
December 16, 2013

Bankers Arrested, Civil War Averted, Economy On the Rebound

Who says there isn’t justice in the world for the globalists who continue to plunder the assets of average people? Four prominent bankers have been sentenced to prison and assessed hefty financial penalties.
The First District Court of Appeals sentenced four former Goldman Sachs Executives to prison terms ranging from three to five years in prison for financial crimes dating back to 2008. The Supreme Court, fearing civilian reprisals, has refused to hear the bankers’ appeals.
The mainstream media is reporting that Hank Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs and Secretary of the Treasury as well as being known for being the architect of the bailouts, received the heaviest sentence of five years in prison. Paulson was ordered to pay $33.4 million dollars in fines. Along these same lines, former Goldman Sachs CEO and World Bank President, Tim Geithner, was sentenced to three years in prison along with being assessed a hefty $23 million dollar fine. The mastermind of the MF Global theft, former Goldman Sachs executive and the former Governor of New Jersey, Jon Corzine, was sentenced to four years an $18 million dollar fine. The most recent Goldman Sachs CEO, Lloyd Blankfein was also sentenced to three years and assessed a $13 million dollar penalty.
When hundreds of thousands of citizens showed up at the Capitol building and began throwing rocks at the building, this triggered the biggest civil unrest in the country’s history. The military refused to become involved and government officials cowered in fear as DHS fought off the protestors. Shortly thereafter, the beleaguered Congress rediscovered its backbone and issued arrest warrants for the four criminal banksters. Of course, Goldman Sachs and several other international bank entities warned the citizens that the country would collapse economically and it would become necessary to usher in martial law. This proved to be an empty threat, as the opposite ended up being true. The year following the arrests of these four bankster thugs, the economy grew at a rate of 2.6%. It is safe to say that the government will never tolerate the undue influence of any financial institution again. The country is approaching financial solvency. Goldman Sachs has been turned into a bed and breakfast location. Who would have thought that this would have been possible?
In a related story, Nancy Pelosi also went to prison for two years after being convicted insider trading on Wall Street. And Diane Feinstein went to prison for five years for repeated violations of conflicts of interest as Feinstein’s husband was the beneficiary of several no-bid federal government contracts. Obama was impeached and convicted for identity theft and most importantly, treason. Happy days are here again.
Fade to black….not in a pigs eye!
I would pray that these events would take place, but unfortunately, our bankster crime rate continues to rise exponentially. However, the equivalent of these events, and more, just took place in Iceland.


The World's Center of Democracy.
The World’s Center of Democracy.
Icelanders must not eat GMO’s, their water must not be fluoridated and their men never need Viagra. If Americans were to ever travel to Iceland, they would find that the country has much more than just snowballs! Why? Icelanders have courage and intestinal fortitude. Meanwhile, back in the USA our sheep are too busy watching reality shows while, at the same time, running from reality. However, as the reader will soon discover, the circumstances in Iceland are unique and are not likely shared by other Western nations.  

True Justice

In an unprecedented ruling, Reykjavík District Court sentenced four former banking executives of the Kaupthing Bank to between 3 and 5 1/2 years in prison for financial crimes dating back to 2008. Vísir is reporting that former Kaupthing director, Hreiðar Már Sigurðsson received the heaviest sentence which consisted of five and a half years. He was also ordered to pay $33.4 million and also pay the government’s legal fees. There is a God and there is justice in Iceland as former Kaupthing chairperson, and former Interpol fugitive, Sigurður Einarsson, was sentenced to five years, and ordered to pay a total of $14.3 million as well as legal fees.
If the Icelandic people could get their hands on Goldman Sachs officials they would. They impeached and convicted corrupt politicians who were in league with Wall Street, many of which are serving prison sentences. Iceland is on its way to a full economic recovery while still saying no to the corrupt Goldman Sachs influences in Europe. Iceland is saying no to the Bank of International Settlements. Iceland is a beacon of hope for the rest of the G20 nations including the United States, or is it?

Why Did the Uprising Work in Iceland and Nowhere Else?

Gadaffi showed the same level of defiance to the corrupt banksters as did the people of Iceland, yet he is dead. What is the difference? In Iceland, the people are engaged and are committed. This was not the case in Libya and this is certainly not the case in the United States. BothLibya and the United States have been invaded by massive immigration (i.e. many al-Qaeda took up residency in Libya before the revolution) and America’s immigration issues have been well chronicled. Both countries lacked the solidarity which ultimately served to dilute their national resolve. Further, in America, the mainstream media keeps the masses docile and dumbed down while conducting their version of “Occupy America”.

The Major Reason Why Iceland Beat the Bankers

Most of Congress has been bought off. The so-called representative government is beyond the reach of the people. In Iceland, that is not the case and even if that were the case, it would not matter.
The most important fact related to the Icelandic revolution happened after the implementation of a type of self-governing approach which includes some elements of  Direct Democracy“. Icelanders have much more say in their government than we do. This is a huge advantage for the citizens of Iceland, as from this moment on, no external power can conquer their country thru hidden activities and the creation of bribed puppets. Politicians can theoretically be bribed, but it would not matter.
Iceland’s President Olafur Ragnar Grimmson was interviewed earlier this year at the World Economic Forum in Davos onwhy Iceland has enjoyed such a strong recovery after it’s complete financial collapse in 2008, while the rest of the West is still mired in debt, poverty and hopelessness to go with empty promises of an economic recovery.
When asked whether Iceland’s policy of letting the banks fail would have worked in the rest of Europe, Grimsson stated:
“… Why are the banks considered to be the holy churches of the modern economy? Why are private banks not like airlines and telecommunication companies and allowed to go bankrupt if they have been run in an irresponsible way? The theory that you have to bail-out banks is a theory that you allow bankers enjoy for their own profit their success, and then let ordinary people bear their failure through taxes and austerity. People in enlightened democracies are not going to accept that in the long run. …“


Americans have three choices if our nation is to recover: (1) Civil War; (2) Establish direct democracy and begin the political purge that will rid the government of the banker takeover; or, (3) Passively accept our present circumstance and embrace our ultimate and complete demise.
Our best and most effective course of action would be to work towards direct democracy. This would be a slow process because our government has stage four cancer. We would have to continually create one-term politicians until we got a majority of people who would grant the country a say in how they we are governed.
Some believe that civil war is inevitable as the bankster controlled government tightens its noose around the country. This could be the case when the government and its foreign assets begin to seize guns from American citizens. The implementation of Obamacare could prove to be the trigger event leading to the government’s need to seize the guns due to massive civil unrest. 
Given the fact that the past is the best predictor of the future, at least at this moment, I would bet that FEMA camps and the unimaginable lies directly in our future.

What do you think? Is there a way to galvanize the country and proceed against the existing establishment with a single purpose similar to what happened to Iceland? I would propose that we have an electronic town hall meeting in order to share ideas. Please share your thoughts on the comment board with regard to these questions and issues.     
By Dave Hodges

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