
New research on Sandy Hook reveals powerful financial incentives that appear to implicate the highest officials of Newtown in a conspiracy to fabricate the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, which extends to survivors of the “victims” and other participants who played key roles in conveying the impression of a massacre of children at Sandy Hook.

In addition, a new player, Wolfgang Halbig, has emerged who by background, experience and qualifications–as a former Florida State Trooper, former school principal and nationally recognized expert on school safety–has brought a new level of expertise to sorting out the illusion, where he is convinced it was a sham and that no one died at Sandy Hook.


These incentives include real estate transactions, whereby valuable homes were deeded to Newtown’s three Selectmen and to other participants for the sale price of $0 dollars on 25 December 2009, which may be the only real estate transactions on Christmas Day in the nation, where, if the information I discuss below is accurate, they appear to be very special and high-value-at-no-cost “Christmas presents”. The “survivors” have already raked in $27 million in donations to split. And now we have a new report that 200 Connecticut State Police are going to be rewarded for essentially “doing nothing”.

This information is so extraordinary that, as a journalist for Veterans Today, I have written to Newtown’s Selectmen, Patricia Llorda, William F.L. Rogers and James Gaston, Sr., to either confirm or deny that they were among the recipients of these extraordinary gifts. I am awaiting their replies. And, for the rest, in their eagerness to cash in on the hoax, they seem to have posted a United Way donation request 3 days early.

Who is Wolfgang Halbig?

A former Florida State Trooper, who spent 36 years as a school administrator (including as assistant principal and principal) and a nationally recognized authority on school safety (who also served as an expert witness in the Columbine shooting case), has an impressive biographical sketch, which I am providing here. He is by far the most highly qualified expert to address the questions raised by the Sandy Hook “event”:

The exceptional interview by Dave Gahary with Wolfgang Halbig has been posted on the America Free Press YouTube channel, where it has been drawing rave reviews and, as they say, has “gone viral”, perhaps especially because he has been threatened with prosecution for raising questions with Connecticut state officials. How could anyone of his credentials be threatened simply for asking questions about Sandy Hook?

To listen to the interview of Wolfgang Halbig by David Gahary, click
Wolfgang on YouTube here

The fascinating questions that Wolfgang has raised include, “Why were 26 small Christmas Trees behind the Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire Department on 14 December 2012 and decorated on 15 December 2012?” They do not have, say, 60 or 100 trees because, if they did, then it would have been obvious that they were having a Christmas tree sale. But instead we see that they have just 26 small trees all by themselves. That would seem to suggest that there was a plan to have 26 “victims” whose deaths were to be observed, but before the event to be commemorated had even taken place.

As he wrote of the Sandy Hook Research Group and others, “There are so many of you who have dedicated so much time and effort in seeking the truth which the CT State Police and the Danbury State Attorney refuses to share reminds me of Nazi Germany and East Berlin were many of my family members lived and died. My father spend four years in a Nazi prison camp so I know personally that if you or we ever stop asking questions and stop challenging those in power we the people are no longer free and will no longer be safe.”
Letter to the Newtown Selectmen

It was astonishing to learn that very unusual real estate transactions had taken place on 25 December 2009, where the homes of 15 of the 20 Sandy Hook child victims, 1-2 of the 7 adult victims, and all 6 of the Sandy Hook adult non-victims (the Phelps, Gene Rosen, the three Selectmen) have the mysterious sale date of Christmas Day and $0 sale price. Although not gifted on that same date, even the home of Nancy Lanza, the purported mother of the alleged shooter, Adam Lanza, was bestowed upon her for $0 on 8 February 2011:

Altogether, some 35 homes were “gifted” for $0, where the data base for home sales is a matter of public record. These stunning transactions are so extraordinary and potentially explanatory that they are even being featured on YouTube, where I expect that they will now begin to receive the attention they deserve. I decided to write to the three Selectmen of Newtown, all of whom were recipients of this remarkable largess, for their verification. I had originally sent my inquiry to the members of the School Board, but noticed my mistake and corrected it:

From:James Fetzer
Date: Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 1:17 PM
Subject: The strange purchase date and price of Sandy Hook homes
To: Patricia Llorda, William F.L. Rogers and James Gaston, Sr.
Cc: wolfgang halbig

Dear Newtown Selectmen,

This is to forward to you a message intended for you as well as the members of the Newtown School Board, since all of you have an interest in accurate and truthful reporting about Sandy Hook and such events as may have transpired at the elementary school.

I was struck by the recent article in which Selectman Llodra complimented the national press for its “respectful professionalism” in covering the observance of those events. Since I want to make sure I have my facts straight about a story that involves the three of you, I would appreciate having your comments on the article that I have just forwarded to the members of the School Board.

Thanks for a prompt response.


James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.
McKnight Professor Emeritus
University of Minnesota Duluth

———- Forwarded message ———-

From: James Fetzer
Date: Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 1:17 PM
Subject: The strange purchase date and price of Sandy Hook homes
To: Debbie Leidlein, Laura Roche, Keith Alexander, John Vouros, David Freedman, Michelle Embree Ku, Kathy Hamilton
Cc: wolfgang halbig

Dear Newtown School Board Members,

While we are on the subject, I would like to invite your attention to an extremely disturbing article,

“The Strange Purchase Date and Price of Sandy Hook Homes”,

which I hope you can clarify for me because, as a journalist, I want to make sure I have things right. It lists some highly unusual real estate transactions on Christman Day of 2009, including these:

20. E. (Elin) Patricia Llodra, 70:

Llodra is the First Selectman and head of Newtown’s 3-member Board of Selectmen who supervise the administration of the town. Like the other two board members (#21 and #22 below), Llodra was elected to a 2-year term (12/1/2011 to 12/1/2013), which means the three were in charge of Newtown at the time of the Sandy Hook massacre. All three were recently reelected to another 2-year term (12/1/2013 to 12/1/2015).

A year ago, when I looked up Ellin P. Llodra on people search engines, her address was listed as 90 Riverside Rd, Sandy Hook, CT 06482.

VGS a year ago and today says Owner of Record: Robert M. & Ellin P. Llodra Ownership history: Sold to Robert M. & Ellin P. Llodra on 12/25/2009 for $0. Trulia has no price history on this property.

But when I look up Ellin Llodra on people search today, her address is listed as 3 Primrose St., Newtown, CT 06470, which is the address of the Newtown Municipal Center, and is owned by the Town of Newtown, with a sale date of12/25/2009 and a sale price of $0.

21. William Rodgers (2nd member of Newtown’s Board of Selectmen):

208 Hattertown Rd, Newtown, CT 06470 VGS says Owners: William & Moira Rodgers Ownership history: Sold to William & Moira Rodgers on 12/25/2009 for $0 Trulia’s price history: 4/22/1992 $362,000

22. James Gaston Sr. (3rd member of Newtown’s Board of Selectmen):

18 Main St., Newtown, CT 06470 VGS says Owner: Stephanie A. Gaston Ownership history: Sold to Stephanie A. Gaston on 12/25/2009 for $0 Trulia’s price history: 10/2/1992 $262,500
Frankly, I have never heard of anyone completing a real estate transaction on Christmas Day. The author summarizes his conclusions about these very strange transactions as follows:

“The homes of 15 of the 20 Sandy Hook child victims, 1-2 of the 7 adult victims, and all 6 of the Sandy Hook adult non-victims (the Phelps, Gene Rosen, the three Selectmen) have the mysterious sale date and $0 sale price.

“At the very least, that is interesting. The three Selectmen are especially interesting because if the hypothesis is that the massacre was a contrived event, then Newtown’s highest governing body would have to be “in the know.”

“Your guess is as good as mine as to what all those strange 12/25/2009 sale dates and $0 sale price mean. I’d appreciate input from readers of this blog who are in the real estate business and can shed some light of what the odd sale date and sale price mean.”

Since I am providing you with a link to this stunning article, whose contents you can confirm for yourselves, I would like to know if its author has anything wrong; and if his research is accurate, what in the world is going on? Homes in your area are extremely expensive. Why were you, the three selectmen, for example, deeded homes for $0 on 25 December 2009? Please do explain.

I will be publishing more articles about this and I want to make sure that I have my facts straight.

Thanks for a prompt response.


James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.
McKnight Professor Emeritus
University of Minnesota Duluth

P.S. An interview with Wolfgang Halbig is now up on YouTube. You don’t want to miss it:

Letter to the Newtown School Board

Learning that all three of the Newtown Selectmen, including Patricia Llodra, had received homes for $0 dollars may shed light on the whole bizarre Sandy Hook experience, where in retrospect it looks as though Llordra’s expression of appreciation to the main stream media for their “respectful professionalism” in covering the observance was really an expression of appreciation for covering upwhat had actually happened. When Wolfgang wrote to the School Board, therefore, I sent my own follow up:

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 9:23 AM, James Fetzer <<a href=”” target=”_blank”> wrote:

Dear Newtown School Board Members,

As a former Marine Corps officer, retired university professor and especially as a journalist for Veterans Today, who has published several articles about the Sandy Hook event, I would like to have your response to what Wolfgang Halbig has addressed to you. Wolf is a former Florida State Trooper, a former school principal and a nationally recognized expert on school safety. Are you going to respond to his inquiries or will you pretend you never received them?

There are multiple indications that you, the Newtown School Board, have been participating in a cover up of what took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School. As we have observed in
“Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax” (with Vivian Lee, Sofia Smallstorm, James Tracy and other members of the Sandy Hook Research Group), the evidence is simply overwhelming that what happened was a carefully staged drill and not an actual shooting.

The questions that Wolfgang has raised are important ones, especially about the event itself but also about the building, which have been reported in articles that have appeared in the press, including “Widespread Haz-Mat Presence Would Have Hampered Sandy Hook Renovations” by John Voket (2 December 2013), which appeared in The Newtown Bee. And of course First Selectman Pat Llorda has been quoted thanking the press for its coverage of the Newtown event.

The questions that Wolfgang has raised about Sandy Hook Elementary School are obvious and elementary. As a journalist who has published and will continue to publish about this event, I want to be sure that I have my facts straight. So be sure to include me in your response to Wolfgang. And if you were not participating in a massive hoax to mislead the American people, inquiring minds want to know.

Thanks for a prompt response.


James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.
McKnight Professor Emeritus
University of Minnesota Duluth

From: Wolfgang Halbig
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 07:38:20 -0500
To: Debbie Leidlein, Laura Roche, Keith Alexander, John Vouros, David Freedman, Michelle Embree Ku, Kathy Hamilton
Subject: Follow the CT Laws on the Ct Freedom of Information Act and please return phone calls

School Board Chairman and Board Members:

I have spend a lifetime as a Florida State Trooper In Miami, Florida from 1974 through 1977 and then realizing that I’m in the wrong profession.

When you work as a Law Enforcement Officer in Miami, Florida it seems as a lifetime even if it is only 3 years or less.

I was putting people in Jail instead of trying to prevent them from going to jail.

So I became a School Administrator for 36 school years.

I became a National School Safety Consultant after retiring form Education in 1999.

I was appointed by former Gov. Jeb Bush to the Florida Safe Schools Commission and confirmed by the Florida Senate.

I am asking you the Board Members to help me in getting your school superintendent to repsond to my Ct Freedom of Information Requests in a timely manner.

Your Facility Director does not even return phone calls after leaving a polite message.

My requests are simple requests and will not place your school district in any danger whatsoever.

I was an Expert witness in the Columbine shooting in 1999 and it causes me to ask the same questions.

I was in the Media Center three days after the shooting and I personally observed the horrific crime scene and I got to see it after they renovated the Media Center for School use again.

The incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School has caused nothing but panic and fear throughout all schools in our country and I believe you have a responsibility as Board Members to tell the truth as to:

Why were NO trauma Helicopters requested that morning when lives could have been saved?

Why No paramedics or EMT’S were allowed into the school building instead they were told to set up Triage?

Who declared all 24 school children and school staff legally dead within the first 11 minutes since only a Doctor can do that not a police officer per CT State Laws?

Two children supposedly died at the hospital which it took over an hour to transport. Why?

Who did the school board contract to remove all Bio-Hazards from the Sandy Hook Elementary School such as 45 to 65 gallons of blood, brain tissues and skull fragments, blood splatter, blood carpet removal etc just as they did at Columbine?

Who was the contractor who installed the security system at sandy Hook Elementary school and the total cost of the project?

Copies of the tri-annual Asbestos inspections that must be conducted by a Certified Inspector from outside the school system and that all parents must be notified of any asbestos, lead or any other dangerous substances that could cause harm to children and school staff on an annual basis.

I have requested those reports from 2002 through current year 2012. Now what is so difficult in providing me with those reports since parents of Sandy Hook should see those every school year?

Please comply.

I am asking you as a former educator and National School Safety Consultant to respond to my Ct Freedom of Information Act requests and return phone calls in a timely manner. You have had Dr. Ron Stephens National School Safety Center speak with you and he will give me a great reference if you check me out.

I will not stop asking as you will see until board members have the courage in sharing the truth.

How can a Lt. from the Newtown Police Department working an off-duty detail on Dec 14, 2012 and hearing that shots are fired at Sandy Hook Elementary School not leave his off duty job to repsond in saving children and school staff lives? He decided to stay until over two and a half hours passed to respond.

How can you [have] allowed that type of response from police in your community. He should be fired and not praised in your meetings?

Please have your school district respond to my requests.


Wolfgang W Halbig
25526 Hawks Run Lane
Sorrento, Florida 32776

Wolfgang’s questions for The Newtown Bee

His letter to The Newtown Bee was so completely appropriate and reasonable that it seemed to me a bit more heat was deserved in this case, so I wrote a sequel in which I raised questions about an event as embarrassing relative to Sandy Hook as Jane Standley’s report of the “collapse” of WTC-7, which was broadcast 27 minutes early. So I asked about its very strange report of a phone call from the principal, Dawn Hochsprung, about the shooting, when she was said to be the first victim:

From: James Fetzer
Date: Sat, Feb 14, 2014 at 9:00 AM
Subject: About Wolfgang Halbig’s inquiries to The Newtown Bee
Cc: wolfgang halbig

Dear Bee Editors and Staff,

As a former Marine Corps officer, retired university professor and especially as a journalist for Veterans Today, who has published several articles about the Sandy Hook event, I would like to have your response to what Wolfgang Halbig has addressed to you. Wolf is a former Florida State Trooper, a former school principal and a nationally recognized expert on school safety. Are you going to respond to his inquiries or pretend you never received them?

There are multiple indications that you, The Newtown Bee, have been participating in a cover up of what took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School. As we have observed in “Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax” (with Vivian Lee, Sofia Smallstorm, James Tracy and other members of the Sandy Hook Research Group), you even published an interview with Dawn Hochsprung after she was officially dead:

Dawn Hochsprung—In an embarrassing fiction, The Newtown Bee reported on 14 December 2013 that Dawn Hochsprung, the Sandy Hook school principal, told the paper that a masked man had entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shots – more than she could count – that went “on and on.” Of course, Dawn Hochsprung was allegedly killed by Adam Lanza and so could not easily have provided this statement. In fact, Dawn was said to have acted heroically, dying while lunging at the gunman—although one wonders who witnessed and reported this act of heroism. On 17 December 2013, The Bee retracted the report and apologized:

An early online report from the scene at the December 14 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School quoted a woman who identified herself to our reporter as the principal of the school. The woman was not the school’s principal, Dawn Hochsprung, who was killed in the Friday morning attack. The quote was removed from subsequent online versions of the story, but the original story did remain in our online archive for three days before being deleted. We apologize for whatever confusion this may have caused our readers and for any pain or anguish it may have caused the Hochsprung family.

But how in the world could something like that have happened unless someone went off the script? Why in the world would anyone PRETEND TO BE THE PRINCIPAL OF AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND CALL IN TO REPORT A SHOOTING? Surely you can see that your flimsy attempt to explain away an embarrassing gaff by The Newton Bee isn’t going to persuade anyone that you are not complicit in this massive deception and hoax? So be sure to include me in your response to Wolfgang, because I want to have my facts straight. And if you were not participating in a massive hoax to mislead the American people, inquiring minds want to know.

Thanks for a prompt response.


James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.
McKnight Professor Emeritus
University of Minnesota Duluth

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 7:43 AM, Wolfgang Halbig <<a href=”” target=”_blank”>> wrote:

Editor and reporters and Hicks:How can you as a staff sit back in your offices and allow this to happen under your watch?

Your failure in placing every parent on notice before the Sandy Hook School Shooting about the serious high level of lead, asbestos and PCB’s in that school since it was built in 1956 should have been a warning sign long before they decided to tear it down.

Why did your News Paper not warn every parent and school board members of the serious exposures that every child and school staff member is confronted with on a daily basis and NO one warned the parents or school staff?

As you know by CT State and even Federal laws the Sandy Hook Elementary School is required to have a tri-annual Asbestos inspection by an outside certified asbestos inspector.

Those findings must be reported to parents of the children and school staff of Sandy Hook on an annual basis.

The school district must write a letter to very parent informing them of the high level of lead, Asbestos such as asbestos ceiling tiles, asbestos floor tiles and just as you finally reported before tearing down the school of how bad those Asbestos and Haz-Mat conditions where.

Children and school staff are working in classroom with high amounts of lead paint. Have you ever heard of allergies?

You call this a Vanguard School knowing that every child and school staff member who attended was being exposed to high levels of lead, serious Asbestos violations and many other Has-mat conditions such as PCB’s.

Why would any Elementary School parent allow their child to attend that school unless all those conditions were remediated long time ago?

These are serious conditions that a school district ignored and you must have known or maybe just an oversight in letting parents know of how bad those environmental conditions in that school where.

Did the school district on an annual basis write letters to every parent in informing them of these serious Haz-Mat and Asbestos conditions? You should find out because it is the law.


So what was Sandy Hook about?

Are the Newtown Selectmen going to move to make real estate records immune from public disclosure, just as the Newtown Clerk moved to keep children’s death certificates out of the public domain? Just how dumb are we supposed to be? As I explained in an earlier article, “Fusion and Fear in America: The Non-Existent Domestic Terrorist Threat”, on the basis of an extensive study by a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, there appears to be no domestic terrorist threat, which may account for why we are subjected to contrived events, such as Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing:

“Despite reviewing 13 months’ worth of reporting originating from fusion centers from April 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010, the Subcommittee investigation could identify no reporting which uncovered a terrorist threat, nor could it identify a contribution such fusion center reporting made to disrupt an active terrorist plot.”–US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

While this finding appears to be of the greatest importance to the American public, to the best of my knowledge, the mass media has ignored it completely. We know about the 300 or more FEMA camps distributed around the country. We know that Congress has authorized 30,000 drones to conduct surveillance on the American people. We know that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had requisitioned 1.5 billion rounds of .40 calibre hollow-point ammunition, which is not permissible for use in warfare under the Geneva Conventions. And we know that Hitler, like Obama, promoted gun control in the name of “public safety”.

Since DHS does not conduct operations abroad, it must be acquiring that massive stock of ammo for use on us right here in the United States. That much is alarming enough all by itself. What we didn’t know is that DHS is some kind of monstrous joke, that it has been squandering billions of taxpayers’ dollars, and that it has turned up no evidence of any domestic terrorist threat! NONE! The situation is absurd. DHS has no financial oversight and cannot even identify how much it has spent, where there is more than $1 billion difference in its own estimates. So what precisely are we getting for our money?

Perhaps the biggest obstacle to the public’s acceptance of Sandy Hook fakery, in spite of a mountain of evidence that proves it, has been the question of motivation: What could possibly have induced so many to have lied so much about a matter of such immense significance, which has been parlayed into greater restrictions on gun control and new “mental health criteria” that entitle your physician to ask you about gun ownership? The answer, alas, should be obvious to everyone: free homes and free money from playing the American people for suckers. Don’t say no one ever told you, because I just did.

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Wolfgang Halbig, a former Florida State Trooper with 36 years of experience as a school administrator, is also a nationally recognized authority on school safety and has been threatened for asking questions about Sandy Hook.

Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth and a journalist and editor for Veterans Today.
Vivian Lee, Ph.D., is a Sandy Hook researcher and professor at an East Coast University. Sofia Smallstorm is an independent researcher, who produced and directed “Unraveling Sandy Hook.” James Tracy, Ph.D., maintains a web site And Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth.
Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax
by Vivian Lee, Sofia Smallstorm, James Tracy, Jim Fetzer and the Sandy Hook Research Group

“[T]he names and ‘contextually identifying information of involved children’ were withheld, including descriptions of the children, their clothing and their belongings”–Reuben F. Bradford, Commissioner, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection

The New York Times, our nation’s newspaper of record (which records the “official history” of the United States), has reported that, with its “final report,” the criminal investigation of Sandy Hook by the State of Connecticut is over.

Remarkably, the report does not even include the names, the ages or the sex of the alleged victims of the shooting. There is no actual identification of any of the dead. Even the Danbury, CT, Newstimes found it unsatisfying.

And the 52 “autopsy photos” that accompany the report are redacted. The New York Times itself now appears to be responsible for a stunning display of journalistic incompetence on a matter of enormous public concern.

Anyone with the inclination can comb through hundreds of years of American crime reports and (I would bet) you will not find another instance in the which the names, the ages or the sex of the victims is not given–with the exception of victims of sex crimes. Withholding this information is part of a pattern of deception and deceit that extends to the Clerk of Newtown making secret arrangements with the state legislature to avoid releasing death certificates to the public, attempts to withhold the 911 calls and gag orders that were imposed upon those responsible for tearing down the building itself:

In a letter accompanying the report, Reuben F. Bradford, the commissioner of the state’s Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, said the names and “contextually identifying information of involved children” were withheld, including descriptions of the children, their clothing and their belongings. “All visual images depicting the deceased have been withheld,” he added, “as well as written descriptions whose disclosure would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and would violate the constitutional rights of the families.”

The commissioner said that balancing the “often competing interests of government transparency and individual privacy has been difficult,” but the situation is completely absurd. This appears to be only the latest in a series of obscene measures being adopted to conceal from the public that the Sandy Hook “massacre” was in fact an elaborately staged hoax, which no one who takes a serious look at the evidence can reasonably deny because, in view of what we have now proven about the event, no alternative explanation is reasonable.

The basic principle that applies here is inference to the best explanation. Consider the totality of the evidence in this case. Is the evidence more probable on the hypothesis that Sandy Hook was a real event or that it was instead an exercise (or a “drill”), which was presented as though it had been a real event? The hypothesis that confers the highest probability on the evidence is the preferable, which, when the evidence has “settled down,” is acceptable as true in the tentative and fallible fashion of science. Here are the “top ten” reasons that support the conclusion that Sandy Hook was staged and not real, where no children or adults appear to have died there.
1. Proof of death has been suppressed

Twenty-eight people allegedly died: 27 children and adults, including Adam Lanza, at the school, and his mother, Nancy Lanza, in her home at 36 Yogananda Street, Newtown. However, there is no direct proof of their death: no photographic evidence or video footage was released to confirm the official story that these 28 persons actually died. In fact, no video surveillance footage shows anything—not even Adam shooting out the front plate-glass window or walking through the halls like Rambo, even though this is a school that had updated its security system at the start of the 2012-13 academic year.

The best the authorities could come up with was a heavily redacted report that includes numerous photos of the inside of the school, with a few dings that look like bullet holes, several bullets on the floor, and many black images with white numbers, which we are supposed to associate with dead people. One photo (left) shows the blown-out glass window through which Adam Lanza presumably entered the premises. But how did he get past the furniture, with all his weaponry, without moving anything out of position?

Compounding the situation, the parents were not even allowed to view their children’s bodies to identify them. Instead, they were reportedly shown photographs of the deceased. This was done, according to the Medical Examiner, Wayne Carver, in order to “control the situation.” But what was there about the situation that required “control”? No parent of our acquaintance would have agreed to accept the death of a child without viewing the body. James Tracy has published a discussion of the medical examiner’s performance. According to Carver:

Uh, we did not bring the bodies and the families into contact. We took pictures of them, uhm, of their facial features. We have, uh, uh—it’s easier on the families when you do that. Un, there is, uh, a time and place for the up close and personal in the grieving process, but to accomplish this we thought it would be best to do it this way and, uh, you can sort of, uh … You can control a situation depending on the photographer, and I have very good photographers. Uh, but uh—

Remarkably, the state has done its best to avoid releasing the death certificates and even recordings of the 911 calls. Death certificates were eventually “released” but not to the public or those who might want to investigate the case further, where only a short, general summary was available. According to The New York Times, in relation to the 911 calls, “no children are identified by name, no callers indicate that they can see a child being shot, and the only injury described is that of an educator’s being shot in the foot.”

Moreover, the funerals were all “closed casket,” with one exception—that of Noah Pozner. As recounted in interviews with the families, the circumstances of their last encounters with their children (or with their caskets) are strange to say the least. The “love fest” at the white coffin of Grace McDonnell was detailed on CNN for Anderson Cooper:

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Veronique Pozner gave her account of her last look at her son Noah to the Jewish Daily Forward on 26 December 2013.

Veronique asked the medical examiners not to autopsy her son; she felt that his body had suffered too many indignities. At his funeral, Noah was dressed in a suit and tie. A Jewish friend of Veronique’s at work enjoined Rabbi Praver to allow him to be wrapped in a blue tallis, even though he had not yet had a bar mitzvah.

The family placed stuffed animals, a blanket and letters to Noah into the casket. Lastly, Veronique put a clear plastic rock with a white angel inside — an “angel stone” — in his right hand. She asked the funeral director to place an identical one in his left, which was badly mangled.

Just before the ceremony, Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy came to the funeral home to pay his respects. Veronique took him by the arm and brought him to the casket. Noah’s famously long eyelashes — which she spoke about in her eulogy — rested lightly on his cheeks and a cloth covered the place where the lower half of his face had been. “I just needed it to be real for [the governor],” she says. “This was a live, warm, energetic little boy whose life was snuffed out in a fraction of a second because our schools are so defenseless.”
2. Emergency protocols were not followed

There is no evidence of any frantic effort to save lives or to remove bodies to hospitals; instead the scene outside the school looked calm and largely bloodless—with police and other personnel milling around casually and a severe shortage of dead or injured victims. One Sandy Hook researcher decided to call Lt. Paul Vance to ask who cleaned up the blood, which would have been considered to be a bio-hazard, and got the reply, “What blood?” Here is Jim Fetzer’s interview with Kelley from Tulsa on “The Real Deal” where she discusses this, which also includes several of the 911 calls:

Kelley was onto a real issue. Under the CT Medical Waste Tracking Act of 1988, a paper trail must kept by all parties involved in the clean up and must be tracked all the way to the incinerator with names and dates.

In a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) like Sandy Hook, the proper protocol is START triage (Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment) using tarps of different colors with the aim being to save lives and get the injured to the hospital for treatment. Not even the black tarps for the dead were used, much less the red ones for those who needed immediate treatment. As Sofia Smallstorm has documented, nothing at all like this occurred at Sandy Hook: the appropriate protocols were not followed:

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Sandy Hook Fire Chief Bill Halstead was ready to help the victims but could recall only two wounded people. A few survivors were reportedly taken to the hospital, but, oddly, these people were never interviewed. There were no first-hand accounts that proved anyone was killed or injured. Nonetheless, according to Lt. Vance, 18 children were pronounced dead at the scene, two children were removed to “an area hospital” and were pronounced dead at the hospital, and seven adults were pronounced dead at the scene, including the shooter (NBC).

No emergency vehicles were present at the school or even lined up in the fire lane for a rescue attempt—the parking lot was filled with parked cars, police cars and possibly media vehicles. Such rescue activity as occurred was centered, not on the school premises, but at the nearby Firehouse. Emergency vehicles at the Firehouse were jammed together impeding access to the school, in case anyone might have thought about attempting a rescue. The scene at the Firehouse was quite peculiar, with people milling around and circling through the building, walking out one door and into another, to give the impression of lots of people and lots of action. But it was all in accordance with FEMA manuals for drills.
3. Drill protocols were followed instead

We are now living in a security state, and the school system is among its beneficiaries. While we used to have “fire drills” from time to time, we now have “lockdown drills” implemented by school districts, with some states requiring a set number of drills by law. Private security firms, which operate for profit, now conduct “crisis preparedness assessments” at the tax-payer’s expense.

Larger scenarios are also developed as active-shooter drills, in which local law enforcement can take part in storming a school in pursuit of an active-actor-shooter. One such plan available on the web is“Operation Closed Campus” developed in Iowa following guidance set forth by the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) of the US Department of Homeland Security.

According to protocol, everyone at the drill must check in, identification badges are issued to personnel and observers, and drinking water and restrooms are available. Personnel include the director, staff, controllers, evaluators, actors, media personnel and “players” (agency employees) both in uniforms and civilian clothes. This protocol appears to have been followed at Sandy Hook, where many participants wore ID/identification badges on lanyards, a huge check-in sign is visible and even Porta Potties are at the ready.

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An emergency preparedness drill took place on 14 December 2012, 9 AM to 4 PM/ET, in Bridgeport, CT, which is a 20 minute drive from Sandy Hook. The course was run by the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection/Emergency Management and Homeland Security, entitled“Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters.”

The Sandy Hook “shooting” appears to have been an Integrated Capstone Event (ICE), an exercise run by FEMA to coordinate federal, state and local emergency response teams in the case of a mass-casualty event. As such, it would have utilized actors and media partners to simulate a tragedy in order to train participants, and also in order to observe the reaction of the citizenry.
4. There was foreknowledge of the event

The Connecticut state emergency system was taken over long before the “massacre” occurred, with a frequency change implemented five hours in advance of the “shooting.” Normal police and EMS dispatch protocol, using the Alpha Phonetic System for communications between officers and dispatchers, was replaced with staged transmissions by non-trained personnel.

In addition, tweets about the shooting began before it occurred, a tribute was apparently uploaded one month before the event, and web pages honoring the victims, including a Facebook page R.I.P. Victoria Soto, were established before they had “officially” died.

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A Sandy Hook timeline has been reconstructed at, detailing major developments and highlighting the numerous inconsistencies in reports by the media.
5. There were contradictory reports about the weapons

According to initial reports in the media, weapons used in the shooting included four handguns recovered at the scene, the only guns taken into the school (NBC). Then an AR-15 was said to have been found in the trunk of Lanza’s car (NBC). Then it was reported that Lanza may have carried only two handguns and that a rifle was also found in the school (NBC).

Wayne Carver, the Medical Examiner, said that all the victims were shot with the “long weapon.” Lt. Paul Vance then said that a Bushmaster AR-15 assault weapon with high capacity magazines was used “most of the time” and that Lanza was carrying “many high-capacity clips” for the weapon (Huffington Post).

In January 2013, Connecticut state police released a statement indicating that they had found four guns inside the school: a Bushmaster .223 caliber XM 15-E2S semi-automatic rifle with high capacity 30 round clips, a Glock 10-mm handgun and a Sig-Sauer P226 9mm handgun. They said they also found an Izhmash Canta-12 12-gauge shotgun in Lanza’s car (NBC).

This shotgun is also shown in a video aired on the night of 14 December 2013 by NBC. An evidence collection team and a policeman find the gun in the trunk of Lanza’s Honda Civic—the policeman handles the gun without gloves and ejects the ammunition on the spot. Some have seen two long guns in the trunk in the NBC video: the 12-gauge shotgun and the Bushmaster rifle.

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Lt. Vance then asserted that Lanza had killed all his victims with the .223-caliber semi-automatic rifle ( Regarding the confusion, Vance told reporters, “It’s all these conspiracy theorists that are trying to mucky up the waters.” Perhaps “The Top Prize for Fantastical Reporting” goes to Fox News, however, which announced that a 12-gauge shotgun along with two magazines containing 70 rounds of Winchester 12-gauge shotgun rounds had been found in the glove compartment of Adam Lanza’s Honda Civic—that’s right, in the glove compartment.
6. Adam Lanza cannot have done the shooting

Adam Lanza, reportedly a frail young man weighing 120 pounds with Asperger’s Syndrome, is said to have carried massive weaponry on his person when he shot his way into the Sandy Hook school and proceeded to kill 26 people and then himself. This after he supposedly killed his mother before driving to the school.

According to State’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky, Lanza killed his 26 victims with the Bushmaster .223-caliber rifle and then killed himself with his Glock 10-mm handgun. Lanza was also supposedly carrying three 30-round magazines for the Bushmaster as well as a Sig-Sauer 9 mm handgun (see above). The victims were shot multiple times each in a fusillade of bullets from these military-style weapons. In order to wreak this havoc, he fired more than 150 rounds, and he must have carried more rounds in addition. Lanza was reportedly found dead wearing a bulletproof vest and military-style clothing (AP).

As Mike Powers, a professional military investigator and ballistics expert, has observed, this young man of slight build could not have carried all these heavy, bulky weapons and ammunition on his person. Furthermore, since first responders were supposedly inside the school within seven minutes, there was not enough time for Lanza to have carried out the shooting as reported. In an interview with Joyce Riley, Powers states that Lanza could not have fired so many times continuously without destabilizing himself from the intense noise from the Bushmaster. As a novice, he could not have shot an AR-15 with such speed and accuracy, supposedly changing magazines 4-5 times without a stoppage.

According to Lt. Vance on the night of the shooting, one victim survived. So in less than seven minutes—or less than five minutes according to the media—Lanza killed 26 people and then himself, producing only one injured victim. This is a 96% kill ratio, which is unheard-of accuracy among the most experienced marksmen. Powers thinks the whole scenario is a physical impossibility. He is not even convinced that Adam Lanza was a real person. The story of the shooting should not be taken seriously.

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The final travesty involves the weapons and other paraphernalia that were allegedly found in the Lanza house. The “arsenal” supposedly included guns, Samurai swords, knives, a bayonet and more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition, according to search warrants released. Other items of interest were ear and eye protection, binoculars, holsters, manuals, paper targets, a military-style uniform and Lanza’s NRA certificate (Fox). Lanza had reportedly compiled a spreadsheet 7 feet long and 4 feet wide in 9-point type detailing 500 victims of other mass murders (CBS). We are supposed to believe this, and, at the same time, that Adam Lanza was a shy, quiet kid who didn’t like noise and chaos, as promoted by the PBS Frontline Special, “Raising Adam Lanza.”
7. Key participants displayed inappropriate behavior

There are many bizarre media reports and interviews of those associated with the “shooting.” Some examples:

Wayne Carver—Medical Examiner Wayne Carver’s surreal press conference is one of the most startling of all the media offerings. Widely available on youtube, this event shows H. Wayne Carver II, a public official of some standing, clowning and acting outlandish—grinning strangely, making irrelevant comments, and basically appearing unknowledgeable and unprofessional.

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Robbie Parker—Perhaps the most famous press conference is that of Robbie Parker, the alleged father of victim Emilie Parker, speaking on a CNN report of December 15, 2012. He chuckles as he walks up to the camera, then gets into character by hyperventilating, and finally feigns distress as he talks about his daughter—and about the fund set up to help raise money “for Emilie.”

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The families—In addition to Robbie and Alissa Parker, other parents and family members take their turn in the spotlight, including (but not limited to) Mark and Jackie Barden, Jimmy Greene and Nelba Marquez-Greene, Ian and Nicole Hockley, Neil Heslin (alleged father of Jesse Lewis), Chris and Lynn McDonnell, Veronique Pozner, Carlee Soto, and David and Francine Wheeler. Anderson Cooper is the interviewer in two notable instances: his conversation with the McDonnells mentioned above, and an interview with Veronique Pozner, remarkable for its green-screen effects such as Anderson’s disappearing nose.

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The school nurse—Numerous reports offer detailed and totally fictitious information, some of which was later abandoned in favor of more tenable versions. On the evening of December 14, a USA Today reporter said she had spoken with the school nurse, whom she had met on the street. The nurse told her that the gunman had come into her office, “they met eyes, she jumped under her desk,” and he walked out. The nurse said that the gunman was the son of the kindergarten teacher, who was known to her and “an absolutely loving person.” It later developed that Nancy Lanza had not been a kindergarten teacher at all, and that neither Nancy nor Adam had any connection to Sandy Hook school whatsoever.

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Dawn Hochsprung—In an embarrassing fiction, The Newtown Bee reported on 14 December 2013 that Dawn Hochsprung, the Sandy Hook school principal, told the paper that a masked man had entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shots – more than she could count – that went “on and on.” Of course, Dawn Hochsprung was allegedly killed by Adam Lanza and so could not easily have provided this statement. In fact, Dawn was said to have acted heroically, dying while lunging at the gunman—although one wonders who witnessed and reported this act of heroism. On 17 December 2013, The Bee retracted the report and apologized:

An early online report from the scene at the December 14 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School quoted a woman who identified herself to our reporter as the principal of the school. The woman was not the school’s principal, Dawn Hochsprung, who was killed in the Friday morning attack. The quote was removed from subsequent online versions of the story, but the original story did remain in our online archive for three days before being deleted. We apologize for whatever confusion this may have caused our readers and for any pain or anguish it may have caused the Hochsprung family.

Gene Rosen—Gene Rosen is one of the most prolific of the Sandy Hook media stars, giving animated and conflicting statements to a series of reporters (in English and Spanish). Considered a “good Samaritan” by the mainstream media, Gene supposedly harbored six children who ran away from the school, rode to his house on a school bus, sat down on his lawn and proceeded to cry and tell him that their teacher, Miss Soto, was dead. Strangely, Rosen took the children inside and gave them some toys to play with, instead of calling 911 like any normal person.

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The Gene Rosen videos are important for the official narrative, in that they corroborate many of its details: the staccato gunfire (and thus a semi-automatic weapon) and heresay evidence from the children (Lanza had a big gun and a little gun, Vicki Soto was killed, etc.).These incriminating videos are some of the best evidence that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax.
8. Photos at scene and of victims look staged or fake

The only photo we have seen of any children being evacuated from the school was apparently taken earlier in the fall during a drill (no coats, smiling faces). Shannon Hicks, a photographer for The Newtown Bee, took the photo and claims to have taken many others of the event—which have not been released.

Hicks reportedly took this photo “as an associate editor” and then, when another editor arrived, “changed into her firefighting gear and tried to help.” The account was promoted by NPR.

Perhaps more insidious are the photographs of the children who allegedly died at Sandy Hook, many of which are concoctions prepared on Photoshop. Some of the most problematic involve the Parker family, with Emilie’s red-and-black dress supposedly worn by her younger sister for the visit with Obama.

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The photograph of Victoria Soto’s class of students has been shown to be an elaborate composite:

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And many of the individual images of the children released to the media are peculiar—some look outdated and may be old photos. In a very sloppy slip-up, a photo of a real child, Lily Gaubert (right, below), who is alive and well, was promoted in the media as an image of Allison Wyatt (left, below), an alleged victim. Lily’s mother discovered the error and made it public.

And the ridiculously fraudulent photographs of Adam Lanza clearly do not depict a real person:

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9. The crime scene was completely destroyed

As with Ground Zero after 9/11, Sandy Hook Elementary and all the evidence have been completely obliterated; $50 million in CT state funds were allocated for the demolition and rebuilding of Sandy Hook school. This would never have been tolerated if an actual crime had been committed—at least one that was meant to be investigated. The demolition of the school has now been declared complete.

Employees who worked on the project were required to sign non-disclosure agreements. They were not only prohibited from removing anything from the site, but they were forbidden from discussing publicly anything they may have observed or not observed during the demolition, such as an absence of bullet marks on the walls or blood on the floor of the classrooms.
10. Deceased children sang at the Super Bowl

Recent research has resulted in a “Sandy Hoax Surprise,” a convincing youtube video identifying eight alleged Sandy Hook victims and six of their brothers singing in the Newtown children’s choir at the 2013 Super Bowl.

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One more victim has been identified since the original video, making a total of 15 out of the 21 children in the choir who were from the Sandy Hook “families.” The newly recognized “victims” are all older than they appear in their photos, giving credence to the theory that the children’s photographs were outdated images.

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The Newtown children, whoever they are, seem quite happy to be singing at the Super Bowl, smiling and running across the field after the event—giving no sign of the trauma they had been through less than two months prior. So are these children actually alive? One can only hope.
Cui bono?

The evidence demonstrates (1) that proof of death has been suppressed, (2) that emergency protocols were not followed, (3) that drill protocols were followed, (4) that there was foreknowledge of the event, (5) that there was confusion over what weapons were used, (6) that the suspect cannot possibly have carried out the shooting as claimed, (7) that strange behavior was displayed by officials, witnesses and relatives, (8) that there are many odd photos of participants, (9) that the crime scene was destroyed under conditions of secrecy and (10) that some of the children appeared at the Super Bowl.

With the possible exception of (5) and (9), all of these features would have low probabilities had Sandy Hook been a massacre but high probabilities were it merely a drill. Some of them are decisive by themselves, such as (1), (2), (3), (4) and (6)–not to mention (10). EMTs cannot make determinations of whether a victim is dead or alive, so there should have been a surge of EMTs into the building to rush those little bodies off to hospitals where doctors could determine their condition. But that was not done–and nothing else about this event supports the conclusion that it was real. On the contrary, virtually everything indicates that this was a drill.

The probability of the evidence on the hypothesis that this was a drill is overwhelmingly greater than on the hypothesis that it was an actual massacre. And the evidence appears to have “settled down” and point in the same direction. No alternative is reasonable, which means it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. So who did it and why? This is the final question. If the perpetrator had been Adam Lanza, then he had no apparent motive, as even “the final report” acknowledged. When considering cui bono (who benefits), a large amount of money is at stake–and much of it has already been distributed.

Follow the Money

First of all, the construction industry got a boost, with the $50 million in Connecticut state funds allocated for the destruction of Sandy Hook School and to rebuild a new school on the premises. And this from a state with a projected budget deficit of $1.1 billion for the coming year.

The Sandy Hook School Support Fund has raised approximately $12 million and distributed it to the Newtown-Sandy Hook Community Foundation, overseen by Ken Feinberg, “a victim compensation master with a national reputation,” according to United Way Western Connecticut. And the Support Fund posted its condolences on 11 December 2013, which was three days before the actual event.

The estimated payout was $281,000 paid to each of the victims’ families, who have raised additional funds from their own websites—some of which were apparently advertised on the web in advance of the shooting. At present, all of the victims, both children and adults, have memorial funds that are currently collecting money.

“Sandy Hook Promise,” which actively solicits money for family members and others “impacted by this tragedy,” as well as for lobbying for “mental wellness and gun safety,” currently boasts over 300,000 people who have made the “Sandy Hook Promise” to turn the “tragedy into a moment of transformation.”

The federal government has also forked over a lot of taxpayer money, including a $150,000 federal grant to Newtown to pay for two “school resource officers” (aka police), and $2.5 million in federal funds from the Department of Justice to compensate the local entities for their trouble: $663,444 to the Connecticut State Police, $602,293 to the town of Newtown, $882,812 to the town of Monroe and $296,838 to other partner agencies.

In addition, the Department of Education has awarded a total of $3.2 million to the Newtown Public School District under Project SERV (School Emergency Response to Violence) to help with ongoing recovery efforts following the shooting. See these reports: US Department of Education awards 1.3 million grant; US Department of Education awards 1.9 million grant. This hush money is sure to keep the lid on things for now.

Gun Control

The families have been out in force, appearing on television and in print, lobbying for gun control in the states and the US capitol. By now, their stories are known to everyone in America. This has created an impression that the Sandy Hook hoax was about gun control. Meanwhile, however, the gun industry has benefited immensely.

Efforts to increase security in schools—and even arm teachers—are underway. The New York Times reports that around 1,500 state gun bills have been introduced since the time of the shooting, and 109 have become law. However, nearly two-thirds of these laws ease legal restrictions and support the rights of gun owners.

This may well have been an unintentional consequence of an intentional plan. Nonetheless, it is not clear that the Sandy Hook event was carried out solely with the aim of disarming the American public. Perhaps we are seeing a kind of Homeland-Gladio—implementing a strategy of tension with real and simulated events. Remarkably, one of the earliest school safety/gun control proposals came from the family of Noah Pozner:

Both the gun industry and the already immense and rapidly growing “security industry” have also benefitted from the Sandy Hook “shooting,” as we, the citizens of the United States, lose more of our Constitutional rights. A more subtle but nonetheless insidious effect relates to the promotion of mental health screening and the consequent medication of the “mentally unstable” in our society, based upon an event that did not take place, where President Obama has signed an on-going series of executive orders to implement a political agenda. For the latest, check this one out.

The emergence of the Department of Homeland Security as a major threat to democracy cannot go without comment. Even though a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Intelligence released a report on 3 October 2012 establishing the virtual non-existence of domestic terrorist threats, DHS has acquired more than 2 billion rounds of .40 calibre hollow-point ammunition. Sandy Hook appears to be part of a complex and evolving scenario, beginning with 9/11, to establish an enhanced Police State. Whether or not it succeeds depends on public awareness and political action.

Vivian Lee, Ph.D., is a Sandy Hook researcher and professor at an East Coast University. Sofia Smallstorm is an independent researcher, who produced and directed “Unraveling Sandy Hook.”James Tracy, Ph.D., maintains a web site at And Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth.


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