
January 14, 2014

Scientists Confirm Explosives Used to Demolish Towers on 9/11

Scientists find Nano-thermite explosives (estimated at over 10-tons) at the World Trade Center catastrophe.
Nano-thermite explosives shown above were gathered from the WTC debris shortly after the towers fell on 9/11. Brigham Young University Physics Professor, Dr. Steven Jones, discovered the explosives and joined an international team of nine scientists for further analysis. Through extensive laboratory testing, the scientists concluded that the samples were Nano-thermitic explosives. After a rigorous peer-review process, their paper was published in the Bentham Chemical Physics Journal, which has been endorsed by Nobel Laureates and is respected within the scientific community.

Urgent: Scientists Confirm Explosives Used to Demolish Towers on 9/11...
The paper’s first author is Dr. Niels Harrit, a 37-year Professor of Chemistry at Copenhagen University in Denmark and an expert in Nano-chemistry, who says, “The official account put forth by NIST violates the fundamental laws of physics.”
Government and independent evidence corroborates Thermitic explosives used to bring down all three WTC Towers on 9/11.
Over a thousand architects, engineers, academics, and high-ranking military officers, as well as hundreds of 9/11 firemen, survivors, and family members have challenged the government’s conspiracy theory. Twenty-five military officers call the official 9/11 story, “Impossible”, “Ludicrous”, “A well-organized cover-up”. Forty-one U.S. counter-terrorism and intelligence agency veterans challenge the official 9/11 account, calling it, “terribly flawed”, “laced with contradictions”, “a joke”, “a cover-up”.

The majority of 9/11 Commissioners now say that the government lied about 9/11, including its Chairman, Thomas Kean (Republican), Vice Chairman, Lee Hamilton (Democrat), and its Senior Legal Counsel, John Farmer, who states, “there was an agreement not to tell the truth.”
According to a scientific poll by New York Times & CBS News, only 16% of Americans think the government is telling the truth about 9/11, while 81% think it is hiding something or mostly lying. CNN poll shows that 89% believe there is a U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11.


  1. yeah, they were trying to cover up the empty vaults in the basement.

  2. 3 structures collapsed that day: North Tower, South Tower, and Building 7. Most people know that. It's best to research and know the facts before attempting to argue semantics.

  3. the guy who leased the building said on camera he gave the order to "pull" building 7 on 9/11. how could he do that on demand without explosives already being in place?

    1. "pull" as in pull the firefighters out of the building. Easy find, common order given.

  4. Right - but can somebody explain the motive? And I don't mean "to justify a war" or some such nonsense - they could have done that without staging anything this dramatic. I mean a proper, believable motive for what must have been a sizeable number of people to get involved in a crazy plot to destroy 2 landmarks and kill thousands of their own people.

    I'm not saying its impossible, but the work of terrorists seems much more plausible.

    1. And that's exactly what they count on you to believe. It's easier to believe the same terrorists we were partnered with for years turned on us for no reason. We did it because we had to get everyone on our side no one would have agreed to go over seas unless it was for a good purpose and what better propose than hundreds of Americans dead. The same with Sandy hook they would never have been able to take our guns unless it was for a great cause. Grown ups get killed by guns everyday who cares but everybody cares about kids... they do things to get you on their side but in reality it's just a rouse used to suck people just like u in

    2. ^^ Completely agree... Shame... The divide and conquer and the people just argue which side is to blame for the problem. I'll continue to hide as much money as I can and retire in paradise!

  5. One of the most absurd things I've heard in a long time. Sandy Hook not real, Boston Marathon not real, Columbine not real, Aurora movie theater not real, come on, get a damn grip people.
