face the spectacle of poverty. They blame the banks, the governments, and all of us. Let’s give them what they want: Why don’t we give them the right of ruling the nature of economy, social welfare, the game of the wars and the innovation of the future…. The Greeks are blowing the European system with their unpayable debts. The French are voting the Front National to rescue the French patriotism. The Italians are Italians. I do not ask you to be too emotional, we’re not Spanish. I even don’t want to go the direction of Eastern Europe, Russia nor Asia. And then comes Brussels and the European Community. Let’s fire them all. Those horrible useless people, sitting in nice conference room, kick out Herman Van Rompuy (sorry Herman) but he is useless. Brussels the evil city of the world ruled by the Illuminati. Washington, those wet rags…fighting between dumb Republicans with their belief in guns and gospels against the stupid Democrats with their socialism ideology following the rules of Lenin. Ask a Republican redneck the difference between socialism and facism or the democrats about guns and gospel….. Does the government even know about the needs of its citizens? Do they know about the middle class and its poverty? Are they aware about the lack of education of its citizens? The truth behind the abomination of the health system? We need to resolve the American problem for its population. With a stronger America we will be able to influence the world economy in the right direction for humanitarian purposes. We will have a better understanding in the Asian Market. Guns, gospels, and socialism will not help them. Each single American has to do it by him/herself. Population will rule perfectly the world for the greater good of Humanity! I am talking about morality, and not scientific nor economic problems. Do people think about their future in 10 years? What kind of future will they have in 5 decades? Do they have a right to dream? Who are the bad guys here? I told myself all humanity must be saved. But is it really possible? The brutality in humanity only waits for the courageous and the sane human to perfect the concept of nations. I believe in the fraternity of Nations. But at the moment governments are ruling by their own personal political agendas manipulated by the interest of the industries either to solve the problems in their countries. It is the duty of the Illuminati to control every movement within any government, to provide security to its population, therefore we create the rules, we decide about nations policy. The Bilderberg needs to guide the economic factors in the right direction and build trust within the population! I refuse any secrecy of decisions made by us. Why should we continue to rule the system behind closed doors? Why wouldn’t we face the population with their own mirror and tell them: Hey! Wake up…. Bilderberg Meeting is tool of the Illuminati. It runs because of the Illuminati. Bilderberg is the strongest and most powerful association, the perfect concept for sound economic security, by keeping the world order in shape, and the initiator of mankind in the age of reason. I want this Bilderberg to be the first meeting in a new direction providing openness to the population in regard and respect for the future generations. Next year positive results will show to the world that we aren’t evil, but we help humanity because humanity isn’t able to rescue itself. Positive Diversity is the only hallmark of progress with an insurance policy for the population. [END OF SPEECH as it was sent to me.] Note: After I posted this, I discovered that some corrections had been made and sent to me. Mr. Van Duyn realized that it was the 60th not 62nd meeting. He had been thinking of something else when he first wrote the number down. It was late in the evening when I got home & posted this, & I didn’t realize some corrections had been sent to me. When I did see it, that was a big enough change to warrant me correcting it immediately.

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  1. Hey the original writing for this post can be found at
    This is my research please make sure you source your information next time thank you!

  2. Humanity is incapable of saving it self. So another group of humans will save us... seems legit...



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